Ord | eConnectNode | GPName | DataType | Length | Required | Default | TGPName | PossibleValues |
1 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDim | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | ||
2 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCode | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | AA Transaction Dimension Code String reference to the desired transaction dimension code. It can exist to be updated or can be created on the fly | |
3 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Create, update, or remove notes for the specified dimension code | ||
4 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | INACTIVE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0 = Active, 1 = inactive New codes default to Active unless otherwise specified. Existing codes can be updated to either active or inactive based on the value (0 or 1) - If the Transaction Dimension / Transaction Dimension Code combination is setup as an owner of another it cannot be updated to inactive. | |
5 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCodeDescr | string | 50 | N | Transaction Dimension Code Description. Required for new codes. Existing description 1 string can be changed, but cannot be left blank | ||
6 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCodeDescr2 | string | 50 | N | Transaction Dimension Code Description 2. Optional for both new created codes and existing code updates | ||
7 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaNode | string | 50 | N | Required for new codes and can be changed using update logic. Node must exist and be already be linked to the Transaction Dimension. The Node and the Node Link cannot be created on the fly | ||
8 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaOwnedBy | string | 30 | N | Transaction Dimension Code Owner. Required for new codes that have a transaction dimension owned by another transaction dimension. This is available only if the transaction dimension selected is owned by another transaction dimension and both are of the alphanumeric type | ||
9 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText1 | string | 31 | N | User-defined text1 | ||
10 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText2 | string | 31 | N | User-defined text2 | ||
11 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText3 | string | 31 | N | User-defined text3 | ||
12 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText4 | string | 31 | N | User-defined text4 | ||
13 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText5 | string | 31 | N | User-defined text5 | ||
14 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate1 | datetime | 8 | N | User-defined date1 | ||
15 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate2 | datetime | 8 | N | User-defined date2 | ||
16 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate3 | datetime | 8 | N | User-defined date3 | ||
17 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate4 | datetime | 8 | N | User-defined date4 | ||
18 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate5 | datetime | 8 | N | User-defined date5 | ||
19 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric1 | number | 12 | N | User-defined numeric1 | ||
20 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric2 | number | 12 | N | User-defined numeric2 | ||
21 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric3 | number | 12 | N | User-defined numeric3 | ||
22 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric4 | number | 12 | N | User-defined numeric4 | ||
23 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric5 | number | 12 | N | User-defined numeric5 | ||
24 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean1 | i4 | 2 | N | User-defined boolean1 | ||
25 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean2 | i4 | 2 | N | User-defined boolean2 | ||
26 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean3 | i4 | 2 | N | User-defined boolean3 | ||
27 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean4 | i4 | 2 | N | User-defined boolean4 | ||
28 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean5 | i4 | 2 | N | User-defined boolean5 | ||
29 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists | 0 = Create only (returns an error if the transaction dimension code already exists); 1 = Update if e |
30 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) (Not Used) |
1 | Account Category | ACCATDSC | string | 50 | Y | Not applicable | Account category description | |
2 | Account Category | Requester_trx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Account Currencies | Account_Number | string | 75 | Y | Not applicable | Account number | |
2 | Account Currencies | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
3 | Account Currencies | REVALUE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Revalue | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Account Currencies | REVLUHOW | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Revalue how | 0=Net change; 1=Period balance |
5 | Account Currencies | Post_ Results _To | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Post results to | 0=Account; 1=Financial offset |
1 | Account Group | ACCTGRPID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Account group ID | |
2 | Account Group | ACCTGRPDESC | string | 30 | N | Account group description | ||
3 | Account Group | DEPREXPACCT | string | 75 | N | Depreciation expense account | ||
4 | Account Group | DEPRRESACCT | string | 75 | N | Depreciation reserve account | ||
5 | Account Group | PRIORYRDEPRACCT | string | 75 | N | Prior year depreciation account | ||
6 | Account Group | ASSETCOSTACCT | string | 75 | N | Asset cost account | ||
7 | Account Group | PROCEEDSACCT | string | 75 | N | Proceeds account | ||
8 | Account Group | RECOGGAINLOSSACCT | string | 75 | N | Recognized gain/loss account | ||
9 | Account Group | NONRECOGGAINLOSSACCT | string | 75 | N | Non-recognized gain/loss account | ||
10 | Account Group | CLEARINGACCT | string | 75 | N | Clearing account | ||
11 | Account Group | LASTMNTDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Create date | |
12 | Account Group | LASTMNTDUSERID | string | 15 | N | User ID | ||
1 | Analytics Distribution | DOCNMBR | string | 50 | Y | Not applicable | The document number. Specify the same number as the document that includes the analytical accounting distribution. Refer to the next table for additional information. | |
2 | Analytics Distribution | DOCTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | 0 | The document type. The possible value of the document type is determined by the source of the document number. Refer to the next table to view the document types for each document. | |
3 | Analytics Distribution | AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | When you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value. | ||
4 | Analytics Distribution | aaAssignedPercent | number | 9 | N | When you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value. | ||
5 | Analytics Distribution | DistSequence | i4 | 2 | N | The GL distribution sequence number. If you have duplicate accounts in a transaction, associate them using sequence number values. | ||
6 | Analytics Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Account number | ||
7 | Analytics Distribution | ACTINDX | i4 | 2 | N | Account index | ||
8 | Analytics Distribution | DistRef | string | 31 | N | Distribution reference | ||
9 | Analytics Distribution | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Notes field | ||
10 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDim | string | 31 | N | Transaction dimension | ||
11 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCode | string | 31 | N | The transaction dimension alphanumeric code. If you update only the dimension code value, do not update the amount, assigned percentage, or other elements. | ||
12 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeNum | number | 21 | N | Transaction dimension numeric | ||
13 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeBool | i4 | 2 | N | Transaction dimension yes/no | ||
14 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeDate | datetime | 8 | N | Transaction dimension date | ||
15 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimID | i4 | 2 | N | Transaction dimension ID | ||
16 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxCodeID | i4 | 2 | N | Transaction dimension code ID | ||
17 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerHdrID | i4 | 2 | N | Subledger header lookup | ||
18 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerDistID | i4 | 2 | N | Subledger distribution lookup | ||
19 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerAssignID | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | The subledger assign lookup ID. To add new distribution lines, use this element and increment its value by 1 for each assignment. | |
20 | Analytics Distribution | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists | 0 = Do not update; 1 = Update if record exists |
21 | Analytics Distribution | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) |
1 | Applicant | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant | APPLYDATE_I | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Application date | |
4 | Applicant | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant number - Optional/Required - Required if Updating a duplicate Last /First Name combination | |
5 | Applicant | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Line Sequence Number - Null = create or update if single line for the Applicant. Not Null = update | |
6 | Applicant | MIDLNAME | string | 15 | N | Middle name | ||
7 | Applicant | SSN_I | string | 15 | N | Social security number | ||
8 | Applicant | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | Address information | ||
9 | Applicant | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | Address information | ||
10 | Applicant | CITY | string | 35 | N | Address city | ||
11 | Applicant | STATE | string | 29 | N | Address state | ||
12 | Applicant | ZIPCODE_I | string | 11 | N | Postal code | ||
13 | Applicant | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | Country | ||
14 | Applicant | HOMEPHONE | string | 21 | N | Phone 1 | ||
15 | Applicant | WORKPHONE | string | 21 | N | Phone 2 | ||
16 | Applicant | EXT_I | string | 5 | N | Telephone extension | ||
17 | Applicant | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Requisition number | |
18 | Applicant | COMPANYCODE_I | string | 5 | Y | Not applicable | Company ID | |
19 | Applicant | DIVISIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | Division | ||
20 | Applicant | DEPARTMENTCODE_I | string | 7 | N | Department | ||
21 | Applicant | POSITIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | Position | ||
22 | Applicant | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | Location | ||
23 | Applicant | STATUS0_I | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Status 0 = Blank, 1 = Active, 2 = Open, 3 = Rejected, 4 = Hired 5 = Other | |
24 | Applicant | REJECTREASON_I | i4 | 2 | N | Reject Reason 1 = Testing, 2 = Interview, 3 = References, 4 = Experience, 5 = Education 6 = Other | ||
25 | Applicant | DSCRIPTN | string | 31 | N | Rejection comments | ||
26 | Applicant | RELOCATION_I | i4 | 2 | N | Relocation 0 = Yes 1 = No | ||
27 | Applicant | REPLYLETTERSENT_I | i4 | 1 | N | Reply Letter Sent 0 = False 1 = True | ||
28 | Applicant | COLORCODE_I | i4 | 2 | N | Color Code 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = Yellow, 4 = Red, 5 = N/A | ||
29 | Applicant | REFSOURCEDDL_I | i4 | 2 | N | Referral Source 0 = None, 1 = Word of Mouth, 2 = Referred by Employee, 3 = Referred by an Agency, 4 = Newspaper, 5 = Other, 6 = Internet | ||
30 | Applicant | REFERENCESOURCE_I | string | 31 | N | Referral Source Description |
Showing 1 to 100 of 4,652 entries