General Field Info and Restrictions

1A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaTrxDimstring30YNot applicable
2A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaTrxDimCodestring30YNot applicableAA Transaction Dimension Code String reference to the desired transaction dimension code. It can exist to be updated or can be created on the fly
3A A Trx Dim Code MaintNOTETEXTstring8000NCreate, update, or remove notes for the specified dimension code
4A A Trx Dim Code MaintINACTIVEi42N00 = Active, 1 = inactive New codes default to Active unless otherwise specified. Existing codes can be updated to either active or inactive based on the value (0 or 1) - If the Transaction Dimension / Transaction Dimension Code combination is setup as an owner of another it cannot be updated to inactive.
5A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaTrxDimCodeDescrstring50NTransaction Dimension Code Description. Required for new codes. Existing description 1 string can be changed, but cannot be left blank
6A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaTrxDimCodeDescr2string50NTransaction Dimension Code Description 2. Optional for both new created codes and existing code updates
7A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaNodestring50NRequired for new codes and can be changed using update logic. Node must exist and be already be linked to the Transaction Dimension. The Node and the Node Link cannot be created on the fly
8A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaOwnedBystring30NTransaction Dimension Code Owner. Required for new codes that have a transaction dimension owned by another transaction dimension. This is available only if the transaction dimension selected is owned by another transaction dimension and both are of the alphanumeric type
9A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFText1string31NUser-defined text1
10A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFText2string31NUser-defined text2
11A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFText3string31NUser-defined text3
12A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFText4string31NUser-defined text4
13A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFText5string31NUser-defined text5
14A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFDate1datetime8NUser-defined date1
15A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFDate2datetime8NUser-defined date2
16A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFDate3datetime8NUser-defined date3
17A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFDate4datetime8NUser-defined date4
18A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFDate5datetime8NUser-defined date5
19A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFNumeric1number12NUser-defined numeric1
20A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFNumeric2number12NUser-defined numeric2
21A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFNumeric3number12NUser-defined numeric3
22A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFNumeric4number12NUser-defined numeric4
23A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFNumeric5number12NUser-defined numeric5
24A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFBoolean1i42NUser-defined boolean1
25A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFBoolean2i42NUser-defined boolean2
26A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFBoolean3i42NUser-defined boolean3
27A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFBoolean4i42NUser-defined boolean4
28A A Trx Dim Code MaintaaUDFBoolean5i42NUser-defined boolean5
29A A Trx Dim Code MaintUpdateIfExistsi42N1Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists0 = Create only (returns an error if the transaction dimension code already exists); 1 = Update if e
30A A Trx Dim Code MaintRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) (Not Used)
1Account CategoryACCATDSCstring50YNot applicableAccount category description
2Account CategoryRequester_trxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Account CurrenciesAccount_Numberstring75YNot applicableAccount number
2Account CurrenciesCURNCYIDstring15YNot applicableCurrency ID
3Account CurrenciesREVALUEi41N0Revalue0=False; 1=True
4Account CurrenciesREVLUHOWi42N0Revalue how0=Net change; 1=Period balance
5Account CurrenciesPost_ Results _Toi42N0Post results to0=Account; 1=Financial offset
1Account GroupACCTGRPIDstring15YNot applicableAccount group ID
2Account GroupACCTGRPDESCstring30NAccount group description
3Account GroupDEPREXPACCTstring75NDepreciation expense account
4Account GroupDEPRRESACCTstring75NDepreciation reserve account
5Account GroupPRIORYRDEPRACCTstring75NPrior year depreciation account
6Account GroupASSETCOSTACCTstring75NAsset cost account
7Account GroupPROCEEDSACCTstring75NProceeds account
8Account GroupRECOGGAINLOSSACCTstring75NRecognized gain/loss account
9Account GroupNONRECOGGAINLOSSACCTstring75NNon-recognized gain/loss account
10Account GroupCLEARINGACCTstring75NClearing account
11Account GroupLASTMNTDDATEdatetime8NDefault from setupCreate date
12Account GroupLASTMNTDUSERIDstring15NUser ID
1Analytics DistributionDOCNMBRstring50YNot applicableThe document number. Specify the same number as the document that includes the analytical accounting distribution. Refer to the next table for additional information.
2Analytics DistributionDOCTYPEi42Y0The document type. The possible value of the document type is determined by the source of the document number. Refer to the next table to view the document types for each document.
3Analytics DistributionAMOUNTnumber21NWhen you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value.
4Analytics DistributionaaAssignedPercentnumber9NWhen you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value.
5Analytics DistributionDistSequencei42NThe GL distribution sequence number. If you have duplicate accounts in a transaction, associate them using sequence number values.
6Analytics DistributionACTNUMSTstring75NAccount number
7Analytics DistributionACTINDXi42NAccount index
8Analytics DistributionDistRefstring31NDistribution reference
9Analytics DistributionNOTETEXTstring8000NNotes field
10Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimstring31NTransaction dimension
11Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimCodestring31NThe transaction dimension alphanumeric code. If you update only the dimension code value, do not update the amount, assigned percentage, or other elements.
12Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimCodeNumnumber21NTransaction dimension numeric
13Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimCodeBooli42NTransaction dimension yes/no
14Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimCodeDatedatetime8NTransaction dimension date
15Analytics DistributionaaTrxDimIDi42NTransaction dimension ID
16Analytics DistributionaaTrxCodeIDi42NTransaction dimension code ID
17Analytics DistributionaaSubLedgerHdrIDi42NSubledger header lookup
18Analytics DistributionaaSubLedgerDistIDi42NSubledger distribution lookup
19Analytics DistributionaaSubLedgerAssignIDi42N1The subledger assign lookup ID. To add new distribution lines, use this element and increment its value by 1 for each assignment.
20Analytics DistributionUpdateIfExistsi42N1Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists0 = Do not update; 1 = Update if record exists
21Analytics DistributionRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated)
1ApplicantLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2ApplicantFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3ApplicantAPPLYDATE_Idatetime8YNot applicableApplication date
4ApplicantAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant number - Optional/Required - Required if Updating a duplicate Last /First Name combination
5ApplicantISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableLine Sequence Number - Null = create or update if single line for the Applicant. Not Null = update
6ApplicantMIDLNAMEstring15NMiddle name
7ApplicantSSN_Istring15NSocial security number
8ApplicantADDRESS1string61NAddress information
9ApplicantADDRESS2string61NAddress information
10ApplicantCITYstring35NAddress city
11ApplicantSTATEstring29NAddress state
12ApplicantZIPCODE_Istring11NPostal code
14ApplicantHOMEPHONEstring21NPhone 1
15ApplicantWORKPHONEstring21NPhone 2
16ApplicantEXT_Istring5NTelephone extension
17ApplicantREQUISITIONNUMBER_Ii44N0Requisition number
18ApplicantCOMPANYCODE_Istring5YNot applicableCompany ID
23ApplicantSTATUS0_Ii42N0Status 0 = Blank, 1 = Active, 2 = Open, 3 = Rejected, 4 = Hired 5 = Other
24ApplicantREJECTREASON_Ii42NReject Reason 1 = Testing, 2 = Interview, 3 = References, 4 = Experience, 5 = Education 6 = Other
25ApplicantDSCRIPTNstring31NRejection comments
26ApplicantRELOCATION_Ii42NRelocation 0 = Yes 1 = No
27ApplicantREPLYLETTERSENT_Ii41NReply Letter Sent 0 = False 1 = True
28ApplicantCOLORCODE_Ii42NColor Code 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = Yellow, 4 = Red, 5 = N/A
29ApplicantREFSOURCEDDL_Ii42NReferral Source 0 = None, 1 = Word of Mouth, 2 = Referred by Employee, 3 = Referred by an Agency, 4 = Newspaper, 5 = Other, 6 = Internet
30ApplicantREFERENCESOURCE_Istring31NReferral Source Description
31ApplicantGENDERGB_Ii42NGender 0 = Male, 1 = Female 2 = Unknown
32ApplicantEEOETHNICORIGIN_Ii42NEthic Origin 1 = White, 2 = American Indian or Alaskan Native, 3 = Black or African American, 4 = Asian, 5 = Hispanic or Latino, 6 = Two or More Races, 7 = N/A 8 = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
33ApplicantEEOAGE_Ii42NAge 1 = 18 to 25, 2 = 26 to 35, 3 = 36 to 45, 4 = 46 to 55, 5 = 56 +, 6 = Unknown 7 = 00 to 17
34ApplicantHANDICAPPEDi41NHandicapped 0 = False 1 = True
35ApplicantVETERANi41NVeteran 0 = False 1 = True
36ApplicantDISABLEDVETERANi41NDisabled Veterans 0 = False 1 = True
37ApplicantVIETNAMVETERANi41NVietnam Veterans 0 = False 1 = True
38ApplicantOTHERVETi41NOther Veterans 0 = False 1 = True
39ApplicantCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
40ApplicantDATE1_Idatetime8NDate 1 For extra date fields
41ApplicantDATE2_Idatetime8NDate 2 For extra date fields
42ApplicantDATE3_Idatetime8NDate 3 For extra date fields
43ApplicantDATE4_Idatetime8NDate 4 For extra date fields
44ApplicantDATE5_Idatetime8NDate 5 For extra date fields
45ApplicantSTRINGS_I_1string31NString 1 For extra fields
46ApplicantSTRINGS_I_2string31NString 2 For extra fields
47ApplicantSTRINGS_I_3string31NString 3 For extra fields
48ApplicantSTRINGS_I_4string31NString 4 For extra fields
49ApplicantSTRINGS_I_5string31NString 5 For extra fields
50ApplicantNUMERICEXTRA_1i44NAlpha/Numeric 1 For extra number fields
51ApplicantNUMERICEXTRA_2i44NAlpha/Numeric 2 For extra number fields
52ApplicantNUMERICEXTRA_3i44NAlpha/Numeric 3 For extra number fields
53ApplicantNUMERICEXTRA_4i44NAlpha/Numeric 4 For extra number fields
54ApplicantNUMERICEXTRA_5i44NAlpha/Numeric 5 For extra number fields
55ApplicantDOLLARS_I_1number21NCurrency 1 For extra currency fields
56ApplicantDOLLARS_I_2number21NCurrency 2 For extra currency fields
57ApplicantDOLLARS_I_3number21NCurrency 3 For extra currency fields
58ApplicantDOLLARS_I_4number21NCurrency 4 For extra currency fields
59ApplicantDOLLARS_I_5number21NCurrency 5 For extra currency fields
60ApplicantCHECKBOXES_I_1i41NCheckboxes 1 For extra checkbox fields
61ApplicantCHECKBOXES_I_2i41NCheckboxes 2 For extra checkbox fields
62ApplicantCHECKBOXES_I_3i41NCheckboxes 3 For extra checkbox fields
63ApplicantCHECKBOXES_I_4i41NCheckboxes 4 For extra checkbox fields
64ApplicantCHECKBOXES_I_5i41NCheckboxes 5 For extra checkbox fields
65ApplicantUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Applicant data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
66ApplicantRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true if true then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant EducationLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant EducationFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant EducationAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant number Required if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if not passing First and Last Name
4Applicant EducationISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence number Required on an update if the applicant has more then one educational record.
5Applicant EducationUNIVERSITYstring31NSchool
6Applicant EducationDEGREEstring31NDegree
7Applicant EducationMAJORstring31NMajor
8Applicant EducationGPAstring5NGrade point average
9Applicant EducationGPABASEstring3NGPA base
10Applicant EducationGRADUATIONYEARstring5NGraduation year
11Applicant EducationNOTEstring8000NNotes
12Applicant EducationCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
13Applicant EducationUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Education data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
14Applicant EducationRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true if true then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant Interview InsertLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant Interview InsertFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant Interview InsertAPPLYDATE_Idatetime8YNot applicableInterview date
4Applicant Interview InsertAPPINTTYPESTR_Istring21YNot applicableInterview type
5Applicant Interview InsertAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass the Applicant Number instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME
6Applicant Interview InsertCOMPANYCODE_Istring5YNot applicableCompany ID
7Applicant Interview InsertPOSITIONCODE_Istring7NPosition
8Applicant Interview InsertUpdateIfExistsi41N0Flag to allow Interview data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
9Applicant Interview InsertRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant Interview UpdateLLASTNAME_Istring21YLast Name
2Applicant Interview UpdateFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YFirst Name
3Applicant Interview UpdateAPPLYDATE_Idatetime8YNot applicableInterview Date
4Applicant Interview UpdateAPPINTTYPESTR_Istring21YNot applicableInterview Type
5Applicant Interview UpdateCATEGORY_Istring31YNot applicableCategory
6Applicant Interview UpdateAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21Y0Applicant Number - Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are going to pass the Applicant Number and not the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME
7Applicant Interview UpdateCOMPANYCODE_Istring5YNot applicableCompany ID
8Applicant Interview UpdateREVIEWSCORE_Inumber21N0Score
9Applicant Interview UpdatePOSITIONCODE_Istring7NScore
10Applicant Interview UpdateNOTEstring8000NNote
11Applicant Interview UpdateCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
12Applicant Interview UpdateUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Interview data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
13Applicant Interview UpdateRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction Optional - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant ReferencesLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant ReferencesFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant ReferencesREFERENCENAME_Istring61YNot applicableReference name
4Applicant ReferencesAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
5Applicant ReferencesISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required on an update if the applicant has more then one reference record
6Applicant ReferencesREFRELATIONSHIP_Istring15NReference relationship
7Applicant ReferencesCOMPANY_Istring65NCompany
8Applicant ReferencesADDRESS1string61NAddress
9Applicant ReferencesCITYstring35NCity
10Applicant ReferencesSTATEstring29NState
11Applicant ReferencesZIPCODE_Istring11NPostal code
12Applicant ReferencesWORKPHONEstring21NPhone
13Applicant ReferencesNOTEstring8000NNotes
14Applicant ReferencesCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
15Applicant ReferencesUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Applicant References data to be updated if it exists 0=no, 1=yes
16Applicant ReferencesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant SkillsLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant SkillsFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant SkillsSKILLstring31YNot applicableSkill
4Applicant SkillsAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are going to pass Applicant Number and not LASTNAME FIRSTNAME
5Applicant SkillsCOMMENT20_Istring21NComment
6Applicant SkillsPOINTS_Ii44NProficiency 0 to 9999 are valid values
7Applicant SkillsUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Applicant Test Skill data to be updated if it exists 0 = Delete Line, 1 = Insert 2 = Update
8Applicant SkillsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant TestsLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant TestsFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant TestsTESTCODE_Istring7YNot applicableTest code
4Applicant TestsAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination
5Applicant TestsISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required on an update if the Applicant has more then one educational record
6Applicant TestsSTRTDATEdatetime8NStart date
7Applicant TestsTESTSCORE_Istring21NTest score
8Applicant TestsNOTEstring8000NNotes
9Applicant TestsCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
10Applicant TestsUpdateIfExistsi41N0Flag to allow Applicant Test data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
11Applicant TestsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Applicant Work HistoryLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Applicant Work HistoryFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Applicant Work HistoryNAMEstring31YNot applicableEmployer name
4Applicant Work HistoryAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination
5Applicant Work HistoryISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required on an update if the Applicant has more then one Work/History record
6Applicant Work HistoryWAGE_Inumber21NWage
7Applicant Work HistoryCOMPENSATIONPERIOD_Ii42NCompensation Period 1=Hourly, 2=Weekly, 3=BiWeekly, 4=Semimonthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Quarterly, 7=Semiannually, 8=Annually 9=Daily/Miscellaneous
8Applicant Work HistoryPOSITION_Istring31NPosition
9Applicant Work HistorySTRTDATEdatetime8NStart date
10Applicant Work HistoryENDDATEdatetime8NEnd date
11Applicant Work HistoryYEARSOFEXP_Istring3NYears of experience
12Applicant Work HistoryNOTEstring8000NNotes
13Applicant Work HistoryCHANGEBY_Istring15NChanged by
14Applicant Work HistoryUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow Education data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes
15Applicant Work HistoryRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Asset BookASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset BookASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset BookBOOKIDstring15YNot applicableBook ID
4Asset BookPLINSERVDATEdatetime8NPlace In service date
5Asset BookDATEADDEDdatetime8NDate added
6Asset BookDEPRTODATEdatetime8NDepreciate to date
7Asset BookCOSTBASISnumber21NCost basis
8Asset BookSALVAGEVALUEnumber21NSalvage value
9Asset BookYTDDEPRAMTnumber21YNot applicableYTD depreciation
10Asset BookLTDDEPRAMTnumber21YNot applicableLTD depreciation
11Asset BookDEPRECIATIONMETHODi42NDepreciation method1=Straight-line orig. life; 2=Straight-line rem. life; 3=125%DB; 4=150% DB; 5=175% DB; 6=200% DB; 7=
12Asset BookAVERAGINGCONVi42NAveraging convention1=Half-year; 2=Modified half-year; 3=Mid-month (1st); 4=Mid-month (15th); 5=Mid-quarter; 6=Next mont
13Asset BookSWITCHOVERi42NSwitch over1=No switch; 2=Straight-line
14Asset BookORIGINALLIFEYEARSi42NOriginal life years
15Asset BookORIGINALLIFEDAYSi42NOriginal life days
16Asset BookAMORTIZATIONCODEi42NAmortization code0=None; 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Monthly; 4=Quarterly; 5=Yearly; 6=Percentage; 7=Rate
17Asset BookAMORTIZATIONAMOUNTnumber21NAmortization amount/percentage
18Asset BookInitial_Allowance_Percnumber21NInitial allowance percentage
19Asset BookSPECDEPRALLOWi42NSpecial depreciation allowance1=False; 2=True
20Asset BookSPECDEPRALLOWPCTnumber21NSpecial depreciation allowance percentage
21Asset BookLUXAUTOINDi42NLuxury auto1=False; 2=True
22Asset BookLUXVANTRUCKi41NLuxury van or truck0=False; 1=True
23Asset BookLUXELAUTOi41NLuxury electric auto0=False; 1=True
24Asset BookUSERIDstring15NID of user who entered
25Asset BookUpdateIfExistsi41N0Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes Do not use 1. taCreateAssetBook does not currently support updates. Update functionality
1Asset Book I T CASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset Book I T CASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset Book I T CBOOKIDstring15YNot applicableBook ID
4Asset Book I T CORGCOSTBASISnumber21NOriginal cost basis
5Asset Book I T CSECT179EXPDEDnumber21NSection 179 expense deduction
6Asset Book I T CITCCODEREDAMTnumber21NITC cost reduction amount
7Asset Book I T CMISCCOSTADJnumber21NMiscellaneous cost adjustment
8Asset Book I T CTEFRAFLAGi42NTEFRA flag1=None; 2=Full credit reduce cost by 50% 3=Full credit reduce cost by 100% 4=Reduce ITC % by 2 point
9Asset Book I T CITCAMTTAKENnumber21NITC amount taken
10Asset Book I T CITCAMTALLOWEDnumber21NITC amount allowed
11Asset Book I T CITCRECAPTUREnumber21NITC recapture
12Asset Book I T CUSERWHOENTEREDstring15NUser who entered
13Asset Book I T CUpdateIfExistsi41N0Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes Do not use 1. taCreateAssetBookITC does not currently support updates. Update functional
1Asset Class I DASSETCLASSIDstring15YNot applicableAsset class ID
2Asset Class I DASSETCLASSIDDESCRstring30NAsset class description
3Asset Class I DACCTGRPIDstring15NAccount group ID
4Asset Class I DINSCLASSIDstring15NInsurance class ID
1Asset I DASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset I DASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset I DSHRTNAMEstring15NDefault from setupShort name
4Asset I DASSETDESCstring40YNot applicableAsset description
5Asset I DEXTASSETDESCstring40NDefault from setupExtended description
6Asset I DMaster_Asset_IDstring19NDefault from setupMaster asset ID
7Asset I DSTRUCTUREIDstring30NDefault from setupStructure ID
8Asset I DASSETCLASSIDstring15YNot applicableAsset class ID
9Asset I DLOCATNIDstring15NDefault from setupLocation ID
10Asset I DACQDATEdatetime8YNot applicableAcquisition date
11Asset I DAcquisition_Costnumber21NDefault from setupAcquisition cost
12Asset I DASSETTYPEi42NDefault from setupAsset type1=New; 2=Used; 3=Leased
13Asset I DASSETSTATUSi42NDefault from setupAsset status1=Active; 2=Deleted; 3=Partial open; 4=Retired
14Asset I DPROPTYPEi42NDefault from setupProperty type1=Personal; 2=Personal, listed; 3=Real; 4=Real, listed; 5=Real, conservation; 6=Real, energy; 7=Real
15Asset I DASSETQTYi44NDefault from setupQuantity
16Asset I DASSETBEGQTYi44NDefault from setupBeginning quantity
17Asset I DASSETCURRMAINTnumber21NDefault from setupCurrent year maintenance
18Asset I DASSETYTDMAINTnumber21NDefault from setupYTD maintenance
19Asset I DASSETLTDMAINTnumber21NDefault from setupLTD maintenance
20Asset I DLASTMAINTDATEdatetime8NDefault from setupLast maintenance date
21Asset I DASSESSEDVALUEnumber21NDefault from setupAssessed value
22Asset I DMFGRNAMEstring25NDefault from setupManufacturers name
23Asset I DSERLNMBRstring20NDefault from setupSerial number
24Asset I DMODELNUMBERstring20NDefault from setupModel number
25Asset I DWARRENTYDATEdatetime8NDefault from setupWarranty date
26Asset I DCUSTODIANstring25NDefault from setupCustodian
27Asset I DDATEADDEDdatetime8NDefault from setupDate added
28Asset I DDELETEDATEdatetime8NDefault from setupDate deleted
29Asset I DPhysical_Location_IDstring15NDefault from setupPhysical location ID
30Asset I DAsset_Labelstring19NDefault from setupAsset label
31Asset I DVerified_Datedatetime8NDefault from setupVerified date
32Asset I DPINstring15NDefault from setupPIN
33Asset I DACCTGRPIDstring15NDefault from setupAccount group ID
34Asset I DUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated, if it exists0=No; 1=Yes
1Asset InsuranceASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset InsuranceASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset InsuranceINSURANCECLASSstring15YNot applicableInsurance class ID
4Asset InsuranceINSURANCEYEARi42N0Insurance year
5Asset InsuranceINSURANCEVALUEnumber21N0Insurance value
6Asset InsuranceREPLACEMENTCOSTnumber21N0Replacement cost
7Asset InsuranceREPROCOSTnumber21N0Reproduction cost
8Asset InsuranceDEPRREPROCOSTnumber21N0Depreciation reduction cost
9Asset InsuranceEXCLUSIONAMTnumber21N0Exclusion amount
10Asset InsuranceEXCLUSIONTYPEstring15NExclusion type
1Asset LeaseASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset LeaseASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset LeaseLEASECOMPIDstring15NLease company ID
4Asset LeaseLEASETYPEi42N0Lease type1=Capital; 2=Operating
5Asset LeaseLEASECONTRACTIDstring15NContract ID
6Asset LeaseLEASEPAYMENTnumber21N0Lease payment
7Asset LeaseLEASEINTRATEnumber21N0Interest rate
8Asset LeaseLEASEENDDATEdatetime8NEnd date
1Asset PurchaseASSETIDstring15YNot ApplicableAsset ID
2Asset PurchaseASSETIDSUFi42Y1Asset suffix ID
3Asset PurchasePURCHLINESEQi44YPurchase line sequence number Optional on Insert and Required on an Update
4Asset PurchasePURCHDESCstring40NPurchase description
5Asset PurchaseAcquisition_Costnumber21NAcquisition cost
6Asset PurchaseVENDORIDstring15NVendor ID
7Asset PurchaseDOCNUMBRstring20NDocument number
8Asset PurchaseDOCDATEdatetime8YNot ApplicableDocument date
9Asset PurchaseTRXSORCEstring13NTransaction source
10Asset PurchaseORCTRNUMstring20NVoucher or receipt number
11Asset PurchasePORDNMBRstring20NPurchase order number
12Asset PurchaseCURNCYIDstring15NCurrency ID
13Asset PurchaseXCHGRATEnumber21N0Exchange rate
14Asset PurchaseRATETPIDstring15NRate type ID
15Asset PurchaseEXPNDATEdatetime8NExpiration date
16Asset PurchaseEXCHDATEdatetime8NExchange date
17Asset PurchaseEXGTBDSCstring30NExchange ID description
18Asset PurchaseEXTBLSRCstring50NExchange rate source
19Asset PurchaseRATEEXPRi42NRate Expiration 0 = None 1=Daily 2=Weekly 3=Bi-Weekly 4=Semi-Monthly 5=Monthly 6=Quarterly 7=Annually 8=Miscellaneous 9=None
20Asset PurchaseDYSTINCRi42NDays to increment
21Asset PurchaseRATEVARCnumber21NRate variance
22Asset PurchaseTRXDTDEFi42NTransaction date default 0=Exact Date 1=Next Date 2=Previous Date
23Asset PurchaseRTCLCMTDi42NRate calculation method 0=Multiply 1=Divide
24Asset PurchasePRVDSLMTi42NPrevious days limits
25Asset PurchaseDATELMTSi42NDate limits 0=Unlimited 1=Limited
26Asset PurchaseTIME1datetime8NTime 1
27Asset PurchaseUSERIDstring15NUser ID
28Asset PurchaseUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=No 1=Yes
1Asset User DataASSETIDstring15YNot applicableAsset ID
2Asset User DataASSETIDSUFi42N1Asset suffix ID
3Asset User DataUSRFIELD1string6NDefault from setupUser-defined field 1
4Asset User DataUSRFIELD2string6NDefault from setupUser-defined field 2
5Asset User DataUSRFIELD3string10NDefault from setupUser-defined field 3
6Asset User DataUSRFIELD4string10NDefault from setupUser-defined field 4
7Asset User DataUSRFIELD5string20NDefault from setupUser-defined field 5
8Asset User DataUSRFIELD6string20NDefault from setupUser-defined field 6
9Asset User DataUSRFIELD7string20NDefault from setupUser-defined field 7
10Asset User DataUSRFIELD8string20NDefault from setupUser-defined field 8
11Asset User DataUSRFIELD9string40NDefault from setupUser-defined field 9
12Asset User DataUSRFIELD10string40NDefault from setupUser-defined field 10
13Asset User DataUSRFIELD11number21NDefault from setupUser-defined field 11
14Asset User DataUSRFIELD12number21NDefault from setupUser-defined field 12
15Asset User DataUSRFIELD13number21NDefault from setupUser-defined field 13
16Asset User DataUSRFIELD14number21NDefault from setupUser-defined field 14
17Asset User DataUSRFIELD15number21NDefault from setupUser-defined field 15
18Asset User DataUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes
19Asset User DataRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1B R Bank Deposits HeaderOptioni42N1Deposit option1=Enter/Edit; 2=Void* *void functionality not available in this release
2B R Bank Deposits HeaderDEPTYPEi42N1Deposit type1=Deposit with receipt; 2=Deposit without receipt; 3=Clear unused receipts* *clear functionality not
3B R Bank Deposits HeaderDEPDATEdatetime8NDeposit date
4B R Bank Deposits HeaderGLPOSTDTdatetime8NGL posting date
5B R Bank Deposits HeaderCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
6B R Bank Deposits Headerdepositnumberstring20YNot applicableDeposit number
7B R Bank Deposits HeaderDSCRIPTNstring30NDescription
8B R Bank Deposits HeaderDepAmtnumber21N0Deposit amount; required for DEPTYPE=2
9B R Bank Deposits HeaderCheckTotalnumber21N0Check total; used for DEPTYPE=2
10B R Bank Deposits HeaderCheckCounti44N0Check count; used for DEPTYPE=2
11B R Bank Deposits HeaderCreditCardTotalnumber21N0Credit card total; used for DEPTYPE=2
12B R Bank Deposits HeaderCreditCardCounti44N0Credit card count; used for DEPTYPE=2
13B R Bank Deposits HeaderCurrencyAmounti44N0Currency total; used for DEPTYPE=2
14B R Bank Deposits HeaderCurrencyCounti44N0Currency count; used for DEPTYPE=2
15B R Bank Deposits HeaderCoinAmountnumber21N0Coin total; used for DEPTYPE=2
16B R Bank Deposits HeaderXCHGRATEnumber21N0Exchange rate
17B R Bank Deposits HeaderRATETPIDstring15NRate type ID
18B R Bank Deposits HeaderEXPNDATEdatetime8NExpiration date
19B R Bank Deposits HeaderEXCHDATEdatetime8NExchange date
20B R Bank Deposits HeaderEXGTBDSCstring30NExchange ID description
21B R Bank Deposits HeaderEXTBLSRCstring50NExchange rate source
22B R Bank Deposits HeaderRATEEXPRi42NDefault from setupRate expiration0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan
23B R Bank Deposits HeaderDYSTINCRi42NDefault from setupDays to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8
24B R Bank Deposits HeaderRATEVARCnumber21N0Rate variance
25B R Bank Deposits HeaderTRXDTDEFi42NDefault from setupTransaction date default0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date
26B R Bank Deposits HeaderRTCLCMTDi42NDefault from setupRate calculation method0=Multiply; 1=Divide
27B R Bank Deposits HeaderPRVDSLMTi42N0Previous day's limit
28B R Bank Deposits HeaderDATELMTSi42N0Date limits0=Unlimited; 1=Limited
29B R Bank Deposits HeaderTIME1datetime8NMC exchange time=Time 1
30B R Bank Deposits HeaderMDFUSRIDstring15NModified user ID; defaults to 'eBusiness' if not passed in
31B R Bank Deposits HeaderRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table)
1B R Bank Deposits Linedepositnumberstring20YNot applicableDeposit number
2B R Bank Deposits LineRCPTNMBRstring20NDefault from setupReceipt number; used to find receipt in CM20300 table
3B R Bank Deposits LineCHEKBKIDstring15NDefault from setupCheckbook ID; used to find receipt in CM20300 table
4B R Bank Deposits LineRcpTypei42NDefault from setupReceipt type1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit Card
5B R Bank Deposits LineCMRECNUMnumber21NDefault from setupReceipt number; use only if RCPTNMBR plus CHEKBKID plus RcpType are not unique
6B R Bank Deposits LineDEPDATEdatetime8NDeposit date; needs to match the taBRBankDepositsHeader if a multi currency transaction
7B R Bank Deposits LineBANKNAMEstring30NDefault from setupBank name
8B R Bank Deposits LineBNKBRNCHstring20NDefault from setupBank branch
9B R Bank Deposits LineCURRENCYTOTALi44N0Originating currency total
10B R Bank Deposits LineCOINTOTALnumber21N0Originating coin total
11B R Bank Deposits LineXCHGRATEnumber21N0Exchange rate
12B R Bank Deposits LineRATETPIDstring15NRate type ID
13B R Bank Deposits LineEXPNDATEdatetime8NExpiration date
14B R Bank Deposits LineEXCHDATEdatetime8NExchange date
15B R Bank Deposits LineEXGTBDSCstring30NExchange ID description
16B R Bank Deposits LineEXTBLSRCstring50NExchange rate source
17B R Bank Deposits LineRATEEXPRi42NDefault from setupRate expiration0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan
18B R Bank Deposits LineDYSTINCRi42NDefault from setupDays to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8
19B R Bank Deposits LineRATEVARCnumber21N0Rate variance
20B R Bank Deposits LineTRXDTDEFi42NDefault from setupTransaction date default0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date
21B R Bank Deposits LineRTCLCMTDi42NDefault from setupRate calculation method0=Multiply; 1=Divide
22B R Bank Deposits LinePRVDSLMTi42N0Previous day's limit
23B R Bank Deposits LineDATELMTSi42N0Date limits0=Unlimited; 1=Limited
24B R Bank Deposits LineTIME1datetime8NMC exchange time=Time 1
25B R Bank Deposits LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table)
1B R Bank Transaction DistOptioni42YNot applicableTransaction option1=Enter transaction; 2=Enter receipt; 3=Void transaction; 4=Void Receipt
2B R Bank Transaction DistACTNUMSTstring75YNot applicableAccount number string; must include separator characters
3B R Bank Transaction DistDEBITAMTnumber21N0Debit amount
4B R Bank Transaction DistCRDTAMNTnumber21N0Credit amount
5B R Bank Transaction DistDistRefstring30NDistribution reference
6B R Bank Transaction DistRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time
1B R Bank Transaction HeaderOptioni42YNot applicableTransaction option1=Enter transaction; 2=Enter receipt
2B R Bank Transaction HeaderCMTrxTypei42N3Transaction type (only used when Option=1)3=Check; 4=Withdrawal; 5=Increase adjustment; 6=Decrease adjustment
3B R Bank Transaction HeaderRcpTypei42N1Receipt type (only used when Option=2)1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit card
4B R Bank Transaction HeaderTRXDATEdatetime8NTransaction date; default is system date
5B R Bank Transaction HeaderCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
6B R Bank Transaction HeaderCURNCYIDstring15NCurrency ID; default is currency assigned to the checkbook
7B R Bank Transaction HeaderCMTrxNumstring20YNot applicableTransaction number
8B R Bank Transaction HeaderCARDNAMEstring15NCredit card name; required when RcpType=3
9B R Bank Transaction Headerpaidtorcvdfromstring30NPaid towhen Option=1 or Rcvd from: when Option=2
10B R Bank Transaction HeaderDSCRIPTNstring30NDescription
11B R Bank Transaction HeaderTRXAMNTnumber21YNot applicableTransaction amount
12B R Bank Transaction HeaderUSERIDstring15NUser ID; default is eBusiness
13B R Bank Transaction HeaderGLPOSTDTdatetime8NGL posting date; default is TRXDATE
14B R Bank Transaction HeaderDistRefstring30NDistribution reference; only used for required default distribution
15B R Bank Transaction HeaderBACHNUMBstring15NGL batch number For additional information, see Bank Reconciliationi
16B R Bank Transaction HeaderXCHGRATEnumber21N0Exchange rate
17B R Bank Transaction HeaderRATETPIDstring15NRate type ID
18B R Bank Transaction HeaderEXPNDATEdatetime8NExpiration date
19B R Bank Transaction HeaderEXCHDATEdatetime8NExchange date
20B R Bank Transaction HeaderEXGTBDSCstring30NExchange ID description
21B R Bank Transaction HeaderEXTBLSRCstring50NExchange rate source
22B R Bank Transaction HeaderRATEEXPRi42NDefault is from setupRate expiration0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan
23B R Bank Transaction HeaderDYSTINCRi42NDefault is from setupDays to increment; only used when RATEEXPR=8
24B R Bank Transaction HeaderRATEVARCnumber21N0Rate variance
25B R Bank Transaction HeaderTRXDTDEFi42NDefault is from setupTransaction date default0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date
26B R Bank Transaction HeaderRTCLCMTDi42NDefault is from setupRate calculation method0=Multiply; 1=Divide
27B R Bank Transaction HeaderPRVDSLMTi42N0Previous days limit
28B R Bank Transaction HeaderDATELMTSi42N0Date limits0=Unlimited; 1=Limited
29B R Bank Transaction HeaderTIME1datetime8NTime 1; if not passed in, field used for finding XCHGRATE
30B R Bank Transaction HeaderRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time
1B R Bank Transaction VoidOptioni42YNot applicableTransaction option3=Void transaction; 4=Void Receipt
2B R Bank Transaction VoidVOIDDATEdatetime8NVoid date; default is original transaction date
3B R Bank Transaction VoidCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
4B R Bank Transaction VoidCMTrxNumstring20YNot applicableTransaction number
5B R Bank Transaction VoidVOIDDESCstring30NDefault from setupVoid description; defaults from original transaction
6B R Bank Transaction VoidUSERIDstring15NUser ID; default is "eBusiness"
7B R Bank Transaction VoidGLPOSTDTdatetime8NGL posting date; default is original GLPOSTDT
8B R Bank Transaction VoidDistRefstring30NDefault from setupDistribution reference; defaults from original transaction
9B R Bank Transaction VoidCreateDisti41N1Automatically pull in original distributions*0=False; 1=True Manual distributions can also be used. For additional information, see Bank Reconcil
10B R Bank Transaction VoidCMDNUMWKnumber21N0Control Number; only needed if the combination of CMTrxNum and CHEKBKID are not unique
11B R Bank Transaction VoidBACHNUMBstring15NGL batch number For additional information, see Bank Reconciliation
12B R Bank Transaction VoidRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time
1B R Delete Bank DepositsCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
2B R Delete Bank Depositsdepositnumberstring20YNot applicableDeposit number
3B R Delete Bank DepositsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table)
1B R Post Bank DepositsCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
2B R Post Bank Depositsdepositnumberstring20YNot applicableDeposit number
3B R Post Bank DepositsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table)
4B R Post Bank DepositsPTDUSRIDstring15NUser ID for posting
1BankBANKIDstring15YNot applicableBank ID
2BankBANKNAMEstring30YNot applicableBank name
3BankADDRESS1string60NAddress 1
4BankADDRESS2string60NAddress 2
5BankADDRESS3string60NAddress 3
8BankZIPCODEstring10NZip/postal Code
10BankPHNUMBR1string21NPhone number 1
11BankPHNUMBR2string21NPhone number 2
12BankPHONE3string21NPhone number 3
13BankFAXNUMBRstring21NFax number
14BankTRNSTNBRstring9NTransit number
15BankBNKBRNCHstring20NBank branch
16BankDDTRANUMstring9NDD transit number
17BankRequester_trxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1BenefitBENEFITstring6YNot applicableBenefit
2BenefitDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableDeduction description
3BenefitINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4BenefitBNFBEGDTdatetime8YNot applicableBenefit begin date
5BenefitBNFENDDTdatetime8NBenefit end date
6BenefitVARBENFTi41N0Variable benefit/transaction required0=False; 1=True
7BenefitBNFTFREQi42N1Benefit frequency1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis
8BenefitSBJTFDTXi41N0Subject to federal tax0=False; 1=True
9BenefitSBJTSSECi41N0Subject to FICA Social Security tax0=False; 1=True
10BenefitSBJTMCARi41N0Subject to FICA Medicare tax0=False; 1=True
11BenefitSBJTSTTXi41N0Subject to state tax0=False; 1=True
12BenefitSBJTLTAXi41N0Subject to local tax0=False; 1=True
13BenefitSBJTFUTAi41N0Subject to FUTA tax0=False; 1=True
14BenefitSBJTSUTAi41N0Subject to SUTA tax0=False; 1=True
15BenefitFFEDTXRTnumber21N0Flat federal tax rate
16BenefitFLSTTXRTnumber21N0Flat state tax rate
17BenefitBORCDTYPi42N1Based on record type1=Paycodes; 2=Deductions
18BenefitBSDORCDSi42N0Based on records0=False; 1=True
19BenefitBNFTMTHDi42N1Benefit method1=% of gross; 2=% of net wages; 3=% of deduction; 4=Fixed amount; 5=Amount per unit
20BenefitBNFFRMLAi42N0Benefit formula
21BenefitBNFPRCNT_1number21N0Benefit percent 1
22BenefitBNFPRCNT_2number21N0Benefit percent 2
23BenefitBNFPRCNT_3number21N0Benefit percent 3
24BenefitBNFPRCNT_4number21N0Benefit percent 4
25BenefitBNFPRCNT_5number21N0Benefit percent 5
26BenefitBNFITAMT_1number21N0Benefit amount 1
27BenefitBNFITAMT_2number21N0Benefit amount 2
28BenefitBNFITAMT_3number21N0Benefit amount 3
29BenefitBNFITAMT_4number21N0Benefit amount 4
30BenefitBNFITAMT_5number21N0Benefit amount 5
31BenefitBNFTRMAX_1number21N0Benefit tier maximum 1
32BenefitBNFTRMAX_2number21N0Benefit tier maximum 2
33BenefitBNFTRMAX_3number21N0Benefit tier maximum 3
34BenefitBNFTRMAX_4number21N0Benefit tier maximum 4
35BenefitBNFTRMAX_5number21N0Benefit tier maximum 5
36BenefitBNTRMXUN_1number21N0Benefit tier maximum units 1
37BenefitBNTRMXUN_2number21N0Benefit tier maximum units 2
38BenefitBNTRMXUN_3number21N0Benefit tier maximum units 3
39BenefitBNTRMXUN_4number21N0Benefit tier maximum units 4
40BenefitBNTRMXUN_5number21N0Benefit tier maximum units 5
41BenefitBNPAYPMXnumber21N0Benefit pay period Maximum
42BenefitBNFYRMAXnumber21N0Benefit year maximum
43BenefitBenefit_Fiscal_Maxnumber21N0Benefit Fiscal Year Maximum
44BenefitBNFLFMAXnumber21N0Benefit lifetime maximum
45BenefitW2BXNMBRi42N0W-2 box number
46BenefitW2BXLABLstring6NW-2 box label
47BenefitW2BXNMBR2i42N0W-2 Box Number 2
48BenefitW2BXLABL2string6NW-2 Box Label 2
49BenefitW2BXNMBR3i42N0W-2 Box Number 3
50BenefitW2BXLABL3string6NW-2 Box Label 3
51BenefitW2BXNMBR4i42N0W-2 Box Number 4
52BenefitW2BXLABL4string6NW-2 Box Label 4
53BenefitDATAENTDFLTi41N0Data entry default0=False; 1=True
54BenefitUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes
55BenefitRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBENEFITstring6YNot applicableBenefit
2Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBORCDTYPi42YNot applicableBased on record type1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions
3Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBSDONCDEstring6YNot applicableDeduction description
4Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1Book ClassBOOKIDstring15YNot applicableBook ID
2Book ClassASSETCLASSIDstring15YNot applicableAsset class ID
3Book ClassDEPRECIATIONMETHODi42YNot applicableDepreciation method1=Straight-line original life; 2=Straight-line remaining life; 3=125% DB; 4=150% DB; 5=175% DB; 6=20
4Book ClassAVERAGINGCONVi42YNot applicableAveraging convention1=Half-year; 2=Modified half-year; 3=Midmonth (first); 4=Midmonth (fifteenth); 5=Midquarter; 6=Next
5Book ClassAMORTIZATIONCODEi42N0Amortization code1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Monthly; 4=Quarterly; 5=Yearly; 6=Percentage; 7=Rate
6Book ClassAMORTIZATIONAMOUNTnumber21N0Amortization amount/percentage
7Book ClassSWITCHOVERi42N1Switch over1=No switch; 2=Straight line
8Book ClassORIGINALLIFEYEARSi42N0Original life years
9Book ClassORIGINALLIFEDAYSi42N0Original life days
10Book ClassInitial_Allowance_Perci42N0Initial allowance percentage
11Book ClassSPECDEPRALLOWi42N1Special depreciation allowance1=No; 2=Yes
12Book ClassSPECDEPRALLOWPCTi42N0Special depreciation allowance percentage
13Book ClassSALVAGEPCTnumber21N0Salvage percentage
14Book ClassSALVAGEESTi41N0Salvage estimate1=No; 2 =Yes
15Book ClassLUXAUTOINDi42N1Luxury auto1=No; 2=Yes
16Book ClassTEFRAFLAGi42N1TEFRA option1=None; 2=Full credit reduce cost by 50%; 3=Full credit reduce cost by 100%; 4=Reduce ITC% by 2 poin
1Book I DBOOKIDstring15YNot applicableBook ID
2Book I DBOOKDESCstring30NBook ID description
3Book I DDEPRPERIODi42YNot applicableDepreciation period1=Periodic; 2=Daily
4Book I DCURRFISCALYRi42YNot applicableCurrent fiscal year
5Book I DAuto_Add_Book_Infoi41N1Auto add book information0=False; 1=True
1BuyerBUERIDstring15YNot applicableBuyer ID
2BuyerDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableDescription
3BuyerRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1CheckbookCHEKBKIDstring15YNot applicableCheckbook ID
2CheckbookDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableCheckbook description
3CheckbookBANKIDstring15NBank ID
4CheckbookCURNCYIDstring15YNot applicableCurrency ID
5CheckbookACTNUMSTstring75YNot applicableAccount number
6CheckbookBNKACTNMstring15NBank account number
7CheckbookNXTCHNUMstring20N1Next check number
8CheckbookNext_Deposit_Numberstring20N1Next deposit number
9CheckbookINACTIVEi41N0Inactive flag
10CheckbookMXCHDLRnumber21N0Maximum check amount
11CheckbookDUPCHNUMi41N0Allow duplicate check numbers
12CheckbookOVCHNUM1i41N1Override check numbers
13CheckbookLOCATNIDstring15NCompany address ID
14CheckbookCMUSRDF1string20NUser defined 1
15CheckbookCMUSRDF2string20NUser defined 2
16CheckbookLast_Reconciled_Datedatetime8NLast reconciled date
17CheckbookLast_Reconciled_Balancenumber21N0Last reconciled balance
18CheckbookDDACTNUMstring17NBank account number from the direct deposit button
19CheckbookDDINDNAMstring22NAccount name from the direct deposit button
20CheckbookDDTRANSstring2N27Account type from the direct deposit button27=Checking; 37=Savings
21CheckbookPaymentRateTypeIDstring15NPayment rate type ID
22CheckbookDepositRateTypeIDstring15NDeposit rate type ID
23CheckbookRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Computer Check Line InsertBACHNUMBstring15YNot applicableBatch number
2Computer Check Line InsertEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
3Computer Check Line InsertCOMPTRTPi42N1Computer transaction type1=Pay code; 2=Deduction; 3=Benefit
4Computer Check Line InsertSALCHGi42N0Salary change; required if passing a salary pay code1=Reallocate dollars; 2=Reallocate hours; 3=Reduce dollars; 4=Reduce hours; 5=Additional amount
5Computer Check Line InsertUPRTRXCDstring6YNot applicableUPR transaction code
6Computer Check Line InsertTRXBEGDTdatetime8NTransaction begin date
7Computer Check Line InsertTRXENDDTdatetime8NTransaction end date
8Computer Check Line InsertTRXHRUNTnumber21N0Transaction hours/units; required if the pay code passed is1=Salary with a salary change of reallocated hours; 2=Salary with a salary change of reduced hours;
9Computer Check Line InsertHRLYPYRTnumber21N0Hourly pay rate
10Computer Check Line InsertPAYRTAMTnumber21N0Pay rate amount; required if passing the pay code1=Salary with a salary change of reallocated dollars; 2=Salary with a salary change of reduced dolla
11Computer Check Line InsertVARDBAMTnumber21N0Variable deduction/benefit amount
12Computer Check Line InsertVARDBPCTnumber21N0Variable deduction/benefit percent
13Computer Check Line InsertRECEIPTSnumber21N0Receipts
14Computer Check Line InsertDAYSWRDKnumber21N0Days worked
15Computer Check Line InsertWKSWRKDnumber21N0Weeks worked
16Computer Check Line InsertDEPRTMNTstring6NDepartment; if empty, pulls from UPR00100
17Computer Check Line InsertJOBTITLEstring6NJob title/position code; if empty, pulls from UPR00100
18Computer Check Line InsertSTATECDstring2NState code
19Computer Check Line InsertLOCALTAXstring6NLocal tax
20Computer Check Line InsertSUTASTATstring2NSUTA state
21Computer Check Line InsertWRKRCOMPstring6NWorkers' compensation code
22Computer Check Line InsertSHFTCODEstring6NShift code
23Computer Check Line InsertSHFTPREMnumber21N0Shift premium
24Computer Check Line InsertRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
25Computer Check Line InsertUSERIDstring15NUser ID
1Credit CardRCVBGRBXi42N0Receivable group box0=Bank Card; 1=Charge Card
2Credit CardCARDNAMEstring15YNot applicableCredit card name
3Credit CardCBPAYBLEi41N0Used by company0=False; 1=True
4Credit CardCBRCVBLEi41N0Accepted from customers0=False; 1=True
5Credit CardCKBKNUM1string15NCheckbook number 1; for customers
6Credit CardACTNUMSTstring75NAccount Number
7Credit CardVENDORIDstring15NVendor ID
8Credit CardRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
9Credit CardUSERIDstring15NUser ID
10Credit CardCREATDDTdatetime8NDefault from setupCreate date
11Credit CardMODIFDTdatetime8NDefault from setupModified date
NULLCustomer AddressPrint_Phone_NumberGBi42NPrint phone number!ERROR! I635 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred
NULLCustomer AddressUSERDEF1string20NUser defined 1
NULLCustomer AddressUSERDEF2string20NUser defined 2
NULLCustomer AddressUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow updates to customer data!ERROR! I638 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred
NULLCustomer AddressRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction!ERROR! I639 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred
1Customer AddressCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
2Customer AddressADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableAddress ID
3Customer AddressSLPRSNIDstring15NSalesperson ID
4Customer AddressUPSZONEstring3NUPS zone
5Customer AddressSHIPMTHDstring15NShipping method
6Customer AddressTAXSCHIDstring15NTax schedule
7Customer AddressCNTCPRSNstring60NContact person
8Customer AddressADDRESS1string60NCustomer address one
9Customer AddressADDRESS2string60NCustomer address two
10Customer AddressADDRESS3string60NCustomer address three
11Customer AddressCOUNTRYstring60NCustomer country
12Customer AddressCITYstring35NCustomer city
13Customer AddressSTATEstring29NCustomer state
14Customer AddressZIPCODEstring10NCustomer zip
15Customer AddressPHNUMBR1string21NPhone one
16Customer AddressPHNUMBR2string21NPhone two
17Customer AddressPHNUMBR3string21NPhone three
18Customer AddressFAXstring21NFax
19Customer AddressGPSFOINTEGRATIONIDstring30NFront office integration ID
20Customer AddressINTEGRATIONSOURCEi42N0Integration source
21Customer AddressINTEGRATIONIDstring30NIntegration ID
22Customer AddressCCodestring6NCountry code
23Customer AddressLOCNCODEstring10NLocation code
24Customer AddressSALSTERRstring15NSales territory
25Customer AddressShipToNamestring64NShip to name
1Customer ClassCLASSIDstring15YNot applicableClass ID
2Customer ClassCLASDSCRstring30NClass description
3Customer ClassCRLMTTYPi42N0Credit limit type0=No credit; 1=Unlimited; 2=Amount
4Customer ClassCRLMTAMTnumber21N0Credit amount
5Customer ClassCRLMTPERi42N0Credit limit period
6Customer ClassCRLMTPAMnumber21N0Credit limit period amount
7Customer ClassDEFLTCLSi41N0Default class
8Customer ClassBALNCTYPi42N0Balance type0=Open item; 1=Balance forward
9Customer ClassCHEKBKIDstring15NCheckbook ID
10Customer ClassTAXSCHIDstring15NTax schedule ID
11Customer ClassSHIPMTHDstring15NShipping method
12Customer ClassPYMTRMIDstring20NPayment term ID
13Customer ClassCUSTDISCi42N0Customer discount/trade discount
14Customer ClassMINPYTYPi42N0Minimum payment type0=No minimum; 1=Percent; 2=Amount
15Customer ClassMINPYDLRnumber21N0Minimum payment dollar
16Customer ClassMINPYPCTi42N0Minimum payment percent
17Customer ClassMXWOFTYPi42N0Maximum write-off type0=Not allowed; 1=Unlimited; 2=Maximum
18Customer ClassMXWROFAMnumber21N0Maximum write-off amount
19Customer ClassFNCHATYPi42N0Finance charge amount type0=None; 1=Percent; 2=Amount
20Customer ClassFINCHDLRnumber21N0Finance charge dollar
21Customer ClassFNCHPCNTi42N0Finance charge percent
22Customer ClassPRCLEVELstring10NPrice level
23Customer ClassCURNCYIDstring15NCurrency ID
24Customer ClassRATETPIDstring15NRate ID
25Customer ClassDEFCACTYi42N0Cash account from0=Checkbook; 1=Customer
26Customer ClassCASHACCTstring75NCash account
27Customer ClassACCTRECACCTstring75NAccount Receivable account
28Customer ClassSALESACCTstring75NSales account
29Customer ClassCOSTOFSALESACCTstring75NCost of sales account
30Customer ClassIVACCTstring75NInventory account
31Customer ClassTERMDISCTAKENACCTstring75NTerms discount taken account
32Customer ClassTERMDISCAVAILACCTstring75NTerms discount available account
33Customer ClassFINCHRGACCTstring75NFinance charges account
34Customer ClassWRITEOFFACCTstring75NWrite-off account
35Customer ClassSALESORDERRETACCTstring75NSales order returns account
36Customer ClassSALSTERRstring15NSales territory
37Customer ClassSLPRSNIDstring15NSales person ID
38Customer ClassSTMTCYCLi42N5Statement cycle1=No statement; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Bimonthly; 7=Quarterly
39Customer ClassKPCALHSTi41N1Keep calendar history0=False; 1=True
40Customer ClassKPDSTHSTi41N1Keep distribution history0=False; 1=True
41Customer ClassKPERHISTi41N1Keep period history0=False; 1=True
42Customer ClassKPTRXHSTi41N1Keep transaction history0=False; 1=True
43Customer ClassDISGRPERi42N0Discount grace period
44Customer ClassDUEGRPERi42N0Due date of grace period
45Customer ClassRevalue_Customeri41N1Revalue customer0=False; 1=True
46Customer ClassPost_Results_Toi42N0Post results to0=Receivables/discount account 1=Sales offset account
47Customer ClassORDERFULFILLDEFAULTi41N1Order fulfillment shortage default1=None; 2=Back order remaining; 3=Cancel remaining
48Customer ClassCUSTPRIORITYi42N1Customer priority; valid input values are 1 (none) to 100
49Customer ClassRMOvrpymtWrtoffAcctstring75NRM overpayment write-off account
50Customer ClassRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Customer ItemsITEMNMBRstring30YNot applicableItem number
2Customer ItemsCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer ID
3Customer ItemsCUSTITEMNMBRstring30NCustomer item
4Customer ItemsCUSTITEMDESCstring50NCustomer item description
5Customer ItemsCUSTITEMSHORNAMEstring15NCustomer item short name
6Customer ItemsCUSTITEMGENERICDESCstring10NCustomer generic
7Customer ItemsUSRDEF1string20NUser defined 1
8Customer ItemsUSRDEF2string20NUser defined 2
9Customer ItemsUSRDEF03string20NUser defined 3
10Customer ItemsUSRDEF04string20NUser defined 4
11Customer ItemsUSRDEF05string20NUser defined 5
12Customer ItemsSUBITEMNMBRstring30NSubstitute item number
13Customer ItemsSTRTDATEdatetime8NSubstitute items effective start date
14Customer ItemsENDDATEdatetime8NSubstitute items effective end date
15Customer ItemsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1DeductionDEDUCTIONstring6YNot applicableDeduction
2DeductionDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableDeduction description
3DeductionINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4DeductionDEDBEGDTdatetime8YNot applicableBegin date
5DeductionDEDENDDTdatetime8NEnd date
6DeductionDEDTYPEi42N1Deduction Type 1 = Standard 2 = Garnishment
7DeductionGARNCATi42Y0Garnishment Category Required if Deduction Type is set to a 2 1= Support Order, 2 = Tax Levy, 3 = Bankruptcy, 4 = Garnishment 5 = Other
8DeductionVARDEDTNi41N0Variable deduction0=False; 1=True
9DeductionDEDNFREQi42N1Deduction frequency1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis
10DeductionSFRFEDTXi41N0Sheltered from federal tax0=False; 1=True
11DeductionSHFRFICAi41N0Sheltered from FICA tax0=False; 1=True
12DeductionSHFRSTTXi41N0Sheltered from state tax0=False; 1=True
13DeductionSFRLCLTXi41N0Sheltered from local tax0=False; 1=True
14DeductionBSDORCDSi42N0Based on records0=All; 1=Selected
15DeductionDEDNMTHDi42N1Deduction method1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Fixed amount; 4=Amount per unit 5=Percenta
16DeductionDEDFRMLAi42N0Deduction formula0=Single; 1=Multiple
17DeductionEARNINGSCODEstring15NEarning code
18DeductionDEDCAMNT_1number21N0Deduction amount 1
19DeductionDEDCAMNT_2number21N0Deduction amount 2
20DeductionDEDCAMNT_3number21N0Deduction amount 3
21DeductionDEDCAMNT_4number21N0Deduction amount 4
22DeductionDEDCAMNT_5number21N0Deduction amount 5
23DeductionDEDNPRCT_1number21N0Deduction percentage 1
24DeductionDEDNPRCT_2number21N0Deduction percentage 2
25DeductionDEDNPRCT_3number21N0Deduction percentage 3
26DeductionDEDNPRCT_4number21N0Deduction percentage 4
27DeductionDEDNPRCT_5number21N0Deduction percentage 5
28DeductionDEDTRMAX_1number21N0Deduction tier maximum 1
29DeductionDEDTRMAX_2number21N0Deduction tier maximum 2
30DeductionDEDTRMAX_3number21N0Deduction tier maximum 3
31DeductionDEDTRMAX_4number21N0Deduction tier maximum 4
32DeductionDEDTRMAX_5number21N0Deduction tier maximum 5
33DeductionDETRMXUN_1number21N0Deduction tier maximum units 1
34DeductionDETRMXUN_2number21N0Deduction tier maximum units 2
35DeductionDETRMXUN_3number21N0Deduction tier maximum units 3
36DeductionDETRMXUN_4number21N0Deduction tier maximum units 4
37DeductionDETRMXUN_5number21N0Deduction tier maximum units 5
38DeductionDEPYPRMXnumber21N0Deduction pay period maximum
39DeductionDEDYRMAXnumber21N0Deduction year maximum
40DeductionDeduction_Fiscal_Yr_Maxnumber21N0Deduction Fiscal Year Maximum
41DeductionDEDLTMAXnumber21N0Deduction life maximum
42DeductionW2BXNMBRi42N0W-2 box number
43DeductionW2BXLABLstring6NW-2 box label
44DeductionW2BXNMBR2i42N0W-2 Box Number 2
45DeductionW2BXLABL2string6NW-2 Box Label 2
46DeductionW2BXNMBR3i42N0W-2 Box Number 3
47DeductionW2BXLABL3string6NW-2 Box Label 3
48DeductionW2BXNMBR4i42N0W-2 Box Number 4
49DeductionW2BXLABL4string6NW-2 Box Label 4
50DeductionDATAENTDFLTi41N0Data entry default0=False; 1=True
51DeductionUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
52DeductionRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1Deduction Based On Pay CodesDEDUCTIONstring6YNot applicableDeduction
2Deduction Based On Pay CodesBSDONCDEstring30YNot applicableDeduction description
3Deduction Based On Pay CodesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table)
1Delete ApplicantLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete ApplicantFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete ApplicantAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
4Delete ApplicantRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant ApplicationLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant ApplicationFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant ApplicationAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant ApplicationISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableInternal Sequence Number Required only if you are going to pass this instead of Requisition Number OR if you have multiple instances of the same Applicant and Requisition Number
5Delete Applicant ApplicationREQUISITIONNUMBER_Ii44YNot applicableRequisition Number Required only if you are not passing the Sequence Number
6Delete Applicant ApplicationRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant EducationLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant EducationFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant EducationAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant EducationRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant Education LineLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant Education LineFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant Education LineAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant Education LineUNIVERSITYstring31YNot applicableUniversity
5Delete Applicant Education LineISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YSequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same university on more then one record
6Delete Applicant Education LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant InterviewLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant InterviewFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant InterviewAPPINTTYPESTR_Istring21YNot applicableInterview type
4Delete Applicant InterviewAPPLYDATE_Idatetime8YNot applicableInterview date
5Delete Applicant InterviewAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number and not LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
6Delete Applicant InterviewRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant ReferencesLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant ReferencesFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant ReferencesAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant ReferencesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant References LineLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant References LineFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant References LineREFERENCENAME_Istring61YNot applicableReference name
4Delete Applicant References LineAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
5Delete Applicant References LineISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YSequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same reference on more then one record
6Delete Applicant References LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant Requisitions LineLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant Requisitions LineFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant Requisitions LineREQUISITIONNUMBER_Ii44YNot applicableRequisition number
4Delete Applicant Requisitions LineAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination
5Delete Applicant Requisitions LineISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required only if you have the same applicant and same requisition on more then one record
6Delete Applicant Requisitions LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant TestsLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant TestsFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant TestsAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you want to pass Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant TestsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant Tests LineLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant Tests LineFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant Tests LineTESTCODE_Istring7YNot applicableTest code
4Delete Applicant Tests LineAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you pass Application Number instead of FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination
5Delete Applicant Tests LineISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same Test Code on more then one record
6Delete Applicant Tests LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant Work HistoryLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant Work HistoryFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant Work HistoryAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if passing Applicant Number and not FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination
4Delete Applicant Work HistoryRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Applicant Work History LineLLASTNAME_Istring21YNot applicableLast name
2Delete Applicant Work History LineFFIRSTNAME_Istring15YNot applicableFirst name
3Delete Applicant Work History LineNAMEstring31YNot applicableEmployer name
4Delete Applicant Work History LineAPPLICANTNUMBER_Inumber21YNot applicableApplicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination
5Delete Applicant Work History LineISEQUENCENUMBER_Ii42YNot applicableSequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same name/employeer on more then one record
6Delete Applicant Work History LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Customer AddressCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
2Delete Customer AddressADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableAddress ID
3Delete Customer AddressRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Delete Customer RcdCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
2Delete Customer RcdRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Delete EmployeeEMLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee number
2Delete EmployeeRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Delete Employee AddressEMLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee number
2Delete Employee AddressADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableAddress ID
3Delete Employee AddressRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Delete Employee Pay CodeEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee number
2Delete Employee Pay CodePAYRCORDstring7YNot applicablePay code
3Delete Employee Pay CodeRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete RequisitionREQUISITIONNUMBER_Ii44YNot applicableRequisition number
2Delete RequisitionRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Salesperson RcdSLPRSNIDstring15YNot applicableSalesperson ID
2Delete Salesperson RcdRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Delete Skill SetsSKILLSET_Istring31YNot applicableSkill set
2Delete Skill SetsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete Skill Sets LineSKILLSET_Istring31YNot applicableSkill set
2Delete Skill Sets LineSKILLTITLE_Istring31YNot applicableSkill
3Delete Skill Sets LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete SkillsSKILLTITLE_Istring31YNot appllicableSkill
2Delete SkillsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1Delete TestsTEST_Istring31YNot applicableTest
2Delete TestsTESTCODE_Istring7YNot applicableTest code
3Delete TestsRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
9Delete TestsLOCNCODEstring10YLocation/site code
10Delete TestsLOCNDSCRstring30YLocation/site description
11Delete TestsADDRESS1string60NAddress 1
12Delete TestsADDRESS2string60NAddress 2
13Delete TestsADDRESS3string60NAddress 3
14Delete TestsCITYstring35NCity
15Delete TestsSTATEstring29NState
16Delete TestsZIPCODEstring10NZIP Code
17Delete TestsCOUNTRYstring60NCountry
18Delete TestsPHONE1string20NPhone 1
19Delete TestsPHONE2string20NPhone 2
20Delete TestsPHONE3string20NPhone 3
21Delete TestsFAXNUMBRstring20NFax number
22Delete TestsLocation_Segmentstring66NLocation segment
23Delete TestsSTAXSCHDstring15NSales tax schedule ID
24Delete TestsPCTAXSCHstring15NPurchases tax schedule ID
25Delete TestsINCLDDINPLNNNGi41N1Include in planning0=False; 1=True
26Delete TestsCCodestring6NCountry code
27Delete TestsPORECEIPTBINstring15NPurchase receipt bin
28Delete TestsPORETRNBINstring15NPurchase return bin
29Delete TestsSOFULFILLMENTBINstring15NSales order fulfillment bin
30Delete TestsSORETURNBINstring15NSales order returns bin
31Delete TestsBOMRCPTBINstring15NAssembly receipts bin
32Delete TestsMATERIALISSUEBINstring15NMaterial issues bin
33Delete TestsMORECEIPTBINstring15NManufacturing receipts bin
34Delete TestsREPAIRISSUESBINstring15NRepair issues bin
1Delete Vendor AddressVENDORIDstring15YNot applicableVendor ID
2Delete Vendor AddressADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableAddress ID
3Delete Vendor AddressRequesterTrxi42N0Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table
1DepartmentDEPRTMNTstring6YNot applicableDepartment
2DepartmentDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableDepartment description
3DepartmentUpdateIfExists 1i41N1Flag to allow customer data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
4DepartmentRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1EmployeeEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2EmployeeEMPLCLASstring15NEmployee class
3EmployeeINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4EmployeeLASTNAMEstring20YNot applicableLast name
5EmployeeFRSTNAMEstring15YNot applicableFirst name
6EmployeeMIDLNAMEstring15NMiddle name
7EmployeeEMPLSUFFstring4NEmployee suffix
8EmployeeADRSCODEstring15NAddress code
9EmployeeADDRESS1string30NAddress code 1
10EmployeeADDRESS2string30NAddress code 2
11EmployeeADDRESS3string30NAddress code 3
14EmployeeZIPCODEstring10NZIP Code
17EmployeePHONE1string21NPhone number 1
18EmployeePHONE2string21NPhone number 2
19EmployeePHONE3string21NPhone number 3
20EmployeeFAXstring21NFax number
21EmployeeSOCSCNUMstring15YNot applicableSocial Security number
22EmployeeBRTHDATEdatetime8NBirth date
23EmployeeGENDERi42N3Gender1=Male; 2=Female; 3=Not applicable
24EmployeeETHNORGNi42N7Ethnic origin1=White; 2=Native American or Alaskan Native; 3=Black or African American; 4=Asian; 5=Hispanic or La
25EmployeeCalc_Min_Wage_Bali41NDefault from setupCalculate minimum wage balance0=False; 1=True
26EmployeeDIVISIONCODE_Istring6NDivision code; HR option only
27EmployeeDEPRTMNTstring6YNot applicableDepartment
28EmployeeJOBTITLEstring6YNot applicableJob title/position
29EmployeeSUPERVISORCODE_Istring6NSupervisor Code
30EmployeeLOCATNIDstring15NLocation ID
31EmployeeWCACFPAYi42N0Cash account from0=Checkbook; 1=Employee
32EmployeeAccountNumberstring75NAccount number
33EmployeeWKHRPRYRi42N0Work hours per year
34EmployeeSTRTDATEdatetime8NStart date
35EmployeeDEMPINACdatetime8NDate employee inactivated; this field is active if INACTIVE=1
36EmployeeRSNEMPINstring30NReason employee inactivated; this field is active if INACTIVE=1
37EmployeeMINETPAYnumber21NDefault from setupMinimum net pay
38EmployeeSUTASTATstring2NSUTA state
39EmployeeWRKRCOMPstring6NWorkers' compensation code
40EmployeeATACRVACi41NDefault from setupAuto accrue vacation0=False; 1=True
41EmployeeVACCRAMTnumber21NDefault from setupVacation accrual amount
42EmployeeVACCRMTHi42NDefault from setupVacation accrual method0=Hours worked; 1=Set hours
43EmployeeVACAPRYRnumber21NDefault from setupVacation hours per year
44EmployeeVACAVLBLnumber21NDefault from setupVacation available
45EmployeeWRNVCNFLSBLWZRi41NDefault from setupWarn if vacation falls below zero0=False; 1=True
46EmployeeATACRSTMi41NAuto accrue sick time0=False 1=True
47EmployeeSTMACMTHi42N0Sick Time Accrual Method0=Hours worked 1=Set hours
48EmployeeSKTMACAMnumber21NSick time accrual amount
49EmployeeSIKTIMAVnumber21NSick time available
50EmployeeSKTMHPYRnumber21NSick time hours per year
51EmployeeWRNSTFLSBLWZRi41NWarn sick time falls below zero 0=False 1=True
52EmployeeUSERDEF1string20NUser defined 1
53EmployeeUSERDEF2string20NUser defined 2
54EmployeeEMPLOYMENTTYPEi42NDefault from setupType of employment1=Full-time regular; 2=Full-time temporary; 3=Part-time regular; 4=Part-time temporary; 5=Intern; 6=
55EmployeeMARITALSTATUSi42N3Marital status1=Married; 2=Single; 3=Not applicable
56EmployeeBENADJDATEdatetime8NBenefit adjustment date
57EmployeeLASTDAYWORKED_Idatetime8NLast day worked
59EmployeeBIRTHMONTHi42N0Birth month1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 1
61EmployeeSPOUSESSNstring15NSpouse Social Security number
63EmployeeALTERNATENAMEstring20NAlternate name
64EmployeeSTATUSCDstring15NStatus code
65EmployeeHRSTATUSi42N1HR Status; HR option only1=Active; 2=Family leave; 3=Leave of absence; 4=Maternity; 5=Retired; 6=Separated; 7=Suspended; 8=Te
66EmployeeDATEOFLASTREVIEW_Idatetime8NDate of last review; HR option only
67EmployeeDATEOFNEXTREVIEW_Idatetime8NDate of next review; HR option only
68EmployeeBENEFITEXPIRE_Idatetime8NBenefit expire
69EmployeeHANDICAPPEDi41N0Handicapped; HR option only0=False; 1=True
70EmployeeVETERANi41N0Veteran; HR option only0=False; 1=True
71EmployeeVIETNAMVETERANi41N0Vietnam veteran; HR option only0=False; 1=True
72EmployeeDISABLEDVETERANi41N0Disabled veteran; HR option only0=False; 1=True
73EmployeeUNIONEMPLOYEEi41N0Union employee; HR option only0=False; 1=True
74EmployeeSMOKER_Ii41N0Smoker; HR option only0=False; 1=True
75EmployeeCITIZENi41N0Citizen; HR option only0=False; 1=True
76EmployeeVERIFIEDi41N0Verified; HR option only0=False; 1=True
77EmployeeI9RENEWdatetime8NI9 renew; HR option only
78EmployeePrimary_Pay_Recordstring6NPrimary pay record; HR option only
79EmployeeCHANGEBY_Istring15NChange by; HR option only
80EmployeeCHANGEDATE_Idatetime8NChange date; HR option only
81EmployeeUNIONCDstring6NUnion code; HR option only
82EmployeeRATECLSSstring15NRate class; HR option only
83EmployeeFEDCLSSCDstring10NFederal class; HR option only
84EmployeeOTHERVETi41N0Other veterans; HR option only
85EmployeeMilitary_Discharge_Datedatetime8NMilitary discharge date; HR option only
86EmployeeDefaultFromClassi41N1Default information from class0=False; 1=True
87EmployeeUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes
88EmployeeRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
94EmployeeUSERIDstring15NGP user ID
1Employee AddressEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee AddressADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableAddress code
3Employee AddressADDRESS1string60NAddress line 1
4Employee AddressADDRESS2string60NAddress line 2
5Employee AddressADDRESS3string60NAddress line 3
6Employee AddressCITYstring35NCity
7Employee AddressSTATEstring29NState
8Employee AddressZIPCODEstring10NZIP Code/postal code
9Employee AddressCOUNTYstring60NCounty
10Employee AddressCOUNTRYstring60NCountry
11Employee AddressPHONE1string21NPhone 1
12Employee AddressPHONE2string21NPhone 2
13Employee AddressPHONE3string21NPhone 3
14Employee AddressFAXstring21NFax number
15Employee AddressForeign_Addressi41N0Foreign address0=False; 1=True
16Employee AddressForeign_StateProvincestring23NForeign state or province
17Employee AddressForeign_Postal_Codestring15NForeign postal code
18Employee AddressCcodestring6NCountry code
19Employee AddressUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
20Employee AddressRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee BenefitEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee BenefitBENEFITstring6YNot applicablePay code
3Employee BenefitINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4Employee BenefitBNFBEGDTdatetime8NBenefit begin date; required if UseDefaultCoBenefit=0 and optional if UseDefaultCoBenefit=1
5Employee BenefitBNFENDDTdatetime8NBenefit end date
6Employee BenefitVARBENFTi41NDefault from setupVariable benefit/transaction required0=False; 1=True
7Employee BenefitBNFTFREQi42NDefault from setupBenefit frequency1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis
8Employee BenefitSBJTFDTXi41NDefault from setupSubject to federal tax0=False; 1=True
9Employee BenefitSBJTSSECi41NDefault from setupSubject to FICA Social Security tax0=False; 1=True
10Employee BenefitSBJTMCARi41NDefault from setupSubject to FICA Medicare tax0=False; 1=True
11Employee BenefitSBJTSTTXi41NDefault from setupSubject to state tax0=False; 1=True
12Employee BenefitSBJTLTAXi41NDefault from setupSubject to local tax0=False; 1=True
13Employee BenefitSBJTFUTAi41NDefault from setupSubject to FUTA tax0=False; 1=True
14Employee BenefitSBJTSUTAi41NDefault from setupSubject to SUTA tax0=False; 1=True
15Employee BenefitFFEDTXRTnumber21NDefault from setupFlat federal tax rate
16Employee BenefitFLSTTXRTnumber21NDefault from setupFlat state tax rate
17Employee BenefitBORCDTYPi42NDefault from setupBased on record type1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions
18Employee BenefitBSDORCDSi42NDefault from setupBased on records0=False; 1=True
19Employee BenefitBNFTMTHDi42NDefault from setupBenefit method1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Percentage of deduction; 4=Fixed amount; 5
20Employee BenefitBNFFRMLAi42NDefault from setupBenefit formula0=Single; 1=Multiple
21Employee BenefitBNFPRCNT_1number21NDefault from setupBenefit percent 1
22Employee BenefitBNFPRCNT_2number21NDefault from setupBenefit percent 2
23Employee BenefitBNFPRCNT_3number21NDefault from setupBenefit percent 3
24Employee BenefitBNFPRCNT_4number21NDefault from setupBenefit percent 4
25Employee BenefitBNFPRCNT_5number21NDefault from setupBenefit percent 5
26Employee BenefitBNFITAMT_1number21NDefault from setupBenefit amount 1
27Employee BenefitBNFITAMT_2number21NDefault from setupBenefit amount 2
28Employee BenefitBNFITAMT_3number21NDefault from setupBenefit amount 3
29Employee BenefitBNFITAMT_4number21NDefault from setupBenefit amount 4
30Employee BenefitBNFITAMT_5number21NDefault from setupBenefit amount 5
31Employee BenefitBNFTRMAX_1number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max 1
32Employee BenefitBNFTRMAX_2number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max 2
33Employee BenefitBNFTRMAX_3number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max 3
34Employee BenefitBNFTRMAX_4number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max 4
35Employee BenefitBNFTRMAX_5number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max 5
36Employee BenefitBNTRMXUN_1number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max units 1
37Employee BenefitBNTRMXUN_2number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max units 2
38Employee BenefitBNTRMXUN_3number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max units 3
39Employee BenefitBNTRMXUN_4number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max units 4
40Employee BenefitBNTRMXUN_5number21NDefault from setupBenefit tier max units 5
41Employee BenefitBNPAYPMXnumber21NDefault from setupBenefit pay period maximum
42Employee BenefitBNFYRMAXnumber21NDefault from setupBenefit year maximum
43Employee BenefitBenefit_Fiscal_Maxnumber21N0Benefit Fiscal Year Maximum
44Employee BenefitBNFLFMAXnumber21NDefault from setupBenefit lifetime maximum
45Employee BenefitW2BXNMBRi42NDefault from setupW-2 box number
46Employee BenefitW2BXLABLstring6NDefault from setupW-2 box label
47Employee BenefitW2BXNMBR2i42NW-2 Box Number 2
48Employee BenefitW2BXLABL2string6NW-2 Box Label 2
49Employee BenefitW2BXNMBR3i42N0W-2 Box Number 3
50Employee BenefitW2BXLABL3string6NW-2 Box Label 3
51Employee BenefitW2BXNMBR4i42N0W-2 Box Number 4
52Employee BenefitW2BXLABL4string6NW-2 Box Label 4
53Employee BenefitDATAENTDFLTi41NDefault from setupData entry default0=False; 1=True
54Employee BenefitEMPLRMAXMATnumber21NDefault from setupEmployer maximum match
55Employee BenefitUseDefaultCoBenefiti42NDefault from setupUse default company benefit0=False; 1=True
56Employee BenefitUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
57Employee BenefitRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBENEFITstring6YNot applicableBenefit
3Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBORCDTYPi42YNot applicableBased on record type1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions
4Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesBSDONCDEstring6YNot applicableDeduction description
5Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded CodesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee ClassEMPLCLASstring15YNot applicableEmployee class ID
2Employee ClassDSCRIPTNstring30YNot applicableClass description
3Employee ClassDEPRTMNTstring6NDepartment
4Employee ClassJOBTITLEstring6NJob title
5Employee ClassSUTASTATstring2NSUTA state
6Employee ClassWRKRCOMPstring6NWorkers' compensation
7Employee ClassMINETPAYnumber21N0Minimum net pay
8Employee ClassWKHRPRYRi42N2080Work hours per year
9Employee ClassWCACFPAYi42N0Which cash account for pay0=Checkbook; 1=Employee
10Employee ClassAccountNumberstring75NAccount number
11Employee ClassUSERDEF1string20NUser defined 1
12Employee ClassUSERDEF2string20NUser defined 2
13Employee ClassATACRVACi41N0Auto accrue vacation0=False; 1=True
14Employee ClassVACCRMTHi42N0Vacation accrual method0=False; 1=True
15Employee ClassVACCRAMTnumber21N0Vacation accrual amount
16Employee ClassVACAPRYRnumber21N0Vacation hours per year
17Employee ClassVACAVLBLnumber21N0Vacation available
18Employee ClassWRNVCNFLSBLWZRi41N1Warn vacation falls below zero0=False; 1=True
19Employee ClassATACRSTMi41N0Auto accrue sick time
20Employee ClassSTMACMTHi42N0Sick time accrual method
21Employee ClassSKTMACAMnumber21N0Sick time accrual amount
22Employee ClassSKTMHPYRnumber21N0Sick time hours per year
23Employee ClassSIKTIMAVnumber21N0Sick time available
24Employee ClassWRNSTFLSBLWZRi41N1Warn sick time falls below zero0=False; 1=True
25Employee ClassDEFLTCLSi41N0Default class0=False; 1=True
26Employee ClassCalc_Min_Wage_Bali41N0Calculate minimum wage balance0=False; 1=True
27Employee ClassEMPLOYMENTTYPEi42N1Type of employment1=Full-time regular; 2=Full-time temporary; 3=Part-time regular; 4=Part-time temporary; 5=Intern
28Employee ClassDefaultFromClassi41N1Flag to determine if a parameter is brought in blank and whether or not to pull from Default class0=No; 1=Yes
29Employee ClassUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
30Employee ClassRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee DeductionEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee DeductionDEDUCTONstring6YNot applicableDeduction
3Employee DeductionINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4Employee DeductionDEDBEGDTdatetime8NDeduction start date; required if not using deduction code as the default, so UseDefaultCoDeduction=0; optional if using the default and then UseDefaultCoDeduction=1
5Employee DeductionDEDENDDTdatetime8NDeduction end date
6Employee DeductionVARDEDTNi41NDefault from setupVariable deduction0=False; 1=True
7Employee DeductionDEDNFREQi42NDefault from setupDeduction frequency1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis
8Employee DeductionSFRFEDTXi41NDefault from setupSheltered from federal tax0=False; 1=True
9Employee DeductionSHFRFICAi41NDefault from setupSheltered from FICA tax0=False; 1=True
10Employee DeductionSHFRSTTXi41NDefault from setupSheltered from state tax0=False; 1=True
11Employee DeductionSFRLCLTXi41NDefault from setupSheltered from local tax0=False; 1=True
12Employee DeductionBSDORCDSi42NDefault from setupBased on records0=All; 1=Selected
13Employee DeductionDEDNMTHDi42NDefault from setupDeduction method1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Fixed amount; 4=Amount per unit 5=Percenta
14Employee DeductionDEDFRMLAi42NDefault from setupDeduction formula0=Single; 1=Multiple
15Employee DeductionDEDNPRCT_1number21NDefault from setupDeduction percentage 1
16Employee DeductionDEDNPRCT_2number21NDefault from setupDeduction percentage 2
17Employee DeductionDEDNPRCT_3number21NDefault from setupDeduction percentage 3
18Employee DeductionDEDNPRCT_4number21NDefault from setupDeduction percentage 4
19Employee DeductionDEDNPRCT_5number21NDefault from setupDeduction percentage 5
20Employee DeductionDEDCAMNT_1number21NDefault from setupDeduction amount 1
21Employee DeductionDEDCAMNT_2number21NDefault from setupDeduction amount 2
22Employee DeductionDEDCAMNT_3number21NDefault from setupDeduction amount 3
23Employee DeductionDEDCAMNT_4number21NDefault from setupDeduction amount 4
24Employee DeductionDEDCAMNT_5number21NDefault from setupDeduction amount 5
25Employee DeductionDEDTRMAX_1number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum 1
26Employee DeductionDEDTRMAX_2number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum 2
27Employee DeductionDEDTRMAX_3number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum 3
28Employee DeductionDEDTRMAX_4number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum 4
29Employee DeductionDEDTRMAX_5number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum 5
30Employee DeductionDETRMXUN_1number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum units 1
31Employee DeductionDETRMXUN_2number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum units 2
32Employee DeductionDETRMXUN_3number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum units 3
33Employee DeductionDETRMXUN_4number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum units 4
34Employee DeductionDETRMXUN_5number21NDefault from setupDeduction tier maximum units 5
35Employee DeductionDEPYPRMXnumber21NDefault from setupDeduction pay period maximum
36Employee DeductionDEDYRMAXnumber21NDefault from setupDeduction year maximum
37Employee DeductionDeduction_Fiscal_Yr_Maxnumber21N0Deduction fiscal year maximum
38Employee DeductionDEDLTMAXnumber21NDefault from setupDeduction life maximum
39Employee DeductionW2BXNMBRi42NDefault from setupW-2 box number
40Employee DeductionW2BXLABLstring6NDefault from setupW-2 box label
41Employee DeductionW2BXNMBR2i42NW-2 Box Number 2
42Employee DeductionW2BXLABL2string6NW-2 Box Label 2
43Employee DeductionW2BXNMBR3i42N0W-2 Box Number 3
44Employee DeductionW2BXLABL3string6NW-2 Box Label 3
45Employee DeductionW2BXNMBR4i42N0W-2 Box Number 4
46Employee DeductionW2BXLABL4string6NW-2 Box Label 4
47Employee DeductionDATAENTDFLTi41NDefault from setupData entry default0=False; 1=True
48Employee DeductionUseDefaultCoDeductioni42N1Use default company deduction0=False; 1=True
49Employee DeductionEARNINGSCODEstring15NEarnings code
50Employee DeductionCOURTDATEdatetime8NCourt Date
51Employee DeductionCOURTNAMEstring31NCourt name
52Employee DeductionDOCDESCRstring31NDocument ID
53Employee DeductionORIGINALAMOUNTnumber21N0Original amount
54Employee DeductionAMNTTAKENnumber21N0Amount taken
55Employee DeductionFEDMAXDEDstring15NFederal maximum deduction
56Employee DeductionSTATEMAXDEDstring15NState maximum deduction
57Employee DeductionVENDORIDstring15NVendor ID
58Employee DeductionUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow address data to be updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
59Employee DeductionRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee Deduction Based On Pay CodesEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee Deduction Based On Pay CodesDEDUCTIONstring6YNot applicableDeduction
3Employee Deduction Based On Pay CodesBSDONCDEstring30YNot applicableDeduction description
4Employee Deduction Based On Pay CodesRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee Local TaxEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee Local TaxLOCALTAXstring6YNot applicableLocal tax
3Employee Local TaxLCLFGSTSstring6NLocal filing statusSINGLE=Single; MAR=Married; ''=Not Applicable
4Employee Local TaxAULCLTAXi41N1Automatically calculate0=False; 1=True
5Employee Local TaxNUMOFEXMi42N0Number of exemptions
6Employee Local TaxINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
7Employee Local TaxADTLLOCWTHDNGnumber21N0Additional withholding
8Employee Local TaxUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
9Employee Local TaxRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee Pay CodeEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee Pay CodePAYRCORDstring6YNot applicablePay code
3Employee Pay CodeINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
4Employee Pay CodeBSPAYRCDstring6NDefault from setupBased on pay code
5Employee Pay CodePAYRTAMTnumber21NDefault from setupPay rate amount
6Employee Pay CodePAYUNITstring25NDefault from setupPay unit; required if passing a piecework pay code
7Employee Pay CodePAYUNPERi42NDefault from setupPay unit period1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis
8Employee Pay CodeRPTASWGSi41NDefault from setupReport as wages0=False; 1=True
9Employee Pay CodeSBJTFDTXi41NDefault from setupSubject to federal tax0=False; 1=True
10Employee Pay CodeSBJTSSECi41NDefault from setupSubject to Social Security0=False; 1=True
11Employee Pay CodeSBJTMCARi41NDefault from setupSubject to Medicare0=False; 1=True
12Employee Pay CodeSBJTSTTXi41NDefault from setupSubject to state tax0=False; 1=True
13Employee Pay CodeSBJTLTAXi41NDefault from setupSubject to local tax0=False; 1=True
14Employee Pay CodeSBJTFUTAi41NDefault from setupSubject to FUTA tax0=False; 1=True
15Employee Pay CodeSBJTSUTAi41NDefault from setupSubject to SUTA Tax0=False; 1=True
16Employee Pay CodeSUTASTATstring2NSUTA state
17Employee Pay CodeFFEDTXRTnumber21NDefault from setupFederal tax rate
18Employee Pay CodeFLSTTXRTnumber21NDefault from setupState tax rate
19Employee Pay CodePAYPERODi42NDefault from setupPay period
20Employee Pay CodeMXPYPPERnumber21NDefault from setupMaximum per pay period
21Employee Pay CodeTipTypei42NDefault from setupTip type1=Directly; 2=Indirectly
22Employee Pay CodePAYADVNCnumber21NDefault from setupPay advance
23Employee Pay CodeACRUVACNi41NDefault from setupAuto accrue vacation time0=False; 1=True
24Employee Pay CodeACRUSTIMi41NDefault from setupAuto accrue sick time0=False; 1=True
25Employee Pay CodeWRKRCOMPstring6NWorkers' compensation code
26Employee Pay CodeW2BXNMBRi42NDefault from setupW-2 box number
27Employee Pay CodeW2BXLABLstring6NDefault from setupW-2 box label
28Employee Pay CodeW2BXNMBR2i42NW-2 Box Number 2
29Employee Pay CodeW2BXLABL2string6NW-2 Box Label 2
30Employee Pay CodeW2BXNMBR3i42N0W-2 Box Number 3
31Employee Pay CodeW2BXLABL3string6NW-2 Box Label 3
32Employee Pay CodeW2BXNMBR4i42N0W-2 Box Number 4
33Employee Pay CodeW2BXLABL4string6NW-2 Box Label 4
34Employee Pay CodePYADVTKNnumber21N0Pay advance taken
35Employee Pay CodeDATAENTDFLTi41NDefault from setupData entry level0=False; 1=True
36Employee Pay CodePrimary_Pay_Recordi41N0Primary Pay Record HR Only Option 0=False 1=True
37Employee Pay CodeSHFTCODEstring6NDefault from setupShift code
38Employee Pay CodePAYFACTRnumber21NDefault from setupPay factor
39Employee Pay CodeUseDefaultCoPayCodei42N1Use default company pay code0=False; 1=True
40Employee Pay CodeUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
41Employee Pay CodeRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee State TaxEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee State TaxSTATECDstring15YNot applicableState code
3Employee State TaxTXFLGSTSstring30NTax filing status
4Employee State TaxEXMFBLNDi41N0Exemption for blind0=False; 1=True
5Employee State TaxEXFBLSPSi41N0Exemption for blind spouse0=False; 1=True
6Employee State TaxEXFORO65i41N0Exemption for over 650=False; 1=True
7Employee State TaxEXMFRSLFi41N0Exemption for self0=False; 1=True
8Employee State TaxEXMFSPALi41N0Exemption for special allowance0=False; 1=True
9Employee State TaxEXMFRSPSi41N0Exemption for spouse0=False; 1=True
10Employee State TaxEXFSPO65i41N0Exemption for spouse over 650=False; 1=True
11Employee State TaxPRSNEXPTi42N0Personal exemption
12Employee State TaxDEPNDNTSi42N0Dependents
13Employee State TaxADNLALOWi42N0Additional allowances
14Employee State TaxESTDEDALi42N0Estimated deduction allowance
15Employee State TaxEXMTAMNTnumber21N0Exemption amount
16Employee State TaxADSTWHDGnumber21N0Additional state withholding
17Employee State TaxESTSTWHDnumber21N0Estimated state withholding
18Employee State TaxINACTIVEi41N0Inactive0=False; 1=True
19Employee State TaxUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
20Employee State TaxRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1Employee TaxEMPLOYIDstring15YNot applicableEmployee ID
2Employee TaxFDFLGSTSstring15NFederal filing statusMAR=Married; SINGLE=Single; BLANK=Exempt; NRA=Non-resident alien
3Employee TaxFEDEXMPTi430N0Number of exemptions claimed
4Employee TaxADFDWHDGnumber30N0Additional federal withholding
5Employee TaxESTFEDWHnumber30N0Estimated federal withholding
6Employee TaxSTATECDstring30NState code
7Employee TaxLOCALTAXstring29NLocal tax code
8Employee TaxW2BF942Ei41N0W2 box for 942 employee0=False; 1=True
9Employee TaxW2BFDCSDi41N0W2 box for deceased0=False; 1=True
10Employee TaxW2BFDCMPi41N0W2 box for deferred compensation0=False; 1=True
11Employee TaxW2BFLREPi41N0W2 box for legal representative0=False; 1=True
12Employee TaxW2BFPPLNi41N0W2 box for pension plan0=False; 1=True
13Employee TaxW2BFSTEMi41N0W2 box for statutory employee0=False; 1=True
14Employee TaxMCRQGEMPi41N0Medicare qualified government employee
15Employee TaxEICFLGSTstring6NEIC filing statusBLANK=Not eligible; MAR=Married, both spouses file certificate; MAR2=Married without spouse filing c
16Employee TaxNYTXDiffi41N1Withhold NY tax difference
17Employee TaxUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists0=No; 1=Yes
18Employee TaxRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S Equipment MasterSERLNMBRstring21YNot applicableSerial number
2F S Equipment MasterITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number
3F S Equipment MasterREFRENCEstring31NA reference about the equipment
4F S Equipment MasterVersionstring31NThe version of the equipment
5F S Equipment MasterSRLSTATstring11NDefault from setupThe status of the equipment
6F S Equipment MasterCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
7F S Equipment MasterADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableCustomer address code
8F S Equipment MasterADDRESS1string61NCustomer address line 1
9F S Equipment MasterADDRESS2string61NCustomer address line 2
10F S Equipment MasterADDRESS3string61NCustomer address line 2
11F S Equipment MasterCITYstring35NCustomer city
12F S Equipment MasterSTATEstring29NCustomer state code
13F S Equipment MasterZIPstring11NCustomer ZIP Code
14F S Equipment MasterCOUNTRYstring61NCustomer country
15F S Equipment MasterCNTCPRSNstring61NCustomer Contact person
16F S Equipment MasterINSTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the equipment was installed
17F S Equipment MasterShipped_Datedatetime8NNot applicableThe date the equipment was shipped
18F S Equipment MasterSVC_Register_Datedatetime8NNot applicableThe date the equipment was registered
19F S Equipment MasterLSTPMDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe last date that preventive maintenance was performed on the equipment
20F S Equipment MasterLSTSRVDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe last date of a service call for the equipment
21F S Equipment MasterTECHIDstring11NThe primary technician responsible for the equipment
22F S Equipment MasterOFFIDstring11NThe office responsible for servicing the equipment
23F S Equipment MasterSVCAREAstring11NThe service area in which the equipment is installed
24F S Equipment MasterTIMEZONEstring3NThe time zone where is equipment is installed
25F S Equipment MasterVENDORIDstring15NThe vendor from which the equipment was originally purchased
26F S Equipment MasterWARRCDEstring11NThe warranty code offered by the vendor for the equipment
27F S Equipment MasterWARRSTARTdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the vendor warranty starts for the equipment
28F S Equipment MasterWARRENDdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the vendor warranty ends for the equipment
29F S Equipment MasterSLRWARRstring11NThe seller warranty code, which represents the warranty your company offers after the vendor warranty expires
30F S Equipment MasterSLRWSTARTdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the seller warranty starts for the equipment
31F S Equipment MasterSLRWENDdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the seller warranty ends for the equipment
32F S Equipment MasterNOTETXTstring2000NNotes field
33F S Equipment MasterSVC_PM_Datei42NThe month preferred by the customer for when annual preventive maintenance events are to be performed. Valid values areJanuary; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December
34F S Equipment MasterSVC_PM_Dayi42NThe day of the month preferred by the customer for when annual preventive maintenance events are to be performed
35F S Equipment MasterUSERDEF1string21NUser defined 1
36F S Equipment MasterUSERDEF2string21NUser defined 2
37F S Equipment MasterUSRDEF03string21NUser defined 3
38F S Equipment MasterUSRDEF04string21NUser defined 4
39F S Equipment MasterUSRDEF05string21NUser defined 5
40F S Equipment MasterSVC_Serial_IDstring21NThe serial number for the item on the equipment. This field is only available for serial tracked items.
41F S Equipment MasterSVC_Asset_Tagstring21NThe asset tag for the equipment
42F S Equipment MasterUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
43F S Equipment MasterRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S Equipment ReadingSERLNMBRstring21YNot applicableSerial number
2F S Equipment ReadingITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number
3F S Equipment ReadingMeters_1i48NThe current reading for meter 1.
4F S Equipment ReadingMeters_2i48NThe current reading for meter 2.
5F S Equipment ReadingMeters_3i48NThe current reading for meter 3.
6F S Equipment ReadingMeters_4i48NThe current reading for meter 4.
7F S Equipment ReadingMeters_5i48NThe current reading for meter 5.
8F S Equipment ReadingReplaces_1i41N0Flag which indicates that meter 1 has been replaced. Values are0=False; 1=True
9F S Equipment ReadingReplaces_2i41N0Flag which indicates that meter 2 has been replaced. Values are0=False; 1=True
10F S Equipment ReadingReplaces_3i41N0Flag which indicates that meter 3 has been replaced. Values are0=False; 1=True
11F S Equipment ReadingReplaces_4i41N0Flag which indicates that meter 4 has been replaced. Values are0=False; 1=True
12F S Equipment ReadingReplaces_5i41N0Flag which indicates that meter 5 has been replaced. Values are0=False; 1=True
13F S Equipment ReadingLSTDTEDTdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the equipment reading was last updated.
1F S R M A LineReturn_Record_Typei42YNot applicableRMA record type
2F S R M A LineRETDOCIDstring15YNot applicableRMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP.
3F S R M A LineLNSEQNBRnumber21N0The sequence number for the line. If not provided on an update a new line will be created.
4F S R M A LineRETTYPEstring11NDefault from setupReturn Type
5F S R M A LineRETSTATstring3NDefault from setupRMA Status Code
6F S R M A LineCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
7F S R M A LineADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableCustomer address code
8F S R M A LineITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number of item being returned
9F S R M A LineITEMDESCstring101NNot applicableDescription of item being returned
10F S R M A LineLOCNCODEstring11YReturn location code
11F S R M A LineSVC_Ready_To_Closei41N0Flag to indicate whether the line is ready for closing or not; 0=No, 1=Yes
12F S R M A LineSVC_RMA_Reason_Codestring3NRMA Reason code
13F S R M A LineNOTETXTstring2000NNotes field
14F S R M A LineRETORIGi42N1Return Origin; 1=None, 2=Service Call, 3=SOP
15F S R M A LineRETREFstring31NReturn reference document number – SOP Invoice or Service Call Number
16F S R M A LineEQPLINEi44NNot applicableEquipment sequence line number of the service call line
17F S R M A LineLNITMSEQi44NNot applicableThe sequence number for the service call line
18F S R M A LineSVC_RMA_From_Servicei41NNot applicableFlag to indicate whether RMA was created from Service Call; 0=No, 1=Yes
19F S R M A LineCMPNTSEQi44NNot applicableThe component sequence number for the sales invoice line
20F S R M A LineSOP_Line_Item_Sequencei44NNot applicableThe line sequence number for the sales invoice line
21F S R M A LineENTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RMA was entered
22F S R M A LineENTTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RMA was entered
23F S R M A LineETADTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the item being returned is expected to arrive
24F S R M A LineETATMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the item being returned is expected to arrive
25F S R M A LineCommit_Datedatetime8NNot applicableThe commit date for the RMA
26F S R M A LineCommit_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe commit time for the RMA
27F S R M A LineRETUDATEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the item being returned was received
28F S R M A LineReturn_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe time the item being returned was received
29F S R M A LineCOMPDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RMA was closed
30F S R M A LineCOMPTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RMA was closed
31F S R M A LinePRMDATEdatetime8NNot applicableThe promise date for the RMA
32F S R M A LineUSERIDstring15NThe user who created the RMA
33F S R M A LineOFFIDstring11NOffice ID responsible for the RMA
34F S R M A LineRTRNNAMEstring45NReturn location name
35F S R M A LineRETADDR1string61NReturn address line 1
36F S R M A LineRETADDR2string61NReturn address line 2
37F S R M A LineRETADDR3string61NReturn address line 2
38F S R M A LineRTRNCITYstring21NReturn city
39F S R M A LineSVC_Return_Statestring29NReturn state code
40F S R M A LineRTRNZIPstring11NReturn ZIP Code
41F S R M A LineReturn_Countrystring61NReturn country
42F S R M A LineCUSTNAMEstring65NCustomer name
43F S R M A LineCONTACTstring61NCustomer contact
44F S R M A LineADDRESS1string61NCustomer address line 1
45F S R M A LineADDRESS2string61NCustomer address line 2
46F S R M A LineADDRESS3string61NCustomer address line 2
47F S R M A LineCITYstring35NCustomer city
48F S R M A LineSTATEstring29NCustomer state code
49F S R M A LineZIPCODEstring11NCustomer ZIP Code
50F S R M A LineCOUNTRYstring61NCustomer country
51F S R M A LineCSTPONBRstring21NCustomer PO number
52F S R M A LineQUANTITYnumber21NNot applicableQuantity of item being returned
53F S R M A LineUOFMstring9NUnit of measure
54F S R M A LineUNITCOSTnumber21N0Unit cost of item being returned
55F S R M A LineUNITPRCEnumber21N0Unit price of item being returned
56F S R M A LineXTNDPRCEnumber21N0Extended price of item being returned
57F S R M A LineCUSTOWNi41N0Flag to indicate if item was owned by customer. 0=No, 1=Yes
58F S R M A LineFACTSEALi41N0Flag to indicate if item was factory sealed. 0=No, 1=Yes
59F S R M A LineFlat_Rate_Repair_Pricenumber21N0Flat rate repair price
60F S R M A LineRepair_Pricenumber21N0Repair price
61F S R M A LineNTE_Pricenumber21N0Not to exceed price
62F S R M A LineRepair_Costnumber21N0Repair cost
63F S R M A LineBill_of_Ladingstring31NBill of Lading for shipping out to customer
64F S R M A LineSHIPMTHDstring15NShipping method
65F S R M A LineLocation_Code_Replacemenstring11NReplacement location code
66F S R M A LineReplace_Item_Numberstring31NReplacement item number
67F S R M A LineReplace_U_Of_Mstring9NReplacement unit of measure
68F S R M A LineReplace_Price_Levelstring11NReplacement price level
69F S R M A LineReplace_QTYnumber21N0Replacement quantity
70F S R M A LineReplace_Costnumber21N0Replacement unit cost
71F S R M A LineReplace_Pricenumber21N0Replacement unit price
72F S R M A LineItem_Number_Invoicestring31NInvoice item number
73F S R M A LineUSERDEF1string21NUser defined 1
74F S R M A LineUSERDEF2string21NUser defined 2
75F S R M A LineUSRDEF03string21NUser defined 3
76F S R M A LineUSRDEF04string21NUser defined 4
77F S R M A LineUSRDEF05string21NUser defined 5
78F S R M A LineCURNCYIDstring15NCurrency ID
79F S R M A LineReturn_Item_Numberstring31NItem number of item that was returned
80F S R M A LineReturn_Item_Descriptionstring51NDescription of item that was returned
81F S R M A LineReturn_Location_Codestring11NLocation code where item was returned
82F S R M A LineReturn_QTYnumber21N0Quantity of item that was returned
83F S R M A LineReturn_U_Of_Mstring8NReturn unit of measure
84F S R M A LineRETCOSTnumber21N0Return unit cost
85F S R M A LineSVC_Return_Price_Levelstring11NReturn price level
86F S R M A LineSVC_Return_Pricenumber21N0Return unit price
87F S R M A LineSVC_Extended_Return_Pricnumber21N0Return extended price
88F S R M A LineSVC_FO_IDstring51NFront office integration ID
89F S R M A LineSVC_SCM_Completei42N0Flag to indicate whether SCM is complete; 0=False, 1=True
90F S R M A LineUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
91F S R M A LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S R M A Line SerialReturn_Record_Typei42YNot applicableRMA record type
2F S R M A Line SerialRETDOCIDstring15YNot applicableRMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP.
3F S R M A Line SerialCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
4F S R M A Line SerialADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableCustomer address code
5F S R M A Line SerialLNSEQNBRnumber21Y0The sequence number for the line
6F S R M A Line SerialQTYTYPEi42Y1Quantity Type; 1=On Hand; 2=Returned; 3=In Use; 4=In Service; 5=Damaged
7F S R M A Line SerialSERLTQTYnumber21N1Serial/Lot Qty, > 0 indicates add/update, < 0 indicates delete if exists
8F S R M A Line SerialITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number of item being returned
9F S R M A Line SerialSERLNMBRstring21YNot applicableSerial number of item being returned
10F S R M A Line SerialLOCNCODEstring11YNot applicableThe location code for serial numbers used on the RMA line
11F S R M A Line SerialSLTSQNUMi44N0Serial sequence number. If not passed in this value defaults to 1 for the first serial number and increments by 1 for each additional serial number tracked for a single parts line. On an update if this value is not provided a new serial line record will be created instead of updating the existing record.
12F S R M A Line SerialBINstring15NBin number
13F S R M A Line SerialSVC_Original_Seriali41NNot applicableFlag to indicate whether its the original IV Serial. 0=No, 1=Yes
14F S R M A Line SerialDATERECDdatetime8NNot applicableDate received
15F S R M A Line SerialReplaceItemi41N0Flag to indicate if the line is for a Replacement Item. 0=No, 1=Yes
16F S R M A Line SerialUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
17F S R M A Line SerialRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S R M A MasterReturn_Record_Typei42YNot applicableRMA record type
2F S R M A MasterRETDOCIDstring15YNot applicableRMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP.
3F S R M A MasterRETORIGi42NDefault from setupReturn Origin; 1=None, 2=Service Call, 3=SOP
4F S R M A MasterRETREFstring31NReturn reference document number – SOP Invoice or Service Call Number
5F S R M A MasterRETSTATstring3NDefault from setupRMA Status Code
6F S R M A MasterRETTYPEstring15YDefault from setupReturn Type
7F S R M A MasterENTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RMA was entered
8F S R M A MasterENTTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RMA was entered
9F S R M A MasterETADTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the item being returned is expected to arrive
10F S R M A MasterETATMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the item being returned is expected to arrive
11F S R M A MasterCommit_Datedatetime8NNot applicableThe commit date for the RMA
12F S R M A MasterCommit_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe commit time for the RMA
13F S R M A MasterRETUDATEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the item being returned was received
14F S R M A MasterReturn_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe time the item being returned was received
15F S R M A MasterCOMPDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RMA was closed
16F S R M A MasterCOMPTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RMA was closed
17F S R M A MasterUSERIDstring15NThe user who created the RMA
18F S R M A MasterOFFIDstring11NOffice ID responsible for the RMA
19F S R M A MasterRTRNNAMEstring45NReturn location name
20F S R M A MasterRETADDR1string61NReturn address line 1
21F S R M A MasterRETADDR2string61NReturn address line 2
22F S R M A MasterRETADDR3string61NReturn address line 2
23F S R M A MasterRTRNCITYstring21NReturn city
24F S R M A MasterSVC_Return_Statestring29NReturn state code
25F S R M A MasterRTRNZIPstring11NReturn ZIP Code
26F S R M A MasterReturn_Countrystring61NReturn country
27F S R M A MasterLOCNCODEstring11NDefault from setupReturn location code
28F S R M A MasterCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer ID
29F S R M A MasterADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableCustomer Address ID
30F S R M A MasterCUSTNAMEstring65NCustomer name
31F S R M A MasterCONTACTstring61NCustomer contact
32F S R M A MasterADDRESS1string61NCustomer address line 1
33F S R M A MasterADDRESS2string61NCustomer address line 2
34F S R M A MasterADDRESS3string61NCustomer address line 2
35F S R M A MasterCITYstring35NCustomer city
36F S R M A MasterSTATEstring29NCustomer state code
37F S R M A MasterZIPCODEstring11NCustomer ZIP Code
38F S R M A MasterCOUNTRYstring61NCustomer country
39F S R M A MasterNOTETXTstring2000NNotes field
40F S R M A MasterBill_of_Ladingstring31NBill of Lading for shipping out to customer
41F S R M A MasterSHIPMTHDstring15NShipping Method
42F S R M A MasterBill_To_Customerstring15NDefault from setupBill To Customer ID
43F S R M A MasterSVC_Bill_To_Address_Codestring15NDefault from setupBill To Customer Address ID
44F S R M A MasterUSERDEF1string21NUser defined 1
45F S R M A MasterUSERDEF2string21NUser defined 2
46F S R M A MasterUSRDEF03string21NUser defined 3
47F S R M A MasterUSRDEF04string21NUser defined 4
48F S R M A MasterUSRDEF05string21NUser defined 5
49F S R M A MasterCURNCYIDstring15NCurrency ID
50F S R M A MasterCSTPONBRstring21NCustomer PO number
51F S R M A MasterSVC_RMA_Reason_Codestring3NRMA Reason code
52F S R M A MasterSVC_RMA_From_Servicei41NNot applicableFlag to indicate whether RMA was created from Service Call; 0=No, 1=Yes
53F S R M A MasterSVC_FO_IDstring51NFront office integration ID
54F S R M A MasterUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
55F S R M A MasterRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S R T V LineRTV_Numberstring15YNot applicableRTV number
2F S R T V LineRTV_Linenumber21NNot applicableThe sequence number for the line
3F S R T V LineRTV_Typestring11NDefault from setupRTV Type
4F S R T V LineVRMA_Document_IDstring15NVendor’s RMA Document Number
5F S R T V LineRETDOCIDstring15NNot applicableCustomer’s RMA Number
6F S R T V LineLNSEQNBRnumber21NRMA line sequence number
7F S R T V LineSVC_Process_SEQ_number21NRMA process sequence number
8F S R T V LineDSCRIPTNstring31NRTV description
9F S R T V LineREFRENCEstring31NReference information
10F S R T V LineReference2string31NAdditional reference information
11F S R T V LineITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number being returned
12F S R T V LineITEMDESCstring101NNot applicableItem description
13F S R T V LineQUANTITYnumber21N0Quantity of item being returned
14F S R T V LineUOFMstring9YUnit of measure
15F S R T V LineVENDORIDstring15YNot applicableVendor ID
16F S R T V LineADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableVendor Address ID
17F S R T V LineShip_Address_Namestring65NName of Contact Person for Vendor’s Ship To Address
18F S R T V LineShip_Address_1string61NShip to address line 1
19F S R T V LineShip_Address_2string61NShip to address line 2
20F S R T V LineShip_Address_3string61NShip to address line 3
21F S R T V LineShip_Citystring35NCity name of vendor’s ship to address
22F S R T V LineShip_Statestring29NState of vendor’s ship to address
23F S R T V LineZIPCODEstring11NZip Code of vendor’s ship to address
24F S R T V LineShip_Countrystring61NCountry name of vendor’s ship to address
25F S R T V LineVNDITNUMstring31NVendor’s Item Number
26F S R T V LineReturn_Item_Numberstring31NItem Number being returned
27F S R T V LineOFFIDstring11NOffice ID responsible for RTV
28F S R T V LineLOCCODEBstring11NLocation Code from where item was shipped to vendor
29F S R T V LineLOCNCODEstring11NLocation Code from where item will be received
30F S R T V LineENTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV line was entered
31F S R T V LineENTTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV line was entered
32F S R T V LinePRMDATEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV line was promised
33F S R T V LinePromised_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV line was promised
34F S R T V LineShipped_Datedatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV line was shipped
35F S R T V LineShipped_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV line was shipped
36F S R T V LineReceiptdatedatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV line was received
37F S R T V LineReceipt_Timedatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV line was received
38F S R T V LineCOMPDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV line was closed
39F S R T V LineCOMPTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV line was closed
40F S R T V LineBill_of_Lading_Outstring31NBill of Lading number for shipment to vendor
41F S R T V LineShipping_Method_Outstring15NShipping method for shipment to vendor
42F S R T V LineBill_of_Ladingstring31NBill of Lading number for returning
43F S R T V LineSHIPMTHDstring15NShipment method for returning
44F S R T V LineTracking_Numberstring41NShipment tracking number
45F S R T V LineNOTETXTstring2000NNotes field
46F S R T V LineCUSTOWNi41NDefault from setupFlag to indicate whether item was owned by customer; 0=No, 1=Yes
47F S R T V LineUSERDEF1string21NUser defined 1
48F S R T V LineUSERDEF2string21NUser defined 2
49F S R T V LineUSRDEF03string21NUser defined 3
50F S R T V LineUSRDEF04string21NUser defined 4
51F S R T V LineUSRDEF05string21NUser defined 5
52F S R T V LineCURNCYIDstring15YCurrency ID
53F S R T V LinePart_Pricenumber21N0Unit price
54F S R T V LinePart_Costnumber21N0Unit cost
55F S R T V LineLabor_Pricenumber21N0Labor price involved in fulfilling RTV
56F S R T V LineLabor_Costnumber21N0Labor cost involved in fulfilling RTV
57F S R T V LineExpense_Pricenumber21N0Expense price involved in fulfilling RTV
58F S R T V LineExpense_Costnumber21N0Expense cost involved in fulfilling RTV
59F S R T V LineTravel_Pricenumber21N0Travel price involved in fulfilling RTV
60F S R T V LineTravel_Costnumber21N0Travel cost involved in fulfilling RTV
61F S R T V LineUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
62F S R T V LineRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S R T V Line SerialRTV_Numberstring15YNot applicableRTV number
2F S R T V Line SerialRTV_Linenumber21NNot applicableThe sequence number for the line
3F S R T V Line SerialVENDORIDstring15YNot applicableVendor ID
4F S R T V Line SerialADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableVendor address code
5F S R T V Line SerialQTYTYPEi42YNot applicableQuantity Type; 1=On Hand; 2=Returned; 3=In Use; 4=In Service; 5=Damaged
6F S R T V Line SerialSERLTQTYnumber21N1Serial/Lot Qty, > 0 indicates add/update, < 0 indicates delete if exists
7F S R T V Line SerialSLTSQNUMi44NoSerial sequence number. If not passed in this value defaults to 1 for the first serial number and increments by 1 for each additional serial number tracked for a single parts line. On an update if this value is not provided a new serial line record will be created instead of updating the existing record.
8F S R T V Line SerialInOrOuti42N1Flag which indicates whether it’s an incoming item (from vendor) or an outgoing (to vendor) item. Values1=Sent/Out, 2=Received/In
9F S R T V Line SerialITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number of item being returned
10F S R T V Line SerialSERLNMBRstring21NNot applicableSerial number of item being returned
11F S R T V Line SerialLOCNCODEstring11YNot applicableThe location code for serial numbers used on the RMA line
12F S R T V Line SerialBINstring15NBin number
13F S R T V Line SerialSVC_Original_Seriali41NNot applicableFlag to indicate whether its the original IV Serial. 0=No, 1=Yes
14F S R T V Line SerialDATERECDdatetime8NNot applicableDate received
15F S R T V Line SerialShippedi41NNot applicableFlag to indicate if the serial has been shipped. 0=No, 1=Yes
16F S R T V Line SerialCREATEEQUIPMENTi41N0Flag to create equipment record if none exists for the serial number. 0=No, 1=Yes
17F S R T V Line SerialUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
18F S R T V Line SerialRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S R T V MasterRTV_Numberstring15YNot applicableRTV number
2F S R T V MasterRTV_Typestring11YDefault from setupRTV Type
3F S R T V MasterRTV_Return_Statusstring3NDefault from setupRTV Status
4F S R T V MasterVRMA_Document_IDstring15NVendor’s RMA Document Number
5F S R T V MasterRETDOCIDstring15NCustomer’s RMA Number
6F S R T V MasterDSCRIPTNstring31NRTV description
7F S R T V MasterVENDORIDstring15YNot applicableVendor ID
8F S R T V MasterVENDNAMEstring65NVendor name
9F S R T V MasterCKHOLDi42N0A flag to determine whether the vendor's hold status is checked when the document is created. 0=Do not check; 1=check
10F S R T V MasterADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableVendor Address ID
11F S R T V MasterShip_Address_Namestring65NName of Contact Person for Vendor’s Ship To Address
12F S R T V MasterShip_Address_1string61NShip to address line 1
13F S R T V MasterShip_Address_2string61NShip to address line 2
14F S R T V MasterShip_Address_3string61NShip to address line 3
15F S R T V MasterShip_Citystring35NCity name of vendor’s ship to address
16F S R T V MasterShip_Statestring29NState of vendor’s ship to address
17F S R T V MasterZIPCODEstring11NZip Code of vendor’s ship to address
18F S R T V MasterShip_Countrystring61NCountry name of vendor’s ship to address
19F S R T V MasterENTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableThe date the RTV was entered
20F S R T V MasterENTTMEdatetime8NNot applicableThe time the RTV was entered
21F S R T V MasterLOCCODEBstring11NLocation Code from where item was shipped to vendor
22F S R T V MasterLOCNCODEstring11NLocation Code from where item will be received
23F S R T V MasterBill_of_Lading_Outstring31NBill of Lading number for shipment to vendor
24F S R T V MasterShipping_Method_Outstring15NShipping method for shipment to vendor
25F S R T V MasterBill_of_Ladingstring31NBill of Lading number for returning
26F S R T V MasterSHIPMTHDstring15NShipment method for returning
27F S R T V MasterOFFIDstring11NOffice ID responsible for RTV
28F S R T V MasterNOTETXTstring2000NNotes field
29F S R T V MasterUSERIDstring15NUser who created the Return To Vendor
30F S R T V MasterUSERDEF1string21NUser defined 1
31F S R T V MasterUSERDEF2string21NUser defined 2
32F S R T V MasterUSRDEF03string21NUser defined 3
33F S R T V MasterUSRDEF04string21NUser defined 4
34F S R T V MasterUSRDEF05string21NUser defined 5
35F S R T V MasterCURNCYIDstring15YCurrency ID
36F S R T V MasterUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists0=Do not update; 1=Update
37F S R T V MasterRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S Service Call Codes EquipmentSRVRECTYPEi42YNot applicableService record type1=Quote; 2=Open
2F S Service Call Codes EquipmentCALLNBRstring11YNot applicableCall number
3F S Service Call Codes EquipmentITEMNMBRstring31NItem number
4F S Service Call Codes EquipmentSERLNMBRstring21NSerial number
5F S Service Call Codes EquipmentCUSTNMBRstring15NCustomer number
6F S Service Call Codes EquipmentPROBCDEstring11NProblem code
7F S Service Call Codes EquipmentCAUSECDEstring11NCause code
8F S Service Call Codes EquipmentRPRCODEstring11NRepair code
9F S Service Call Codes EquipmentPMPERFi41N0PM performed
10F S Service Call Codes EquipmentUpdateIfExistsi41N1Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists0=No; 1=Yes
11F S Service Call Codes EquipmentRequesterTrxi42N0Requester transaction0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table)
1F S Service Call LineSRVRECTYPEi42YNot applicableService record type
2F S Service Call LineCALLNBRstring11YNot applicableService call number
3F S Service Call LineEQPLINEi44N1The Equipment Sequence Number. If not provided on an update the default will be 1.
4F S Service Call LineLNITMSEQi44N0The sequence number for the line. If not provided on an update a new service call line record will be created.
5F S Service Call LineLINITMTYPstring3YPIndicates the type of service call line. Options areA=Additional Charge; E=Expense; L=Labor; P=Parts. If not provided the default will be P for parts.
6F S Service Call LineSRVSTATstring3NNot applicableThe status of the service call line; Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts).
7F S Service Call LineTECHIDstring11NNot applicableThe technician of the service call line; Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts).
8F S Service Call LineCUSTNMBRstring15YNot applicableCustomer number
9F S Service Call LineADRSCODEstring15YNot applicableCustomer address code
10F S Service Call LineITEMNMBRstring31YNot applicableItem number If multiple bins is enabled, inventory setup is not supported.
11F S Service Call LineCKNORETURNSi41N0Flag used to indicate not to create returnable line for items that are set as returnable; 0=False; 1=True
12F S Service Call LineITEMDESCstring101NNot applicableItem description
13F S Service Call LineLOCNCODEstring11YNot applicableThe location code for parts used on the service call line
14F S Service Call LineUOFMstring9NUnit of measure
15F S Service Call LineQTYORDERnumber21N0The amount of labor or quantity of parts required for the service call line. Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts).
16F S Service Call LineATYALLOCnumber21N0The quantity of the parts line that is allocated in Inventory. Only valid for line type = P (Parts) and will be unallocated when the part is used.
17F S Service Call LineQTYBACKOnumber21N0The quantity of the parts line that is backordered. Only valid for line type = P (Parts) and will be reduced as the backorder is filled by an Inventory transfer or receipt of a purchase order.
18F S Service Call LineQTYSOLDnumber21N0The quantity of the line that was actually used. This is the value that will be transferred to the invoice during the service call billing process. You will have to manually post the inventory adjustment transaction that is created.
19F S Service Call LineUNITCOSTnumber21N0The cost per unit of measure for the current detailed entry. This cost will typically default from the Inventory current cost for most items, but can be modified for additional charge and expense lines.
20F S Service Call LineUNITPRCEnumber21N0The price per unit of measure for the service call line
21F S Service Call LineXTNDPRCEnumber21N0The extended price of the line, which is the unit price times the quantity sold. This value may also be affected by the applicable billing percentage for parts, labor or miscellaneous lines.
22F S Service Call LineNOTETXTstring3000NNotes field
23F S Service Call LineSTRTDATEdatetime8NNot applicableOnly valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the date on which the labor line started.
24F S Service Call LineSTRTTIMEdatetime8NNot applicableOnly valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the time on which the labor line started.
25F S Service Call LineENDDATEdatetime8NNot applicableOnly valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the date on which the labor line ended.
26F S Service Call LineENDTMEdatetime8NNot applicableOnly valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the time on which the labor line ended.
27F S Service Call LineTRANSTMEnumber11N0The actual time for a labor line and is only valid for line type = L (Labor). Values should be in portions of an hour. For example, a half hour would be 00030, while one hour would be 00100
28F S Service Call LineBILLABLTIMnumber11N0The amount of time that should be billed for a labor line and is only valid for line type = L (Labor).This value may vary from the transaction time field based on rounding or minimum labor settings. Values should be in portions of an hour. For example, a half hour would be 00030, while one hour would be 00100
29F S Service Call LineENTDTEdatetime8NNot applicableEntry Date
30F S Service Call LineENTTMEdatetime8NNot applicableEntry Time
31F S Service Call LineLABPCTnumber21NDefault from setupThe percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = L (Labor). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100
32F S Service Call LinePARTPCTnumber21NDefault from setupThe percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = P (Parts). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100
33F S Service Call LineMISCPCTnumber21NDefault from setupThe percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = A (Additional Charge) or E (Expense). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100
34F S Service Call LineCKCREATEPOi42N0Flag used to indicate if a PO for a parts line should be created; 0=False; 1=True
35F S Service Call LineVENDORIDstring15NNot applicableVendor number