1 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDim | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | | |
2 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCode | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | AA Transaction Dimension Code String reference to the desired transaction dimension code. It can exist to be updated or can be created on the fly | |
3 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Create, update, or remove notes for the specified dimension code | |
4 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | INACTIVE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0 = Active, 1 = inactive New codes default to Active unless otherwise specified. Existing codes can be updated to either active or inactive based on the value (0 or 1) - If the Transaction Dimension / Transaction Dimension Code combination is setup as an owner of another it cannot be updated to inactive. | |
5 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCodeDescr | string | 50 | N | | Transaction Dimension Code Description. Required for new codes. Existing description 1 string can be changed, but cannot be left blank | |
6 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaTrxDimCodeDescr2 | string | 50 | N | | Transaction Dimension Code Description 2. Optional for both new created codes and existing code updates | |
7 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaNode | string | 50 | N | | Required for new codes and can be changed using update logic. Node must exist and be already be linked to the Transaction Dimension. The Node and the Node Link cannot be created on the fly | |
8 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaOwnedBy | string | 30 | N | | Transaction Dimension Code Owner. Required for new codes that have a transaction dimension owned by another transaction dimension. This is available only if the transaction dimension selected is owned by another transaction dimension and both are of the alphanumeric type | |
9 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText1 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text1 | |
10 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText2 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text2 | |
11 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText3 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text3 | |
12 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText4 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text4 | |
13 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFText5 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text5 | |
14 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate1 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date1 | |
15 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate2 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date2 | |
16 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate3 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date3 | |
17 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate4 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date4 | |
18 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFDate5 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date5 | |
19 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric1 | number | 12 | N | | User-defined numeric1 | |
20 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric2 | number | 12 | N | | User-defined numeric2 | |
21 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric3 | number | 12 | N | | User-defined numeric3 | |
22 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric4 | number | 12 | N | | User-defined numeric4 | |
23 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFNumeric5 | number | 12 | N | | User-defined numeric5 | |
24 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean1 | i4 | 2 | N | | User-defined boolean1 | |
25 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean2 | i4 | 2 | N | | User-defined boolean2 | |
26 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean3 | i4 | 2 | N | | User-defined boolean3 | |
27 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean4 | i4 | 2 | N | | User-defined boolean4 | |
28 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | aaUDFBoolean5 | i4 | 2 | N | | User-defined boolean5 | |
29 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists | 0 = Create only (returns an error if the transaction dimension code already exists); 1 = Update if e |
30 | A A Trx Dim Code Maint | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) (Not Used) |
1 | Account Category | ACCATDSC | string | 50 | Y | Not applicable | Account category description | |
2 | Account Category | Requester_trx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Account Currencies | Account_Number | string | 75 | Y | Not applicable | Account number | |
2 | Account Currencies | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
3 | Account Currencies | REVALUE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Revalue | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Account Currencies | REVLUHOW | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Revalue how | 0=Net change; 1=Period balance |
5 | Account Currencies | Post_ Results _To | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Post results to | 0=Account; 1=Financial offset |
1 | Account Group | ACCTGRPID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Account group ID | |
2 | Account Group | ACCTGRPDESC | string | 30 | N | | Account group description | |
3 | Account Group | DEPREXPACCT | string | 75 | N | | Depreciation expense account | |
4 | Account Group | DEPRRESACCT | string | 75 | N | | Depreciation reserve account | |
5 | Account Group | PRIORYRDEPRACCT | string | 75 | N | | Prior year depreciation account | |
6 | Account Group | ASSETCOSTACCT | string | 75 | N | | Asset cost account | |
7 | Account Group | PROCEEDSACCT | string | 75 | N | | Proceeds account | |
8 | Account Group | RECOGGAINLOSSACCT | string | 75 | N | | Recognized gain/loss account | |
9 | Account Group | NONRECOGGAINLOSSACCT | string | 75 | N | | Non-recognized gain/loss account | |
10 | Account Group | CLEARINGACCT | string | 75 | N | | Clearing account | |
11 | Account Group | LASTMNTDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Create date | |
12 | Account Group | LASTMNTDUSERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
1 | Analytics Distribution | DOCNMBR | string | 50 | Y | Not applicable | The document number. Specify the same number as the document that includes the analytical accounting distribution. Refer to the next table for additional information. | |
2 | Analytics Distribution | DOCTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | 0 | The document type. The possible value of the document type is determined by the source of the document number. Refer to the next table to view the document types for each document. | |
3 | Analytics Distribution | AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | | When you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value. | |
4 | Analytics Distribution | aaAssignedPercent | number | 9 | N | | When you need to change the assigned percentages, supply only the amount or percentage. No other elements should be included. You do not need to supply a dimension value. | |
5 | Analytics Distribution | DistSequence | i4 | 2 | N | | The GL distribution sequence number. If you have duplicate accounts in a transaction, associate them using sequence number values. | |
6 | Analytics Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number | |
7 | Analytics Distribution | ACTINDX | i4 | 2 | N | | Account index | |
8 | Analytics Distribution | DistRef | string | 31 | N | | Distribution reference | |
9 | Analytics Distribution | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Notes field | |
10 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDim | string | 31 | N | | Transaction dimension | |
11 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCode | string | 31 | N | | The transaction dimension alphanumeric code. If you update only the dimension code value, do not update the amount, assigned percentage, or other elements. | |
12 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeNum | number | 21 | N | | Transaction dimension numeric | |
13 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeBool | i4 | 2 | N | | Transaction dimension yes/no | |
14 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimCodeDate | datetime | 8 | N | | Transaction dimension date | |
15 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxDimID | i4 | 2 | N | | Transaction dimension ID | |
16 | Analytics Distribution | aaTrxCodeID | i4 | 2 | N | | Transaction dimension code ID | |
17 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerHdrID | i4 | 2 | N | | Subledger header lookup | |
18 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerDistID | i4 | 2 | N | | Subledger distribution lookup | |
19 | Analytics Distribution | aaSubLedgerAssignID | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | The subledger assign lookup ID. To add new distribution lines, use this element and increment its value by 1 for each assignment. | |
20 | Analytics Distribution | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists | 0 = Do not update; 1 = Update if record exists |
21 | Analytics Distribution | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) |
1 | Applicant | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant | APPLYDATE_I | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Application date | |
4 | Applicant | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant number - Optional/Required - Required if Updating a duplicate Last /First Name combination | |
5 | Applicant | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Line Sequence Number - Null = create or update if single line for the Applicant. Not Null = update | |
6 | Applicant | MIDLNAME | string | 15 | N | | Middle name | |
7 | Applicant | SSN_I | string | 15 | N | | Social security number | |
8 | Applicant | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Address information | |
9 | Applicant | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | | Address information | |
10 | Applicant | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Address city | |
11 | Applicant | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Address state | |
12 | Applicant | ZIPCODE_I | string | 11 | N | | Postal code | |
13 | Applicant | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | | Country | |
14 | Applicant | HOMEPHONE | string | 21 | N | | Phone 1 | |
15 | Applicant | WORKPHONE | string | 21 | N | | Phone 2 | |
16 | Applicant | EXT_I | string | 5 | N | | Telephone extension | |
17 | Applicant | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Requisition number | |
18 | Applicant | COMPANYCODE_I | string | 5 | Y | Not applicable | Company ID | |
19 | Applicant | DIVISIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Division | |
20 | Applicant | DEPARTMENTCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Department | |
21 | Applicant | POSITIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Position | |
22 | Applicant | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | | Location | |
23 | Applicant | STATUS0_I | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Status 0 = Blank, 1 = Active, 2 = Open, 3 = Rejected, 4 = Hired 5 = Other | |
24 | Applicant | REJECTREASON_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Reject Reason 1 = Testing, 2 = Interview, 3 = References, 4 = Experience, 5 = Education 6 = Other | |
25 | Applicant | DSCRIPTN | string | 31 | N | | Rejection comments | |
26 | Applicant | RELOCATION_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Relocation 0 = Yes 1 = No | |
27 | Applicant | REPLYLETTERSENT_I | i4 | 1 | N | | Reply Letter Sent 0 = False 1 = True | |
28 | Applicant | COLORCODE_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Color Code 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = Yellow, 4 = Red, 5 = N/A | |
29 | Applicant | REFSOURCEDDL_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Referral Source 0 = None, 1 = Word of Mouth, 2 = Referred by Employee, 3 = Referred by an Agency, 4 = Newspaper, 5 = Other, 6 = Internet | |
30 | Applicant | REFERENCESOURCE_I | string | 31 | N | | Referral Source Description | |
31 | Applicant | GENDERGB_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Gender 0 = Male, 1 = Female 2 = Unknown | |
32 | Applicant | EEOETHNICORIGIN_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Ethic Origin 1 = White, 2 = American Indian or Alaskan Native, 3 = Black or African American, 4 = Asian, 5 = Hispanic or Latino, 6 = Two or More Races, 7 = N/A 8 = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | |
33 | Applicant | EEOAGE_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Age 1 = 18 to 25, 2 = 26 to 35, 3 = 36 to 45, 4 = 46 to 55, 5 = 56 +, 6 = Unknown 7 = 00 to 17 | |
34 | Applicant | HANDICAPPED | i4 | 1 | N | | Handicapped 0 = False 1 = True | |
35 | Applicant | VETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | | Veteran 0 = False 1 = True | |
36 | Applicant | DISABLEDVETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | | Disabled Veterans 0 = False 1 = True | |
37 | Applicant | VIETNAMVETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | | Vietnam Veterans 0 = False 1 = True | |
38 | Applicant | OTHERVET | i4 | 1 | N | | Other Veterans 0 = False 1 = True | |
39 | Applicant | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
40 | Applicant | DATE1_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date 1 For extra date fields | |
41 | Applicant | DATE2_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date 2 For extra date fields | |
42 | Applicant | DATE3_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date 3 For extra date fields | |
43 | Applicant | DATE4_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date 4 For extra date fields | |
44 | Applicant | DATE5_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date 5 For extra date fields | |
45 | Applicant | STRINGS_I_1 | string | 31 | N | | String 1 For extra fields | |
46 | Applicant | STRINGS_I_2 | string | 31 | N | | String 2 For extra fields | |
47 | Applicant | STRINGS_I_3 | string | 31 | N | | String 3 For extra fields | |
48 | Applicant | STRINGS_I_4 | string | 31 | N | | String 4 For extra fields | |
49 | Applicant | STRINGS_I_5 | string | 31 | N | | String 5 For extra fields | |
50 | Applicant | NUMERICEXTRA_1 | i4 | 4 | N | | Alpha/Numeric 1 For extra number fields | |
51 | Applicant | NUMERICEXTRA_2 | i4 | 4 | N | | Alpha/Numeric 2 For extra number fields | |
52 | Applicant | NUMERICEXTRA_3 | i4 | 4 | N | | Alpha/Numeric 3 For extra number fields | |
53 | Applicant | NUMERICEXTRA_4 | i4 | 4 | N | | Alpha/Numeric 4 For extra number fields | |
54 | Applicant | NUMERICEXTRA_5 | i4 | 4 | N | | Alpha/Numeric 5 For extra number fields | |
55 | Applicant | DOLLARS_I_1 | number | 21 | N | | Currency 1 For extra currency fields | |
56 | Applicant | DOLLARS_I_2 | number | 21 | N | | Currency 2 For extra currency fields | |
57 | Applicant | DOLLARS_I_3 | number | 21 | N | | Currency 3 For extra currency fields | |
58 | Applicant | DOLLARS_I_4 | number | 21 | N | | Currency 4 For extra currency fields | |
59 | Applicant | DOLLARS_I_5 | number | 21 | N | | Currency 5 For extra currency fields | |
60 | Applicant | CHECKBOXES_I_1 | i4 | 1 | N | | Checkboxes 1 For extra checkbox fields | |
61 | Applicant | CHECKBOXES_I_2 | i4 | 1 | N | | Checkboxes 2 For extra checkbox fields | |
62 | Applicant | CHECKBOXES_I_3 | i4 | 1 | N | | Checkboxes 3 For extra checkbox fields | |
63 | Applicant | CHECKBOXES_I_4 | i4 | 1 | N | | Checkboxes 4 For extra checkbox fields | |
64 | Applicant | CHECKBOXES_I_5 | i4 | 1 | N | | Checkboxes 5 For extra checkbox fields | |
65 | Applicant | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Applicant data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
66 | Applicant | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true if true then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Education | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant Education | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant Education | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant number Required if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if not passing First and Last Name | |
4 | Applicant Education | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence number Required on an update if the applicant has more then one educational record. | |
5 | Applicant Education | UNIVERSITY | string | 31 | N | | School | |
6 | Applicant Education | DEGREE | string | 31 | N | | Degree | |
7 | Applicant Education | MAJOR | string | 31 | N | | Major | |
8 | Applicant Education | GPA | string | 5 | N | | Grade point average | |
9 | Applicant Education | GPABASE | string | 3 | N | | GPA base | |
10 | Applicant Education | GRADUATIONYEAR | string | 5 | N | | Graduation year | |
11 | Applicant Education | NOTE | string | 8000 | N | | Notes | |
12 | Applicant Education | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
13 | Applicant Education | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Education data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
14 | Applicant Education | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true if true then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Interview Insert | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant Interview Insert | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant Interview Insert | APPLYDATE_I | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Interview date | |
4 | Applicant Interview Insert | APPINTTYPESTR_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Interview type | |
5 | Applicant Interview Insert | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass the Applicant Number instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME | |
6 | Applicant Interview Insert | COMPANYCODE_I | string | 5 | Y | Not applicable | Company ID | |
7 | Applicant Interview Insert | POSITIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Position | |
8 | Applicant Interview Insert | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow Interview data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
9 | Applicant Interview Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Interview Update | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | | Last Name | |
2 | Applicant Interview Update | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | | First Name | |
3 | Applicant Interview Update | APPLYDATE_I | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Interview Date | |
4 | Applicant Interview Update | APPINTTYPESTR_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Interview Type | |
5 | Applicant Interview Update | CATEGORY_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Category | |
6 | Applicant Interview Update | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | 0 | Applicant Number - Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are going to pass the Applicant Number and not the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME | |
7 | Applicant Interview Update | COMPANYCODE_I | string | 5 | Y | Not applicable | Company ID | |
8 | Applicant Interview Update | REVIEWSCORE_I | number | 21 | N | 0 | Score | |
9 | Applicant Interview Update | POSITIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Score | |
10 | Applicant Interview Update | NOTE | string | 8000 | N | | Note | |
11 | Applicant Interview Update | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
12 | Applicant Interview Update | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Interview data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
13 | Applicant Interview Update | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction Optional - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant References | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant References | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant References | REFERENCENAME_I | string | 61 | Y | Not applicable | Reference name | |
4 | Applicant References | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
5 | Applicant References | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required on an update if the applicant has more then one reference record | |
6 | Applicant References | REFRELATIONSHIP_I | string | 15 | N | | Reference relationship | |
7 | Applicant References | COMPANY_I | string | 65 | N | | Company | |
8 | Applicant References | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Address | |
9 | Applicant References | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
10 | Applicant References | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
11 | Applicant References | ZIPCODE_I | string | 11 | N | | Postal code | |
12 | Applicant References | WORKPHONE | string | 21 | N | | Phone | |
13 | Applicant References | NOTE | string | 8000 | N | | Notes | |
14 | Applicant References | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
15 | Applicant References | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Applicant References data to be updated if it exists 0=no, 1=yes | |
16 | Applicant References | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Skills | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant Skills | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant Skills | SKILL | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill | |
4 | Applicant Skills | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are going to pass Applicant Number and not LASTNAME FIRSTNAME | |
5 | Applicant Skills | COMMENT20_I | string | 21 | N | | Comment | |
6 | Applicant Skills | POINTS_I | i4 | 4 | N | | Proficiency 0 to 9999 are valid values | |
7 | Applicant Skills | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Applicant Test Skill data to be updated if it exists 0 = Delete Line, 1 = Insert 2 = Update | |
8 | Applicant Skills | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Tests | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant Tests | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant Tests | TESTCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Test code | |
4 | Applicant Tests | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination | |
5 | Applicant Tests | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required on an update if the Applicant has more then one educational record | |
6 | Applicant Tests | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Start date | |
7 | Applicant Tests | TESTSCORE_I | string | 21 | N | | Test score | |
8 | Applicant Tests | NOTE | string | 8000 | N | | Notes | |
9 | Applicant Tests | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
10 | Applicant Tests | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow Applicant Test data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
11 | Applicant Tests | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Applicant Work History | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Applicant Work History | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Applicant Work History | NAME | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Employer name | |
4 | Applicant Work History | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination | |
5 | Applicant Work History | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required on an update if the Applicant has more then one Work/History record | |
6 | Applicant Work History | WAGE_I | number | 21 | N | | Wage | |
7 | Applicant Work History | COMPENSATIONPERIOD_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Compensation Period 1=Hourly, 2=Weekly, 3=BiWeekly, 4=Semimonthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Quarterly, 7=Semiannually, 8=Annually 9=Daily/Miscellaneous | |
8 | Applicant Work History | POSITION_I | string | 31 | N | | Position | |
9 | Applicant Work History | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Start date | |
10 | Applicant Work History | ENDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | End date | |
11 | Applicant Work History | YEARSOFEXP_I | string | 3 | N | | Years of experience | |
12 | Applicant Work History | NOTE | string | 8000 | N | | Notes | |
13 | Applicant Work History | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
14 | Applicant Work History | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Education data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes | |
15 | Applicant Work History | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Asset Book | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset Book | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset Book | BOOKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Book ID | |
4 | Asset Book | PLINSERVDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Place In service date | |
5 | Asset Book | DATEADDED | datetime | 8 | N | | Date added | |
6 | Asset Book | DEPRTODATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Depreciate to date | |
7 | Asset Book | COSTBASIS | number | 21 | N | | Cost basis | |
8 | Asset Book | SALVAGEVALUE | number | 21 | N | | Salvage value | |
9 | Asset Book | YTDDEPRAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | YTD depreciation | |
10 | Asset Book | LTDDEPRAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | LTD depreciation | |
11 | Asset Book | DEPRECIATIONMETHOD | i4 | 2 | N | | Depreciation method | 1=Straight-line orig. life; 2=Straight-line rem. life; 3=125%DB; 4=150% DB; 5=175% DB; 6=200% DB; 7= |
12 | Asset Book | AVERAGINGCONV | i4 | 2 | N | | Averaging convention | 1=Half-year; 2=Modified half-year; 3=Mid-month (1st); 4=Mid-month (15th); 5=Mid-quarter; 6=Next mont |
13 | Asset Book | SWITCHOVER | i4 | 2 | N | | Switch over | 1=No switch; 2=Straight-line |
14 | Asset Book | ORIGINALLIFEYEARS | i4 | 2 | N | | Original life years | |
15 | Asset Book | ORIGINALLIFEDAYS | i4 | 2 | N | | Original life days | |
16 | Asset Book | AMORTIZATIONCODE | i4 | 2 | N | | Amortization code | 0=None; 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Monthly; 4=Quarterly; 5=Yearly; 6=Percentage; 7=Rate |
17 | Asset Book | AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT | number | 21 | N | | Amortization amount/percentage | |
18 | Asset Book | Initial_Allowance_Perc | number | 21 | N | | Initial allowance percentage | |
19 | Asset Book | SPECDEPRALLOW | i4 | 2 | N | | Special depreciation allowance | 1=False; 2=True |
20 | Asset Book | SPECDEPRALLOWPCT | number | 21 | N | | Special depreciation allowance percentage | |
21 | Asset Book | LUXAUTOIND | i4 | 2 | N | | Luxury auto | 1=False; 2=True |
22 | Asset Book | LUXVANTRUCK | i4 | 1 | N | | Luxury van or truck | 0=False; 1=True |
23 | Asset Book | LUXELAUTO | i4 | 1 | N | | Luxury electric auto | 0=False; 1=True |
24 | Asset Book | USERID | string | 15 | N | | ID of user who entered | |
25 | Asset Book | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes Do not use 1. taCreateAssetBook does not currently support updates. Update functionality |
1 | Asset Book I T C | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset Book I T C | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset Book I T C | BOOKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Book ID | |
4 | Asset Book I T C | ORGCOSTBASIS | number | 21 | N | | Original cost basis | |
5 | Asset Book I T C | SECT179EXPDED | number | 21 | N | | Section 179 expense deduction | |
6 | Asset Book I T C | ITCCODEREDAMT | number | 21 | N | | ITC cost reduction amount | |
7 | Asset Book I T C | MISCCOSTADJ | number | 21 | N | | Miscellaneous cost adjustment | |
8 | Asset Book I T C | TEFRAFLAG | i4 | 2 | N | | TEFRA flag | 1=None; 2=Full credit reduce cost by 50% 3=Full credit reduce cost by 100% 4=Reduce ITC % by 2 point |
9 | Asset Book I T C | ITCAMTTAKEN | number | 21 | N | | ITC amount taken | |
10 | Asset Book I T C | ITCAMTALLOWED | number | 21 | N | | ITC amount allowed | |
11 | Asset Book I T C | ITCRECAPTURE | number | 21 | N | | ITC recapture | |
12 | Asset Book I T C | USERWHOENTERED | string | 15 | N | | User who entered | |
13 | Asset Book I T C | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes Do not use 1. taCreateAssetBookITC does not currently support updates. Update functional |
1 | Asset Class I D | ASSETCLASSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset class ID | |
2 | Asset Class I D | ASSETCLASSIDDESCR | string | 30 | N | | Asset class description | |
3 | Asset Class I D | ACCTGRPID | string | 15 | N | | Account group ID | |
4 | Asset Class I D | INSCLASSID | string | 15 | N | | Insurance class ID | |
1 | Asset I D | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset I D | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset I D | SHRTNAME | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Short name | |
4 | Asset I D | ASSETDESC | string | 40 | Y | Not applicable | Asset description | |
5 | Asset I D | EXTASSETDESC | string | 40 | N | Default from setup | Extended description | |
6 | Asset I D | Master_Asset_ID | string | 19 | N | Default from setup | Master asset ID | |
7 | Asset I D | STRUCTUREID | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Structure ID | |
8 | Asset I D | ASSETCLASSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset class ID | |
9 | Asset I D | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Location ID | |
10 | Asset I D | ACQDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Acquisition date | |
11 | Asset I D | Acquisition_Cost | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Acquisition cost | |
12 | Asset I D | ASSETTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Asset type | 1=New; 2=Used; 3=Leased |
13 | Asset I D | ASSETSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Asset status | 1=Active; 2=Deleted; 3=Partial open; 4=Retired |
14 | Asset I D | PROPTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Property type | 1=Personal; 2=Personal, listed; 3=Real; 4=Real, listed; 5=Real, conservation; 6=Real, energy; 7=Real |
15 | Asset I D | ASSETQTY | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Quantity | |
16 | Asset I D | ASSETBEGQTY | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Beginning quantity | |
17 | Asset I D | ASSETCURRMAINT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Current year maintenance | |
18 | Asset I D | ASSETYTDMAINT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | YTD maintenance | |
19 | Asset I D | ASSETLTDMAINT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | LTD maintenance | |
20 | Asset I D | LASTMAINTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Last maintenance date | |
21 | Asset I D | ASSESSEDVALUE | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Assessed value | |
22 | Asset I D | MFGRNAME | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Manufacturers name | |
23 | Asset I D | SERLNMBR | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Serial number | |
24 | Asset I D | MODELNUMBER | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Model number | |
25 | Asset I D | WARRENTYDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Warranty date | |
26 | Asset I D | CUSTODIAN | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Custodian | |
27 | Asset I D | DATEADDED | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Date added | |
28 | Asset I D | DELETEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Date deleted | |
29 | Asset I D | Physical_Location_ID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Physical location ID | |
30 | Asset I D | Asset_Label | string | 19 | N | Default from setup | Asset label | |
31 | Asset I D | Verified_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Verified date | |
32 | Asset I D | PIN | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PIN | |
33 | Asset I D | ACCTGRPID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Account group ID | |
34 | Asset I D | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated, if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
1 | Asset Insurance | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset Insurance | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset Insurance | INSURANCECLASS | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Insurance class ID | |
4 | Asset Insurance | INSURANCEYEAR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Insurance year | |
5 | Asset Insurance | INSURANCEVALUE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Insurance value | |
6 | Asset Insurance | REPLACEMENTCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Replacement cost | |
7 | Asset Insurance | REPROCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Reproduction cost | |
8 | Asset Insurance | DEPRREPROCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Depreciation reduction cost | |
9 | Asset Insurance | EXCLUSIONAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exclusion amount | |
10 | Asset Insurance | EXCLUSIONTYPE | string | 15 | N | | Exclusion type | |
1 | Asset Lease | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset Lease | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset Lease | LEASECOMPID | string | 15 | N | | Lease company ID | |
4 | Asset Lease | LEASETYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Lease type | 1=Capital; 2=Operating |
5 | Asset Lease | LEASECONTRACTID | string | 15 | N | | Contract ID | |
6 | Asset Lease | LEASEPAYMENT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Lease payment | |
7 | Asset Lease | LEASEINTRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Interest rate | |
8 | Asset Lease | LEASEENDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | End date | |
1 | Asset Purchase | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not Applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset Purchase | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | Y | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset Purchase | PURCHLINESEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | | Purchase line sequence number Optional on Insert and Required on an Update | |
4 | Asset Purchase | PURCHDESC | string | 40 | N | | Purchase description | |
5 | Asset Purchase | Acquisition_Cost | number | 21 | N | | Acquisition cost | |
6 | Asset Purchase | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor ID | |
7 | Asset Purchase | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | N | | Document number | |
8 | Asset Purchase | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not Applicable | Document date | |
9 | Asset Purchase | TRXSORCE | string | 13 | N | | Transaction source | |
10 | Asset Purchase | ORCTRNUM | string | 20 | N | | Voucher or receipt number | |
11 | Asset Purchase | PORDNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Purchase order number | |
12 | Asset Purchase | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
13 | Asset Purchase | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
14 | Asset Purchase | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
15 | Asset Purchase | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
16 | Asset Purchase | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
17 | Asset Purchase | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
18 | Asset Purchase | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
19 | Asset Purchase | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | | Rate Expiration 0 = None 1=Daily 2=Weekly 3=Bi-Weekly 4=Semi-Monthly 5=Monthly 6=Quarterly 7=Annually 8=Miscellaneous 9=None | |
20 | Asset Purchase | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | | Days to increment | |
21 | Asset Purchase | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | | Rate variance | |
22 | Asset Purchase | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | | Transaction date default 0=Exact Date 1=Next Date 2=Previous Date | |
23 | Asset Purchase | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | | Rate calculation method 0=Multiply 1=Divide | |
24 | Asset Purchase | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | | Previous days limits | |
25 | Asset Purchase | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | | Date limits 0=Unlimited 1=Limited | |
26 | Asset Purchase | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
27 | Asset Purchase | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
28 | Asset Purchase | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No 1=Yes |
1 | Asset User Data | ASSETID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset ID | |
2 | Asset User Data | ASSETIDSUF | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Asset suffix ID | |
3 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD1 | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 1 | |
4 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD2 | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 2 | |
5 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD3 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 3 | |
6 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD4 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 4 | |
7 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD5 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 5 | |
8 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD6 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 6 | |
9 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD7 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 7 | |
10 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD8 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 8 | |
11 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD9 | string | 40 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 9 | |
12 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD10 | string | 40 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 10 | |
13 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD11 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 11 | |
14 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD12 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 12 | |
15 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD13 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 13 | |
16 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD14 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 14 | |
17 | Asset User Data | USRFIELD15 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | User-defined field 15 | |
18 | Asset User Data | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
19 | Asset User Data | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | B R Bank Deposits Header | Option | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Deposit option | 1=Enter/Edit; 2=Void* *void functionality not available in this release |
2 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DEPTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Deposit type | 1=Deposit with receipt; 2=Deposit without receipt; 3=Clear unused receipts* *clear functionality not |
3 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DEPDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Deposit date | |
4 | B R Bank Deposits Header | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | | GL posting date | |
5 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
6 | B R Bank Deposits Header | depositnumber | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Deposit number | |
7 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
8 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DepAmt | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deposit amount; required for DEPTYPE=2 | |
9 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CheckTotal | number | 21 | N | 0 | Check total; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
10 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CheckCount | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Check count; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
11 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CreditCardTotal | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit card total; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
12 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CreditCardCount | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Credit card count; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
13 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CurrencyAmount | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Currency total; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
14 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CurrencyCount | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Currency count; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
15 | B R Bank Deposits Header | CoinAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Coin total; used for DEPTYPE=2 | |
16 | B R Bank Deposits Header | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
17 | B R Bank Deposits Header | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
18 | B R Bank Deposits Header | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
19 | B R Bank Deposits Header | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
20 | B R Bank Deposits Header | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
21 | B R Bank Deposits Header | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
22 | B R Bank Deposits Header | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
23 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
24 | B R Bank Deposits Header | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
25 | B R Bank Deposits Header | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
26 | B R Bank Deposits Header | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
27 | B R Bank Deposits Header | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limit | |
28 | B R Bank Deposits Header | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
29 | B R Bank Deposits Header | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | MC exchange time=Time 1 | |
30 | B R Bank Deposits Header | MDFUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Modified user ID; defaults to 'eBusiness' if not passed in | |
31 | B R Bank Deposits Header | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table) |
1 | B R Bank Deposits Line | depositnumber | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Deposit number | |
2 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RCPTNMBR | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Receipt number; used to find receipt in CM20300 table | |
3 | B R Bank Deposits Line | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Checkbook ID; used to find receipt in CM20300 table | |
4 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RcpType | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Receipt type | 1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit Card |
5 | B R Bank Deposits Line | CMRECNUM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Receipt number; use only if RCPTNMBR plus CHEKBKID plus RcpType are not unique | |
6 | B R Bank Deposits Line | DEPDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Deposit date; needs to match the taBRBankDepositsHeader if a multi currency transaction | |
7 | B R Bank Deposits Line | BANKNAME | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Bank name | |
8 | B R Bank Deposits Line | BNKBRNCH | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Bank branch | |
9 | B R Bank Deposits Line | CURRENCYTOTAL | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Originating currency total | |
10 | B R Bank Deposits Line | COINTOTAL | number | 21 | N | 0 | Originating coin total | |
11 | B R Bank Deposits Line | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
12 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
13 | B R Bank Deposits Line | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
14 | B R Bank Deposits Line | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
15 | B R Bank Deposits Line | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
16 | B R Bank Deposits Line | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
17 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
18 | B R Bank Deposits Line | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
19 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
20 | B R Bank Deposits Line | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
21 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
22 | B R Bank Deposits Line | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limit | |
23 | B R Bank Deposits Line | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
24 | B R Bank Deposits Line | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | MC exchange time=Time 1 | |
25 | B R Bank Deposits Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table) |
1 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | Option | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction option | 1=Enter transaction; 2=Enter receipt; 3=Void transaction; 4=Void Receipt |
2 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | Y | Not applicable | Account number string; must include separator characters | |
3 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Debit amount | |
4 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
5 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
6 | B R Bank Transaction Dist | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time | |
1 | B R Bank Transaction Header | Option | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction option | 1=Enter transaction; 2=Enter receipt |
2 | B R Bank Transaction Header | CMTrxType | i4 | 2 | N | 3 | Transaction type (only used when Option=1) | 3=Check; 4=Withdrawal; 5=Increase adjustment; 6=Decrease adjustment |
3 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RcpType | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Receipt type (only used when Option=2) | 1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit card |
4 | B R Bank Transaction Header | TRXDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Transaction date; default is system date | |
5 | B R Bank Transaction Header | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
6 | B R Bank Transaction Header | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID; default is currency assigned to the checkbook | |
7 | B R Bank Transaction Header | CMTrxNum | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction number | |
8 | B R Bank Transaction Header | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Credit card name; required when RcpType=3 | |
9 | B R Bank Transaction Header | paidtorcvdfrom | string | 30 | N | | Paid to | when Option=1 or Rcvd from: when Option=2 |
10 | B R Bank Transaction Header | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
11 | B R Bank Transaction Header | TRXAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction amount | |
12 | B R Bank Transaction Header | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID; default is eBusiness | |
13 | B R Bank Transaction Header | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | | GL posting date; default is TRXDATE | |
14 | B R Bank Transaction Header | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference; only used for required default distribution | |
15 | B R Bank Transaction Header | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | N | | GL batch number For additional information, see Bank Reconciliationi | |
16 | B R Bank Transaction Header | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
17 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
18 | B R Bank Transaction Header | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
19 | B R Bank Transaction Header | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
20 | B R Bank Transaction Header | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
21 | B R Bank Transaction Header | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
22 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
23 | B R Bank Transaction Header | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Days to increment; only used when RATEEXPR=8 | |
24 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
25 | B R Bank Transaction Header | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
26 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
27 | B R Bank Transaction Header | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous days limit | |
28 | B R Bank Transaction Header | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
29 | B R Bank Transaction Header | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1; if not passed in, field used for finding XCHGRATE | |
30 | B R Bank Transaction Header | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time | |
1 | B R Bank Transaction Void | Option | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction option | 3=Void transaction; 4=Void Receipt |
2 | B R Bank Transaction Void | VOIDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Void date; default is original transaction date | |
3 | B R Bank Transaction Void | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
4 | B R Bank Transaction Void | CMTrxNum | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction number | |
5 | B R Bank Transaction Void | VOIDDESC | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Void description; defaults from original transaction | |
6 | B R Bank Transaction Void | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID; default is "eBusiness" | |
7 | B R Bank Transaction Void | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | | GL posting date; default is original GLPOSTDT | |
8 | B R Bank Transaction Void | DistRef | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Distribution reference; defaults from original transaction | |
9 | B R Bank Transaction Void | CreateDist | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Automatically pull in original distributions* | 0=False; 1=True Manual distributions can also be used. For additional information, see Bank Reconcil |
10 | B R Bank Transaction Void | CMDNUMWK | number | 21 | N | 0 | Control Number; only needed if the combination of CMTrxNum and CHEKBKID are not unique | |
11 | B R Bank Transaction Void | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | N | | GL batch number For additional information, see Bank Reconciliation | |
12 | B R Bank Transaction Void | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction element is not used by eConnect in this node at this time | |
1 | B R Delete Bank Deposits | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
2 | B R Delete Bank Deposits | depositnumber | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Deposit number | |
3 | B R Delete Bank Deposits | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table) |
1 | B R Post Bank Deposits | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
2 | B R Post Bank Deposits | depositnumber | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Deposit number | |
3 | B R Post Bank Deposits | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if true it populates the Requester shadow table) |
4 | B R Post Bank Deposits | PTDUSRID | string | 15 | N | | User ID for posting | |
1 | Bank | BANKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Bank ID | |
2 | Bank | BANKNAME | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Bank name | |
3 | Bank | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address 1 | |
4 | Bank | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address 2 | |
5 | Bank | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address 3 | |
6 | Bank | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
7 | Bank | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
8 | Bank | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | Zip/postal Code | |
9 | Bank | COUNTRY | string | 20 | N | | Country | |
10 | Bank | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 1 | |
11 | Bank | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 2 | |
12 | Bank | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 3 | |
13 | Bank | FAXNUMBR | string | 21 | N | | Fax number | |
14 | Bank | TRNSTNBR | string | 9 | N | | Transit number | |
15 | Bank | BNKBRNCH | string | 20 | N | | Bank branch | |
16 | Bank | DDTRANUM | string | 9 | N | | DD transit number | |
17 | Bank | Requester_trx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Benefit | BENEFIT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Benefit | |
2 | Benefit | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
3 | Benefit | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Benefit | BNFBEGDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Benefit begin date | |
5 | Benefit | BNFENDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Benefit end date | |
6 | Benefit | VARBENFT | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Variable benefit/transaction required | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Benefit | BNFTFREQ | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Benefit frequency | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
8 | Benefit | SBJTFDTX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Benefit | SBJTSSEC | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to FICA Social Security tax | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Benefit | SBJTMCAR | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to FICA Medicare tax | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Benefit | SBJTSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Benefit | SBJTLTAX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Benefit | SBJTFUTA | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to FUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Benefit | SBJTSUTA | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Subject to SUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | Benefit | FFEDTXRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Flat federal tax rate | |
16 | Benefit | FLSTTXRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Flat state tax rate | |
17 | Benefit | BORCDTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Based on record type | 1=Paycodes; 2=Deductions |
18 | Benefit | BSDORCDS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Based on records | 0=False; 1=True |
19 | Benefit | BNFTMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Benefit method | 1=% of gross; 2=% of net wages; 3=% of deduction; 4=Fixed amount; 5=Amount per unit |
20 | Benefit | BNFFRMLA | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Benefit formula | |
21 | Benefit | BNFPRCNT_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit percent 1 | |
22 | Benefit | BNFPRCNT_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit percent 2 | |
23 | Benefit | BNFPRCNT_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit percent 3 | |
24 | Benefit | BNFPRCNT_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit percent 4 | |
25 | Benefit | BNFPRCNT_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit percent 5 | |
26 | Benefit | BNFITAMT_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit amount 1 | |
27 | Benefit | BNFITAMT_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit amount 2 | |
28 | Benefit | BNFITAMT_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit amount 3 | |
29 | Benefit | BNFITAMT_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit amount 4 | |
30 | Benefit | BNFITAMT_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit amount 5 | |
31 | Benefit | BNFTRMAX_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum 1 | |
32 | Benefit | BNFTRMAX_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum 2 | |
33 | Benefit | BNFTRMAX_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum 3 | |
34 | Benefit | BNFTRMAX_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum 4 | |
35 | Benefit | BNFTRMAX_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum 5 | |
36 | Benefit | BNTRMXUN_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum units 1 | |
37 | Benefit | BNTRMXUN_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum units 2 | |
38 | Benefit | BNTRMXUN_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum units 3 | |
39 | Benefit | BNTRMXUN_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum units 4 | |
40 | Benefit | BNTRMXUN_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit tier maximum units 5 | |
41 | Benefit | BNPAYPMX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit pay period Maximum | |
42 | Benefit | BNFYRMAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit year maximum | |
43 | Benefit | Benefit_Fiscal_Max | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit Fiscal Year Maximum | |
44 | Benefit | BNFLFMAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit lifetime maximum | |
45 | Benefit | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 box number | |
46 | Benefit | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | | W-2 box label | |
47 | Benefit | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
48 | Benefit | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
49 | Benefit | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
50 | Benefit | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
51 | Benefit | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
52 | Benefit | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
53 | Benefit | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Data entry default | 0=False; 1=True |
54 | Benefit | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
55 | Benefit | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BENEFIT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Benefit | |
2 | Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BORCDTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Based on record type | 1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions |
3 | Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BSDONCDE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
4 | Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Book Class | BOOKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Book ID | |
2 | Book Class | ASSETCLASSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Asset class ID | |
3 | Book Class | DEPRECIATIONMETHOD | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Depreciation method | 1=Straight-line original life; 2=Straight-line remaining life; 3=125% DB; 4=150% DB; 5=175% DB; 6=20 |
4 | Book Class | AVERAGINGCONV | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Averaging convention | 1=Half-year; 2=Modified half-year; 3=Midmonth (first); 4=Midmonth (fifteenth); 5=Midquarter; 6=Next |
5 | Book Class | AMORTIZATIONCODE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Amortization code | 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Monthly; 4=Quarterly; 5=Yearly; 6=Percentage; 7=Rate |
6 | Book Class | AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Amortization amount/percentage | |
7 | Book Class | SWITCHOVER | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Switch over | 1=No switch; 2=Straight line |
8 | Book Class | ORIGINALLIFEYEARS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Original life years | |
9 | Book Class | ORIGINALLIFEDAYS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Original life days | |
10 | Book Class | Initial_Allowance_Perc | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Initial allowance percentage | |
11 | Book Class | SPECDEPRALLOW | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Special depreciation allowance | 1=No; 2=Yes |
12 | Book Class | SPECDEPRALLOWPCT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Special depreciation allowance percentage | |
13 | Book Class | SALVAGEPCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Salvage percentage | |
14 | Book Class | SALVAGEEST | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Salvage estimate | 1=No; 2 =Yes |
15 | Book Class | LUXAUTOIND | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Luxury auto | 1=No; 2=Yes |
16 | Book Class | TEFRAFLAG | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | TEFRA option | 1=None; 2=Full credit reduce cost by 50%; 3=Full credit reduce cost by 100%; 4=Reduce ITC% by 2 poin |
1 | Book I D | BOOKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Book ID | |
2 | Book I D | BOOKDESC | string | 30 | N | | Book ID description | |
3 | Book I D | DEPRPERIOD | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Depreciation period | 1=Periodic; 2=Daily |
4 | Book I D | CURRFISCALYR | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Current fiscal year | |
5 | Book I D | Auto_Add_Book_Info | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Auto add book information | 0=False; 1=True |
1 | Buyer | BUERID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Buyer ID | |
2 | Buyer | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Description | |
3 | Buyer | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Checkbook | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
2 | Checkbook | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook description | |
3 | Checkbook | BANKID | string | 15 | N | | Bank ID | |
4 | Checkbook | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
5 | Checkbook | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | Y | Not applicable | Account number | |
6 | Checkbook | BNKACTNM | string | 15 | N | | Bank account number | |
7 | Checkbook | NXTCHNUM | string | 20 | N | 1 | Next check number | |
8 | Checkbook | Next_Deposit_Number | string | 20 | N | 1 | Next deposit number | |
9 | Checkbook | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive flag | |
10 | Checkbook | MXCHDLR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Maximum check amount | |
11 | Checkbook | DUPCHNUM | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Allow duplicate check numbers | |
12 | Checkbook | OVCHNUM1 | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Override check numbers | |
13 | Checkbook | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | | Company address ID | |
14 | Checkbook | CMUSRDF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
15 | Checkbook | CMUSRDF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
16 | Checkbook | Last_Reconciled_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Last reconciled date | |
17 | Checkbook | Last_Reconciled_Balance | number | 21 | N | 0 | Last reconciled balance | |
18 | Checkbook | DDACTNUM | string | 17 | N | | Bank account number from the direct deposit button | |
19 | Checkbook | DDINDNAM | string | 22 | N | | Account name from the direct deposit button | |
20 | Checkbook | DDTRANS | string | 2 | N | 27 | Account type from the direct deposit button | 27=Checking; 37=Savings |
21 | Checkbook | PaymentRateTypeID | string | 15 | N | | Payment rate type ID | |
22 | Checkbook | DepositRateTypeID | string | 15 | N | | Deposit rate type ID | |
23 | Checkbook | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Computer Check Line Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
2 | Computer Check Line Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
3 | Computer Check Line Insert | COMPTRTP | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Computer transaction type | 1=Pay code; 2=Deduction; 3=Benefit |
4 | Computer Check Line Insert | SALCHG | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Salary change; required if passing a salary pay code | 1=Reallocate dollars; 2=Reallocate hours; 3=Reduce dollars; 4=Reduce hours; 5=Additional amount |
5 | Computer Check Line Insert | UPRTRXCD | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | UPR transaction code | |
6 | Computer Check Line Insert | TRXBEGDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Transaction begin date | |
7 | Computer Check Line Insert | TRXENDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Transaction end date | |
8 | Computer Check Line Insert | TRXHRUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Transaction hours/units; required if the pay code passed is | 1=Salary with a salary change of reallocated hours; 2=Salary with a salary change of reduced hours; |
9 | Computer Check Line Insert | HRLYPYRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Hourly pay rate | |
10 | Computer Check Line Insert | PAYRTAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Pay rate amount; required if passing the pay code | 1=Salary with a salary change of reallocated dollars; 2=Salary with a salary change of reduced dolla |
11 | Computer Check Line Insert | VARDBAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Variable deduction/benefit amount | |
12 | Computer Check Line Insert | VARDBPCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Variable deduction/benefit percent | |
13 | Computer Check Line Insert | RECEIPTS | number | 21 | N | 0 | Receipts | |
14 | Computer Check Line Insert | DAYSWRDK | number | 21 | N | 0 | Days worked | |
15 | Computer Check Line Insert | WKSWRKD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Weeks worked | |
16 | Computer Check Line Insert | DEPRTMNT | string | 6 | N | | Department; if empty, pulls from UPR00100 | |
17 | Computer Check Line Insert | JOBTITLE | string | 6 | N | | Job title/position code; if empty, pulls from UPR00100 | |
18 | Computer Check Line Insert | STATECD | string | 2 | N | | State code | |
19 | Computer Check Line Insert | LOCALTAX | string | 6 | N | | Local tax | |
20 | Computer Check Line Insert | SUTASTAT | string | 2 | N | | SUTA state | |
21 | Computer Check Line Insert | WRKRCOMP | string | 6 | N | | Workers' compensation code | |
22 | Computer Check Line Insert | SHFTCODE | string | 6 | N | | Shift code | |
23 | Computer Check Line Insert | SHFTPREM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Shift premium | |
24 | Computer Check Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
25 | Computer Check Line Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
1 | Credit Card | RCVBGRBX | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Receivable group box | 0=Bank Card; 1=Charge Card |
2 | Credit Card | CARDNAME | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Credit card name | |
3 | Credit Card | CBPAYBLE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Used by company | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Credit Card | CBRCVBLE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Accepted from customers | 0=False; 1=True |
5 | Credit Card | CKBKNUM1 | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook number 1; for customers | |
6 | Credit Card | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account Number | |
7 | Credit Card | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor ID | |
8 | Credit Card | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
9 | Credit Card | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
10 | Credit Card | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Create date | |
11 | Credit Card | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Modified date | |
NULL | Customer Address | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | | Print phone number | !ERROR! I635 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred |
NULL | Customer Address | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
NULL | Customer Address | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
NULL | Customer Address | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow updates to customer data | !ERROR! I638 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred |
NULL | Customer Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | !ERROR! I639 -> Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred |
1 | Customer Address | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | Customer Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
3 | Customer Address | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson ID | |
4 | Customer Address | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | | UPS zone | |
5 | Customer Address | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
6 | Customer Address | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule | |
7 | Customer Address | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
8 | Customer Address | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address one | |
9 | Customer Address | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address two | |
10 | Customer Address | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address three | |
11 | Customer Address | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Customer country | |
12 | Customer Address | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
13 | Customer Address | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state | |
14 | Customer Address | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | Customer zip | |
15 | Customer Address | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone one | |
16 | Customer Address | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone two | |
17 | Customer Address | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone three | |
18 | Customer Address | FAX | string | 21 | N | | Fax | |
19 | Customer Address | GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
20 | Customer Address | INTEGRATIONSOURCE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Integration source | |
21 | Customer Address | INTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Integration ID | |
22 | Customer Address | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
23 | Customer Address | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code | |
24 | Customer Address | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
25 | Customer Address | ShipToName | string | 64 | N | | Ship to name | |
1 | Customer Class | CLASSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Class ID | |
2 | Customer Class | CLASDSCR | string | 30 | N | | Class description | |
3 | Customer Class | CRLMTTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Credit limit type | 0=No credit; 1=Unlimited; 2=Amount |
4 | Customer Class | CRLMTAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
5 | Customer Class | CRLMTPER | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Credit limit period | |
6 | Customer Class | CRLMTPAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit limit period amount | |
7 | Customer Class | DEFLTCLS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Default class | |
8 | Customer Class | BALNCTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Balance type | 0=Open item; 1=Balance forward |
9 | Customer Class | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID | |
10 | Customer Class | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID | |
11 | Customer Class | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
12 | Customer Class | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | | Payment term ID | |
13 | Customer Class | CUSTDISC | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Customer discount/trade discount | |
14 | Customer Class | MINPYTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Minimum payment type | 0=No minimum; 1=Percent; 2=Amount |
15 | Customer Class | MINPYDLR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Minimum payment dollar | |
16 | Customer Class | MINPYPCT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Minimum payment percent | |
17 | Customer Class | MXWOFTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Maximum write-off type | 0=Not allowed; 1=Unlimited; 2=Maximum |
18 | Customer Class | MXWROFAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Maximum write-off amount | |
19 | Customer Class | FNCHATYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Finance charge amount type | 0=None; 1=Percent; 2=Amount |
20 | Customer Class | FINCHDLR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Finance charge dollar | |
21 | Customer Class | FNCHPCNT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Finance charge percent | |
22 | Customer Class | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
23 | Customer Class | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
24 | Customer Class | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate ID | |
25 | Customer Class | DEFCACTY | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Cash account from | 0=Checkbook; 1=Customer |
26 | Customer Class | CASHACCT | string | 75 | N | | Cash account | |
27 | Customer Class | ACCTRECACCT | string | 75 | N | | Account Receivable account | |
28 | Customer Class | SALESACCT | string | 75 | N | | Sales account | |
29 | Customer Class | COSTOFSALESACCT | string | 75 | N | | Cost of sales account | |
30 | Customer Class | IVACCT | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account | |
31 | Customer Class | TERMDISCTAKENACCT | string | 75 | N | | Terms discount taken account | |
32 | Customer Class | TERMDISCAVAILACCT | string | 75 | N | | Terms discount available account | |
33 | Customer Class | FINCHRGACCT | string | 75 | N | | Finance charges account | |
34 | Customer Class | WRITEOFFACCT | string | 75 | N | | Write-off account | |
35 | Customer Class | SALESORDERRETACCT | string | 75 | N | | Sales order returns account | |
36 | Customer Class | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
37 | Customer Class | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Sales person ID | |
38 | Customer Class | STMTCYCL | i4 | 2 | N | 5 | Statement cycle | 1=No statement; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Bimonthly; 7=Quarterly |
39 | Customer Class | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep calendar history | 0=False; 1=True |
40 | Customer Class | KPDSTHST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep distribution history | 0=False; 1=True |
41 | Customer Class | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep period history | 0=False; 1=True |
42 | Customer Class | KPTRXHST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep transaction history | 0=False; 1=True |
43 | Customer Class | DISGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Discount grace period | |
44 | Customer Class | DUEGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Due date of grace period | |
45 | Customer Class | Revalue_Customer | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Revalue customer | 0=False; 1=True |
46 | Customer Class | Post_Results_To | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Post results to | 0=Receivables/discount account 1=Sales offset account |
47 | Customer Class | ORDERFULFILLDEFAULT | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Order fulfillment shortage default | 1=None; 2=Back order remaining; 3=Cancel remaining |
48 | Customer Class | CUSTPRIORITY | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Customer priority; valid input values are 1 (none) to 100 | |
49 | Customer Class | RMOvrpymtWrtoffAcct | string | 75 | N | | RM overpayment write-off account | |
50 | Customer Class | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Customer Items | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Customer Items | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer ID | |
3 | Customer Items | CUSTITEMNMBR | string | 30 | N | | Customer item | |
4 | Customer Items | CUSTITEMDESC | string | 50 | N | | Customer item description | |
5 | Customer Items | CUSTITEMSHORNAME | string | 15 | N | | Customer item short name | |
6 | Customer Items | CUSTITEMGENERICDESC | string | 10 | N | | Customer generic | |
7 | Customer Items | USRDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
8 | Customer Items | USRDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
9 | Customer Items | USRDEF03 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 3 | |
10 | Customer Items | USRDEF04 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 4 | |
11 | Customer Items | USRDEF05 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 5 | |
12 | Customer Items | SUBITEMNMBR | string | 30 | N | | Substitute item number | |
13 | Customer Items | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Substitute items effective start date | |
14 | Customer Items | ENDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Substitute items effective end date | |
15 | Customer Items | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Deduction | DEDUCTION | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction | |
2 | Deduction | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
3 | Deduction | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Deduction | DEDBEGDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Begin date | |
5 | Deduction | DEDENDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | End date | |
6 | Deduction | DEDTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Deduction Type 1 = Standard 2 = Garnishment | |
7 | Deduction | GARNCAT | i4 | 2 | Y | 0 | Garnishment Category Required if Deduction Type is set to a 2 1= Support Order, 2 = Tax Levy, 3 = Bankruptcy, 4 = Garnishment 5 = Other | |
8 | Deduction | VARDEDTN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Variable deduction | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Deduction | DEDNFREQ | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Deduction frequency | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
10 | Deduction | SFRFEDTX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Sheltered from federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Deduction | SHFRFICA | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Sheltered from FICA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Deduction | SHFRSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Sheltered from state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Deduction | SFRLCLTX | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Sheltered from local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Deduction | BSDORCDS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Based on records | 0=All; 1=Selected |
15 | Deduction | DEDNMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Deduction method | 1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Fixed amount; 4=Amount per unit 5=Percenta |
16 | Deduction | DEDFRMLA | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Deduction formula | 0=Single; 1=Multiple |
17 | Deduction | EARNINGSCODE | string | 15 | N | | Earning code | |
18 | Deduction | DEDCAMNT_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction amount 1 | |
19 | Deduction | DEDCAMNT_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction amount 2 | |
20 | Deduction | DEDCAMNT_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction amount 3 | |
21 | Deduction | DEDCAMNT_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction amount 4 | |
22 | Deduction | DEDCAMNT_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction amount 5 | |
23 | Deduction | DEDNPRCT_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction percentage 1 | |
24 | Deduction | DEDNPRCT_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction percentage 2 | |
25 | Deduction | DEDNPRCT_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction percentage 3 | |
26 | Deduction | DEDNPRCT_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction percentage 4 | |
27 | Deduction | DEDNPRCT_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction percentage 5 | |
28 | Deduction | DEDTRMAX_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum 1 | |
29 | Deduction | DEDTRMAX_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum 2 | |
30 | Deduction | DEDTRMAX_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum 3 | |
31 | Deduction | DEDTRMAX_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum 4 | |
32 | Deduction | DEDTRMAX_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum 5 | |
33 | Deduction | DETRMXUN_1 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum units 1 | |
34 | Deduction | DETRMXUN_2 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum units 2 | |
35 | Deduction | DETRMXUN_3 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum units 3 | |
36 | Deduction | DETRMXUN_4 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum units 4 | |
37 | Deduction | DETRMXUN_5 | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction tier maximum units 5 | |
38 | Deduction | DEPYPRMX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction pay period maximum | |
39 | Deduction | DEDYRMAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction year maximum | |
40 | Deduction | Deduction_Fiscal_Yr_Max | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction Fiscal Year Maximum | |
41 | Deduction | DEDLTMAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction life maximum | |
42 | Deduction | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 box number | |
43 | Deduction | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | | W-2 box label | |
44 | Deduction | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
45 | Deduction | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
46 | Deduction | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
47 | Deduction | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
48 | Deduction | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
49 | Deduction | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
50 | Deduction | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Data entry default | 0=False; 1=True |
51 | Deduction | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
52 | Deduction | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Deduction Based On Pay Codes | DEDUCTION | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction | |
2 | Deduction Based On Pay Codes | BSDONCDE | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
3 | Deduction Based On Pay Codes | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Delete Applicant | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Application | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Application | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Application | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant Application | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Internal Sequence Number Required only if you are going to pass this instead of Requisition Number OR if you have multiple instances of the same Applicant and Requisition Number | |
5 | Delete Applicant Application | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Requisition Number Required only if you are not passing the Sequence Number | |
6 | Delete Applicant Application | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Education | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Education | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Education | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant Education | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Education Line | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Education Line | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Education Line | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you are going to pass this instead of the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant Education Line | UNIVERSITY | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | University | |
5 | Delete Applicant Education Line | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | | Sequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same university on more then one record | |
6 | Delete Applicant Education Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Interview | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Interview | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Interview | APPINTTYPESTR_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Interview type | |
4 | Delete Applicant Interview | APPLYDATE_I | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Interview date | |
5 | Delete Applicant Interview | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number and not LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
6 | Delete Applicant Interview | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant References | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant References | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant References | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant References | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant References Line | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant References Line | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant References Line | REFERENCENAME_I | string | 61 | Y | Not applicable | Reference name | |
4 | Delete Applicant References Line | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
5 | Delete Applicant References Line | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | | Sequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same reference on more then one record | |
6 | Delete Applicant References Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Requisition number | |
4 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you want to pass Applicant Number and not pass LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME combination | |
5 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required only if you have the same applicant and same requisition on more then one record | |
6 | Delete Applicant Requisitions Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Tests | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Tests | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Tests | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination or if you want to pass Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant Tests | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | TESTCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Test code | |
4 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you pass Application Number instead of FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME combination | |
5 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same Test Code on more then one record | |
6 | Delete Applicant Tests Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Work History | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Work History | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Work History | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if passing Applicant Number and not FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination | |
4 | Delete Applicant Work History | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | LLASTNAME_I | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
2 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | FFIRSTNAME_I | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
3 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | NAME | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Employer name | |
4 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | APPLICANTNUMBER_I | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Applicant Number Required only if you have multiple applicants with the same name combination OR if you are passing Applicant Number instead of FIRSTNAME LASTNAME combination | |
5 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | ISEQUENCENUMBER_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence Number Required only if you have the same applicants and same name/employeer on more then one record | |
6 | Delete Applicant Work History Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Customer Address | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | Delete Customer Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
3 | Delete Customer Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Delete Customer Rcd | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | Delete Customer Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Delete Employee | EMLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee number | |
2 | Delete Employee | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Delete Employee Address | EMLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee number | |
2 | Delete Employee Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
3 | Delete Employee Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Delete Employee Pay Code | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee number | |
2 | Delete Employee Pay Code | PAYRCORD | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Pay code | |
3 | Delete Employee Pay Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Requisition | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Requisition number | |
2 | Delete Requisition | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Salesperson Rcd | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Salesperson ID | |
2 | Delete Salesperson Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Delete Skill Sets | SKILLSET_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill set | |
2 | Delete Skill Sets | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Skill Sets Line | SKILLSET_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill set | |
2 | Delete Skill Sets Line | SKILLTITLE_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill | |
3 | Delete Skill Sets Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Skills | SKILLTITLE_I | string | 31 | Y | Not appllicable | Skill | |
2 | Delete Skills | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Delete Tests | TEST_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Test | |
2 | Delete Tests | TESTCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Test code | |
3 | Delete Tests | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
9 | Delete Tests | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | | Location/site code | |
10 | Delete Tests | LOCNDSCR | string | 30 | Y | | Location/site description | |
11 | Delete Tests | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address 1 | |
12 | Delete Tests | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address 2 | |
13 | Delete Tests | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address 3 | |
14 | Delete Tests | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
15 | Delete Tests | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
16 | Delete Tests | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code | |
17 | Delete Tests | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
18 | Delete Tests | PHONE1 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 1 | |
19 | Delete Tests | PHONE2 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 2 | |
20 | Delete Tests | PHONE3 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 3 | |
21 | Delete Tests | FAXNUMBR | string | 20 | N | | Fax number | |
22 | Delete Tests | Location_Segment | string | 66 | N | | Location segment | |
23 | Delete Tests | STAXSCHD | string | 15 | N | | Sales tax schedule ID | |
24 | Delete Tests | PCTAXSCH | string | 15 | N | | Purchases tax schedule ID | |
25 | Delete Tests | INCLDDINPLNNNG | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in planning | 0=False; 1=True |
26 | Delete Tests | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
27 | Delete Tests | PORECEIPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Purchase receipt bin | |
28 | Delete Tests | PORETRNBIN | string | 15 | N | | Purchase return bin | |
29 | Delete Tests | SOFULFILLMENTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Sales order fulfillment bin | |
30 | Delete Tests | SORETURNBIN | string | 15 | N | | Sales order returns bin | |
31 | Delete Tests | BOMRCPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Assembly receipts bin | |
32 | Delete Tests | MATERIALISSUEBIN | string | 15 | N | | Material issues bin | |
33 | Delete Tests | MORECEIPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Manufacturing receipts bin | |
34 | Delete Tests | REPAIRISSUESBIN | string | 15 | N | | Repair issues bin | |
1 | Delete Vendor Address | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | Delete Vendor Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
3 | Delete Vendor Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Department | DEPRTMNT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Department | |
2 | Department | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Department description | |
3 | Department | UpdateIfExists 1 | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
4 | Department | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Employee | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee | EMPLCLAS | string | 15 | N | | Employee class | |
3 | Employee | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Employee | LASTNAME | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Last name | |
5 | Employee | FRSTNAME | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | First name | |
6 | Employee | MIDLNAME | string | 15 | N | | Middle name | |
7 | Employee | EMPLSUFF | string | 4 | N | | Employee suffix | |
8 | Employee | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | | Address code | |
9 | Employee | ADDRESS1 | string | 30 | N | | Address code 1 | |
10 | Employee | ADDRESS2 | string | 30 | N | | Address code 2 | |
11 | Employee | ADDRESS3 | string | 30 | N | | Address code 3 | |
12 | Employee | CITY | string | 30 | N | | City | |
13 | Employee | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
14 | Employee | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code | |
15 | Employee | COUNTY | string | 20 | N | | County | |
16 | Employee | COUNTRY | string | 20 | N | | Country | |
17 | Employee | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 1 | |
18 | Employee | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 2 | |
19 | Employee | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone number 3 | |
20 | Employee | FAX | string | 21 | N | | Fax number | |
21 | Employee | SOCSCNUM | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Social Security number | |
22 | Employee | BRTHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Birth date | |
23 | Employee | GENDER | i4 | 2 | N | 3 | Gender | 1=Male; 2=Female; 3=Not applicable |
24 | Employee | ETHNORGN | i4 | 2 | N | 7 | Ethnic origin | 1=White; 2=Native American or Alaskan Native; 3=Black or African American; 4=Asian; 5=Hispanic or La |
25 | Employee | Calc_Min_Wage_Bal | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Calculate minimum wage balance | 0=False; 1=True |
26 | Employee | DIVISIONCODE_I | string | 6 | N | | Division code; HR option only | |
27 | Employee | DEPRTMNT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Department | |
28 | Employee | JOBTITLE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Job title/position | |
29 | Employee | SUPERVISORCODE_I | string | 6 | N | | Supervisor Code | |
30 | Employee | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | | Location ID | |
31 | Employee | WCACFPAY | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Cash account from | 0=Checkbook; 1=Employee |
32 | Employee | AccountNumber | string | 75 | N | | Account number | |
33 | Employee | WKHRPRYR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Work hours per year | |
34 | Employee | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Start date | |
35 | Employee | DEMPINAC | datetime | 8 | N | | Date employee inactivated; this field is active if INACTIVE=1 | |
36 | Employee | RSNEMPIN | string | 30 | N | | Reason employee inactivated; this field is active if INACTIVE=1 | |
37 | Employee | MINETPAY | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum net pay | |
38 | Employee | SUTASTAT | string | 2 | N | | SUTA state | |
39 | Employee | WRKRCOMP | string | 6 | N | | Workers' compensation code | |
40 | Employee | ATACRVAC | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Auto accrue vacation | 0=False; 1=True |
41 | Employee | VACCRAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Vacation accrual amount | |
42 | Employee | VACCRMTH | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Vacation accrual method | 0=Hours worked; 1=Set hours |
43 | Employee | VACAPRYR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Vacation hours per year | |
44 | Employee | VACAVLBL | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Vacation available | |
45 | Employee | WRNVCNFLSBLWZR | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Warn if vacation falls below zero | 0=False; 1=True |
46 | Employee | ATACRSTM | i4 | 1 | N | | Auto accrue sick time | 0=False 1=True |
47 | Employee | STMACMTH | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Sick Time Accrual Method | 0=Hours worked 1=Set hours |
48 | Employee | SKTMACAM | number | 21 | N | | Sick time accrual amount | |
49 | Employee | SIKTIMAV | number | 21 | N | | Sick time available | |
50 | Employee | SKTMHPYR | number | 21 | N | | Sick time hours per year | |
51 | Employee | WRNSTFLSBLWZR | i4 | 1 | N | | Warn sick time falls below zero 0=False 1=True | |
52 | Employee | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
53 | Employee | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
54 | Employee | EMPLOYMENTTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Type of employment | 1=Full-time regular; 2=Full-time temporary; 3=Part-time regular; 4=Part-time temporary; 5=Intern; 6= |
55 | Employee | MARITALSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | 3 | Marital status | 1=Married; 2=Single; 3=Not applicable |
56 | Employee | BENADJDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Benefit adjustment date | |
57 | Employee | LASTDAYWORKED_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Last day worked | |
58 | Employee | BIRTHDAY | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Birthday | |
59 | Employee | BIRTHMONTH | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Birth month | 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 1 |
60 | Employee | SPOUSE | string | 15 | N | | Spouse | |
61 | Employee | SPOUSESSN | string | 15 | N | | Spouse Social Security number | |
62 | Employee | NICKNAME | string | 20 | N | | Nickname | |
63 | Employee | ALTERNATENAME | string | 20 | N | | Alternate name | |
64 | Employee | STATUSCD | string | 15 | N | | Status code | |
65 | Employee | HRSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | HR Status; HR option only | 1=Active; 2=Family leave; 3=Leave of absence; 4=Maternity; 5=Retired; 6=Separated; 7=Suspended; 8=Te |
66 | Employee | DATEOFLASTREVIEW_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date of last review; HR option only | |
67 | Employee | DATEOFNEXTREVIEW_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Date of next review; HR option only | |
68 | Employee | BENEFITEXPIRE_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Benefit expire | |
69 | Employee | HANDICAPPED | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Handicapped; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
70 | Employee | VETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Veteran; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
71 | Employee | VIETNAMVETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Vietnam veteran; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
72 | Employee | DISABLEDVETERAN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Disabled veteran; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
73 | Employee | UNIONEMPLOYEE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Union employee; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
74 | Employee | SMOKER_I | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Smoker; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
75 | Employee | CITIZEN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Citizen; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
76 | Employee | VERIFIED | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Verified; HR option only | 0=False; 1=True |
77 | Employee | I9RENEW | datetime | 8 | N | | I9 renew; HR option only | |
78 | Employee | Primary_Pay_Record | string | 6 | N | | Primary pay record; HR option only | |
79 | Employee | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Change by; HR option only | |
80 | Employee | CHANGEDATE_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Change date; HR option only | |
81 | Employee | UNIONCD | string | 6 | N | | Union code; HR option only | |
82 | Employee | RATECLSS | string | 15 | N | | Rate class; HR option only | |
83 | Employee | FEDCLSSCD | string | 10 | N | | Federal class; HR option only | |
84 | Employee | OTHERVET | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Other veterans; HR option only | |
85 | Employee | Military_Discharge_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Military discharge date; HR option only | |
86 | Employee | DefaultFromClass | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Default information from class | 0=False; 1=True |
87 | Employee | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
88 | Employee | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
94 | Employee | USERID | string | 15 | N | | GP user ID | |
1 | Employee Address | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address code | |
3 | Employee Address | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address line 1 | |
4 | Employee Address | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address line 2 | |
5 | Employee Address | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address line 3 | |
6 | Employee Address | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
7 | Employee Address | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
8 | Employee Address | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code/postal code | |
9 | Employee Address | COUNTY | string | 60 | N | | County | |
10 | Employee Address | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
11 | Employee Address | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 1 | |
12 | Employee Address | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 2 | |
13 | Employee Address | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 3 | |
14 | Employee Address | FAX | string | 21 | N | | Fax number | |
15 | Employee Address | Foreign_Address | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Foreign address | 0=False; 1=True |
16 | Employee Address | Foreign_StateProvince | string | 23 | N | | Foreign state or province | |
17 | Employee Address | Foreign_Postal_Code | string | 15 | N | | Foreign postal code | |
18 | Employee Address | Ccode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
19 | Employee Address | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
20 | Employee Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Benefit | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Benefit | BENEFIT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Pay code | |
3 | Employee Benefit | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Employee Benefit | BNFBEGDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Benefit begin date; required if UseDefaultCoBenefit=0 and optional if UseDefaultCoBenefit=1 | |
5 | Employee Benefit | BNFENDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Benefit end date | |
6 | Employee Benefit | VARBENFT | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Variable benefit/transaction required | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Employee Benefit | BNFTFREQ | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Benefit frequency | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
8 | Employee Benefit | SBJTFDTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Employee Benefit | SBJTSSEC | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to FICA Social Security tax | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Employee Benefit | SBJTMCAR | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to FICA Medicare tax | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Employee Benefit | SBJTSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Employee Benefit | SBJTLTAX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Employee Benefit | SBJTFUTA | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to FUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Employee Benefit | SBJTSUTA | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to SUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | Employee Benefit | FFEDTXRT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Flat federal tax rate | |
16 | Employee Benefit | FLSTTXRT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Flat state tax rate | |
17 | Employee Benefit | BORCDTYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Based on record type | 1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions |
18 | Employee Benefit | BSDORCDS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Based on records | 0=False; 1=True |
19 | Employee Benefit | BNFTMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Benefit method | 1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Percentage of deduction; 4=Fixed amount; 5 |
20 | Employee Benefit | BNFFRMLA | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Benefit formula | 0=Single; 1=Multiple |
21 | Employee Benefit | BNFPRCNT_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit percent 1 | |
22 | Employee Benefit | BNFPRCNT_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit percent 2 | |
23 | Employee Benefit | BNFPRCNT_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit percent 3 | |
24 | Employee Benefit | BNFPRCNT_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit percent 4 | |
25 | Employee Benefit | BNFPRCNT_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit percent 5 | |
26 | Employee Benefit | BNFITAMT_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit amount 1 | |
27 | Employee Benefit | BNFITAMT_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit amount 2 | |
28 | Employee Benefit | BNFITAMT_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit amount 3 | |
29 | Employee Benefit | BNFITAMT_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit amount 4 | |
30 | Employee Benefit | BNFITAMT_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit amount 5 | |
31 | Employee Benefit | BNFTRMAX_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max 1 | |
32 | Employee Benefit | BNFTRMAX_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max 2 | |
33 | Employee Benefit | BNFTRMAX_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max 3 | |
34 | Employee Benefit | BNFTRMAX_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max 4 | |
35 | Employee Benefit | BNFTRMAX_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max 5 | |
36 | Employee Benefit | BNTRMXUN_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max units 1 | |
37 | Employee Benefit | BNTRMXUN_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max units 2 | |
38 | Employee Benefit | BNTRMXUN_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max units 3 | |
39 | Employee Benefit | BNTRMXUN_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max units 4 | |
40 | Employee Benefit | BNTRMXUN_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit tier max units 5 | |
41 | Employee Benefit | BNPAYPMX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit pay period maximum | |
42 | Employee Benefit | BNFYRMAX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit year maximum | |
43 | Employee Benefit | Benefit_Fiscal_Max | number | 21 | N | 0 | Benefit Fiscal Year Maximum | |
44 | Employee Benefit | BNFLFMAX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Benefit lifetime maximum | |
45 | Employee Benefit | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box number | |
46 | Employee Benefit | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box label | |
47 | Employee Benefit | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
48 | Employee Benefit | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
49 | Employee Benefit | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
50 | Employee Benefit | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
51 | Employee Benefit | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
52 | Employee Benefit | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
53 | Employee Benefit | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Data entry default | 0=False; 1=True |
54 | Employee Benefit | EMPLRMAXMAT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Employer maximum match | |
55 | Employee Benefit | UseDefaultCoBenefit | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Use default company benefit | 0=False; 1=True |
56 | Employee Benefit | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
57 | Employee Benefit | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BENEFIT | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Benefit | |
3 | Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BORCDTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Based on record type | 1=Pay codes; 2=Deductions |
4 | Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | BSDONCDE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
5 | Employee Benefit Based On Pay Ded Codes | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Class | EMPLCLAS | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee class ID | |
2 | Employee Class | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Class description | |
3 | Employee Class | DEPRTMNT | string | 6 | N | | Department | |
4 | Employee Class | JOBTITLE | string | 6 | N | | Job title | |
5 | Employee Class | SUTASTAT | string | 2 | N | | SUTA state | |
6 | Employee Class | WRKRCOMP | string | 6 | N | | Workers' compensation | |
7 | Employee Class | MINETPAY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Minimum net pay | |
8 | Employee Class | WKHRPRYR | i4 | 2 | N | 2080 | Work hours per year | |
9 | Employee Class | WCACFPAY | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Which cash account for pay | 0=Checkbook; 1=Employee |
10 | Employee Class | AccountNumber | string | 75 | N | | Account number | |
11 | Employee Class | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
12 | Employee Class | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
13 | Employee Class | ATACRVAC | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Auto accrue vacation | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Employee Class | VACCRMTH | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Vacation accrual method | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | Employee Class | VACCRAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Vacation accrual amount | |
16 | Employee Class | VACAPRYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Vacation hours per year | |
17 | Employee Class | VACAVLBL | number | 21 | N | 0 | Vacation available | |
18 | Employee Class | WRNVCNFLSBLWZR | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Warn vacation falls below zero | 0=False; 1=True |
19 | Employee Class | ATACRSTM | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Auto accrue sick time | |
20 | Employee Class | STMACMTH | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Sick time accrual method | |
21 | Employee Class | SKTMACAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sick time accrual amount | |
22 | Employee Class | SKTMHPYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sick time hours per year | |
23 | Employee Class | SIKTIMAV | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sick time available | |
24 | Employee Class | WRNSTFLSBLWZR | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Warn sick time falls below zero | 0=False; 1=True |
25 | Employee Class | DEFLTCLS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Default class | 0=False; 1=True |
26 | Employee Class | Calc_Min_Wage_Bal | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Calculate minimum wage balance | 0=False; 1=True |
27 | Employee Class | EMPLOYMENTTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Type of employment | 1=Full-time regular; 2=Full-time temporary; 3=Part-time regular; 4=Part-time temporary; 5=Intern |
28 | Employee Class | DefaultFromClass | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to determine if a parameter is brought in blank and whether or not to pull from Default class | 0=No; 1=Yes |
29 | Employee Class | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
30 | Employee Class | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Deduction | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Deduction | DEDUCTON | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction | |
3 | Employee Deduction | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Employee Deduction | DEDBEGDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Deduction start date; required if not using deduction code as the default, so UseDefaultCoDeduction=0; optional if using the default and then UseDefaultCoDeduction=1 | |
5 | Employee Deduction | DEDENDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Deduction end date | |
6 | Employee Deduction | VARDEDTN | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Variable deduction | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Employee Deduction | DEDNFREQ | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Deduction frequency | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
8 | Employee Deduction | SFRFEDTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Sheltered from federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Employee Deduction | SHFRFICA | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Sheltered from FICA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Employee Deduction | SHFRSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Sheltered from state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Employee Deduction | SFRLCLTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Sheltered from local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Employee Deduction | BSDORCDS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Based on records | 0=All; 1=Selected |
13 | Employee Deduction | DEDNMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Deduction method | 1=Percentage of gross wages; 2=Percentage of net wages; 3=Fixed amount; 4=Amount per unit 5=Percenta |
14 | Employee Deduction | DEDFRMLA | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Deduction formula | 0=Single; 1=Multiple |
15 | Employee Deduction | DEDNPRCT_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction percentage 1 | |
16 | Employee Deduction | DEDNPRCT_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction percentage 2 | |
17 | Employee Deduction | DEDNPRCT_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction percentage 3 | |
18 | Employee Deduction | DEDNPRCT_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction percentage 4 | |
19 | Employee Deduction | DEDNPRCT_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction percentage 5 | |
20 | Employee Deduction | DEDCAMNT_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction amount 1 | |
21 | Employee Deduction | DEDCAMNT_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction amount 2 | |
22 | Employee Deduction | DEDCAMNT_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction amount 3 | |
23 | Employee Deduction | DEDCAMNT_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction amount 4 | |
24 | Employee Deduction | DEDCAMNT_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction amount 5 | |
25 | Employee Deduction | DEDTRMAX_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum 1 | |
26 | Employee Deduction | DEDTRMAX_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum 2 | |
27 | Employee Deduction | DEDTRMAX_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum 3 | |
28 | Employee Deduction | DEDTRMAX_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum 4 | |
29 | Employee Deduction | DEDTRMAX_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum 5 | |
30 | Employee Deduction | DETRMXUN_1 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum units 1 | |
31 | Employee Deduction | DETRMXUN_2 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum units 2 | |
32 | Employee Deduction | DETRMXUN_3 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum units 3 | |
33 | Employee Deduction | DETRMXUN_4 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum units 4 | |
34 | Employee Deduction | DETRMXUN_5 | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction tier maximum units 5 | |
35 | Employee Deduction | DEPYPRMX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction pay period maximum | |
36 | Employee Deduction | DEDYRMAX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction year maximum | |
37 | Employee Deduction | Deduction_Fiscal_Yr_Max | number | 21 | N | 0 | Deduction fiscal year maximum | |
38 | Employee Deduction | DEDLTMAX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Deduction life maximum | |
39 | Employee Deduction | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box number | |
40 | Employee Deduction | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box label | |
41 | Employee Deduction | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
42 | Employee Deduction | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
43 | Employee Deduction | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
44 | Employee Deduction | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
45 | Employee Deduction | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
46 | Employee Deduction | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
47 | Employee Deduction | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Data entry default | 0=False; 1=True |
48 | Employee Deduction | UseDefaultCoDeduction | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Use default company deduction | 0=False; 1=True |
49 | Employee Deduction | EARNINGSCODE | string | 15 | N | | Earnings code | |
50 | Employee Deduction | COURTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Court Date | |
51 | Employee Deduction | COURTNAME | string | 31 | N | | Court name | |
52 | Employee Deduction | DOCDESCR | string | 31 | N | | Document ID | |
53 | Employee Deduction | ORIGINALAMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Original amount | |
54 | Employee Deduction | AMNTTAKEN | number | 21 | N | 0 | Amount taken | |
55 | Employee Deduction | FEDMAXDED | string | 15 | N | | Federal maximum deduction | |
56 | Employee Deduction | STATEMAXDED | string | 15 | N | | State maximum deduction | |
57 | Employee Deduction | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor ID | |
58 | Employee Deduction | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow address data to be updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
59 | Employee Deduction | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Deduction Based On Pay Codes | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Deduction Based On Pay Codes | DEDUCTION | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction | |
3 | Employee Deduction Based On Pay Codes | BSDONCDE | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
4 | Employee Deduction Based On Pay Codes | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Local Tax | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Local Tax | LOCALTAX | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Local tax | |
3 | Employee Local Tax | LCLFGSTS | string | 6 | N | | Local filing status | SINGLE=Single; MAR=Married; ''=Not Applicable |
4 | Employee Local Tax | AULCLTAX | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Automatically calculate | 0=False; 1=True |
5 | Employee Local Tax | NUMOFEXM | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Number of exemptions | |
6 | Employee Local Tax | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Employee Local Tax | ADTLLOCWTHDNG | number | 21 | N | 0 | Additional withholding | |
8 | Employee Local Tax | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
9 | Employee Local Tax | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Pay Code | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Pay Code | PAYRCORD | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Pay code | |
3 | Employee Pay Code | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Employee Pay Code | BSPAYRCD | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Based on pay code | |
5 | Employee Pay Code | PAYRTAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Pay rate amount | |
6 | Employee Pay Code | PAYUNIT | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Pay unit; required if passing a piecework pay code | |
7 | Employee Pay Code | PAYUNPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Pay unit period | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
8 | Employee Pay Code | RPTASWGS | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Report as wages | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTFDTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTSSEC | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to Social Security | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTMCAR | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to Medicare | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTLTAX | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTFUTA | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to FUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | Employee Pay Code | SBJTSUTA | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Subject to SUTA Tax | 0=False; 1=True |
16 | Employee Pay Code | SUTASTAT | string | 2 | N | | SUTA state | |
17 | Employee Pay Code | FFEDTXRT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Federal tax rate | |
18 | Employee Pay Code | FLSTTXRT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | State tax rate | |
19 | Employee Pay Code | PAYPEROD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Pay period | |
20 | Employee Pay Code | MXPYPPER | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Maximum per pay period | |
21 | Employee Pay Code | TipType | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Tip type | 1=Directly; 2=Indirectly |
22 | Employee Pay Code | PAYADVNC | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Pay advance | |
23 | Employee Pay Code | ACRUVACN | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Auto accrue vacation time | 0=False; 1=True |
24 | Employee Pay Code | ACRUSTIM | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Auto accrue sick time | 0=False; 1=True |
25 | Employee Pay Code | WRKRCOMP | string | 6 | N | | Workers' compensation code | |
26 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box number | |
27 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | W-2 box label | |
28 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
29 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
30 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
31 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
32 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
33 | Employee Pay Code | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
34 | Employee Pay Code | PYADVTKN | number | 21 | N | 0 | Pay advance taken | |
35 | Employee Pay Code | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Data entry level | 0=False; 1=True |
36 | Employee Pay Code | Primary_Pay_Record | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Primary Pay Record HR Only Option 0=False 1=True | |
37 | Employee Pay Code | SHFTCODE | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Shift code | |
38 | Employee Pay Code | PAYFACTR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Pay factor | |
39 | Employee Pay Code | UseDefaultCoPayCode | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Use default company pay code | 0=False; 1=True |
40 | Employee Pay Code | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow address data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
41 | Employee Pay Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee State Tax | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee State Tax | STATECD | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | State code | |
3 | Employee State Tax | TXFLGSTS | string | 30 | N | | Tax filing status | |
4 | Employee State Tax | EXMFBLND | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for blind | 0=False; 1=True |
5 | Employee State Tax | EXFBLSPS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for blind spouse | 0=False; 1=True |
6 | Employee State Tax | EXFORO65 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for over 65 | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Employee State Tax | EXMFRSLF | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for self | 0=False; 1=True |
8 | Employee State Tax | EXMFSPAL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for special allowance | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Employee State Tax | EXMFRSPS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for spouse | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Employee State Tax | EXFSPO65 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Exemption for spouse over 65 | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Employee State Tax | PRSNEXPT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Personal exemption | |
12 | Employee State Tax | DEPNDNTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Dependents | |
13 | Employee State Tax | ADNLALOW | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Additional allowances | |
14 | Employee State Tax | ESTDEDAL | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Estimated deduction allowance | |
15 | Employee State Tax | EXMTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exemption amount | |
16 | Employee State Tax | ADSTWHDG | number | 21 | N | 0 | Additional state withholding | |
17 | Employee State Tax | ESTSTWHD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Estimated state withholding | |
18 | Employee State Tax | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
19 | Employee State Tax | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
20 | Employee State Tax | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Employee Tax | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
2 | Employee Tax | FDFLGSTS | string | 15 | N | | Federal filing status | MAR=Married; SINGLE=Single; BLANK=Exempt; NRA=Non-resident alien |
3 | Employee Tax | FEDEXMPT | i4 | 30 | N | 0 | Number of exemptions claimed | |
4 | Employee Tax | ADFDWHDG | number | 30 | N | 0 | Additional federal withholding | |
5 | Employee Tax | ESTFEDWH | number | 30 | N | 0 | Estimated federal withholding | |
6 | Employee Tax | STATECD | string | 30 | N | | State code | |
7 | Employee Tax | LOCALTAX | string | 29 | N | | Local tax code | |
8 | Employee Tax | W2BF942E | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for 942 employee | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Employee Tax | W2BFDCSD | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for deceased | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | Employee Tax | W2BFDCMP | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for deferred compensation | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Employee Tax | W2BFLREP | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for legal representative | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | Employee Tax | W2BFPPLN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for pension plan | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Employee Tax | W2BFSTEM | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | W2 box for statutory employee | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Employee Tax | MCRQGEMP | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Medicare qualified government employee | |
15 | Employee Tax | EICFLGST | string | 6 | N | | EIC filing status | BLANK=Not eligible; MAR=Married, both spouses file certificate; MAR2=Married without spouse filing c |
16 | Employee Tax | NYTXDiff | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Withhold NY tax difference | |
17 | Employee Tax | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow employee data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
18 | Employee Tax | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | F S Equipment Master | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
2 | F S Equipment Master | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | F S Equipment Master | REFRENCE | string | 31 | N | | A reference about the equipment | |
4 | F S Equipment Master | Version | string | 31 | N | | The version of the equipment | |
5 | F S Equipment Master | SRLSTAT | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | The status of the equipment | |
6 | F S Equipment Master | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
7 | F S Equipment Master | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer address code | |
8 | F S Equipment Master | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 1 | |
9 | F S Equipment Master | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
10 | F S Equipment Master | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
11 | F S Equipment Master | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
12 | F S Equipment Master | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state code | |
13 | F S Equipment Master | ZIP | string | 11 | N | | Customer ZIP Code | |
14 | F S Equipment Master | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | | Customer country | |
15 | F S Equipment Master | CNTCPRSN | string | 61 | N | | Customer Contact person | |
16 | F S Equipment Master | INSTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the equipment was installed | |
17 | F S Equipment Master | Shipped_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the equipment was shipped | |
18 | F S Equipment Master | SVC_Register_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the equipment was registered | |
19 | F S Equipment Master | LSTPMDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The last date that preventive maintenance was performed on the equipment | |
20 | F S Equipment Master | LSTSRVDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The last date of a service call for the equipment | |
21 | F S Equipment Master | TECHID | string | 11 | N | | The primary technician responsible for the equipment | |
22 | F S Equipment Master | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | The office responsible for servicing the equipment | |
23 | F S Equipment Master | SVCAREA | string | 11 | N | | The service area in which the equipment is installed | |
24 | F S Equipment Master | TIMEZONE | string | 3 | N | | The time zone where is equipment is installed | |
25 | F S Equipment Master | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | The vendor from which the equipment was originally purchased | |
26 | F S Equipment Master | WARRCDE | string | 11 | N | | The warranty code offered by the vendor for the equipment | |
27 | F S Equipment Master | WARRSTART | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the vendor warranty starts for the equipment | |
28 | F S Equipment Master | WARREND | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the vendor warranty ends for the equipment | |
29 | F S Equipment Master | SLRWARR | string | 11 | N | | The seller warranty code, which represents the warranty your company offers after the vendor warranty expires | |
30 | F S Equipment Master | SLRWSTART | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the seller warranty starts for the equipment | |
31 | F S Equipment Master | SLRWEND | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the seller warranty ends for the equipment | |
32 | F S Equipment Master | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | | Notes field | |
33 | F S Equipment Master | SVC_PM_Date | i4 | 2 | N | | The month preferred by the customer for when annual preventive maintenance events are to be performed. Valid values are | January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December |
34 | F S Equipment Master | SVC_PM_Day | i4 | 2 | N | | The day of the month preferred by the customer for when annual preventive maintenance events are to be performed | |
35 | F S Equipment Master | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
36 | F S Equipment Master | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
37 | F S Equipment Master | USRDEF03 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
38 | F S Equipment Master | USRDEF04 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
39 | F S Equipment Master | USRDEF05 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
40 | F S Equipment Master | SVC_Serial_ID | string | 21 | N | | The serial number for the item on the equipment. This field is only available for serial tracked items. | |
41 | F S Equipment Master | SVC_Asset_Tag | string | 21 | N | | The asset tag for the equipment | |
42 | F S Equipment Master | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
43 | F S Equipment Master | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Equipment Reading | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
2 | F S Equipment Reading | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | F S Equipment Reading | Meters_1 | i4 | 8 | N | | The current reading for meter 1. | |
4 | F S Equipment Reading | Meters_2 | i4 | 8 | N | | The current reading for meter 2. | |
5 | F S Equipment Reading | Meters_3 | i4 | 8 | N | | The current reading for meter 3. | |
6 | F S Equipment Reading | Meters_4 | i4 | 8 | N | | The current reading for meter 4. | |
7 | F S Equipment Reading | Meters_5 | i4 | 8 | N | | The current reading for meter 5. | |
8 | F S Equipment Reading | Replaces_1 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates that meter 1 has been replaced. Values are | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | F S Equipment Reading | Replaces_2 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates that meter 2 has been replaced. Values are | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | F S Equipment Reading | Replaces_3 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates that meter 3 has been replaced. Values are | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | F S Equipment Reading | Replaces_4 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates that meter 4 has been replaced. Values are | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | F S Equipment Reading | Replaces_5 | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates that meter 5 has been replaced. Values are | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | F S Equipment Reading | LSTDTEDT | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the equipment reading was last updated. | |
1 | F S R M A Line | Return_Record_Type | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | RMA record type | |
2 | F S R M A Line | RETDOCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP. | |
3 | F S R M A Line | LNSEQNBR | number | 21 | N | 0 | The sequence number for the line. If not provided on an update a new line will be created. | |
4 | F S R M A Line | RETTYPE | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | Return Type | |
5 | F S R M A Line | RETSTAT | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | RMA Status Code | |
6 | F S R M A Line | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
7 | F S R M A Line | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer address code | |
8 | F S R M A Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number of item being returned | |
9 | F S R M A Line | ITEMDESC | string | 101 | N | Not applicable | Description of item being returned | |
10 | F S R M A Line | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | Y | | Return location code | |
11 | F S R M A Line | SVC_Ready_To_Close | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate whether the line is ready for closing or not; 0=No, 1=Yes | |
12 | F S R M A Line | SVC_RMA_Reason_Code | string | 3 | N | | RMA Reason code | |
13 | F S R M A Line | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | | Notes field | |
14 | F S R M A Line | RETORIG | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Return Origin; 1=None, 2=Service Call, 3=SOP | |
15 | F S R M A Line | RETREF | string | 31 | N | | Return reference document number – SOP Invoice or Service Call Number | |
16 | F S R M A Line | EQPLINE | i4 | 4 | N | Not applicable | Equipment sequence line number of the service call line | |
17 | F S R M A Line | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | Not applicable | The sequence number for the service call line | |
18 | F S R M A Line | SVC_RMA_From_Service | i4 | 1 | N | Not applicable | Flag to indicate whether RMA was created from Service Call; 0=No, 1=Yes | |
19 | F S R M A Line | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | Not applicable | The component sequence number for the sales invoice line | |
20 | F S R M A Line | SOP_Line_Item_Sequence | i4 | 4 | N | Not applicable | The line sequence number for the sales invoice line | |
21 | F S R M A Line | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RMA was entered | |
22 | F S R M A Line | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RMA was entered | |
23 | F S R M A Line | ETADTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the item being returned is expected to arrive | |
24 | F S R M A Line | ETATME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the item being returned is expected to arrive | |
25 | F S R M A Line | Commit_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The commit date for the RMA | |
26 | F S R M A Line | Commit_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The commit time for the RMA | |
27 | F S R M A Line | RETUDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the item being returned was received | |
28 | F S R M A Line | Return_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the item being returned was received | |
29 | F S R M A Line | COMPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RMA was closed | |
30 | F S R M A Line | COMPTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RMA was closed | |
31 | F S R M A Line | PRMDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The promise date for the RMA | |
32 | F S R M A Line | USERID | string | 15 | N | | The user who created the RMA | |
33 | F S R M A Line | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | Office ID responsible for the RMA | |
34 | F S R M A Line | RTRNNAME | string | 45 | N | | Return location name | |
35 | F S R M A Line | RETADDR1 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 1 | |
36 | F S R M A Line | RETADDR2 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 2 | |
37 | F S R M A Line | RETADDR3 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 2 | |
38 | F S R M A Line | RTRNCITY | string | 21 | N | | Return city | |
39 | F S R M A Line | SVC_Return_State | string | 29 | N | | Return state code | |
40 | F S R M A Line | RTRNZIP | string | 11 | N | | Return ZIP Code | |
41 | F S R M A Line | Return_Country | string | 61 | N | | Return country | |
42 | F S R M A Line | CUSTNAME | string | 65 | N | | Customer name | |
43 | F S R M A Line | CONTACT | string | 61 | N | | Customer contact | |
44 | F S R M A Line | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 1 | |
45 | F S R M A Line | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
46 | F S R M A Line | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
47 | F S R M A Line | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
48 | F S R M A Line | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state code | |
49 | F S R M A Line | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | N | | Customer ZIP Code | |
50 | F S R M A Line | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | | Customer country | |
51 | F S R M A Line | CSTPONBR | string | 21 | N | | Customer PO number | |
52 | F S R M A Line | QUANTITY | number | 21 | N | Not applicable | Quantity of item being returned | |
53 | F S R M A Line | UOFM | string | 9 | N | | Unit of measure | |
54 | F S R M A Line | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit cost of item being returned | |
55 | F S R M A Line | UNITPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit price of item being returned | |
56 | F S R M A Line | XTNDPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Extended price of item being returned | |
57 | F S R M A Line | CUSTOWN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate if item was owned by customer. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
58 | F S R M A Line | FACTSEAL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate if item was factory sealed. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
59 | F S R M A Line | Flat_Rate_Repair_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Flat rate repair price | |
60 | F S R M A Line | Repair_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Repair price | |
61 | F S R M A Line | NTE_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Not to exceed price | |
62 | F S R M A Line | Repair_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Repair cost | |
63 | F S R M A Line | Bill_of_Lading | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading for shipping out to customer | |
64 | F S R M A Line | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
65 | F S R M A Line | Location_Code_Replacemen | string | 11 | N | | Replacement location code | |
66 | F S R M A Line | Replace_Item_Number | string | 31 | N | | Replacement item number | |
67 | F S R M A Line | Replace_U_Of_M | string | 9 | N | | Replacement unit of measure | |
68 | F S R M A Line | Replace_Price_Level | string | 11 | N | | Replacement price level | |
69 | F S R M A Line | Replace_QTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Replacement quantity | |
70 | F S R M A Line | Replace_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Replacement unit cost | |
71 | F S R M A Line | Replace_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Replacement unit price | |
72 | F S R M A Line | Item_Number_Invoice | string | 31 | N | | Invoice item number | |
73 | F S R M A Line | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
74 | F S R M A Line | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
75 | F S R M A Line | USRDEF03 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
76 | F S R M A Line | USRDEF04 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
77 | F S R M A Line | USRDEF05 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
78 | F S R M A Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
79 | F S R M A Line | Return_Item_Number | string | 31 | N | | Item number of item that was returned | |
80 | F S R M A Line | Return_Item_Description | string | 51 | N | | Description of item that was returned | |
81 | F S R M A Line | Return_Location_Code | string | 11 | N | | Location code where item was returned | |
82 | F S R M A Line | Return_QTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity of item that was returned | |
83 | F S R M A Line | Return_U_Of_M | string | 8 | N | | Return unit of measure | |
84 | F S R M A Line | RETCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Return unit cost | |
85 | F S R M A Line | SVC_Return_Price_Level | string | 11 | N | | Return price level | |
86 | F S R M A Line | SVC_Return_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Return unit price | |
87 | F S R M A Line | SVC_Extended_Return_Pric | number | 21 | N | 0 | Return extended price | |
88 | F S R M A Line | SVC_FO_ID | string | 51 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
89 | F S R M A Line | SVC_SCM_Complete | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate whether SCM is complete; 0=False, 1=True | |
90 | F S R M A Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
91 | F S R M A Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S R M A Line Serial | Return_Record_Type | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | RMA record type | |
2 | F S R M A Line Serial | RETDOCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP. | |
3 | F S R M A Line Serial | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
4 | F S R M A Line Serial | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer address code | |
5 | F S R M A Line Serial | LNSEQNBR | number | 21 | Y | 0 | The sequence number for the line | |
6 | F S R M A Line Serial | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | 1 | Quantity Type; 1=On Hand; 2=Returned; 3=In Use; 4=In Service; 5=Damaged | |
7 | F S R M A Line Serial | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | N | 1 | Serial/Lot Qty, > 0 indicates add/update, < 0 indicates delete if exists | |
8 | F S R M A Line Serial | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number of item being returned | |
9 | F S R M A Line Serial | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number of item being returned | |
10 | F S R M A Line Serial | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | The location code for serial numbers used on the RMA line | |
11 | F S R M A Line Serial | SLTSQNUM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Serial sequence number. If not passed in this value defaults to 1 for the first serial number and increments by 1 for each additional serial number tracked for a single parts line. On an update if this value is not provided a new serial line record will be created instead of updating the existing record. | |
12 | F S R M A Line Serial | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin number | |
13 | F S R M A Line Serial | SVC_Original_Serial | i4 | 1 | N | Not applicable | Flag to indicate whether its the original IV Serial. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
14 | F S R M A Line Serial | DATERECD | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Date received | |
15 | F S R M A Line Serial | ReplaceItem | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate if the line is for a Replacement Item. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
16 | F S R M A Line Serial | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
17 | F S R M A Line Serial | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S R M A Master | Return_Record_Type | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | RMA record type | |
2 | F S R M A Master | RETDOCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RMA number The number must include 15 alphanumeric characters. The first three characters of the number must be RMA. For example,RMA0000001234GP. | |
3 | F S R M A Master | RETORIG | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Return Origin; 1=None, 2=Service Call, 3=SOP | |
4 | F S R M A Master | RETREF | string | 31 | N | | Return reference document number – SOP Invoice or Service Call Number | |
5 | F S R M A Master | RETSTAT | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | RMA Status Code | |
6 | F S R M A Master | RETTYPE | string | 15 | Y | Default from setup | Return Type | |
7 | F S R M A Master | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RMA was entered | |
8 | F S R M A Master | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RMA was entered | |
9 | F S R M A Master | ETADTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the item being returned is expected to arrive | |
10 | F S R M A Master | ETATME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the item being returned is expected to arrive | |
11 | F S R M A Master | Commit_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The commit date for the RMA | |
12 | F S R M A Master | Commit_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The commit time for the RMA | |
13 | F S R M A Master | RETUDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the item being returned was received | |
14 | F S R M A Master | Return_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the item being returned was received | |
15 | F S R M A Master | COMPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RMA was closed | |
16 | F S R M A Master | COMPTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RMA was closed | |
17 | F S R M A Master | USERID | string | 15 | N | | The user who created the RMA | |
18 | F S R M A Master | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | Office ID responsible for the RMA | |
19 | F S R M A Master | RTRNNAME | string | 45 | N | | Return location name | |
20 | F S R M A Master | RETADDR1 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 1 | |
21 | F S R M A Master | RETADDR2 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 2 | |
22 | F S R M A Master | RETADDR3 | string | 61 | N | | Return address line 2 | |
23 | F S R M A Master | RTRNCITY | string | 21 | N | | Return city | |
24 | F S R M A Master | SVC_Return_State | string | 29 | N | | Return state code | |
25 | F S R M A Master | RTRNZIP | string | 11 | N | | Return ZIP Code | |
26 | F S R M A Master | Return_Country | string | 61 | N | | Return country | |
27 | F S R M A Master | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | Return location code | |
28 | F S R M A Master | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer ID | |
29 | F S R M A Master | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer Address ID | |
30 | F S R M A Master | CUSTNAME | string | 65 | N | | Customer name | |
31 | F S R M A Master | CONTACT | string | 61 | N | | Customer contact | |
32 | F S R M A Master | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 1 | |
33 | F S R M A Master | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
34 | F S R M A Master | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
35 | F S R M A Master | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
36 | F S R M A Master | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state code | |
37 | F S R M A Master | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | N | | Customer ZIP Code | |
38 | F S R M A Master | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | | Customer country | |
39 | F S R M A Master | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | | Notes field | |
40 | F S R M A Master | Bill_of_Lading | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading for shipping out to customer | |
41 | F S R M A Master | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping Method | |
42 | F S R M A Master | Bill_To_Customer | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Bill To Customer ID | |
43 | F S R M A Master | SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Bill To Customer Address ID | |
44 | F S R M A Master | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
45 | F S R M A Master | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
46 | F S R M A Master | USRDEF03 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
47 | F S R M A Master | USRDEF04 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
48 | F S R M A Master | USRDEF05 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
49 | F S R M A Master | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
50 | F S R M A Master | CSTPONBR | string | 21 | N | | Customer PO number | |
51 | F S R M A Master | SVC_RMA_Reason_Code | string | 3 | N | | RMA Reason code | |
52 | F S R M A Master | SVC_RMA_From_Service | i4 | 1 | N | Not applicable | Flag to indicate whether RMA was created from Service Call; 0=No, 1=Yes | |
53 | F S R M A Master | SVC_FO_ID | string | 51 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
54 | F S R M A Master | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
55 | F S R M A Master | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S R T V Line | RTV_Number | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RTV number | |
2 | F S R T V Line | RTV_Line | number | 21 | N | Not applicable | The sequence number for the line | |
3 | F S R T V Line | RTV_Type | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | RTV Type | |
4 | F S R T V Line | VRMA_Document_ID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor’s RMA Document Number | |
5 | F S R T V Line | RETDOCID | string | 15 | N | Not applicable | Customer’s RMA Number | |
6 | F S R T V Line | LNSEQNBR | number | 21 | N | | RMA line sequence number | |
7 | F S R T V Line | SVC_Process_SEQ_ | number | 21 | N | | RMA process sequence number | |
8 | F S R T V Line | DSCRIPTN | string | 31 | N | | RTV description | |
9 | F S R T V Line | REFRENCE | string | 31 | N | | Reference information | |
10 | F S R T V Line | Reference2 | string | 31 | N | | Additional reference information | |
11 | F S R T V Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number being returned | |
12 | F S R T V Line | ITEMDESC | string | 101 | N | Not applicable | Item description | |
13 | F S R T V Line | QUANTITY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity of item being returned | |
14 | F S R T V Line | UOFM | string | 9 | Y | | Unit of measure | |
15 | F S R T V Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
16 | F S R T V Line | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor Address ID | |
17 | F S R T V Line | Ship_Address_Name | string | 65 | N | | Name of Contact Person for Vendor’s Ship To Address | |
18 | F S R T V Line | Ship_Address_1 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 1 | |
19 | F S R T V Line | Ship_Address_2 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 2 | |
20 | F S R T V Line | Ship_Address_3 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 3 | |
21 | F S R T V Line | Ship_City | string | 35 | N | | City name of vendor’s ship to address | |
22 | F S R T V Line | Ship_State | string | 29 | N | | State of vendor’s ship to address | |
23 | F S R T V Line | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | N | | Zip Code of vendor’s ship to address | |
24 | F S R T V Line | Ship_Country | string | 61 | N | | Country name of vendor’s ship to address | |
25 | F S R T V Line | VNDITNUM | string | 31 | N | | Vendor’s Item Number | |
26 | F S R T V Line | Return_Item_Number | string | 31 | N | | Item Number being returned | |
27 | F S R T V Line | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | Office ID responsible for RTV | |
28 | F S R T V Line | LOCCODEB | string | 11 | N | | Location Code from where item was shipped to vendor | |
29 | F S R T V Line | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | N | | Location Code from where item will be received | |
30 | F S R T V Line | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV line was entered | |
31 | F S R T V Line | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV line was entered | |
32 | F S R T V Line | PRMDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV line was promised | |
33 | F S R T V Line | Promised_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV line was promised | |
34 | F S R T V Line | Shipped_Date | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV line was shipped | |
35 | F S R T V Line | Shipped_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV line was shipped | |
36 | F S R T V Line | Receiptdate | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV line was received | |
37 | F S R T V Line | Receipt_Time | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV line was received | |
38 | F S R T V Line | COMPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV line was closed | |
39 | F S R T V Line | COMPTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV line was closed | |
40 | F S R T V Line | Bill_of_Lading_Out | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading number for shipment to vendor | |
41 | F S R T V Line | Shipping_Method_Out | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method for shipment to vendor | |
42 | F S R T V Line | Bill_of_Lading | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading number for returning | |
43 | F S R T V Line | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipment method for returning | |
44 | F S R T V Line | Tracking_Number | string | 41 | N | | Shipment tracking number | |
45 | F S R T V Line | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | | Notes field | |
46 | F S R T V Line | CUSTOWN | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Flag to indicate whether item was owned by customer; 0=No, 1=Yes | |
47 | F S R T V Line | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
48 | F S R T V Line | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
49 | F S R T V Line | USRDEF03 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
50 | F S R T V Line | USRDEF04 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
51 | F S R T V Line | USRDEF05 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
52 | F S R T V Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | | Currency ID | |
53 | F S R T V Line | Part_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit price | |
54 | F S R T V Line | Part_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit cost | |
55 | F S R T V Line | Labor_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Labor price involved in fulfilling RTV | |
56 | F S R T V Line | Labor_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Labor cost involved in fulfilling RTV | |
57 | F S R T V Line | Expense_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Expense price involved in fulfilling RTV | |
58 | F S R T V Line | Expense_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Expense cost involved in fulfilling RTV | |
59 | F S R T V Line | Travel_Price | number | 21 | N | 0 | Travel price involved in fulfilling RTV | |
60 | F S R T V Line | Travel_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | Travel cost involved in fulfilling RTV | |
61 | F S R T V Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
62 | F S R T V Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S R T V Line Serial | RTV_Number | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RTV number | |
2 | F S R T V Line Serial | RTV_Line | number | 21 | N | Not applicable | The sequence number for the line | |
3 | F S R T V Line Serial | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
4 | F S R T V Line Serial | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor address code | |
5 | F S R T V Line Serial | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity Type; 1=On Hand; 2=Returned; 3=In Use; 4=In Service; 5=Damaged | |
6 | F S R T V Line Serial | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | N | 1 | Serial/Lot Qty, > 0 indicates add/update, < 0 indicates delete if exists | |
7 | F S R T V Line Serial | SLTSQNUM | i4 | 4 | N | o | Serial sequence number. If not passed in this value defaults to 1 for the first serial number and increments by 1 for each additional serial number tracked for a single parts line. On an update if this value is not provided a new serial line record will be created instead of updating the existing record. | |
8 | F S R T V Line Serial | InOrOut | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag which indicates whether it’s an incoming item (from vendor) or an outgoing (to vendor) item. Values | 1=Sent/Out, 2=Received/In |
9 | F S R T V Line Serial | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number of item being returned | |
10 | F S R T V Line Serial | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | N | Not applicable | Serial number of item being returned | |
11 | F S R T V Line Serial | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | The location code for serial numbers used on the RMA line | |
12 | F S R T V Line Serial | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin number | |
13 | F S R T V Line Serial | SVC_Original_Serial | i4 | 1 | N | Not applicable | Flag to indicate whether its the original IV Serial. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
14 | F S R T V Line Serial | DATERECD | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Date received | |
15 | F S R T V Line Serial | Shipped | i4 | 1 | N | Not applicable | Flag to indicate if the serial has been shipped. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
16 | F S R T V Line Serial | CREATEEQUIPMENT | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to create equipment record if none exists for the serial number. 0=No, 1=Yes | |
17 | F S R T V Line Serial | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
18 | F S R T V Line Serial | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S R T V Master | RTV_Number | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | RTV number | |
2 | F S R T V Master | RTV_Type | string | 11 | Y | Default from setup | RTV Type | |
3 | F S R T V Master | RTV_Return_Status | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | RTV Status | |
4 | F S R T V Master | VRMA_Document_ID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor’s RMA Document Number | |
5 | F S R T V Master | RETDOCID | string | 15 | N | | Customer’s RMA Number | |
6 | F S R T V Master | DSCRIPTN | string | 31 | N | | RTV description | |
7 | F S R T V Master | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
8 | F S R T V Master | VENDNAME | string | 65 | N | | Vendor name | |
9 | F S R T V Master | CKHOLD | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | A flag to determine whether the vendor's hold status is checked when the document is created. 0=Do not check; 1=check | |
10 | F S R T V Master | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor Address ID | |
11 | F S R T V Master | Ship_Address_Name | string | 65 | N | | Name of Contact Person for Vendor’s Ship To Address | |
12 | F S R T V Master | Ship_Address_1 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 1 | |
13 | F S R T V Master | Ship_Address_2 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 2 | |
14 | F S R T V Master | Ship_Address_3 | string | 61 | N | | Ship to address line 3 | |
15 | F S R T V Master | Ship_City | string | 35 | N | | City name of vendor’s ship to address | |
16 | F S R T V Master | Ship_State | string | 29 | N | | State of vendor’s ship to address | |
17 | F S R T V Master | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | N | | Zip Code of vendor’s ship to address | |
18 | F S R T V Master | Ship_Country | string | 61 | N | | Country name of vendor’s ship to address | |
19 | F S R T V Master | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The date the RTV was entered | |
20 | F S R T V Master | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | The time the RTV was entered | |
21 | F S R T V Master | LOCCODEB | string | 11 | N | | Location Code from where item was shipped to vendor | |
22 | F S R T V Master | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | N | | Location Code from where item will be received | |
23 | F S R T V Master | Bill_of_Lading_Out | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading number for shipment to vendor | |
24 | F S R T V Master | Shipping_Method_Out | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method for shipment to vendor | |
25 | F S R T V Master | Bill_of_Lading | string | 31 | N | | Bill of Lading number for returning | |
26 | F S R T V Master | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipment method for returning | |
27 | F S R T V Master | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | Office ID responsible for RTV | |
28 | F S R T V Master | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | | Notes field | |
29 | F S R T V Master | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User who created the Return To Vendor | |
30 | F S R T V Master | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
31 | F S R T V Master | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
32 | F S R T V Master | USRDEF03 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
33 | F S R T V Master | USRDEF04 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
34 | F S R T V Master | USRDEF05 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
35 | F S R T V Master | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | | Currency ID | |
36 | F S R T V Master | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
37 | F S R T V Master | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | SRVRECTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Service record type | 1=Quote; 2=Open |
2 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | CALLNBR | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | Call number | |
3 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | N | | Item number | |
4 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Serial number | |
5 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | N | | Customer number | |
6 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | PROBCDE | string | 11 | N | | Problem code | |
7 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | CAUSECDE | string | 11 | N | | Cause code | |
8 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | RPRCODE | string | 11 | N | | Repair code | |
9 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | PMPERF | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | PM performed | |
10 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
11 | F S Service Call Codes Equipment | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Service Call Line | SRVRECTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Service record type | |
2 | F S Service Call Line | CALLNBR | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | Service call number | |
3 | F S Service Call Line | EQPLINE | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | The Equipment Sequence Number. If not provided on an update the default will be 1. | |
4 | F S Service Call Line | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | The sequence number for the line. If not provided on an update a new service call line record will be created. | |
5 | F S Service Call Line | LINITMTYP | string | 3 | Y | P | Indicates the type of service call line. Options are | A=Additional Charge; E=Expense; L=Labor; P=Parts. If not provided the default will be P for parts. |
6 | F S Service Call Line | SRVSTAT | string | 3 | N | Not applicable | The status of the service call line; Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts). | |
7 | F S Service Call Line | TECHID | string | 11 | N | Not applicable | The technician of the service call line; Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts). | |
8 | F S Service Call Line | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
9 | F S Service Call Line | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer address code | |
10 | F S Service Call Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number If multiple bins is enabled, inventory setup is not supported. | |
11 | F S Service Call Line | CKNORETURNS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag used to indicate not to create returnable line for items that are set as returnable; 0=False; 1=True | |
12 | F S Service Call Line | ITEMDESC | string | 101 | N | Not applicable | Item description | |
13 | F S Service Call Line | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | The location code for parts used on the service call line | |
14 | F S Service Call Line | UOFM | string | 9 | N | | Unit of measure | |
15 | F S Service Call Line | QTYORDER | number | 21 | N | 0 | The amount of labor or quantity of parts required for the service call line. Only valid for line type = L (Labor) or P (Parts). | |
16 | F S Service Call Line | ATYALLOC | number | 21 | N | 0 | The quantity of the parts line that is allocated in Inventory. Only valid for line type = P (Parts) and will be unallocated when the part is used. | |
17 | F S Service Call Line | QTYBACKO | number | 21 | N | 0 | The quantity of the parts line that is backordered. Only valid for line type = P (Parts) and will be reduced as the backorder is filled by an Inventory transfer or receipt of a purchase order. | |
18 | F S Service Call Line | QTYSOLD | number | 21 | N | 0 | The quantity of the line that was actually used. This is the value that will be transferred to the invoice during the service call billing process. You will have to manually post the inventory adjustment transaction that is created. | |
19 | F S Service Call Line | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | The cost per unit of measure for the current detailed entry. This cost will typically default from the Inventory current cost for most items, but can be modified for additional charge and expense lines. | |
20 | F S Service Call Line | UNITPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | The price per unit of measure for the service call line | |
21 | F S Service Call Line | XTNDPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | The extended price of the line, which is the unit price times the quantity sold. This value may also be affected by the applicable billing percentage for parts, labor or miscellaneous lines. | |
22 | F S Service Call Line | NOTETXT | string | 3000 | N | | Notes field | |
23 | F S Service Call Line | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Only valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the date on which the labor line started. | |
24 | F S Service Call Line | STRTTIME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Only valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the time on which the labor line started. | |
25 | F S Service Call Line | ENDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Only valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the date on which the labor line ended. | |
26 | F S Service Call Line | ENDTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Only valid for line type = L (Labor) and contains the time on which the labor line ended. | |
27 | F S Service Call Line | TRANSTME | number | 11 | N | 0 | The actual time for a labor line and is only valid for line type = L (Labor). Values should be in portions of an hour. For example, a half hour would be 00030, while one hour would be 00100 | |
28 | F S Service Call Line | BILLABLTIM | number | 11 | N | 0 | The amount of time that should be billed for a labor line and is only valid for line type = L (Labor).This value may vary from the transaction time field based on rounding or minimum labor settings. Values should be in portions of an hour. For example, a half hour would be 00030, while one hour would be 00100 | |
29 | F S Service Call Line | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Entry Date | |
30 | F S Service Call Line | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Entry Time | |
31 | F S Service Call Line | LABPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | The percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = L (Labor). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100 | |
32 | F S Service Call Line | PARTPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | The percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = P (Parts). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100 | |
33 | F S Service Call Line | MISCPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | The percent of the line that is billable to the customer. This value is only used in calculations for records where line type = A (Additional Charge) or E (Expense). The value will default from any contract or warranty attached to the current contract, otherwise it will default to 100 | |
34 | F S Service Call Line | CKCREATEPO | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag used to indicate if a PO for a parts line should be created; 0=False; 1=True | |
35 | F S Service Call Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | Not applicable | Vendor number | |
36 | F S Service Call Line | PRMDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Promised Date | |
37 | F S Service Call Line | Miles_Start | i4 | 8 | N | | The starting mileage for the line. Only valid for line type = L (Labor) | |
38 | F S Service Call Line | Miles_End | i4 | 8 | N | | The ending mileage for the line. Only valid for line type = L (Labor) | |
39 | F S Service Call Line | Miles_Used | i4 | 8 | N | | The total mileage for the line, (Miles_End less Miles_Start). Only valid for line type = L (Labor). | |
40 | F S Service Call Line | PRICELVL | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | The Inventory price level for the line. For parts, expense and additional charge lines the price level defaults from the Service Call header. For labor lines, the price level defaults from the Technician assigned to the labor line. | |
41 | F S Service Call Line | SVC_Address_Option | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | The Address Option selection and is only valid for line type = P (Parts). Valid options are | 0=Labor, Additional Charge or Expense record; 1=Customer Address ID; 2=Tech Site; 3=Misc Address Cod |
42 | F S Service Call Line | SVC_Misc_Address_Code | string | 15 | N | | The miscellaneous address to be used when SVC_Address_Option =3 | |
43 | F S Service Call Line | SVC_Disable_XFR_Grouping | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag which indicates whether transfer or purchase order lines will be consolidated or not consolidated with other open transfers or purchase orders. 0=False; 1=True | |
44 | F S Service Call Line | Work_Type | string | 11 | N | | The work type code for the line. Only valid for line type = L (Labor). | |
45 | F S Service Call Line | SVC_FO_ID | string | 51 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
46 | F S Service Call Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Currency ID | |
47 | F S Service Call Line | NonInventory | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Non-inventory items 0=Inventory item 1=Noninventory item | |
48 | F S Service Call Line | Create_Overtime_Labor | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Overtime labor rates to be used for labor outside of technician schedule. 0=False 1=True | |
49 | F S Service Call Line | Overtime_Labor_item_Number | string | 31 | N | Default from setup | Item number for overtime labor if automatic overtime ins enabled. The default is the overtime labor item for the specified Service Type. | |
50 | F S Service Call Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
51 | F S Service Call Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Service Call Line Serial | SRVRECTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Service record type | |
2 | F S Service Call Line Serial | CALLNBR | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | Service call number | |
3 | F S Service Call Line Serial | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
4 | F S Service Call Line Serial | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer address code | |
5 | F S Service Call Line Serial | EQPLINE | i4 | 4 | Y | 1 | The Equipment Sequence Number. If not provided on an update the default will be 1. | |
6 | F S Service Call Line Serial | LINITMTYP | string | 3 | N | P | Indicates the type of service call line. Options are | A=Additional Charge; E=Expense; L=Labor; P=Parts |
7 | F S Service Call Line Serial | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | 1 | The sequence number for the line | |
8 | F S Service Call Line Serial | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | 1 | The type of Inventory that the current serial number record represents. Service Call only uses On Hand quantity types. 1=On Hand; 2=Returned; 3=In Use; 4=In Service; 5=Damaged | |
9 | F S Service Call Line Serial | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
10 | F S Service Call Line Serial | SERLTNUM | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
11 | F S Service Call Line Serial | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | N | 1 | Serial/Lot Qty, > 0 indicates add/update, < 0 indicates delete if exists | |
12 | F S Service Call Line Serial | SLTSQNUM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Serial sequence number. If not passed in this value defaults to 1 for the first serial number and increments by 1 for each additional serial number tracked for a single parts line. On an update if this value is not provided a new serial line record will be created instead of updating the existing record. | |
13 | F S Service Call Line Serial | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | The location code for serial numbers used on the service call line | |
14 | F S Service Call Line Serial | BIN | string | 15 | N | | The bin number for each serial detail line in which the serial number can be found or which bin it should be placed into (return line) | |
15 | F S Service Call Line Serial | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
16 | F S Service Call Line Serial | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Service Call Master | SRVRECTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Service record type | |
2 | F S Service Call Master | CALLNBR | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | Service call number | |
3 | F S Service Call Master | SRVSTAT | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | Service call status code | |
4 | F S Service Call Master | SRVTYPE | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | Service type | |
5 | F S Service Call Master | SVCDESCR | string | 61 | N | | Service description | |
6 | F S Service Call Master | PriorityLevel | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Priority level | |
7 | F S Service Call Master | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | | Customer number | |
8 | F S Service Call Master | Customer_Reference | string | 21 | N | | Customer reference | |
9 | F S Service Call Master | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | | Customer address code | |
10 | F S Service Call Master | CUSTNAME | string | 65 | N | | Customer name | |
11 | F S Service Call Master | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 1 | |
12 | F S Service Call Master | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 2 | |
13 | F S Service Call Master | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | N | | Customer address line 3 | |
14 | F S Service Call Master | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
15 | F S Service Call Master | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state code | |
16 | F S Service Call Master | ZIP | string | 11 | N | | Customer ZIP Code | |
17 | F S Service Call Master | COUNTRY | string | 61 | N | | Customer country | |
18 | F S Service Call Master | CNTCPRSN | string | 61 | N | | Customer Contact person | |
19 | F S Service Call Master | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | | Customer phone 1 | |
20 | F S Service Call Master | CKHOLD | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to allow check on hold status | 0=Does not check hold status; 1=Checks hold status |
21 | F S Service Call Master | OFFID | string | 11 | N | | Office ID | |
22 | F S Service Call Master | SVCAREA | string | 11 | N | | Service area | |
23 | F S Service Call Master | TECHID | string | 11 | N | | Technician ID | |
24 | F S Service Call Master | TIMEZONE | string | 3 | N | | Time zone | |
25 | F S Service Call Master | CONTNBR | string | 11 | N | | Contract number | |
26 | F S Service Call Master | PRICELVL | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | The price level assigned to the current service call. This value defaults from the customer card, item card of the item to be repaired or service setup, in that order. This price level will default on all entries in the SVC00203 table except labor transactions. | |
27 | F S Service Call Master | ENTDTE | datetime | 8 | N | | Entry date | |
28 | F S Service Call Master | ENTTME | datetime | 8 | N | | Entry time | |
29 | F S Service Call Master | ETADTE | datetime | 8 | N | | ETA date | |
30 | F S Service Call Master | ETATME | datetime | 8 | N | | ETA Time | |
31 | F S Service Call Master | DISPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | | Dispatch date | |
32 | F S Service Call Master | DISPTME | datetime | 8 | N | | Dispatch time | |
33 | F S Service Call Master | ARRIVDTE | datetime | 8 | N | | Arrival date | |
34 | F S Service Call Master | ARRIVTME | datetime | 8 | N | | Arrival time | |
35 | F S Service Call Master | COMPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | | Complete date | |
36 | F S Service Call Master | COMPTME | datetime | 8 | N | | Complete time | |
37 | F S Service Call Master | Response_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Response date | |
38 | F S Service Call Master | Response_Time | datetime | 8 | N | | Response time | |
39 | F S Service Call Master | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson ID | |
40 | F S Service Call Master | PORDNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Purchase order number | |
41 | F S Service Call Master | NOTETXT | string | 2000 | N | Default from setup | Notes field | |
42 | F S Service Call Master | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 1 | |
43 | F S Service Call Master | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 2 | |
44 | F S Service Call Master | USERDEF3 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 3 | |
45 | F S Service Call Master | USERDEF4 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 4 | |
46 | F S Service Call Master | USERDEF5 | string | 21 | N | | User defined 5 | |
47 | F S Service Call Master | SVC_On_Hold | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to indicate the service call is on hold | |
48 | F S Service Call Master | PYMTRMID | string | 21 | N | | Payment term ID | |
49 | F S Service Call Master | SVC_FO_ID | string | 50 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
50 | F S Service Call Master | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
51 | F S Service Call Master | AutoCreateLabor | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow labor lines to be automatically created for Arrival and Completion | 0=No; 1=Yes |
52 | F S Service Call Master | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
53 | F S Service Call Master | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | SRVRECTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Service record type 1 = Quote 2 = Open | |
2 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | CALLNBR | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | Call number | |
3 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | N | | Item number | |
4 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | SERLNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Serial number | |
5 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | EQPLINE | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Equipment line number | |
6 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number | |
7 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | N | | Customer number | |
8 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | TECHID | string | 11 | N | | Tech ID | |
9 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow the item location data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
10 | F S Service Call Multi Tech | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Fixed Allocation Account Rcd | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account string | |
2 | Fixed Allocation Account Rcd | DISTACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Distribution account string | |
3 | Fixed Allocation Account Rcd | PRCNTAGE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Percentage | |
4 | Fixed Allocation Account Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
5 | Fixed Allocation Account Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | G L Transaction Header Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
2 | G L Transaction Header Insert | JRNENTRY | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Journal entry number | |
3 | G L Transaction Header Insert | REFRENCE | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Reference | |
4 | G L Transaction Header Insert | TRXDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction date | |
5 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RVRSNGDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Reversing date | |
6 | G L Transaction Header Insert | TRXTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction type | 0=Regular; 1=Reversing |
7 | G L Transaction Header Insert | SQNCLINE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sequence line | |
8 | G L Transaction Header Insert | SERIES | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Series | 1=All; 2=Financial; 3=Sales; 4=Purchasing; 5=Inventory; 6=Payroll; 7=Project |
9 | G L Transaction Header Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
10 | G L Transaction Header Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
11 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
12 | G L Transaction Header Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
13 | G L Transaction Header Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
14 | G L Transaction Header Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
15 | G L Transaction Header Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
16 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Bi-weekly; 4=Semiweekly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
17 | G L Transaction Header Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
18 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
19 | G L Transaction Header Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
20 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
21 | G L Transaction Header Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
22 | G L Transaction Header Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
23 | G L Transaction Header Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
24 | G L Transaction Header Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
25 | G L Transaction Header Insert | SOURCDOC | string | 11 | N | | Source document | |
26 | G L Transaction Header Insert | Ledger_ID | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Ledger ID 1=Base, 2=IFRS, 3=Local | |
27 | G L Transaction Header Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
28 | G L Transaction Header Insert | Adjustment_Transaction | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Adjustment transaction checkbox 0=False 1=True | |
29 | G L Transaction Header Insert | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Note text | |
1 | G L Transaction Line Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
2 | G L Transaction Line Insert | JRNENTRY | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Journal entry number | |
3 | G L Transaction Line Insert | SQNCLINE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sequence line | |
4 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
5 | G L Transaction Line Insert | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Credit amount | |
6 | G L Transaction Line Insert | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Debit amount | |
7 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account string | |
8 | G L Transaction Line Insert | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
9 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORCTRNUM | string | 20 | N | | Originating control number | |
10 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORDOCNUM | string | 20 | N | | Originating document number | |
11 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORMSTRID | string | 30 | N | | Originating master ID | |
12 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORMSTRNM | string | 64 | N | | Originating master name | |
13 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORTRXTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Originating transaction type | |
14 | G L Transaction Line Insert | OrigSeqNum | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Originating sequence number | |
15 | G L Transaction Line Insert | ORTRXDESC | string | 30 | N | | Originating transaction description | |
16 | G L Transaction Line Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | N | | Tax detail ID | |
17 | G L Transaction Line Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
18 | G L Transaction Line Insert | TAXACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Tax account string | |
19 | G L Transaction Line Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Document date | |
20 | G L Transaction Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
21 | G L Transaction Line Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
22 | G L Transaction Line Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
23 | G L Transaction Line Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
24 | G L Transaction Line Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
25 | G L Transaction Line Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
26 | G L Transaction Line Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
27 | G L Transaction Line Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Bi-weekly; 4=Semiweekly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
28 | G L Transaction Line Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
29 | G L Transaction Line Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
30 | G L Transaction Line Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
31 | G L Transaction Line Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
32 | G L Transaction Line Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous days limits | |
33 | G L Transaction Line Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
34 | G L Transaction Line Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
35 | G L Transaction Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create Item Price List Header | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | I V Create Item Price List Header | PRICMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Price method | 1=Currency amount; 2=Percentage of list; 3=Percentage mark-up of current cost; 4=Percentage mark-up |
3 | I V Create Item Price List Header | PriceGroup | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Price group; if empty, default is from IV00101 | |
4 | I V Create Item Price List Header | UOFM | string | 8 | N | Default from setup | Default selling unit of measure | |
5 | I V Create Item Price List Header | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Price level | |
6 | I V Create Item Price List Header | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
7 | I V Create Item Price List Header | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Update if exists | 0=False; 1=True |
8 | I V Create Item Price List Header | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create Item Price List Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | I V Create Item Price List Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
3 | I V Create Item Price List Line | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
4 | I V Create Item Price List Line | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure | |
5 | I V Create Item Price List Line | TOQTY | number | 21 | N | 1.00E+12 | To quantity | |
6 | I V Create Item Price List Line | UOMPRICE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit of measure price/percentage | |
7 | I V Create Item Price List Line | RNDGAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Round amount | |
8 | I V Create Item Price List Line | ROUNDHOW | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Round option | 1=Multiple of; 2=Ends in |
9 | I V Create Item Price List Line | ROUNDTO | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Round policy | 1=None; 2=Up; 3=Down; 4=To nearest |
10 | I V Create Item Price List Line | UMSLSOPT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Unit of measure selling option | 1=Not available; 2=Whole; 3=Whole and fractional |
11 | I V Create Item Price List Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Update if exists | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | I V Create Item Price List Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create Price Group | PriceGroup | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Price group | |
2 | I V Create Price Group | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
3 | I V Create Price Group | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create Price Level | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Price level | |
2 | I V Create Price Level | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
3 | I V Create Price Level | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Header | UOMSCHDL | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Unit of measure schedule | |
2 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Header | UMSCHDSC | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Unit of measure schedule description | |
3 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Header | BASEUOFM | string | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Base unit of measure | |
4 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Header | UMDPQTYS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Decimal places quantity | |
5 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Header | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if true. it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | UOMSCHDL | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Unit of measure schedule | |
2 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | UOFM | string | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Unit of measure | |
3 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | EQUIVUOM | string | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Equivalent unit of measure | |
4 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | EQUOMQTY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Equivalent unit of measure quantity | |
5 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | UOFMLONGDESC | string | 254 | N | | Unit of measure long description | |
6 | I V Create U O F M Schedule Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Item Class | ITMCLSCD | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Item class ID | |
2 | I V Item Class | ITMCLSDC | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item class description | |
3 | I V Item Class | DEFLTCLS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Default class | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | I V Item Class | ITEMTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Item type | 1=Sales inventory; 2=Discontinued; 3=Kit; 4=Miscellaneous charges; 5=Services; 6=Flat fee |
5 | I V Item Class | ITMTRKOP | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Item tracking option | 1=None; 2=Serial numbers; 3=Lots |
6 | I V Item Class | LOTTYPE | string | 10 | N | | Lot category | |
7 | I V Item Class | LOTEXPWARN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Lot Expiration Warn | 0 = no warning 1 = warnings enabled If the item is not lot number tracked, the value of this element |
8 | I V Item Class | LOTEXPWARNDAYS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Days Before Lot Expires | Valid entries equal 0 - 999. If LOTEXPWARN is 0 then LOTEXPWARNDAYS always defaults to 0. If the ite |
9 | I V Item Class | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Keep period history | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | I V Item Class | KPTRXHST | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Keep transaction history | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | I V Item Class | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Keep calendar history | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | I V Item Class | KPDSTHST | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Keep distribution history | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | I V Item Class | ALWBKORD | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Allow back orders | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | I V Item Class | ITMGEDSC | string | 10 | N | | Item generic description | |
15 | I V Item Class | TAXOPTNS | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Sales tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable |
16 | I V Item Class | ITMTSHID | string | 15 | N | | Sales tax schedule ID | |
17 | I V Item Class | Purchase_Tax_Options | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on vendor |
18 | I V Item Class | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | | Purchase tax schedule ID | |
19 | I V Item Class | UOMSCHDL | string | 11 | N | | Unit of measure schedule ID | |
20 | I V Item Class | VCTNMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Valuation method | 1=FIFO perpetual; 2=LIFO perpetual; 3=Average perpetual; 4=FIFO periodic; 5=LIFO periodic |
21 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_1 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 1 | |
22 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_2 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 2 | |
23 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_3 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 3 | |
24 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_4 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 4 | |
25 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_5 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 5 | |
26 | I V Item Class | USCATVLS_6 | string | 10 | N | | User defined 6 | |
27 | I V Item Class | DECPLQTY | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Decimal places quantity | 1=0; 2=1; 3=2; 4=3; 5=4; 6=5 |
28 | I V Item Class | Inventory_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account | |
29 | I V Item Class | Inventory_Offset_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Inventory offset account | |
30 | I V Item Class | Cost_of_Goods_Sold_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Cost of goods sold account | |
31 | I V Item Class | Sales_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Sales account | |
32 | I V Item Class | Markdowns_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Markdowns account | |
33 | I V Item Class | Sales_Returns_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Sales returns account | |
34 | I V Item Class | In_Use_Acct | string | 75 | N | | In use account | |
35 | I V Item Class | In_Service_Acct | string | 75 | N | | In service account | |
36 | I V Item Class | Damaged_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Damaged account | |
37 | I V Item Class | Variance_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Variance account | |
38 | I V Item Class | Drop_Ship_Items_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Drop ship items account | |
39 | I V Item Class | Purchase_Price_Variance_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Purchase price variance account | |
40 | I V Item Class | Unrealized_Purchase_Price_Variance_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Unrealized purchase price variance account | |
41 | I V Item Class | Inventory_Returns_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Inventory returns account | |
42 | I V Item Class | Assembly_Variance_Acct | string | 75 | N | | Assembly variance account | |
43 | I V Item Class | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
44 | I V Item Class | PriceGroup | string | 10 | N | | Price group | |
45 | I V Item Class | PRICMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Price method | 1=Currency amount; 2=Percentage of list price; 3=Percentage mark-up of current cost; 4=Percentage ma |
46 | I V Item Class | Revalue_Inventory | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Revalue inventory | 0=False; 1=True |
47 | I V Item Class | Tolerance_Percentage | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Tolerance percentage | |
48 | I V Item Class | UseQtyOverageTolerance | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Use quantity overage tolerance | 0=Do not use; 1=Use |
49 | I V Item Class | UseQtyShortageTolerance | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Use quantity shortage tolerance | 0=Do not use; 1=Use |
50 | I V Item Class | QtyOverTolerancePercent | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Quantity over tolerance percent | Provide a value of 0 - 99999. For example, 99999 equals 99.999. |
51 | I V Item Class | QtyShortTolerancePercent | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Quantity short tolerance percent | Provide a value of 0 - 99999. For example, 99999 equals 99.999. |
1 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | Bin_XFer_Doc_Number | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | Bin_XFer_Date | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
3 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | Reason_Code | string | 15 | N | | Reason code | |
4 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
5 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Site ID | |
6 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Quantity type | 1=On hand; 2=Returned; 3=In use; 4=In service; 5=Damaged |
7 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure; if not passed in, default is with the base unit of measure; serial numbers must use base unit of measure and only one can be transferred at a time | |
8 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | BIN | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Bin (transfer from) | |
9 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity; if it is a serial-numbered quantity, it must be set to 1 | |
10 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | TOBIN | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | To bin (transfer to) | |
11 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | CreateBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | ResetQty | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Reset quantity flag | 0=Do not reset QUANTITY to the quantity available; 1=Reset QUANTITY to the quantity available in the |
13 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | AddMoreSerLots | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Add additional serial lot numbers to an existing document | 0=Do not allow; 1=Allow |
14 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | SerLotNmbr | string | 20 | N | | Serial or lot number; required if the item is serial or lot numbered | |
15 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration Date | Can be used to select a specific lot layer. |
16 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
17 | I V Multibin Bin To Bin Transfer | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
1 | I V Transaction Header Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
2 | I V Transaction Header Insert | IVDOCNBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | IV document number | |
3 | I V Transaction Header Insert | IVDOCTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | IV document type | |
4 | I V Transaction Header Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
5 | I V Transaction Header Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
6 | I V Transaction Header Insert | POSTTOGL | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Post to GL—optional but default is 1 if no value is passed in | |
7 | I V Transaction Header Insert | MDFUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Modified user ID | |
8 | I V Transaction Header Insert | PTDUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Posted user ID | |
9 | I V Transaction Header Insert | POSTEDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Posted date | |
10 | I V Transaction Header Insert | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Note text | |
1 | I V Transaction Line Insert | IVDOCNBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | IV document number | |
2 | I V Transaction Line Insert | IVDOCTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | IV document types | 1=Adjustment; 2=Variance |
3 | I V Transaction Line Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
4 | I V Transaction Line Insert | Reason_Code | string | 15 | N | | Reason code | |
5 | I V Transaction Line Insert | LNSEQNBR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number | |
6 | I V Transaction Line Insert | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure; the base unit of measure will default if left blank | |
7 | I V Transaction Line Insert | TRXQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Transaction quantity | |
8 | I V Transaction Line Insert | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit cost | |
9 | I V Transaction Line Insert | TRXLOCTN | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Location ID | |
10 | I V Transaction Line Insert | IVIVINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Inventory index | |
11 | I V Transaction Line Insert | InventoryAccount | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account number string | |
12 | I V Transaction Line Insert | IVIVOFIX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Inventory offset index | |
13 | I V Transaction Line Insert | InventoryAccountOffSet | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account number string for offset account | |
14 | I V Transaction Line Insert | OverrideQty | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Override quantity flag; to use this element, inventory control must allow for adjustment overrides | 0=Reset TRXQTY with quantity available; 1=Override quantity available and use TRXQTY |
15 | I V Transaction Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | IVDOCNBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | IVDOCTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document types | 1=Adjustment; 2=Variance |
3 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | USERDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Current system time | User Date | Used to determine if a lot is expired |
4 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
5 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | LOTNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Lot number | |
6 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity for lot item | |
7 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | ADJTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Adjustment type | 0=Increase; 1=Decrease |
8 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin; default is autocreate when multibin is enabled and not passed in | |
9 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | CreateBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
10 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | LNSEQNBR | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line sequence number | |
11 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code; required only if adding a lot number on the fly | |
12 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | Y/N | Not applicable | Expiration Date | Required when selecting an expired lot layer. Used to specify the date for a newly created lot layer |
13 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | MFGDAT | datetime | 8 | N | | Manufacturing Date | Used to specify the date for a newly created lot layer. |
14 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | AUTOCREATELOT | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autocreate lot numbers on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | DATERECD | datetime | 8 | N | Not applicable | Date of the lot used for a decrease adjustment override. If DATERECD is not supplied, it will default to the USERDATE value. | |
16 | I V Transaction Lot Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | IVDOCNBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | IVDOCTYP | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Document types | 1=Adjustment; 2=Variance |
3 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | ITEMNMBR | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
4 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | LNSEQNBR | string | 15 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number | |
5 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | QUANTITY | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity | |
6 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | ADJTYPE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Adjustment type | 0=Increase; 1=Decrease |
7 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | BIN | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Bin | |
8 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | CreateBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | OverrideBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Override bin shortage flag | 0=Do not override; 1=Override |
10 | I V Transaction Multi Bin Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | IVDOCNBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | SERLNMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
4 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | LNSEQNBR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Line sequence number | |
5 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code. Required when adding a serial number on the fly. Also required when multi-bin is enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL is set to 0. | |
6 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | AUTOCREATESERIAL | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autocreate serial number on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Transfer from quantity type | 1=On hand; 2=Returned; 3=In use; 4=In service; 5=Damaged |
8 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin (transfer from). Required when multi-bin is enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL is set to 0. | |
9 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | TOBIN | string | 15 | N | | To bin (transfer to). Required when multi-bin is enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL is set to 0. | |
10 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | TOLOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Transfer to location code. Required when creating TOBIN on the fly. Also required when multi-bin is enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL is set to 0. | |
11 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | CreateBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
12 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | OverrideBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Override bin shortage flag | 0=Do not override; 1=Override |
13 | I V Transfer Serial Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Insurance Class I D | INSCLASSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Insurance class ID | |
2 | Insurance Class I D | INSCLASSDESCR | string | 30 | N | | Insurance class ID description | |
3 | Insurance Class I D | INFLATIONRATEPCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Inflation rate percentage | |
4 | Insurance Class I D | DEPRRATEPCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Depreciation rate percentage | |
1 | Internet Addresses | Master_Type | string | 3 | Y | Not applicable | Master type | CUS=Customer record; ITM=Item record; VEN=Vendor record; CMP=Company record; SLP=Salesperson record; |
2 | Internet Addresses | Master_ID | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Master record ID | |
3 | Internet Addresses | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | | Address code—not required for item record and salesperson record | |
4 | Internet Addresses | INET1 | string | 200 | N | | E-mail address | |
5 | Internet Addresses | INET2 | string | 200 | N | | Web-site address | |
6 | Internet Addresses | INET3 | string | 200 | N | | FTP address | |
7 | Internet Addresses | INET4 | string | 200 | N | | Image | |
8 | Internet Addresses | INET5 | string | 200 | N | | Logon | |
9 | Internet Addresses | INET6 | string | 200 | N | | Password | |
10 | Internet Addresses | INET7 | string | 200 | N | | User-defined field 1 | |
11 | Internet Addresses | INET8 | string | 200 | N | | User-defined field 2 | |
12 | Internet Addresses | INETINFO | string | 1000 | N | | Internet information | |
13 | Internet Addresses | Messenger_Address | string | 200 | N | | Messenger address | |
14 | Internet Addresses | EmailBccAddress | string | 1000 | N | | Email BCC address | |
15 | Internet Addresses | EmailCcAddress | string | 1000 | N | | Email CC address | |
16 | Internet Addresses | EmailToAddress | string | 1000 | N | | Email to address | |
1 | Inventory Site | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | | Location/site code | |
2 | Inventory Site | LOCNDSCR | string | 30 | Y | | Location/site description | |
3 | Inventory Site | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address 1 | |
4 | Inventory Site | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address 2 | |
5 | Inventory Site | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address 3 | |
6 | Inventory Site | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
7 | Inventory Site | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
8 | Inventory Site | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code | |
9 | Inventory Site | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
10 | Inventory Site | PHONE1 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 1 | |
11 | Inventory Site | PHONE2 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 2 | |
12 | Inventory Site | PHONE3 | string | 20 | N | | Phone 3 | |
13 | Inventory Site | FAXNUMBR | string | 20 | N | | Fax number | |
14 | Inventory Site | Location_Segment | string | 66 | N | | Location segment | |
15 | Inventory Site | STAXSCHD | string | 15 | N | | Sales tax schedule ID | |
16 | Inventory Site | PCTAXSCH | string | 15 | N | | Purchases tax schedule ID | |
17 | Inventory Site | INCLDDINPLNNNG | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in planning | 0=False; 1=True |
18 | Inventory Site | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
19 | Inventory Site | PORECEIPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Purchase receipt bin | |
20 | Inventory Site | PORETRNBIN | string | 15 | N | | Purchase return bin | |
21 | Inventory Site | SOFULFILLMENTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Sales order fulfillment bin | |
22 | Inventory Site | SORETURNBIN | string | 15 | N | | Sales order returns bin | |
23 | Inventory Site | BOMRCPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Assembly receipts bin | |
24 | Inventory Site | MATERIALISSUEBIN | string | 15 | N | | Material issues bin | |
25 | Inventory Site | MORECEIPTBIN | string | 15 | N | | Manufacturing receipts bin | |
26 | Inventory Site | REPAIRISSUESBIN | string | 15 | N | | Repair issues bin | |
1 | Item Site | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Item Site | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Location code/site | |
3 | Item Site | BINNMBR | string | 20 | N | Default is from setup | Bin | |
4 | Item Site | PRIMVNDR | string | 15 | N | Default is from setup | Primary vendor ID | |
5 | Item Site | Landed_Cost_Group_ID | string | 15 | N | Default is from setup | Landed cost group ID | |
6 | Item Site | QTYRQSTN | number | 21 | N | Default is from setup | Requisition quantity | |
7 | Item Site | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow the item location data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
1 | Item Vendors | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Item Vendors | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
3 | Item Vendors | VNDITNUM | string | 30 | N | | Vendor item number | |
4 | Item Vendors | QTYRQSTN | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity requisitioned | |
5 | Item Vendors | AVRGLDTM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Average lead time | |
6 | Item Vendors | NORCTITM | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Number of receipts for item | |
7 | Item Vendors | MINORQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Minimum order quantity | |
8 | Item Vendors | MAXORDQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Maximum order quantity | |
9 | Item Vendors | ECORDQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Economic order quantity | |
10 | Item Vendors | VNDITDSC | string | 100 | N | | Vendor item description | |
11 | Item Vendors | Last_Originating_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0.01 | Last originating cost | |
12 | Item Vendors | Last_Currency_ID | string | 15 | N | | Last currency ID | |
13 | Item Vendors | FREEONBOARD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Free on board | 1=None; 2=Origin; 3=Destination |
14 | Item Vendors | PRCHSUOM | string | 8 | N | | Purchasing unit of measure | |
15 | Item Vendors | PLANNINGLEADTIME | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Planning lead time | |
16 | Item Vendors | ORDERMULTIPLE | number | 21 | N | 1 | Order multiple | |
17 | Item Vendors | MNFCTRITMNMBR | string | 30 | N | | Manufacturer’s item | |
18 | Item Vendors | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow item vendor information to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
19 | Item Vendors | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Kit Item Rcd | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Kit Item Rcd | CMPTITNM | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Component item number | |
3 | Kit Item Rcd | CMPITUOM | string | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Component unit of measure | |
4 | Kit Item Rcd | CMPITQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Component quantity | |
1 | Lease Company | LEASECOMPID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Lease company ID | |
2 | Lease Company | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor ID | |
1 | Local Tax | LOCALTAX | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Local tax | |
2 | Local Tax | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Local tax description | |
3 | Local Tax | LCLTXCAL_1 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Local tax 1 | 1=Subtract exemption; 2=Check minimum annualized taxable wages; 3=Apply tax rate; 4=Apply tax table; |
4 | Local Tax | LCLTXCAL_2 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Local tax 2 | 1=Subtract exemption; 2=Check minimum annualized taxable wages; 3=Apply tax rate; 4=Apply tax table; |
5 | Local Tax | LCLTXCAL_3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Local tax 3 | 1=Subtract exemption; 2=Check minimum annualized taxable wages; 3=Apply tax rate; 4=Apply tax table; |
6 | Local Tax | LCLTXCAL_4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Local tax 4 | 1=Subtract exemption; 2=Check minimum annualized taxable wages; 3=Apply tax rate; 4=Apply tax table; |
7 | Local Tax | LCLTXCAL_5 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Local tax 5 | 1=Subtract exemption; 2=Check minimum annualized taxable wages; 3=Apply tax rate; 4=Apply tax table; |
8 | Local Tax | EXMTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exemption amount | |
9 | Local Tax | MNTXBLWG | number | 21 | N | 0 | Minimum taxable wages | |
10 | Local Tax | MYTDTXWG | number | 21 | N | 0 | Minimum/Maximum YTD taxable wages | |
11 | Local Tax | LCLTAXRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Local tax rate | |
12 | Local Tax | LCLTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Local tax amount | |
13 | Local Tax | MAXPERYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Maximum per year | |
14 | Local Tax | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
15 | Local Tax | STDDMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Standard deduction method | |
16 | Local Tax | STDDPCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Standard deduction percentage | |
17 | Local Tax | STDDEDAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Standard deduction amount | |
18 | Local Tax | STDEDMAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Standard deduction maximum | |
19 | Local Tax | STDEDMIN | number | 21 | N | 0 | Standard deduction minimum | |
20 | Local Tax | TAXTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 4 | Tax type | 1=City income tax; 2=County income tax; 3=School district income tax; 4=Other income tax |
21 | Local Tax | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
22 | Local Tax | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Local Tax Detail | LOCALTAX | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Local tax | |
2 | Local Tax Detail | TXBRULMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax bracket upper limit | |
3 | Local Tax Detail | TXBRKTAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax bracket amount | |
4 | Local Tax Detail | RXBRKTRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax bracket rate | |
5 | Local Tax Detail | TXBREXWG | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax bracket excess wages | |
6 | Local Tax Detail | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Location | LOCATNID | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Location ID | |
2 | Location | LOCATNNM | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Location description | |
3 | Location | ADRCNTCT | string | 60 | N | | Contact | |
4 | Location | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address 1 | |
5 | Location | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address 2 | |
6 | Location | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address 3 | |
7 | Location | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
8 | Location | COUNTY | string | 60 | N | | County | |
9 | Location | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
10 | Location | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code | |
11 | Location | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
12 | Location | PHONE1 | string | 20 | N | | Phone number 1 | |
13 | Location | PHONE2 | string | 20 | N | | Phone number 2 | |
14 | Location | PHONE3 | string | 20 | N | | Phone number 3 | |
15 | Location | FAXNUMBER | string | 20 | N | | Fax number | |
16 | Location | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
17 | Location | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
18 | Location | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Location I D | LOCATNID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Location ID | |
2 | Location I D | STATEDESCR | string | 30 | N | | State description | |
3 | Location I D | COUNTYDESCR | string | 30 | N | | County description | |
4 | Location I D | CITYDESCR | string | 30 | N | | City description | |
5 | Location I D | STATEABBREV | string | 2 | N | | State abbreviation | |
6 | Location I D | STATECD | string | 2 | N | | State code | |
7 | Location I D | COUNTYCODE | string | 3 | N | | County code | |
8 | Location I D | CITYCODE | string | 4 | N | | City code | |
9 | Location I D | LASTMNTDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Create date | |
10 | Location I D | LASTMNTDUSERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
1 | Lockbox | LockBoxID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Lockbox ID | |
2 | Lockbox | LockboxDescription | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Lockbox description | |
3 | Lockbox | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Checkbook ID | |
4 | Lockbox | STRGA255 | string | 255 | Y | Not applicable | Location of lockbox file | |
5 | Lockbox | paLockboxFormatType | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Lockbox format type (optional/required) | 1=Single line; 2=Multiple line |
6 | Lockbox | XPRTFTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | File format type (optional/required) | 1=Fixed length; 2=Tab delimited; 3=Comma delimited |
7 | Lockbox | DECPLCUR | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Decimal places on amounts | |
8 | Lockbox | PaApplyMethod | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Lockbox apply method | |
9 | Lockbox | OmitStartRecords | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Omit start records | |
10 | Lockbox | OmitLastRecords | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Omit last records | |
11 | Lockbox | paHeaderRowIndicator | string | 10 | N | | Header row indicator | |
12 | Lockbox | paDeailRowIndicator | string | 10 | N | | Detail row indicator | |
13 | Lockbox | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Create date | |
14 | Lockbox | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Modified date | |
1 | Lockbox Bank Details | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | Lockbox Bank Details | BANKNAME | string | 30 | N | | Bank name | |
3 | Lockbox Bank Details | BNKBRNCH | string | 20 | N | | Bank branch | |
1 | Lot Category | LOTTYPE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Lot category | |
2 | Lot Category | LTATRDSC_1 | string | 15 | N | | Lot attribute description 1 | |
3 | Lot Category | LTATRDSC_2 | string | 15 | N | | Lot attribute description 2 | |
4 | Lot Category | LTATRDSC_3 | string | 15 | N | | Lot attribute description 3 | |
5 | Lot Category | LTATRDSC_4 | string | 15 | N | | Lot attribute description 4 | |
6 | Lot Category | LTATRDSC_5 | string | 15 | N | | Lot attribute description 5 | |
7 | Lot Category | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Manual Check Header Insert | MLCHKTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Manual check type | 0=Manual check type; 1=Adjustment; 2=Beginning balance |
2 | Manual Check Header Insert | PYADNMBR | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Payment/Adjustment number | |
3 | Manual Check Header Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
4 | Manual Check Header Insert | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID; pulls from UPR40200 if not populated | |
5 | Manual Check Header Insert | CHEKNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Check number; pulls from CM00100 if not populated | |
6 | Manual Check Header Insert | POSTEDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Posted date | |
7 | Manual Check Header Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
8 | Manual Check Header Insert | USEGPPYADNMBR | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Use GP default payment/adjustment number | 0=False; 1=True (this number replaces PYADNMBR) |
9 | Manual Check Header Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
10 | Manual Check Header Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
1 | Manual Check Line Insert | MLCHKTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Manual check type | 0=Manual check type; 1=Adjustment; 2=Beginning balance |
2 | Manual Check Line Insert | PYADNMBR | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Payment/adjustment number | |
3 | Manual Check Line Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
4 | Manual Check Line Insert | MLTRXNBR | string | 15 | N | | Manual transaction number | |
5 | Manual Check Line Insert | MLTRXTYP | string | 20 | N | | Manual transaction type | 1=Pay code; 2=Deduction; 3=Benefit; 4=Federal tax; 5=FICA Social Security tax; 6=FICA Medicare tax; |
6 | Manual Check Line Insert | UPRTRXCD | string | 16 | N | | UPR transaction code; this element is optional if passing any of the transaction types listed, but users must pass a valid transaction code on any transaction type not listed | 4=Federal tax; 5=FICA Social Security tax; 6=FICA Medicare tax; 11=FICA Social Security/tips; 12=FIC |
7 | Manual Check Line Insert | TRXBEGDT | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction begin date | |
8 | Manual Check Line Insert | TRXENDDT | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Transaction end date | |
9 | Manual Check Line Insert | MLTRXAMT | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Manual transaction amount | |
10 | Manual Check Line Insert | MLTRXHRS | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Manual transaction hours | |
11 | Manual Check Line Insert | RECEIPTS | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Receipts | |
12 | Manual Check Line Insert | DEPRTMNT | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Department; if blank it will pull from UPR00100 | |
13 | Manual Check Line Insert | JOBTITLE | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Job title; if blank will pull from UPR00100 | |
14 | Manual Check Line Insert | STATECD | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | State code | |
15 | Manual Check Line Insert | LOCALTAX | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Local tax code | |
16 | Manual Check Line Insert | WRKRCOMP | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Workers' compensation code | |
17 | Manual Check Line Insert | SUTASTAT | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | SUTA state | |
18 | Manual Check Line Insert | DAYSWRDK | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Days worked | |
19 | Manual Check Line Insert | WKSWRKD | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Weeks worked | |
20 | Manual Check Line Insert | SHFTCODE | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Shift code | |
21 | Manual Check Line Insert | TXBLWAGS | number | 21 | N | 0 | Taxable wages Valid for MLTRXTYP types of 4=Federal tax; 5=FICA social security tax; 6=FICA medicare tax; 7=State tax; 8=Local tax; 11=FICA social security/tips; 12=Medicare/tips; 13=Federal tax/tips | |
22 | Manual Check Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
23 | Manual Check Line Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
24 | Manual Check Line Insert | EFICAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Employer FICA amount Valid for MLTRXTYP values of | 5=FICA social security tax; 6=FICA medicare tax; 11=FICA social security/tips; 12=Medicare/tips; |
1 | Mda Update | DTASERIES | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Data series | 2=GL; 3=RM; 4=PM; 1 1=SOP; 12=POP |
2 | Mda Update | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Account index | |
3 | Mda Update | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Sequence number | |
4 | Mda Update | DTAREF | string | 25 | Y | Not applicable | Data reference | |
5 | Mda Update | DTAQNTY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Data quantity | |
6 | Mda Update | GROUPID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Group ID | |
7 | Mda Update | CODEID | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Code ID | |
8 | Mda Update | POSTDESC | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Can use to override the posting description | |
1 | P A Accounts Setup | PAsfid | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA source file ID | 27=Contract; 28=Project; 35=Contract fee; 34=Project fee |
2 | P A Accounts Setup | PArecordid | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA record ID | |
3 | P A Accounts Setup | PAcosttrxid | string | 17 | N | | PA cost transaction ID (leave blank for fee accounts) | TS=Timesheet; EL=Employee log; VI=Purchase materials; ML=Miscellaneous log; EE=employee expense |
4 | P A Accounts Setup | PAaccttype | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA account type** | |
5 | P A Accounts Setup | PAAccount | string | 75 | Y | Not applicable | PA account number string | |
6 | P A Accounts Setup | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
12 | P A Accounts Setup | PACHGORDNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order number | |
13 | P A Accounts Setup | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
14 | P A Accounts Setup | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
15 | P A Accounts Setup | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA cost category ID | |
16 | P A Accounts Setup | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
17 | P A Accounts Setup | PAbegindate | datetime | 8 | N | | PA begin date | |
18 | P A Accounts Setup | PAEnDate | datetime | 8 | N | | PA end date | |
19 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVarianceQty | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance quantity | |
20 | P A Accounts Setup | PAQtyQ | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA quantity | |
21 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVarianceCosts | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance costs | |
22 | P A Accounts Setup | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA unit costs | |
23 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVARMUPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance mark up percent | |
24 | P A Accounts Setup | PAProfitPercent | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA profit percent | |
25 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVARPROFAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance profit amount | |
26 | P A Accounts Setup | PAProfitAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA profit amount | |
27 | P A Accounts Setup | PAOvhdAmtPerUnit | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA overhead amount per unit | |
28 | P A Accounts Setup | PAOverheaPercentage | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA overhead percentage | |
29 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVAROVRHDUNIT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance overhead amount per unit | |
30 | P A Accounts Setup | PAVAROVERHDPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA variance overhead percentage | |
31 | P A Accounts Setup | PACOSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA change order status | 1=Pending; 2=Unapproved; 3=Approved; 4=Canceled; 5=Completed |
32 | P A Accounts Setup | PAGBTRKCHG | i4 | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Track changes | 0=Baseline; 1=Forecast |
33 | P A Accounts Setup | PASales_Tax_Options | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA sales tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Based on customer; 3=Nontaxable |
34 | P A Accounts Setup | PAbilltaxscheduleid | string | 15 | N | | PA billing tax schedule ID | |
35 | P A Accounts Setup | PAPurchase_Tax_Options | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA purchase tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Based on customer; 3=Nontaxable |
36 | P A Accounts Setup | PAPURCHTAXSCHED | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA purchase tax schedule ID | |
37 | P A Accounts Setup | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
2 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PACHGORDNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order number | |
3 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
4 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAFeeID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA fee ID | |
5 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAFeeAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Fee amount | |
6 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAFeePercent | number | 21 | N | 0 | Fee percent | |
7 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAFeeToUse | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA fee to use | |
8 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PASales_Tax_Options | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA sales tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on customer |
9 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAbilltaxscheduleid | string | 15 | N | | PA billing tax schedule ID | |
10 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAFrequency | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA frequency | 1=Scheduled; 2=Per invoice; 3=At project completion |
11 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PALineItemSeq | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PA line item sequence | |
12 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAbegindate | datetime | 8 | N | | PA begin date | |
13 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAEnDate | datetime | 8 | N | | PA end date | |
14 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PARenew | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA renew | |
15 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PARenewal_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | PA renewal date | |
16 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PA_Renew_Day | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PA renewal day | |
17 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PA_Renew_Month | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PA renewal month | |
18 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcbts | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type timesheets | |
19 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcbEL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type equipment logs | |
20 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcbML | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type miscellaneous logs | |
21 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcbvi | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type purchasing inventory | |
22 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcber | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type employee expense | |
23 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | PAtotcbinv | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Include transaction-type inventory | |
24 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Detail | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PACHGORDNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order number | |
2 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
3 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PALineItemSeq | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA line item sequence | |
4 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PAbegindate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA begin date | |
5 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PAEnDate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA end date | |
6 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PATOTPRJFEEAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total project fee amount | |
7 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PATOTRETNFEEAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total retainer fee amount | |
8 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PATOTRETNTNAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total retention fee amount | |
9 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | PATOTSRVCFEEAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total service fee amount | |
10 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Header | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PAFeeID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA fee ID | |
2 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PACHGORDNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order number | |
3 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
4 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
5 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PAsequencenumber | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA sequence number | |
6 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
7 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PADT | datetime | 8 | N | | Scheduled date | |
8 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PAFeeAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Fee amount | |
9 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | PAGBTRKCHG | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Track changes | 1=Baseline; 2=Forecast |
10 | P A Change Order Entry Fee Schedule | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACHGORDNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order number | |
2 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
3 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PADOCDT | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA change order date | |
4 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAGBTRKCHG | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Track changes | 0=Baseline; 1=Forecast |
5 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACODESC | string | 15 | N | | PA change order description | |
6 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACOCUSTNO | string | 21 | N | | PA change order customer number | |
7 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACOTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA change order type | 1=Internal; 2=Company; 3=Customer |
8 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PACOSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA change order status* | 1=Pending; 2=Unapproved; 3=Approved; 4=Canceled; 5=Completed (Only 1=Pending is supported at this ti |
9 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | REQSTDBY | string | 21 | N | | Requested by | |
10 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAESTBY | string | 21 | N | | Estimated by | |
11 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAREVBY | string | 15 | N | | Revised by | |
12 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAREVPOSITION | string | 31 | N | | Revised by position | |
13 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAREVREASON | string | 31 | N | | Revised reason | |
14 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | PAAPPROVBY | string | 15 | N | | Approved by | |
15 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | DSCRIPTN | string | 31 | N | | Approved by description | |
16 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | APPRVLDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Approval date | |
17 | P A Change Order Entry Hdr | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Contract Billing Cycle | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
2 | P A Contract Billing Cycle | PABILLCYCLEID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA billing cycle ID | |
3 | P A Contract Billing Cycle | PABILLFORMAT | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA billing format ID | |
4 | P A Contract Billing Cycle | Action | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Action | 1=Add billing cycle; 2=Delete billing cycle |
5 | P A Contract Billing Cycle | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Contracts | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | P A Contracts | PAcontid | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract ID | |
3 | P A Contracts | PAcontname | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract name | |
4 | P A Contracts | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
5 | P A Contracts | PAcontclassid | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA contract class ID | |
6 | P A Contracts | PAProjectType | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA project type | 1=Time and materials; 2=Cost plus; 3=Fixed price |
7 | P A Contracts | PAAcctgMethod | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA accounting method | 1=When performed; 2=When billed; 3=Cost to cost; 4=Effort expended; 5=Completed; 6=Effort expended l |
8 | P A Contracts | PAMCCURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | PA MC currency ID | |
9 | P A Contracts | PASTAT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA status | 1=Open; 2=On hold; 3=Closed; 4=Estimate; 5=Completed |
10 | P A Contracts | PApurordnum | string | 17 | N | Default from setup | PA purchase order number | |
11 | P A Contracts | PAcloseProjcosts | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA close to project costs | |
12 | P A Contracts | PAclosetobillings | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA close to billings | |
13 | P A Contracts | PAUD1_Cont | string | 51 | N | Default from setup | PA user defined 1 | |
14 | P A Contracts | PAUD2_Cont | string | 51 | N | Default from setup | PA user defined 2 | |
15 | P A Contracts | PAContMgrID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA contract manager ID | |
16 | P A Contracts | PABusMgrID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA business manager ID | |
17 | P A Contracts | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Address code | |
18 | P A Contracts | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Sales person ID | |
19 | P A Contracts | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Sales territory ID | |
20 | P A Contracts | COMPRCNT | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Sales commission percent | |
21 | P A Contracts | COMAPPTO | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Sales commission applied to | |
22 | P A Contracts | PABILLFORMAT | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA billing format | |
23 | P A Contracts | PRBTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary bill to address ID | |
24 | P A Contracts | PA_RestrictCustomerList | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA restrict to customer list | |
25 | P A Contracts | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
26 | P A Contracts | PASegmentCB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA account segment check box | |
27 | P A Contracts | PABILLCYCLEID1 | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA billing cycle ID | |
28 | P A Contracts | PATRKCHGORDS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA track change orders | |
29 | P A Contracts | PATRKCOBDGADDFLY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA track change orders for new budget on the fly | |
30 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteTS | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—timesheets | |
31 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteEL | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—equipment logs | |
32 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteML | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—miscellaneous logs | |
33 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteVI | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—VI | |
34 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteEE | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—employee expense | |
35 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteINV | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—inventory | |
36 | P A Contracts | PAbillnoteFEE | string | 1000 | N | | PA billing note—fee | |
37 | P A Contracts | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Update functionality does not exist at this time. This element will be used for future releases. | |
38 | P A Contracts | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAertrxtype | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense transaction type | 1=Standard; 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAerdocnumber | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense document number | |
3 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA document date | |
4 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
6 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAVENADDRESSID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA vendor address ID | |
7 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAStartDate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA start date | |
8 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAEnDate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA end date | |
9 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
10 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
11 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA reference document number | |
12 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
13 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAUD1 | string | 21 | N | | PA user defined 1 | |
14 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAUD2 | string | 21 | N | | PA user defined 2 | |
15 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAreptsuff | string | 5 | N | | PA reporting suffix If an employee has multiple expense transactions that have the same start and end dates, add a sequence number that uniquely identifies each transaction. | |
16 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PACOMM | string | 51 | N | | PA comment | |
17 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PATQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total quantity | |
18 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAREIMBURSTAXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA reimbursable tax amount | |
19 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | BKTPURAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out purchases amount | |
20 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PATACRV | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total accrued revenues | |
21 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Trade discount amount | |
22 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAFreight_Taxable_P | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA freight taxable | purchase: 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
23 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Freight schedule ID | |
24 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
25 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
26 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAMisc_Taxable_P | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA miscellaneous taxable | purchase: 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
27 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Miscellaneous schedule ID | |
28 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | MSCCHAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous charges amount | |
29 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
30 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Document amount | |
31 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TEN99AMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | 1099 amount | |
32 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | UN1099AM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unapplied 1099 amount | |
33 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CASHAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cash amount | |
34 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CAMCBKID | string | 15 | N | | Cash amount checkbook ID | |
35 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CDOCNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Cash document number | |
36 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CAMTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Cash amount date | |
37 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CAMPMTNM | string | 21 | N | | Cash amount payment number | |
38 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CHRGAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Charge amount | |
39 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CHEKAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Check amount | |
40 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CHEKNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Check number | |
41 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CHEKDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Check date | |
42 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CAMPYNBR | string | 21 | N | | Check amount payment number | |
43 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CHAMCBID | string | 15 | N | | Check amount checkbook ID | |
44 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Card name | |
45 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CRCRDAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit card amount | |
46 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CRCARDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Credit card date | |
47 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CCAMPYNM | string | 21 | N | | Credit card payment number | |
48 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | CCRCTNUM | string | 21 | N | | Credit card receipt number | |
49 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID | |
50 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
51 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | BCKTXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out tax amount | |
52 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAReimbursableAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA reimbursable amount | |
53 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PAPD | datetime | 8 | N | | PA post date | |
54 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PApostoDynPM | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | PA post to dynamic payables management | 1=Post to payable management |
55 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | Tax_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Tax date | |
56 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TaxInvRecvd | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | 1=Tax invoice received | |
57 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TaxInvReqd | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | 1=Tax invoice received | |
58 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Using header level taxes | |
59 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
60 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
61 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
62 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
63 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
64 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
65 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
66 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
67 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
68 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
69 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
70 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
71 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
72 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
73 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | PDK_EE_No | string | 31 | N | | PDK employee expense number | |
74 | P A Emp Expense Hdr Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAertrxtype | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense transaction type | 1=Standard 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAerdocnumber | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense document number | |
3 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
4 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PADT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA date | |
5 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
6 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA cost category ID | |
7 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
8 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
9 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAitemnumber | string | 31 | N | | PA item number | |
10 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA reference document number | |
11 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAQtyQ | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA quantity | |
12 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | | PA unit of measure | |
13 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | UOMSCHDL | string | 11 | N | | Unit of measure schedule | |
14 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA unit cost | |
15 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAPurchase_Tax_Options | i4 | 2 | N | 3 | PA purchase tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
16 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | ITMTSHID | string | 15 | N | | Item tax schedule ID | |
17 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
18 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | BCKTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out tax amount | |
19 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAPaymentMethod | i4 | 2 | N | 3 | PA payment method | 1=Cash; 2=Company credit card; 3=Personal credit card |
20 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAExpenseType | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA expense type | 1=Reimbursable; 2=Personal expense |
21 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAReference_Line_Seq_N | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PA reference line sequence number | |
22 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA billing type | 1=Standard; 2=No charge; 3=No billing |
23 | P A Emp Expense Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | PAertrxtype | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense transaction type | 1=Standard 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | PAerdocnumber | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee expense document number | |
3 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Line item sequence | |
4 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
5 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | TAXTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 0=Regular; 1=Freight; 2=Miscellaneous | |
6 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | EMPLOYID | number | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
7 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
8 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | PAREIMBURSTAXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA reimbursed tax amount | |
9 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | BKOUTTAX | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out tax | |
10 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | PCTAXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Purchase tax amount | |
11 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
12 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
13 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | TXDTTPUR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax detail total purchase | |
14 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | TDTTXPUR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax detail total taxable purchase | |
15 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | account Index | |
16 | P A Emp Expense Tax Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAEQLTRX | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment Log Transaction Type 1=Standard 2=Referenced | |
2 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAEQLOGNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment Log Document Number | |
3 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA Document Date | |
4 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch Number | |
5 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAEQUIPTID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment ID | |
6 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAREPD | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA Reporting Period | |
7 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAREPDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA Reporting Period Begin Date | |
8 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
9 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA Reference Document Number | |
10 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAreptsuff | string | 5 | N | | PA Reporting Suffix - used to create a unique record if a record already exists with this PAEQUIPTID,PAREPD combination. | |
11 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PACOMM | string | 51 | N | | PA Comment | |
12 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PATQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Total Quantity | |
13 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PAtotcosts | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Total Costs | |
14 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PATACRV | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Total Accrued Revenues | |
15 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange Rate | |
16 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate Type ID | |
17 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration Date | |
18 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange Date | |
19 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID Desc. | |
20 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange Rate Source | |
21 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | | Rate Expiration The breakdown is | 1=Daily, 2=Weekly, 3=Bi-Weekly, 4=Semi-Monthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Quarterly, 7=Annually, 8=Miscellaneous, |
22 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | | Days to Increment Only used when RATEEXPR = 8 | |
23 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate Variance | |
24 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Trx Date Default 0=Exact Date, 1=Next Date, 2=Previous Date | |
25 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | | Rate Calc. Method 0=Multiply, 1= Divide | |
26 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous Days Limits | |
27 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date Limits 0=Unlimited, 1=Limited | |
28 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
29 | P A Equip Log Hdr Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAEQLTRX | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment Transaction Type 1=Standard 2=Referenced | |
2 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAEQLOGNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment Document Number | |
3 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA Document Date | |
4 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAEQUIPTID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA Equipment ID | |
5 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAREPD | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA Reporting Period | |
6 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAREPDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA Reporting Period Begin Date | |
7 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
8 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA Reference Document Number | |
9 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line Item Sequence | |
10 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PADT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA Date | |
11 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Project ID | |
12 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Cost Category ID | |
13 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PATB | datetime | 8 | N | | PA Time Begin | |
14 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PATE | datetime | 8 | N | | PA Time End | |
15 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAQtyQ | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Quantity | |
16 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA Billing Type 1=STD, 2=N/C, 3=N/B | |
17 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | | PA Unit of Measure | |
18 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Unit Cost | |
19 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PATOTCST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA Total Cost | |
20 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | PAtx500 | string | 256 | N | | PA Billing Note Text | |
21 | P A Equip Log Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PSMISCLTRXTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous log transaction type | 1=Standard; 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAMISCLDOCNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous log number | |
3 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA document date | |
4 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PSMISCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous ID | |
6 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAREPD | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period | |
7 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAREPDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period begin date | |
8 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | | Currency ID | |
9 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA Reference document number | |
10 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAreptsuff | string | 5 | N | | PA reporting suffix | |
11 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PACOMM | string | 51 | N | | PA comment | |
12 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PATQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total quantity | |
13 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PAtotcosts | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total costs | |
14 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PATACRV | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total accrued revenues Always use the default value. The amount of accrued revenue is always calculated. If you specify a value other than the default, an error will occur. | |
15 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
16 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
17 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
18 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
19 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
20 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
21 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate expiration 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellaneous; 9=None; | |
22 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
23 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
24 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
25 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default is from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
26 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
27 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
28 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
29 | P A Misc Log Hdr Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PSMISCLTRXTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous transaction type | 1=Standard; 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAMISCLDOCNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous log number | |
3 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA document date | |
4 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PSMISCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA miscellaneous ID | |
5 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAREPD | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period | |
6 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAREPDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period begin date | |
7 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
8 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA reference document number | |
9 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
10 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PADT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA date | |
11 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
12 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Cost category ID | |
13 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAQtyQ | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA quantity | |
14 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA billing type | 1=Standard; 2=No charge; 3=No billing |
15 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | | PA unit of measure | |
16 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA unit cost | |
17 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | PATOTCST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total cost | |
18 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | Patx500 | string | 256 | N | | PA billing note text | |
19 | P A Misc Log Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Access | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Access | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA employee ID | |
3 | P A Project Access | Action | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Action | 1=Add employee; 2=Delete employee |
4 | P A Project Access | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Billing Cycle | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Billing Cycle | PABILLCYCLEID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA billing cycle ID | |
3 | P A Project Billing Cycle | PABILLFORMAT | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA billing format | |
4 | P A Project Billing Cycle | Action | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Action | 1=Add billing cycle; 2=Delete billing cycle |
5 | P A Project Billing Cycle | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Budget Master | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Budget Master | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA cost category ID | |
3 | P A Project Budget Master | PASTAT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA status | 1=Open; 2=On hold; 3=Closed*; 4=Estimate; 5=Completed (*note the closed status is not supported in t |
4 | P A Project Budget Master | PAProfitType | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA profit type | 1=Billing rate; 2=Markup percentage; 3=Price unit fixed; 4=Price unit variable; 5=Total profit; 6=Pe |
5 | P A Project Budget Master | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA billing type | 1=Standard; 2=No charge; 3=No billing |
6 | P A Project Budget Master | PABBeginDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA begin date | |
7 | P A Project Budget Master | PABEndDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA end date | |
8 | P A Project Budget Master | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Line item sequence | |
9 | P A Project Budget Master | PALineItemSeq | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | PA line item sequence | |
10 | P A Project Budget Master | PABQuantity | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline quantity | |
11 | P A Project Budget Master | PABUnitCost | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline cost | |
12 | P A Project Budget Master | PABProfitAmt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline profit amount | |
13 | P A Project Budget Master | PABProfitPcnt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline profit percent | |
14 | P A Project Budget Master | PABTotalCost | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline total cost | |
15 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselineOvhdAmtPerUnit | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline overhead amount per unit | |
16 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselineOvrhdPct | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline overhead percent | |
17 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselinePTaxOptions | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline purchase tax options | |
18 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselineCTaxSchedID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline cost tax schedule ID | |
19 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselineSTaxOptions | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline sales tax options | |
20 | P A Project Budget Master | PABaselineBTaxSchedID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline billings tax schedule ID | |
21 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFQuantity | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast quantity | |
22 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFUnitCost | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast cost | |
23 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFTotalCost | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast total cost | |
24 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFProfitAmt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast profit amount | |
25 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFProfitPcnt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast profit percent | |
26 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastOvrhdAmtPerUnt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast overhead amount per unit | |
27 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastOvrhdPct | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast overhead percent | |
28 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastPTaxOptions | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast purchase tax options | |
29 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastCTaxSchedID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast cost tax schedule ID | |
30 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastSTaxOptions | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast sales tax options | |
31 | P A Project Budget Master | PAForecastBTaxSchedID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast billings tax schedule ID | |
32 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFBeginDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast begin date | |
33 | P A Project Budget Master | PAFEndDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA forecast end date | |
34 | P A Project Budget Master | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | Default from setup | PA unit of measure | |
35 | P A Project Budget Master | UOMSCHDL | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | Unit of measure schedule | |
36 | P A Project Budget Master | PAPay_Code_Hourly | string | 7 | N | Default from setup | PA pay code hourly | |
37 | P A Project Budget Master | PAPay_Code_Salary | string | 7 | N | Default from setup | PA pay code salary | |
38 | P A Project Budget Master | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Update functionality does not exist at this time; this will be used for future release | |
39 | P A Project Budget Master | RollUpEst_to_Forecast | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Flag that determines whether or not changes made in estimate status roll up to forecast values | 0=No rollup; 1=Roll up to forecast values |
40 | P A Project Budget Master | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Equip | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Equip | PAEQUIPTID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA equipment ID | |
3 | P A Project Equip | Action | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Action | 1=Add; 2=Delete |
4 | P A Project Equip | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Fee | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Fee | PAFeeID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA fee ID | |
3 | P A Project Fee | PALineItemSeq | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PA line item sequence | |
4 | P A Project Fee | PAFeeAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA fee amount | |
5 | P A Project Fee | PAPercent_Cost | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA percent of cost | |
6 | P A Project Fee | PAPercent_Revenue | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA percent of revenue | |
7 | P A Project Fee | PA_Retention_Percent | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA retention percent | |
8 | P A Project Fee | PAService_Fee_Amount | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA service fee amount | |
9 | P A Project Fee | PAbilltaxscheduleid | string | 15 | N | | PA billing tax schedule ID | |
10 | P A Project Fee | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Updating functionality does not exist at this time; this will be used for future release | |
11 | P A Project Fee | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Project Fee Schedule | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
2 | P A Project Fee Schedule | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 15 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
3 | P A Project Fee Schedule | PAFeeID | string | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA fee ID | |
4 | P A Project Fee Schedule | PADT | datetime | 8 | N | | Schedule date | |
5 | P A Project Fee Schedule | PAFeeAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Fee amount | |
6 | P A Project Fee Schedule | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Updating functionality does not exist at this time; this will be used for future release | |
7 | P A Project Fee Schedule | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Projects | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | P A Projects | PACONTNUMBER | string | 11 | Y | Not applicable | PA contract number | |
3 | P A Projects | PAprojid | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project ID | |
4 | P A Projects | PAprojname | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | PA project name | |
5 | P A Projects | PAPROJNUMBER | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | PA project number | |
6 | P A Projects | PAProjectType | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA project type | 1=Time and materials; 2=Cost plus; 3=Fixed price |
7 | P A Projects | PAAcctgMethod | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA account method | 1=When performed; 2=When billed; 3=Cost to cost; 4=Effort expended; 5=Completed; 6=Effort expended l |
8 | P A Projects | PASTAT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA status | 1=Open; 2=On hold; 3=Closed; 4=Estimate; 5=Completed |
9 | P A Projects | PABBeginDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline begin date | |
10 | P A Projects | PABEndDate | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | PA baseline end date | |
11 | P A Projects | PAprjclsid | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA project class ID | |
12 | P A Projects | PApurordnum | string | 17 | N | Default from setup | PA purchase order number | |
13 | P A Projects | PAcloseProjcosts | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA close to project costs | |
14 | P A Projects | PAclosetobillings | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA close to billings | |
15 | P A Projects | PADepartment | string | 7 | N | Default from setup | PA department | |
16 | P A Projects | PAEstimatorID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA estimator ID | |
17 | P A Projects | PAprojmngrid | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA project manager ID | |
18 | P A Projects | PABusMgrID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA business manager ID | |
19 | P A Projects | PALabor_Rate_Table_ID | string | 31 | N | Default from setup | PA labor rate table ID | |
20 | P A Projects | PALabor_RateTable_Type | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA labor rate table type | |
21 | P A Projects | PALabor_Rate_Table_Acc | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA labor rate table accept replacements | |
22 | P A Projects | PAEquip_Rate_Table_ID | string | 31 | N | Default from setup | PA equipment rate table ID | |
23 | P A Projects | PAEquip_Rate_Table_Acc | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA equipment rate table accept replacements | |
24 | P A Projects | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA billing type | 1=Standard; 2=No charge; 3=No billing |
25 | P A Projects | PABILLFORMAT | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA billing format | |
26 | P A Projects | DSCPCTAM | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
27 | P A Projects | PA_Retention_Percent | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA retention percent | |
28 | P A Projects | PAUD1Proj | string | 51 | N | Default from setup | PA user defined 1 | |
29 | P A Projects | PAUD2_Proj | string | 51 | N | Default from setup | PA user defined 2 | |
30 | P A Projects | PASegmentCB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA segment check box | |
31 | P A Projects | PRBTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary bill to address code | |
32 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteDefault | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note— default | |
33 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteTS | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—timesheets | |
34 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteEL | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—equipment logs | |
35 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteML | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—miscellaneous logs | |
36 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteVI | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—VI | |
37 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteEE | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—employee expense | |
38 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteINV | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—inventory | |
39 | P A Projects | PAbillnoteFEE | string | 1000 | N | Default from setup | PA billing note—fee | |
40 | P A Projects | PABILLCYCLEID1 | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | PA billing cycle ID | |
41 | P A Projects | PA_RestrictCustomerList | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA restrict customer list | |
42 | P A Projects | WRKRCOMP | string | 7 | N | Default from setup | Workers' compensation ID | |
43 | P A Projects | SUTASTAT | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | SUTA state ID | |
44 | P A Projects | PATRKCHGORDS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA track change orders | |
45 | P A Projects | PATRKCOBDGADDFLY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PA track change orders for new budget on the fly | |
46 | P A Projects | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Update functionality does not exist at this time; this will be used for future release | |
47 | P A Projects | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PATSTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA timesheet transaction type | 1=Standard; 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PATSNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA timesheet number | |
3 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PADOCDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA document date | |
4 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
6 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PAREPD | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period | |
7 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PAREPDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA reporting period begin date | |
8 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
9 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA reference document number | |
10 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PAreptsuff | string | 5 | N | | PA reporting suffix | |
11 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PACOMM | string | 51 | N | | PA comment | |
12 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PATQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total quantity | |
13 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PAtotcosts | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total costs | |
14 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PATACRV | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total accrued revenues | |
15 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
16 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
17 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
18 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
19 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
20 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
21 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
22 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
23 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
24 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
25 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
26 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
27 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
28 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
29 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
30 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | PDK_TS_No | string | 31 | N | | PDK timesheet number | |
31 | P A Time Sheet Hdr Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PATSTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | PA timesheet transaction type | 1=Standard; 2=Referenced |
2 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PATSNO | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PA timesheet number | |
3 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Employee ID | |
4 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
5 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAREFNO | string | 17 | N | | PA reference document number | |
6 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence | |
7 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PADT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | PA date | |
8 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAPROJNUMBER | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Project ID | |
9 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PACOSTCATID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Cost category ID | |
10 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PATB | datetime | 8 | N | | PA time begin | |
11 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PATE | datetime | 8 | N | | PA time end | |
12 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAQtyQ | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA quantity | |
13 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAbllngtype | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | PA billing type | 1=Standard; 2=No charge; 3=No billing |
14 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | | PA unit of measure | |
15 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | PA unit cost | |
16 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAPayCode | string | 7 | N | | PA pay code | |
17 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PADepartment | string | 7 | N | | PA department | |
18 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAJob_Title | string | 7 | N | | PA job title | |
19 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PATOTCST | number | 21 | N | 0 | PA total cost | |
20 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PASalary_Posting_Type | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | PA salary posting type | 0=No post; 1=Reallocate dollars; 2=Reallocate hours; 3=Additional amount |
21 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
22 | P A Time Sheet Line Insert | PAtx500 | string | 8000 | N | | PA billing note text | |
1 | P M Distribution | DOCTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | 1=Invoice; 2=Finance charge; 3=Miscellaneous charge; 4=Return; 5=Credit memo; 6=Manual checks |
2 | P M Distribution | VCHRNMBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Voucher number/payment number; if passing a manual check, pass in payment number | |
3 | P M Distribution | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
4 | P M Distribution | DSTSQNUM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
5 | P M Distribution | DISTTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Distribution type | 1=Cash; 2=Pay; 3=Avail; 4=Taken; 5=Fnchg; 6=Purch; 7=Trade; 8=Misc; 9=Freight; 10=Taxes; 11=Write; 1 |
6 | P M Distribution | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
7 | P M Distribution | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
8 | P M Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
9 | P M Distribution | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Debit amount | |
10 | P M Distribution | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
11 | P M Distribution | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P M Manual Check | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number; batch for the manual check—created on the fly | |
2 | P M Manual Check | PMNTNMBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Payment/voucher number | |
3 | P M Manual Check | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
4 | P M Manual Check | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document/check number | |
5 | P M Manual Check | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document/check amount | |
6 | P M Manual Check | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
7 | P M Manual Check | PSTGDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Posting date | |
8 | P M Manual Check | PYENTTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Payment entry type | 0=Check; 1=Cash; 2=Credit card |
9 | P M Manual Check | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Credit card name; required if choosing PYENTTYP=2 | |
10 | P M Manual Check | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
11 | P M Manual Check | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID; required if choosing PYENTTYP=0 or 1 | |
12 | P M Manual Check | TRXDSCRN | string | 30 | N | | Transaction description | |
13 | P M Manual Check | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
14 | P M Manual Check | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
15 | P M Manual Check | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
16 | P M Manual Check | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
17 | P M Manual Check | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
18 | P M Manual Check | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
19 | P M Manual Check | RATEEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
20 | P M Manual Check | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
21 | P M Manual Check | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
22 | P M Manual Check | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
23 | P M Manual Check | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
24 | P M Manual Check | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
25 | P M Manual Check | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | |
26 | P M Manual Check | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
27 | P M Manual Check | MDFUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Modified user ID | |
28 | P M Manual Check | PTDUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Posted user ID | |
29 | P M Manual Check | BatchCHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID for the batch | |
30 | P M Manual Check | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic—use if not calling node |
31 | P M Manual Check | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P M Sched Pmnts | ORIG_VOUCHER_NUM | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Original voucher number | |
2 | P M Sched Pmnts | ORIG_DOC_TYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Original document type | 1=Invoice; 3=Miscellaneous charge |
3 | P M Sched Pmnts | PAY_OFFSET_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 2 | Y/N | 0 | Payables offset account index; either the index or string is required | |
4 | P M Sched Pmnts | PayOffsetAccount | string | 75 | Y/N | | Payable offset account string. (The account string is checked first. If it is populated, the account index is set based on the string. If the account string is not populated, account index is used.) | |
5 | P M Sched Pmnts | FIRST_INV_DOC_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | First invoice document date; required if payment frequency is 1=semimonthly and the day must be either the first or the fifteenth (day requirement for semimonthly only) | |
6 | P M Sched Pmnts | FIRST_INV_DUE_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | First invoice due date; required if payment frequency is 1=semimonthly and the day must be either the first or the fifteenth (day requirement for semimonthly only) | |
7 | P M Sched Pmnts | INT_EXP_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Interest expense account index; either the index or the string is required if interest rate entered | |
8 | P M Sched Pmnts | IntExpenseAccount | string | 75 | N | | Interest expense account string; either the index or the string is required if interest rate entered | |
9 | P M Sched Pmnts | PAYMENT_AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Payment amount; if both PAYMENT_AMOUNT and NUM_PAYMENTS are passed in, the number of payments will be recalculated | |
10 | P M Sched Pmnts | NUM_PAYMENTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Number of payments; either the number of payments or the payment amount must be greater than 0 (both cannot be zero); if payment amount is entered, the number of payments must hold a value of 1 (minimum) through 999 (maximum) | |
11 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_NUMBER | string | 21 | N | | Schedule number; will get next number optional to pass in | |
12 | P M Sched Pmnts | PYMNT_FREQUENCY | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Payment frequency | 1=Semimonthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Quarterly; 4=Semiannually; 5=Annually |
13 | P M Sched Pmnts | PAY_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Accounts payable account index | |
14 | P M Sched Pmnts | PayAccount | string | 75 | N | | Account payable account string; use if want to override the default | |
15 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCH_DOC_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Schedule document date; will get from original document | |
16 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Schedule amount; will get from original document | |
17 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_DESC | string | 31 | N | | Schedule description | |
18 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_INT_RATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Schedule interest rate; front end allows negative interest but this will not; interest rate can range from 0.0001 through 99.9999 | |
19 | P M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_INT_TYPE1 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Schedule interest type | 0=Compound; 1=Simple |
20 | P M Sched Pmnts | USERID | string | 15 | N | eConnect | User ID used to update the PM keys | |
21 | P M Sched Pmnts | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P M Transaction Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number; batch for the cash receipt; created on the fly | |
2 | P M Transaction Insert | VCHNUMWK | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Voucher number—must be unique | |
3 | P M Transaction Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
4 | P M Transaction Insert | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number—unique based on PM40100 setup option | |
5 | P M Transaction Insert | DOCTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | 1=Invoice 2=Finance Charge 3=Miscellaneous Charge 4=Return 5=Credit Memo |
6 | P M Transaction Insert | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document amount=MSCCHAMT + PRCHAMNT + TAXAMNT + FRTAMNT – TRDISAMT | |
7 | P M Transaction Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
8 | P M Transaction Insert | PSTGDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Posting date | |
9 | P M Transaction Insert | VADCDTRO | string | 15 | N | | Remit to Address ID | |
10 | P M Transaction Insert | VADDCDPR | string | 15 | N | | Primary address ID; must exist if filled - use to create the master record | |
11 | P M Transaction Insert | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms ID; must exist if filled | |
12 | P M Transaction Insert | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID; must exist if filled and a tax amount is passed in | |
13 | P M Transaction Insert | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Due date | |
14 | P M Transaction Insert | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
15 | P M Transaction Insert | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Discount date | |
16 | P M Transaction Insert | PRCHAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Purchases amount | |
17 | P M Transaction Insert | CHRGAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Charge amount=DOCAMNT – CASHAMNT –CHEKAMNT – CRCRDAMT – DISTKNAM (required if on account amount) | |
18 | P M Transaction Insert | CASHAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cash amount | |
19 | P M Transaction Insert | CAMCBKID | string | 15 | N | | Cash amount checkbook ID | |
20 | P M Transaction Insert | CDOCNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Cash document number—required if cash amount is greater than 0 | |
21 | P M Transaction Insert | CAMTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Cash amount date | |
22 | P M Transaction Insert | CAMPMTNM | string | 20 | N | | Cash amount payment number | |
23 | P M Transaction Insert | CHEKAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Check amount | |
24 | P M Transaction Insert | CHAMCBID | string | 15 | N | | Check amount checkbook ID | |
25 | P M Transaction Insert | CHEKDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Check amount date | |
26 | P M Transaction Insert | CAMPYNBR | string | 20 | N | | Check payment number | |
27 | P M Transaction Insert | CRCRDAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit card amount | |
28 | P M Transaction Insert | CCAMPYNM | string | 20 | N | | Credit card payment number | |
29 | P M Transaction Insert | CHEKNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Check document number | |
30 | P M Transaction Insert | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Credit card name | |
31 | P M Transaction Insert | CCRCTNUM | string | 20 | N | | Credit card receipt number | |
32 | P M Transaction Insert | CRCARDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Credit card amount date | |
33 | P M Transaction Insert | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID | |
34 | P M Transaction Insert | TRXDSCRN | string | 30 | N | | Transaction description | |
35 | P M Transaction Insert | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Trade discount amount | |
36 | P M Transaction Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
37 | P M Transaction Insert | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
38 | P M Transaction Insert | TEN99AMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | 1099 amount | |
39 | P M Transaction Insert | MSCCHAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous charge amount | |
40 | P M Transaction Insert | PORDNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Purchase order number | |
41 | P M Transaction Insert | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
42 | P M Transaction Insert | DISAMTAV | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount amount available | |
43 | P M Transaction Insert | DISTKNAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Discount taken amount | |
44 | P M Transaction Insert | APDSTKAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Applied discount taken amount | |
45 | P M Transaction Insert | MDFUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Modified user ID | |
46 | P M Transaction Insert | POSTEDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Posted date | |
47 | P M Transaction Insert | PTDURID | string | 15 | N | | Posted user ID | |
48 | P M Transaction Insert | PCHSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Purchase schedule ID | |
49 | P M Transaction Insert | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Freight schedule ID | |
50 | P M Transaction Insert | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Miscellaneous schedule ID | |
51 | P M Transaction Insert | PRCTDISC | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Percent discount | |
52 | P M Transaction Insert | Tax_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Tax date | |
53 | P M Transaction Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
54 | P M Transaction Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
55 | P M Transaction Insert | RATEPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
56 | P M Transaction Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
57 | P M Transaction Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
58 | P M Transaction Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
59 | P M Transaction Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
60 | P M Transaction Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
61 | P M Transaction Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
62 | P M Transaction Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
63 | P M Transaction Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
64 | P M Transaction Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
65 | P M Transaction Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
66 | P M Transaction Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | |
67 | P M Transaction Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
68 | P M Transaction Insert | BatchCHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID for the batch | |
69 | P M Transaction Insert | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic—use if not calling the node |
70 | P M Transaction Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | VCHRNMBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Voucher number—must be a unique number | |
3 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | DOCTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | 1=Invoice 2=Finance Charge 3=Miscellaneous Charge 4=Return 5=Credit Memo |
4 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number—batch for cash receipt;. created on the fly, populates SY00500 and RM10301 | |
5 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
6 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Tax amount | |
7 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | PCTAXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Purchases tax amount | |
8 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
9 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
10 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | TDTTXPUR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax detail purchases—this is the goods value | |
11 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | TXDTTPUR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total tax detail purchased | |
12 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
13 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
14 | P M Transaction Tax Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | P O P Map Sites | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Location code/site ID | |
2 | P O P Map Sites | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address code | |
3 | P O P Map Sites | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Parent I D | CPRCSTNM | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Corporate customer number | |
2 | Parent I D | NAALLOWRECEIPTS | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Allow receipts entry for children of the national account | |
3 | Parent I D | NACREDITCHECK | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Base credit check on consolidated national account | |
4 | Parent I D | NAFINANCECHARGE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Base finance charge on consolidated national account | |
5 | Parent I D | NAHOLDINACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Apply hold/inactive status of parent across national account | |
6 | Parent I D | NADEFPARENTVEN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Default parent vendor for children refund checks | |
7 | Parent I D | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
8 | Parent I D | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Parent I D Child | CPRCSTNM | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Corporate customer number | |
2 | Parent I D Child | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number to assign as child | |
3 | Parent I D Child | CreateRemove | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create/Remove flag | 0=Create new child record; 1=Remove child record |
4 | Parent I D Child | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pay Code | PAYRCORD | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction | |
2 | Pay Code | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Deduction description | |
3 | Pay Code | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Pay Code | PAYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Pay type | 1=Hourly; 2=Salary; 3=Piecework; 4=Commission; 5=Business expense; 6=Overtime; 7=Double time; 8=Vaca |
5 | Pay Code | BSPAYRCD | string | 6 | N | | Base pay record | |
6 | Pay Code | PAYRTAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Pay rate amount | |
7 | Pay Code | PAYUNIT | string | 25 | N | | Pay unit | |
8 | Pay Code | PAYUNPER | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Pay unit period | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
9 | Pay Code | PAYPEROD | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Pay period | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semiannually; 7=Annually; 8=Daily/mis |
10 | Pay Code | MXPYPPER | number | 21 | N | 0 | Max pay per year | |
11 | Pay Code | TipType | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Tip type | 1=Directly; 2=Indirectly |
12 | Pay Code | PAYADVNC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Pay advance | |
13 | Pay Code | RPTASWGS | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Report as wages | 0=False; 1=True |
14 | Pay Code | W2BXNMBR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W–2 box number | |
15 | Pay Code | W2BXLABL | string | 6 | N | | W–2 box label | |
16 | Pay Code | W2BXNMBR2 | i4 | 2 | N | | W-2 Box Number 2 | |
17 | Pay Code | W2BXLABL2 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 2 | |
18 | Pay Code | W2BXNMBR3 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 3 | |
19 | Pay Code | W2BXLABL3 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 3 | |
20 | Pay Code | W2BXNMBR4 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | W-2 Box Number 4 | |
21 | Pay Code | W2BXLABL4 | string | 6 | N | | W-2 Box Label 4 | |
22 | Pay Code | SBJTFDTX | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to federal tax | 0=False; 1=True |
23 | Pay Code | SBJTSSEC | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to Social Security | 0=False; 1=True |
24 | Pay Code | SBJTMCAR | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to Medicare | 0=False; 1=True |
25 | Pay Code | SBJTSTTX | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to state tax | 0=False; 1=True |
26 | Pay Code | SBJTLTAX | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to local tax | 0=False; 1=True |
27 | Pay Code | SBJTFUTA | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to FUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
28 | Pay Code | SBJTSUTA | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Subject to SUTA tax | 0=False; 1=True |
29 | Pay Code | FFEDTXRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Flat federal tax rate | |
30 | Pay Code | FLSTTXRT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Flat state tax rate | |
31 | Pay Code | ACRUVACN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Accrue vacation | 0=False; 1=True |
32 | Pay Code | ACRUSTIM | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Accrue sick time | 0=False; 1=True |
33 | Pay Code | DATAENTDFLT | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Data entry default | 0=False; 1=True |
34 | Pay Code | SHFTCODE | string | 6 | N | | Shift code | |
35 | Pay Code | PAYFACTR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Pay factor | |
36 | Pay Code | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
37 | Pay Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
2 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | UPRBCHOR | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | UPR batch origin | 1=Computer checks; 2=Manual checks |
3 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | BCHCOMNT | string | 60 | N | | Batch comment | |
4 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | UPRBCHFR | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Batch frequency | 1=Single use; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Semiannually; 8=Annuall |
5 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | POSTEDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Posted date | |
6 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | CNTRLTRX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Control transaction count | |
7 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | CTRLEMPCT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Control employee count | |
8 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Updated if exists | 0=False; 1=True |
9 | Payroll Batch Header Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Physical Location I D | Physical_Location_ID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Physical location ID | |
2 | Physical Location I D | Physical_Location_Desc | string | 30 | N | | Physical location description | |
3 | Physical Location I D | LOCATNID | string | 15 | N | | Location ID | |
4 | Physical Location I D | Last_Inventory_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Last inventory date | |
1 | Planner | PLANNERID | string | 3 | Y | Not applicable | Planner ID | |
2 | Planner | PLANNERNAME | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Planner name | |
3 | Planner | PLANNERNAME | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Planner name | |
4 | Planner | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Po Hdr | POTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | 1=Standard (items shipped to business); 2=Drop ship (items shipped direct to customer) 3=Blanket 4=Drop Ship Blanket | |
2 | Po Hdr | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Unique identifier for the PO | |
3 | Po Hdr | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | ID of the vendor you are purchasing from | |
4 | Po Hdr | VENDNAME | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Name of the vendor | |
5 | Po Hdr | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default is current date | Document date; date of the purchase order | |
6 | Po Hdr | BUYERID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Buyer who is responsible for the purchase order | |
7 | Po Hdr | ALLOWSOCMTS | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Allow sales commitments | 1=Allow PO to be committed to SOP line items |
8 | Po Hdr | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount amount | |
9 | Po Hdr | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Freight amount | |
10 | Po Hdr | MSCCHAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Miscellaneous charge amount | |
11 | Po Hdr | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Tax amount | |
12 | Po Hdr | SUBTOTAL | number | 21 | Y | Default from setup | Subtotal=Total before taxes | |
13 | Po Hdr | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Customer ID to which the vendor is shipping the items on a drop ship | |
14 | Po Hdr | PRSTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Address ID to which the order is being sent | |
15 | Po Hdr | CMPNYNAM | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Company associated with the ship to address ID | |
16 | Po Hdr | CONTACT | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Contact person for the ship to address ID | |
17 | Po Hdr | ADDRESS1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 1 of the ship to address ID | |
18 | Po Hdr | ADDRESS2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 2 of the ship to address ID | |
19 | Po Hdr | ADDRESS3 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 3 of the ship to address ID | |
20 | Po Hdr | CITY | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | City of the ship to address ID | |
21 | Po Hdr | STATE | string | 29 | N | Default from setup | State of the ship to address ID | |
22 | Po Hdr | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | ZIP Code/postal code of the ship to address ID | |
23 | Po Hdr | CCode | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Country code | |
24 | Po Hdr | COUNTRY | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Country of the ship to address ID | |
25 | Po Hdr | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone number at the ship to address ID | |
26 | Po Hdr | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Additional phone number at the ship to address ID | |
27 | Po Hdr | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Additional phone number at the ship to address ID | |
28 | Po Hdr | FAX | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Fax number at the ship to address ID | |
29 | Po Hdr | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Print phone number | 0=Do not print; 1=Phone 1; 2=Phone 2; 3=Phone 3; 4=Fax |
30 | Po Hdr | VADCDPAD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Vendor address code | |
31 | Po Hdr | PURCHCMPNYNAM | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Purchase company name | |
32 | Po Hdr | PURCHCONTACT | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Purchase contact | |
33 | Po Hdr | PURCHADDRESS1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Purchase address 1 | |
34 | Po Hdr | PURCHADDRESS2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Purchase address 2 | |
35 | Po Hdr | PURCHADDRESS3 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Purchase address 3 | |
36 | Po Hdr | PURCHCITY | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Purchase city | |
37 | Po Hdr | PURCHSTATE | string | 29 | N | Default from setup | Purchase state | |
38 | Po Hdr | PURCHZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Purchase zip code | |
39 | Po Hdr | PURCHCCode | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Purchase country code | |
40 | Po Hdr | PURCHCOUNTRY | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Purchase country | |
41 | Po Hdr | PURCHPHONE1 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Purchase phone 1 | |
42 | Po Hdr | PURCHPHONE2 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Purchase phone 2 | |
43 | Po Hdr | PURCHPHONE3 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Purchase phone 3 | |
44 | Po Hdr | PURCHFAX | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Purchase fax | |
45 | Po Hdr | PRBTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Bill to address ID | |
46 | Po Hdr | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
47 | Po Hdr | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms extended to your company by the vendor | |
48 | Po Hdr | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
49 | Po Hdr | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
50 | Po Hdr | DISAMTAV | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount available amount | |
51 | Po Hdr | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Due date | |
52 | Po Hdr | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Discount date | |
53 | Po Hdr | TXRGNNUM | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Vendor’s tax registration number | |
54 | Po Hdr | CONFIRM1 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Name of the person the order should be approved by | |
55 | Po Hdr | COMMNTID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Comment ID | |
56 | Po Hdr | COMMENT_1 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 1 | |
57 | Po Hdr | COMMENT_2 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 2 | |
58 | Po Hdr | COMMENT_3 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 3 | |
59 | Po Hdr | COMMENT_4 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 4 | |
60 | Po Hdr | HOLD | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | 0=Not on hold; 1=On hold | |
61 | Po Hdr | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Tax schedule ID | |
62 | Po Hdr | Purchase_Freight_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Purchase freight taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
63 | Po Hdr | Purchase_Misc_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Purchase miscellaneous taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
64 | Po Hdr | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Freight tax schedule ID | |
65 | Po Hdr | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Miscellaneous tax schedule ID | |
66 | Po Hdr | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Freight tax amount | |
67 | Po Hdr | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
68 | Po Hdr | BCKTXAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back tax amount | |
69 | Po Hdr | BackoutFreightTaxAmt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back out freight tax amount | |
70 | Po Hdr | BackoutMiscTaxAmt | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back out miscellaneous tax amount | |
71 | Po Hdr | BackoutTradeDiscTax | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back out trade discount tax amount | |
72 | Po Hdr | USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Using header level taxes | |
73 | Po Hdr | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Currency ID | |
74 | Po Hdr | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Exchange rate | |
75 | Po Hdr | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Rate type ID | |
76 | Po Hdr | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Expiration date | |
77 | Po Hdr | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Exchange date | |
78 | Po Hdr | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Exchange ID description | |
79 | Po Hdr | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Exchange rate source | |
80 | Po Hdr | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
81 | Po Hdr | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
82 | Po Hdr | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Rate variance | |
83 | Po Hdr | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
84 | Po Hdr | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Method; 1=Divide |
85 | Po Hdr | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Previous day's limits | |
86 | Po Hdr | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
87 | Po Hdr | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Time1 | |
88 | Po Hdr | USERID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | User to enter (USER2ENT) | |
89 | Po Hdr | POSTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PO status | 1=New; 2=Released; 3=Change order; 4=Received; 5=Closed; 6=Cancelled |
90 | Po Hdr | CMMTTEXT | string | 500 | N | Default from setup | Comment text; use only if not utilizing COMMENT_1 through COMMENT_4 | |
91 | Po Hdr | PRMDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Promise date | |
92 | Po Hdr | PRMSHPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Promise ship date | |
93 | Po Hdr | REQDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Required date | |
94 | Po Hdr | CONTENDDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Contract expiration date | |
95 | Po Hdr | CNTRLBLKTBY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Control Blanket By | 0=Quantity 1=Value |
96 | Po Hdr | REQTNDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Requisition Date | |
97 | Po Hdr | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated, if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes Partial updates allowed |
98 | Po Hdr | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Notes field | |
99 | Po Hdr | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Po Line | POTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | 1=Standard (items shipped to your business); 2=Drop ship (items shipped direct to customer) 3=Blanket 4=Drop Ship Blanket | |
2 | Po Line | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Unique identifier for the PO | |
3 | Po Line | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Document Date | The date of the purchase order Required by PA |
4 | Po Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | ID of the vendor you’re purchasing items from | |
5 | Po Line | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | ID of the site for which you’re purchasing the items | |
6 | Po Line | VNDITNUM | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Vendor item number | |
7 | Po Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Item number | |
8 | Po Line | QUANTITY | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Total quantity for the line item | |
9 | Po Line | QTYCANCE | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Quantity that is to be canceled | |
10 | Po Line | FREEONBOARD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Terms of sale that identify the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer | 1=None; 2=Origin; 3=Destination |
11 | Po Line | REQSTDBY | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Person or department who requested this line item | |
12 | Po Line | COMMNTID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Comment ID | |
13 | Po Line | COMMENT_1 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 1 | |
14 | Po Line | COMMENT_2 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 2 | |
15 | Po Line | COMMENT_3 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 3 | |
16 | Po Line | COMMENT_4 | string | 50 | N | Default from setup | Comment part 4 | |
17 | Po Line | REQDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Required date by which the items must be received | |
18 | Po Line | RELEASEBYDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Date PO line needs to be released to vendor in order to receive the item by the required date | |
19 | Po Line | PRMDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Date the vendor promised you would receive merchandise or services | |
20 | Po Line | PRMSHPDTE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Date the vendor promised the merchandise would be shipped | |
21 | Po Line | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Inventory item; 1=Non-inventory item | |
22 | Po Line | IVIVINDX | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Inventory account | |
23 | Po Line | InventoryAccount | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account number string | |
24 | Po Line | ITEMDESC | string | 100 | N | Default from setup | Description for line item | |
25 | Po Line | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Cost for item in specified unit of measure | |
26 | Po Line | VNDITDSC | string | 100 | N | Default from setup | Vendor’s description for line item | |
27 | Po Line | UOFM | string | 8 | N | Default from setup | Unit of measure in which this item is being purchased | |
28 | Po Line | Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Purchase inventory item taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on vendor |
29 | Po Line | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Purchase item tax schedule—blank unless Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable=1 | |
30 | Po Line | Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Purchase site tax schedule | |
31 | Po Line | BSIVCTTL | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Based on invoice total | |
32 | Po Line | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Tax amount | |
33 | Po Line | BCKTXAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back tax amount | |
34 | Po Line | Landed_Cost_Group_ID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Landed cost group ID | |
35 | Po Line | PLNNDSPPLID | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Planned supplier ID | |
36 | Po Line | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
37 | Po Line | BackoutTradeDiscTax | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Back out trade discount amount | |
38 | Po Line | POLNESTA | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | PO line status | 1=New; 2=Released; 3=Change order; 4=Received; 5=Closed; 6=Cancelled |
39 | Po Line | CMMTTEXT | string | 500 | N | Default from setup | Comment text; used only if utilizing COMMENT_1 through COMMENT_4 | |
40 | Po Line | ORD | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Sequence number used to track each item; must be unique per PO line. | |
41 | Po Line | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Customer number | |
42 | Po Line | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Address code | |
43 | Po Line | CMPNYNAM | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Name | |
44 | Po Line | CONTACT | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Contact | |
45 | Po Line | ADDRESS1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 1 | |
46 | Po Line | ADDRESS2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 2 | |
47 | Po Line | ADDRESS3 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Address line 3 | |
48 | Po Line | CITY | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | City | |
49 | Po Line | STATE | string | 29 | N | Default from setup | State | |
50 | Po Line | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | ZIP Code/postal code | |
51 | Po Line | Ccode | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Country code | |
52 | Po Line | COUNTRY | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Country | |
53 | Po Line | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 1 | |
54 | Po Line | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 2 | |
55 | Po Line | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 3 | |
56 | Po Line | FAX | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Fax | |
57 | Po Line | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Print phone number | 0=Do not print; 1=Phone 1; 2=Phone 2; 3=Phone 3; 4=Fax |
58 | Po Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Currency ID | |
59 | Po Line | ProjNum | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Project number; for use with Project Accounting only | |
60 | Po Line | CostCatID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Cost category ID; for use with Project Accounting only | |
61 | Po Line | LineNumber | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Line number | Use 0 for a master line of a Blanket PO |
62 | Po Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated, if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes Partial updates allowed |
63 | Po Line | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Notes | In an update, an empty NOTETEXT element leaves existing notes unchanged. |
64 | Po Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Distribution | POPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Shipment; 2=Invoice; 3=Shipment/invoice | |
2 | Pop Distribution | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Pop Distribution | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
4 | Pop Distribution | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
5 | Pop Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
6 | Pop Distribution | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
7 | Pop Distribution | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Debit amount | |
8 | Pop Distribution | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
9 | Pop Distribution | DISTTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Distribution type | 1=Purchase; 2=Trade; 3=Freight; 4=Miscellaneous; 5=Tax; 6=Available; 7=Pay; 8=Other; 9=Accrued 13=Ca |
10 | Pop Distribution | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor number | |
11 | Pop Distribution | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | VNDDOCNM | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor document number | |
3 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | Receiptdate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt date | |
4 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
6 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | VENDNAME | string | 64 | N | | Vendor name | |
7 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | SUBTOTAL | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Subtotal; set to zero if using AutoCost option | |
8 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Trade discount amount | |
9 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
10 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | MISCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount | |
11 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
12 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TEN99AMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | 1099 amount | |
13 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payments terms ID | |
14 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
15 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
16 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DISAVAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount available amount | |
17 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | USER2ENT | string | 15 | N | | User who entered | |
18 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time | |
19 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | AUTOCOST | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Parameter to autofill cost based on PO | 0=Enter manually; 1=Automatic |
20 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID | |
21 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | Purchase_Freight_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase freight taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on vendor |
22 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | Purchase_Misc_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase miscellaneous taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on vendor |
23 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Freight tax schedule ID | |
24 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Miscellaneous tax schedule ID | |
25 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
26 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
27 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Header level taxes; used if no line taxes and assigning at the header level | 0=False; 1=True |
28 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
29 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
30 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | RATEPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
31 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
32 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
33 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
34 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
35 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | RATEEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
36 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment; used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
37 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
38 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
39 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
40 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
41 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
42 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Due date | |
43 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Discount date | |
44 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | PO receipt note text | |
45 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
46 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | CreateDist | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic |
47 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | BackoutTradeDiscTax | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out trade discount tax amount | |
48 | Pop Enter Match Inv Hdr | VADCDTRO | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Remit to address ID | |
1 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | POPMtchShpRcpt | string | 17 | N | | Match shipment receipt number; required if matching to a shipment and AutoInvoice=0 | |
3 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | ShipRCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number=RCPTLNNM for the shipment being matched | |
4 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | PONUMBER | string | 17 | N | | Purchase order number; blank if not matching against PO or landed cost | |
5 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | QTYINVCD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Invoice quantity to match; full amount if using ; zero if using AutoInvoice | |
6 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | Revalue_Inventory | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Revalue inventory | Null=default; 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | N | | Item number; ITEMNMBR or VNDITNUM must contain a value | |
8 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
9 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number | |
10 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | VNDITNUM | string | 30 | N | | Vendor item number; VNDITNUM or ITEMNMBR must contain a value | |
11 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | VNDITDSC | string | 100 | N | | Vendor item description | |
12 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | VarianceAccount | string | 75 | N | | Variance account | |
13 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure; used only if not receiving against a PO | |
14 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | UNITCOST | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Unit cost; if using AUTOCOST, set to zero | |
15 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | EXTDCOST | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Extended cost; if using AUTOCOST, set to zero | |
16 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Non-inventoried item; 0=Inventory item; 1=Non-inventoried item | |
17 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | AUTOCOST | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Parameter to autofill cost based on PO | 0=Enter manually; 1=Automatic |
18 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase inventory item taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
19 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | | Purchase item tax schedule; blank unless Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable=1 | |
20 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | | Purchase tax site schedule | |
21 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
22 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
23 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | POLNENUM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number used to track each line item on the PO; must be unique per PO | |
24 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | AutoInvoice | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Automatic invoice | 0=Manual; 1=Auto (Auto invoices the PO passed in against shipments) |
25 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID; pulls from PO unless not doing matching immediately (otherwise, user can specify) | |
26 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | LandedCost | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Landed cost | 0=Standard item or non-inventoried item; 1=Landed cost item—use ITEMNMBR for landed cost |
27 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | ProjNum | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Project number; for use with Project Accounting only | |
28 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | CostCatID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Cost category ID; for use with Project Accounting only | |
29 | Pop Enter Match Inv Line | TrackedDropShipped | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Track dropped shipped | 0=Do not track serial or lot; 1=Track serial or lot |
1 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | POPMtchShpRcpt | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Match shipment receipt number | |
3 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | PONUMBER | string | 17 | N | | Purchase order number; blank if not matching against a PO or landed cost | |
4 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | QTYINVCD | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice quantity to match | |
5 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | Revalue_Inventory | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Revalue inventory | Null=default; 0=False; 1=True |
6 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | N | | Item number; ITEMNMBR or VNDITNUM is required | |
7 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | ShipRCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number; RCPTLNNM for the shipment being matched | |
8 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
9 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | VNDITNUM | string | 30 | N | | Vendor item number; either VNDITNUM or ITEMNMBR is required | |
10 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | VarianceAccount | string | 75 | N | | Variance account | |
11 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | IVCLINNO | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Equals RCPTLNNM for invoice; equals RCPTLNNM in | |
12 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | LandedCost | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Standard item or non-IV item; 1=Landed cost item (use ITEMNMBR for landed cost) | |
13 | Pop Enter Match Inv To Shp Multi Line | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Non-inventoried item | 0=Inventory item; 1=Non-inventory item |
1 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | SERLTNUM | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Lot number | |
4 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity for the lot item | |
5 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt Line Number | The number of the receipt line item |
6 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Expiration Date | |
7 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | MFGDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Manufacturing date | |
8 | Pop Enter Match Lot Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True—if True, populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | SERLTNUM | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
4 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt Line Number | The number of the receipt line item |
5 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True—if True, populates requester shadow table) |
11 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PO number | |
12 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TAXTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Regular, 1=Freight, 2=Miscellaneous | |
13 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | ORD | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence—ignored for freight/miscellaneous | |
14 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
15 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | BKOUTTAX | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Back out tax | |
16 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
17 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax | |
18 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
19 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TAXPURCH | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax purchase amount | |
20 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TOTPURCH | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total purchase amount | |
21 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | TRXSORCE | string | 13 | N | | Transaction source | |
22 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | ID of the vendor you are purchasing from, used as a default MC | |
23 | Pop Enter Match Serial Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True—if True, populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Po Delete | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PO number | |
2 | Pop Po Delete | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Po Void | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PO number | |
2 | Pop Po Void | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | POPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt type | 1=Shipment 3=Shipment/invoice |
3 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | VNDDOCNM | string | 20 | N | | Vendor document number Required when POPTYPE=3 | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | receiptdate | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt date | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | ACTLSHIP | datetime | 8 | N | | Actual ship date | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
7 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
8 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | VENDNAME | string | 64 | N | | Vendor name | |
9 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | SUBTOTAL | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Subtotal—set to 0 if using AUTOCOST option | |
10 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount amount | |
11 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
12 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | MISCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount | |
13 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
14 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TEN99AMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | 1099 amount | |
15 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms ID | |
16 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
17 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
18 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DISAVAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount available amount | |
19 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | REFRENCE | string | 30 | N | | Reference | |
20 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | USER2ENT | string | 15 | N | | User who entered | |
21 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | VCHRNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Voucher number | |
22 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | Tax_Date | datetime | 8 | N | | Tax date | |
23 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
24 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | WITHHAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Withholding amount | |
25 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TXRGNNUM | string | 25 | N | | Tax registration number | |
26 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | AUTOCOST | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Parameter to autofill cost based on PO | 0=Enter manually; 1=Automatic |
27 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID | |
28 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | Purchase_Freight_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase freight taxable | |
29 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | Purchase_Misc_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase miscellaneous taxable | |
30 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Freight tax schedule ID | |
31 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Miscellaneous tax schedule ID | |
32 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
33 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
34 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | BCKTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back tax amount | |
35 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | BackoutTradeDiscTax | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out trade discount tax amount | |
36 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
37 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Using header level taxes | |
38 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual (need to call ); 1=Automatic |
39 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
40 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
41 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
42 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
43 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
44 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
45 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
46 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
47 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to Increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
48 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
49 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
50 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
51 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
52 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
53 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Due date | |
54 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Discount date | |
55 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | PO receipt note text | |
56 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | VADCDTRO | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Remit to address ID | |
57 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CASHAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cash Amount | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
58 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CAMCBKID | string | 15 | N | | Cash Amount Checkbook ID | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
59 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CDOCNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Cash Document Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
60 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CAMTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Cash Amount Date | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
61 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CAMPMTNM | string | 21 | N | | Cash Amount Payment Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
62 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CHEKAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Check Amount | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
63 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CHAMCBID | string | 15 | N | | Check Amount Checkbook ID | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
64 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CHEKNMBR | string | 21 | N | | Check Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
65 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CHEKDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Check Date | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
66 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CAMPYNBR | string | 21 | N | | Check Amount Payment Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
67 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CRCRDAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit Card Amount | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
68 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Credit Card Name | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
69 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CCRCTNUM | string | 21 | N | | Credit Card Receipt Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
70 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CRCARDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Credit Card Date | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
71 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | CCAMPYNM | string | 21 | N | | Credit Card Amount Payment Number | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
72 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | DISTKNAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Discount Taken Amount | (Use only with Project Accounting) |
73 | Pop Rcpt Hdr Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | POPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt type | 1=Shipment; 3=Shipment/invoice |
2 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
3 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | PONUMBER | string | 17 | N | | Purchase order number; required if receiving against a purchase order | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | ITEMDESC | string | 100 | N | Default from setup | Item description for non-inventory | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
7 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number | |
8 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | VNDITNUM | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor item number | |
9 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | VNDITDSC | string | 100 | N | | Vendor item description | |
10 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | ACTLSHIP | datetime | 8 | N | | Actual ship date | |
11 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | INVINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Inventory index | |
12 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | InventoryAccount | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account | |
13 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure | |
14 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Unit cost; set to zero, or leave "null" if using AUTOCOST=1 | |
15 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | EXTDCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Extended cost | |
16 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Non-inventory | |
17 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | JOBNUMBR | string | 17 | N | | Job number | |
18 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | BOLPRONUMBER | string | 30 | N | | BOL/pro number | |
19 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | QTYSHPPD | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity shipped | |
20 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | QTYINVCD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity invoiced (required if POPTYPE=3) | |
21 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | AUTOCOST | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Parameter to autofill cost based on the PO | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic |
22 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Purchase inventory item taxable | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Based on vendor |
23 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | | Purchase item tax schedule (blank unless Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable=1) | |
24 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | | Purchase site tax schedule | |
25 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
26 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | Landed_Cost_Group_ID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Landed cost group ID | |
27 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code in receiving | |
28 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | POLNENUM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | PO line number; must be unique per PO line | |
29 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | receiptdate | datetime | 8 | N | | Receipt date; required if using landed cost | |
30 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID; information pulled from purchase order unless not doing a receiving against a purchase order | |
31 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | ProjNum | string | 15 | N | | Project number; for use with Project Accounting only | |
32 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | CostCatID | string | 15 | N | | Cost category ID | for use with Project Accounting only |
33 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | AutoAssignBin | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Use Default Bin; will use the PORECEIPTBIN bin from the item site combination or the site default | |
34 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | CMMTTEXT | string | 500 | N | | Comment Text | When the receipt includes a purchase order, this element is populated from the purchase order. If th |
35 | Pop Rcpt Line Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
3 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | TAXTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 0=Regular; 1=Freight; 2=Miscellaneous | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account | |
7 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
8 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | TAXPURCH | number | 21 | N | 0 | Taxable purchases | |
9 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | TOTPURCH | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total purchases | |
10 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number | |
11 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
12 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
13 | Pop Rcpt Line Tax Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | SERLTNUM | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Lot number | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | SERLTQTY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity for lot item | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt line number—the ordinal for the receipt's line item with which the lot is associated | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin; used when multi bins are enabled Defaults from IV00102, then IV40700 if not passed | |
7 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | CREATEBIN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin | 0=No; 1=Yes Can only create bin when multi bins are enabled |
8 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code in receiving; pass same value as the line Required when multi bin is enabled | |
9 | Pop Rcpt Lot Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt number | |
2 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receipt line number | |
3 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin number | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity shipped | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure | |
7 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | CreateBin | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1-True |
8 | Pop Rcpt Multi Bin | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
2 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
3 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | SERLTNUM | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Serial number | |
4 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | RCPTLNNM | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Receipt line number; the ordinal for the receipt's line item with which the serial is associated | |
5 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin; used when multi bins are enabled Defaults from IV00102, then IV40700 if not passed | |
6 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | CREATEBIN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin | 0=No; 1=Yes Can only create bin when multi bins are enabled |
7 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code in receiving; pass same value as the line Required when multi bin is enabled | |
8 | Pop Rcpt Serial Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | POPRCTNM | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PO receipt number | |
2 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_List01 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined list 1 | |
3 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_List02 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined list 2 | |
4 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_List03 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined list 3 | |
5 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_List04 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined list 4 | |
6 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_List05 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined list 5 | |
7 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text01 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 1 | |
8 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text02 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 2 | |
9 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text03 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 3 | |
10 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text04 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 4 | |
11 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text05 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 5 | |
12 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text06 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 6 | |
13 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text07 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 7 | |
14 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text08 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 8 | |
15 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text09 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 9 | |
16 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Text10 | string | 31 | N | | User-defined text 10 | |
17 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date01 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 1 | |
18 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date02 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 2 | |
19 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date03 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 3 | |
20 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date04 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 4 | |
21 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date05 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 5 | |
22 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date06 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 6 | |
23 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date07 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 7 | |
24 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date08 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 8 | |
25 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date09 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 9 | |
26 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date10 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 10 | |
27 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date11 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 11 | |
28 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date12 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 12 | |
29 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date13 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 13 | |
30 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date14 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 14 | |
31 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date15 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 15 | |
32 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date16 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 16 | |
33 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date17 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 17 | |
34 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date18 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 18 | |
35 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date19 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 19 | |
36 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | User_Defined_Date20 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 20 | |
37 | Pop Rcpt User Defined | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Pop Remove Sop Link | PONUMBER | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | PO number | |
2 | Pop Remove Sop Link | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | N | | SOP number; pass in to remove just one SOP link | |
3 | Pop Remove Sop Link | SOPTYPE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | SOP type; used when SOP number as unique key; required when SOPNUMBE is passed in | |
4 | Pop Remove Sop Link | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number; used to identify specific line on SOP document to remove link | |
5 | Pop Remove Sop Link | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence number; used with kits | |
6 | Pop Remove Sop Link | RemoveAllLinks | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Remove all PO links | 0=No; 1=Yes (if 1, all links are removed regardless of SOP info) |
7 | Pop Remove Sop Link | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Position | JOBTITLE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Job title/position code | |
2 | Position | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Department description | |
3 | Position | EEOCLASS_I | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | EEO Clas HRP Option when it is loaded 1=First/Mid-Level Officials and Mgrs 2=Professionals, 3=Technicians 4=Sales Workers, 5=Administrative Support Workers, 6=Craft Workers 7=Operatives, 8=Laborers and Helpers, 9=Service Workers 10=Exec/Sr Level Officials and Mgrs | |
4 | Position | FLSASTATUS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | FLSA Status HRP Option when it is loaded 1=Exempt, 2=Non-Exempt Salaried 3=Non-Exempt Hourly | |
5 | Position | REPORTSTOPOS | string | 7 | N | | Reports to Position HRP option when it is loaded | |
6 | Position | REVIEWSETUPNAME_I | string | 31 | N | | Review Type HRP Option when it is loaded | |
7 | Position | SKILLSET_I | string | 31 | N | | Default Skill Set HRP Option when it is loaded | |
8 | Position | TXTFIELD | string | 8000 | N | | Position Description HRP Option when it is loaded | |
9 | Position | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Change by | |
10 | Position | CHANGEDATE_I | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Change date | |
11 | Position | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
12 | Position | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Process Hold | PRCHLDID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Process hold ID | |
2 | Process Hold | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Process hold description | |
3 | Process Hold | PASSWORD | string | 15 | N | | Process hold password | |
4 | Process Hold | XFERPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Transferring process hold | |
5 | Process Hold | POSTPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Posting process hold | |
6 | Process Hold | FUFIPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Fulfill process hold | |
7 | Process Hold | PRINPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Printing process hold | |
8 | Process Hold | HOLDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Hold date | |
9 | Process Hold | USER2ENT | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
10 | Process Hold | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Process hold master will be updated if it exists within parameters | |
1 | Prospect | PROSPID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Prospect ID | |
2 | Prospect | CUSTNAME | string | 65 | N | | Customer name | |
3 | Prospect | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
4 | Prospect | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address one | |
5 | Prospect | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address two | |
6 | Prospect | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address three | |
7 | Prospect | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
8 | Prospect | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
9 | Prospect | ZIP | string | 10 | N | | Zip code | |
10 | Prospect | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
11 | Prospect | CUSTCLAS | string | 15 | N | | Customer class | |
12 | Prospect | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone one | |
13 | Prospect | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone two | |
14 | Prospect | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone three | |
15 | Prospect | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
16 | Prospect | FAX | string | 21 | N | | Fax number | |
17 | Prospect | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
18 | Prospect | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule ID | |
19 | Prospect | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined one | |
20 | Prospect | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined two | |
21 | Prospect | USER2ENT | string | 15 | N | | User who entered | |
22 | Prospect | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Create date | |
23 | Prospect | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Modified date | |
1 | R M Apply | APTODCNM | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Apply to document number | |
2 | R M Apply | APFRDCNM | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Apply from document number | |
3 | R M Apply | APPTOAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Amount to apply | |
4 | R M Apply | APFRDCTY | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Document type of apply from document. Valid document types for APFRDCTY | Credit Memo=7; Return=8; Cash Receipt=9 |
5 | R M Apply | APTODCTY | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Document type of apply to document. Valid document types for APTODCTY | Sales/Invoice=1; Debit Memo=3; Finance Charge=4; Service/Repair=5; Warranty=6 |
6 | R M Apply | DISTKNAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount taken | Null=Use existing discount; xx(dollar amount)=Use dollar amount, even if zero |
7 | R M Apply | WROFAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Write-off amount | |
8 | R M Apply | APPLYDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Apply date | |
9 | R M Apply | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Apply posting date | |
1 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
4 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | ORTRXAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction amount | |
5 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | GL posting date | |
6 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
7 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CSHRCTYP | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Cash receipt type 0=Check 1=Cash 2=Credit card | |
8 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID | |
9 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CHEKNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Check number or credit card number | |
10 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CRCARDID | string | 15 | N | | Credit card ID | |
11 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | TRXDSCRN | string | 30 | N | | Transaction description | |
12 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | LSTUSRED | string | 15 | N | | Last user to edit | |
13 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | BatchCHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID for the batch | |
14 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
15 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
16 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
17 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
18 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
19 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
20 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
21 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly, 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
22 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—only used when RATEEXPR=8 | |
23 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
24 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
25 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
26 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
27 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
28 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
29 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to automatically create distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic |
30 | R M Cash Receipt Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | R M Commissions | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | 1=Sales/Invoice; 3=Debit memo; 5=Service/repair; 8=Returns |
2 | R M Commissions | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Commissions | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
4 | R M Commissions | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
5 | R M Commissions | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Salesperson ID | |
6 | R M Commissions | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
7 | R M Commissions | COMPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commission percentage | |
8 | R M Commissions | COMDLRAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commission amount | |
9 | R M Commissions | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document amount | |
10 | R M Commissions | PRCTOSAL | number | 21 | N | 100 | Percent of sale the commission is based on | |
11 | R M Commissions | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False, 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | R M Distribution | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Sales/invoice; 3=Debit memo; 4=Finance charge; 5=Service/repair; 6=Warranty; 7=Credit memo; 8=Return; 9=Cash receipt | |
2 | R M Distribution | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Distribution | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
4 | R M Distribution | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
5 | R M Distribution | DISTTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Distribution type | 1=Cash; 2=Taken; 3=Recv; 4=Write; 5=Avail; 6=Gst; 7=Wh; 8=Other; 9=Sales; 10=Trade; 11=Freight; 12=M |
6 | R M Distribution | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
7 | R M Distribution | DSTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
8 | R M Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
9 | R M Distribution | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Debit amount | |
10 | R M Distribution | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
1 | R M Sched Pmnts | ORIG_DOC_NUMBER | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Original document number | |
2 | R M Sched Pmnts | ORIG_DOC_TYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Original document type | 1=Sales/invoice; 3=Debit memos; 5=Service/repairs |
3 | R M Sched Pmnts | REC_OFFSET_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receivables offset account index; either an index or a string is required | |
4 | R M Sched Pmnts | RecOffsetAcct | string | 75 | N | | Receivables offset account string (The account string is checked first; if it is populated, the account index is set based on the string. If the account string is not populated, the account index is used.) | |
5 | R M Sched Pmnts | FIRST_INV_DOC_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | First invoice document date; required if the payment frequency is 1=Semimonthly and the day must be either the first or fifteenth (day requirement for semimonthly only) | |
6 | R M Sched Pmnts | FIRST_INV_DUE_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | First invoice due date; required if the payment frequency is 1=Semi-monthly and the day must be either the first or fifteenth (day requirement for semimonthly only) | |
7 | R M Sched Pmnts | INT_INCOME_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Interest income account index; either the index or the string is required if the interest rate is entered | |
8 | R M Sched Pmnts | IntIncomeAccount | string | 75 | N | | Interest income account string; either the index or the string is required if the interest rate is entered | |
9 | R M Sched Pmnts | PAYMENT_AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Payment amount; if both PAYMENT_AMOUNT and NUM_PAYMENTS are passed in, the number of payments are recalculated | |
10 | R M Sched Pmnts | NUM_PAYMENTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Number of payments; either the number of payments or the payment amount must be>0 (both cannot be zero); if payment amount is entered, the number of payments must hold a value of 1 (minimum) to 999(maximum) | |
11 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_NUMBER | string | 21 | N | | Schedule number | |
12 | R M Sched Pmnts | PYMNT_FREQUENCY | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Payment frequency | 1=Semimonthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Quarterly; 4=Semiannually; 5=Annually |
13 | R M Sched Pmnts | REC_ACCT_IDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Receivables account index | |
14 | R M Sched Pmnts | RecAccount | string | 75 | N | | Receivables account string | |
15 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCH_DOC_DATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Schedule document date | |
16 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_AMOUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Schedule amount | |
17 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_DESC | string | 31 | N | | Schedule description | |
18 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_INT_RATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Schedule interest rate; front end allows negative interest but this element will not | |
19 | R M Sched Pmnts | SCHEDULE_INT_TYPE1 | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Schedule interest type | 0=Compound; 1=Simple |
20 | R M Sched Pmnts | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | R M Transaction | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Sales/invoice; 3=Debit memo; 4=Finance charge; 5=Service/repair; 6=Warranty; 7=Credit memo; 8=Return | |
2 | R M Transaction | DOCNUMBR | string | 17 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Transaction | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
4 | R M Transaction | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | R M Transaction | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
6 | R M Transaction | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document amount | |
7 | R M Transaction | SLSAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Sales amount | |
8 | R M Transaction | DOCDESCR | string | 30 | N | | Document description | |
9 | R M Transaction | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | | Address code | |
10 | R M Transaction | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Salesperson ID | |
11 | R M Transaction | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Sales territory | |
12 | R M Transaction | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
13 | R M Transaction | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Tax schedule ID | |
14 | R M Transaction | CSTPONBR | string | 20 | N | | Customer PO number | |
15 | R M Transaction | COSTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cost amount | |
16 | R M Transaction | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Trade discount amount | |
17 | R M Transaction | TRDDISCT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Trade discount | |
18 | R M Transaction | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
19 | R M Transaction | MISCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount | |
20 | R M Transaction | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
21 | R M Transaction | BKTSLSAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out sales amount | |
22 | R M Transaction | BKTFRTAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out freight amount | |
23 | R M Transaction | BKTMSCAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Back out miscellaneous amount | |
24 | R M Transaction | CASHAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cash amount | |
25 | R M Transaction | CBKIDCSH | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID cash | |
26 | R M Transaction | CASHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Cash date | |
27 | R M Transaction | DCNUMCSH | string | 20 | N | | Document number cash | |
28 | R M Transaction | CHEKAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Check amount | |
29 | R M Transaction | CBKIDCHK | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID check | |
30 | R M Transaction | CBKIDCRD | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID credit card | |
31 | R M Transaction | CHEKNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Check number | |
32 | R M Transaction | CHEKDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Check date | |
33 | R M Transaction | DCNUMCHK | string | 20 | N | | Document number of the check | |
34 | R M Transaction | CRCRDAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit card amount | |
35 | R M Transaction | CRCRDNAM | string | 15 | N | | Credit card name | |
36 | R M Transaction | RCTNCCRD | string | 20 | N | | Receipt number for the credit card | |
37 | R M Transaction | CRCARDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Credit card date | |
38 | R M Transaction | DCNUMCRD | string | 20 | N | | Document number for the credit card | |
39 | R M Transaction | DISCRTND | number | 21 | N | 0 | Discount returned | |
40 | R M Transaction | DISTKNAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Discount taken amount | |
41 | R M Transaction | WROFAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Write-off amount for credit documents | |
42 | R M Transaction | PPSAMDED | number | 21 | N | 0 | PPS amount deducted for credits | |
43 | R M Transaction | GSTDSAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | GST discount amount | |
44 | R M Transaction | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment term ID | |
45 | R M Transaction | DISAVAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount available amount | |
46 | R M Transaction | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
47 | R M Transaction | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
48 | R M Transaction | LSTUSRED | string | 15 | N | | Last user to edit | |
49 | R M Transaction | PTDUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Posted user ID | |
50 | R M Transaction | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
51 | R M Transaction | BatchCHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID for the batch | |
52 | R M Transaction | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Due date | |
53 | R M Transaction | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Discount date | |
54 | R M Transaction | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
55 | R M Transaction | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
56 | R M Transaction | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
57 | R M Transaction | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
58 | R M Transaction | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
59 | R M Transaction | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
60 | R M Transaction | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
61 | R M Transaction | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
62 | R M Transaction | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
63 | R M Transaction | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
64 | R M Transaction | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
65 | R M Transaction | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
66 | R M Transaction | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
67 | R M Transaction | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
68 | R M Transaction | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Time 1 | |
69 | R M Transaction | COMDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Commission amount | |
70 | R M Transaction | COMAPPTO | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Commission apply to | |
71 | R M Transaction | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
72 | R M Transaction | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic |
1 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer ID | |
2 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number—must be unique | |
3 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | |
4 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
5 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
6 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Tax amount | |
7 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | STAXAMNT | number | 12 | Y | Not applicable | Sales tax amounts | |
8 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
9 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 12 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
10 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | TAXDTSLS | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail total sales | |
11 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
12 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
13 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
14 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | TDTTXSLS | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Tax detail of total taxable sales | |
15 | R M Transaction Tax Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False, 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | R M Unapply Transaction | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | R M Unapply Transaction | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Unapply Transaction | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Document type | |
4 | R M Unapply Transaction | APTODCTY | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Apply to document type; leaving this element empty will unapply all documents Valid document types for APTODCTY | Sales/Invoice=1; Debit Memo=3; Finance Charge=4; Service/Repair=5; Warranty=6 |
5 | R M Unapply Transaction | APTODCNM | string | 20 | N | | Apply to document number; leaving this element empty will unapply all documents | |
6 | R M Unapply Transaction | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | | General ledger posting date | |
1 | R M Void Transaction | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Customer number | |
2 | R M Void Transaction | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | R M Void Transaction | VOIDSTTS | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Void status | Void=1; NSF=2; Waived=3 |
4 | R M Void Transaction | RMDTYPAL | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Valid document types to void | 7=Credit memo; 8=Returns; 9=Cash receipts |
5 | R M Void Transaction | VOIDDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Transaction void date | |
6 | R M Void Transaction | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | GL posting date | |
1 | Requisitions | REQUISITIONNUMBER_I | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Requistion number | |
2 | Requisitions | REQSTATUS_I | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Status 1=Open, 2=Closed, 3=On Hold 4=Immediate | |
3 | Requisitions | DEPARTMENTCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Department | |
4 | Requisitions | POSITIONCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Position | |
5 | Requisitions | COMPANYCODE_I | string | 5 | Y | Not applicable | Company code | |
6 | Requisitions | DIVISIONCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Division | |
7 | Requisitions | MANAGER_I | string | 31 | N | | Manager | |
8 | Requisitions | SUPERVISORCODE_I | string | 7 | N | | Supervisor | |
9 | Requisitions | STRTDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Internal post date | |
10 | Requisitions | ENDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Internal close date | |
11 | Requisitions | OPENINGDATE_I | datetime | 8 | N | | Opening date | |
12 | Requisitions | RECRUITER_I | string | 31 | N | | Recruiter | |
13 | Requisitions | RECRUITMENT_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Job Title 0 = Internal 1 = External | |
14 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGLIST_I_1 | string | 15 | N | | Advertising | |
15 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGLIST_I_2 | string | 15 | N | | Advertising | |
16 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGLIST_I_3 | string | 15 | N | | Advertising | |
17 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGLIST_I_4 | string | 15 | N | | Advertising | |
18 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGLIST_I_5 | string | 15 | N | | Advertising | |
19 | Requisitions | POSITIONSAVAILABLE_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Positions available | |
20 | Requisitions | POSITIONSFILLED_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Positions filled | |
21 | Requisitions | APPLICANTSAPPLIED_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Applicants | |
22 | Requisitions | APPSINTERVIEWED_I | i4 | 2 | N | | Applicants interviewed | |
23 | Requisitions | ADVERTISINGCOSTS_I | number | 21 | N | | Advertising costs | |
24 | Requisitions | RECRUITERSFEES_I | number | 21 | N | | Recruiter fees | |
25 | Requisitions | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
26 | Requisitions | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow Department data to be updated if it exists. 0=Create only; 1=Update if exists; 2=Create, do NOT update(no error) | |
27 | Requisitions | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Retirement Code | RETIREMENTCODE | string | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Retirement code | |
2 | Retirement Code | RETIRECODEDESCR | string | 30 | N | | Retirement code description | |
3 | Retirement Code | LASTMNTDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Last maintained date | |
4 | Retirement Code | LASTMNTDUSERID | string | 15 | N | | Last maintained user ID | |
1 | S O P Tracking Info | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP number | |
2 | S O P Tracking Info | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | SOP type | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order |
3 | S O P Tracking Info | Tracking_Number | string | 40 | Y | Not applicable | Tracking number | |
4 | S O P Tracking Info | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Salesperson | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Salesperson ID | |
2 | Salesperson | SALSTERR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Territory ID | |
3 | Salesperson | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | N | | Employee ID | |
4 | Salesperson | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | Vendor ID | |
5 | Salesperson | SLPRSNFN | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson first name | |
6 | Salesperson | SPRSNSMN | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson middle name | |
7 | Salesperson | SPRSNSLN | string | 20 | N | | Salesperson last name | |
8 | Salesperson | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Address ID 1 | |
9 | Salesperson | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Address ID 2 | |
10 | Salesperson | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Address ID 3 | |
11 | Salesperson | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City | |
12 | Salesperson | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State | |
13 | Salesperson | ZIP | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code | |
14 | Salesperson | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country | |
15 | Salesperson | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | 0 | Phone1 | |
16 | Salesperson | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | 0 | Phone2 | |
17 | Salesperson | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | 0 | Phone3 | |
18 | Salesperson | FAX | string | 21 | N | 0 | Fax | |
19 | Salesperson | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive salesperson | |
20 | Salesperson | COMMCODE | string | 15 | N | | Commission code | |
21 | Salesperson | COMPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commission percent | |
22 | Salesperson | STDCPRCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Standard commission percent | |
23 | Salesperson | COMAPPTO | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Commission applied | Apply to sales=0; Invoice=1 |
24 | Salesperson | COSTTODT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cost to date | |
25 | Salesperson | CSTLSTYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cost last year | |
26 | Salesperson | TTLCOMTD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total commissions to date | |
27 | Salesperson | TTLCOMLY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total commissions last year | |
28 | Salesperson | COMSLTDT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commissioned sales to date | |
29 | Salesperson | COMSLLYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commissioned sales last year | |
30 | Salesperson | NCOMSLTD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Non-commissioned sales to date | |
31 | Salesperson | NCOMSLYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Non-commissioned sales last year | |
32 | Salesperson | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep calendar history | |
33 | Salesperson | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep fiscal year history | |
34 | Salesperson | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Modified date | |
35 | Salesperson | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Create date | |
36 | Salesperson | COMMDEST | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Commission destination | |
37 | Salesperson | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
38 | Salesperson | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Shift Code | SHFTCODE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Shift code | |
2 | Shift Code | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Department description | |
3 | Shift Code | SHFTTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Shift type | 0=Amount; 1=Percent |
4 | Shift Code | SHFTAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Shift amount | |
5 | Shift Code | SHFTPCT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Shift percent | |
6 | Shift Code | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Inactive | 0=False; 1=True |
7 | Shift Code | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
8 | Shift Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Shipping Method | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Shipping method | |
2 | Shipping Method | SHMTHDSC | string | 30 | N | | Description | |
3 | Shipping Method | PHONNAME | string | 14 | N | | Phone number | |
4 | Shipping Method | CONTACT | string | 60 | N | | Contact | |
5 | Shipping Method | CARRACCT | string | 15 | N | | Carrier account | |
6 | Shipping Method | CARRIER | string | 30 | N | | Carrier | |
7 | Shipping Method | SHIPTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Shipping type | 0=Pickup; Delivery |
8 | Shipping Method | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
9 | Shipping Method | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
10 | Shipping Method | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Create date | |
11 | Shipping Method | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Modified date | |
12 | Shipping Method | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Note text | |
1 | Site Bin | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | Location code/site ID | |
2 | Site Bin | BIN | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Bin | |
3 | Site Bin | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Skill Sets | SKILLSET_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill set | |
2 | Skill Sets | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Update If Exists 0 = False 1 = True | |
3 | Skill Sets | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Skill Sets Line | SKILLSET_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill set | |
2 | Skill Sets Line | SKILLTITLE_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill | |
3 | Skill Sets Line | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Update If Exists 0 = False 1 = True | |
4 | Skill Sets Line | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Skills | SKILLTITLE_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Skill | |
2 | Skills | COMPENSATIONVALUE_I | number | 21 | N | 0 | Compensation value | |
3 | Skills | COMPENSATIONPERIOD_I | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Compensation Period 0 = Undefined, 1 = Hourly, 2 = Weekly, 3 = Bi-Weekly, 4 = Semi-Monthly, 5 = Monthly, 6 = Quarterly, 7 = Semiannually 8 = Annually 9 = Daily/Miscellaneous | |
4 | Skills | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Update If Exists Flag 0=Create only; 1=Update if exists; 2=Create, do NOT update(no error) | |
5 | Skills | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Sop Commissions | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Bkorder; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Commissions | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | Sop Commissions | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line sequence number—leave 0 to autocreate sequence number | |
4 | Sop Commissions | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Salesperson ID | |
5 | Sop Commissions | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
6 | Sop Commissions | COMPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Salesperson commission percentage | |
7 | Sop Commissions | COMMAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commission amount | |
8 | Sop Commissions | PRCTOSAL | number | 21 | N | 100 | Percent of sale that the commission is based on | |
9 | Sop Commissions | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
10 | Sop Commissions | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
11 | Sop Commissions | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Delete Document | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Bkorder; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Delete Document | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP number/invoice number | |
3 | Sop Delete Document | RemovePayments | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | 0=Do not remove posted deposits; 1=Remove posted deposits and post reversing entry to GL | |
1 | Sop Distribution | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | SOP type | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Bkorder; 6=Fulfillment order |
2 | Sop Distribution | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP number | |
3 | Sop Distribution | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Sequence number | |
4 | Sop Distribution | DISTTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | Distribution type | 1=Sales; 2=Receiving; 3=Cash; 4=Taken; 5=Available; 6=Trade; 7=Freight; 8=Miscellaneous; 9=Taxes; 10 |
5 | Sop Distribution | DistRef | string | 30 | N | | Distribution reference | |
6 | Sop Distribution | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
7 | Sop Distribution | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
8 | Sop Distribution | DEBITAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Debit amount | |
9 | Sop Distribution | CRDTAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Credit amount | |
10 | Sop Distribution | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
11 | Sop Distribution | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment orders | |
2 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DOCID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Document ID | |
3 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
4 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ORIGNUMB | string | 20 | N | | Order number | |
5 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ORIGTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Document type of the originating SOP number | |
6 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule | |
7 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | FRTSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Freight tax schedule | |
8 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MSCSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Miscellaneous tax schedule | |
9 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
10 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount | |
11 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code | |
12 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Document date | |
13 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | FREIGHT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount | |
14 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MISCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount | |
15 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TRDISAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount amount | |
16 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TRADEPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount percentage | |
17 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DISTKNAM | number | 21 | N | 0 | Discount taken amount—cannot be larger then discount available amount | |
18 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MRKDNAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Markdown amount | |
19 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
20 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CUSTNAME | string | 64 | N | | Customer name | |
21 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CSTPONBR | string | 20 | N | | Customer purchase order number | |
22 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ShipToName | string | 64 | N | | Ship to name | The default gets the ship to name from the customer ship to address |
23 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address one | |
24 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address two | |
25 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address three | |
26 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
27 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | FAXNUMBR | string | 21 | N | | Fax number | |
28 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
29 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state | |
30 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | Customer ZIP Code | |
31 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Customer country | |
32 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone one | |
33 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone two | |
34 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone three | |
35 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Print phone number | 0=Do not print; 1=Phone 1; 2=Phone 2; 3=Phone 3; 4=Fax |
36 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SUBTOTAL | number | 21 | N | 0 | Subtotal=Total before taxes | |
37 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Document amount/total | |
38 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PYMTRCVD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total of all payments and deposits | |
39 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
40 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson ID | |
41 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | UPS zone | |
42 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | USER2ENT | string | 15 | N | | User who entered | |
43 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch number | |
44 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PRBTADCD | string | 15 | N | | Primary bill to address code | |
45 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PRSTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary ship to address code | |
46 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax amount | |
47 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax amount | |
48 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ORDRDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Order date | |
49 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MSTRNUMB | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Master Number—default is next number if 0 | |
50 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms ID—default is from customer if not passed in | |
51 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DUEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Due date | |
52 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DISCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Discount date | |
53 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | REFRENCE | string | 30 | N | | GL reference | |
54 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Header level taxes | |
55 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | BatchCHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID for the batch | |
56 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CREATECOMM | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to autocreate commissions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic—use if not calling node |
57 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total amount of commissions for this document—used only with manual commissions | |
58 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMPRCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Used for all salespeople if passed in and CREATECOMM=1; leave blank to use default percentages | |
59 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CREATEDIST | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Flag to autocreate distributions | 0=Manual; 1=Automatic—use if not calling node |
60 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CREATETAXES | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to autocreate taxes with tax engine; leave at 0 if integrating your own | |
61 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DEFTAXSCHDS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Flag to default tax schedules based on setup if incoming tax schedules empty | |
62 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
63 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Exchange rate | |
64 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | | Rate type ID | |
65 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration date | |
66 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Exchange date | |
67 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | EXGTBDSC | string | 30 | N | | Exchange ID description | |
68 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | EXTBLSRC | string | 50 | N | | Exchange rate source | |
69 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RATEEXPR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate expiration | 0=None 1=Daily; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Annually; 8=Miscellan |
70 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DYSTINCR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Days to increment—used only when RATEEXPR=8 | |
71 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RATEVARC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Rate variance | |
72 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TRXDTDEF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Transaction date default | 0=Exact date; 1=Next date; 2=Previous date |
73 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RTCLCMTD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Rate calculation method | 0=Multiply; 1=Divide |
74 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PRVDSLMT | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Previous day's limits | |
75 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DATELMTS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Date limits | 0=Unlimited; 1=Limited |
76 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | MC exchange time=Time 1 | |
77 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DISAVAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount available amount; cannot be larger than document amount | |
78 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DSCDLRAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount dollar amount | |
79 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DSCPCTAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Discount percent amount | |
80 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | FREIGTBLE | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Freight taxable | 0=Default from SOP setup; 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on customers |
81 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | MISCTBLE | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount taxable | 0=Default from SOP setup; 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on customers |
82 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMNTID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Comment ID | |
83 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMENT_1 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 1 | |
84 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMENT_2 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 2 | |
85 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMENT_3 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 3 | |
86 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | COMMENT_4 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 4 | |
87 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
88 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | INTEGRATIONSOURCE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Integration source | |
89 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | INTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Integration ID | |
90 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | ReqShipDate | datetime | 8 | N | | Requested ship date | |
91 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
92 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CKCreditLimit | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow check on credit limits before transaction is processed | 0=Does not check credit limit; 1=Checks credit limit |
93 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CKHOLD | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to allow check on hold status | 0=Does not check hold status; 1=Checks hold status |
94 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | UpdateExisting | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Used to modify header | 0=New transaction; 1=Update header—used to update after transaction exists |
95 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | QUOEXPDA | datetime | 8 | N | | Quote expiration date; defaults based on setup if not filled in | |
96 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | QUOTEDAT | datetime | 8 | N | | Quote date; used for SOPTYPE <> 1; if SOPTYPE=1, DOCDATE is used | |
97 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | INVODATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Invoice date; used for SOPTYPE <> 3; if SOPTYPE=3, DOCDATE is used | |
98 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | BACKDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Back order date; used for SOPTYPE <> 4; if SOPTYPE=4, DOCDATE is used | |
99 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | RETUDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Return date; used for SOPTYPE <> 5; if SOPTYPE=5, DOCDATE is used | |
100 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | CMMTTEXT | string | 500 | N | | Comment text; used only if not using COMMENT_1 through COMMENT_4 | |
101 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
102 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | DEFPRICING | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | 1=Subtotal will be calculated from SOP line or lines | |
103 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TAXEXMT1 | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax exempt 1; default is from customer if not supplied | |
104 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TAXEXMT2 | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax exempt 2; default is from customer if not supplied | |
105 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TXRGNNUM | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax registration number; default is from customer if not supplied | |
106 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | REPTING | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Repeating | 0=False; 1=True Only valid for SOPTYPE=1 or 2 |
107 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TRXFREQU | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Frequency | 1=Weekly; 2=Biweekly; 3=Semimonthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Bi-Monthly; 6=Quarterly; 7=Misc. Only valid for SO |
108 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | TIMETREP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Times Repeating; Only valid for SOPTYPE=1 or 2 | |
109 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | QUOTEDYSTINCR | i2 | 2 | N | 0 | Days to Increment; Only valid for SOPTYPE=1 or 2 | |
110 | Sop Hdr Ivc Insert | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Notes field | |
1 | Sop Line Delete | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Line Delete | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop Line Delete | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number for item to be deleted | |
4 | Sop Line Delete | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number for line item to be deleted | |
5 | Sop Line Delete | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
6 | Sop Line Delete | RecreateDist | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Do not re-create; 1=Re-create distributions | |
7 | Sop Line Delete | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence number to be deleted; required if same component item on multiple lines is used when deleting component lines on a kit and not the kit itself | |
8 | Sop Line Delete | DeleteType | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Line item deletion; 2=Kit item line component deletion | |
1 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
4 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice date | |
5 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | USERDATE | datetime | 8 | N | System date | User Date | Used to determine if a lot is expired., defaults to system date |
6 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code | |
7 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number If you have a document with more than one taSopLineIvcInsert node, use the values in the ITEMNMBR element to specify the sequence where each node appears in the document. | |
8 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | AutoAssignBin | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Auto assign bin will use either the SOFULFILLMENT or SORETURN bin | |
9 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | UNITPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Unit price for item | |
10 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | XTNDPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Extended price for line item | |
11 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quote=Quantity to order; Order and Bkorder=Quantity to invoice; Invoice=Billed quantity; Return=Total quantity | |
12 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | MRKDNAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Markdown amount | |
13 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | MRKDNPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Markdown percent; if MRKDNPCT is utilized, in the element DEFPRICING must be set to 1 or error 67 will occur. | |
14 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COMMNTID | string | 15 | N | | Comment ID | |
15 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COMMENT_1 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 1 | |
16 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COMMENT_2 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 2 | |
17 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COMMENT_3 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 3 | |
18 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COMMENT_4 | string | 50 | N | | Comment 4 | |
19 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Unit cost Used with non-inventory items or return type documents. If null, the default is pulled for inventory or 0 for non-inventory. | |
20 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | | Price level | |
21 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ITEMDESC | string | 100 | N | | Item description | |
22 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Tax amount on line item without freight and miscellaneous tax | |
23 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYONHND | number | 21 | N | 0 | On hand quantity type | |
24 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYRTRND | number | 21 | N | 0 | Returned quantity type | |
25 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYINUSE | number | 21 | N | 0 | In use quantity type | |
26 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYINSVC | number | 21 | N | 0 | In service quantity type | |
27 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYDMGED | number | 21 | N | 0 | Damaged quantity type | |
28 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Non-inventory | 0=No; 1=Yes |
29 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence number; by default, the line item sequence number will be autoincremented by 16,384 for each SOP line if it is not passed in; if the value needs to be passed in, we recommend passing in a value of 16,384 for the first line and increment the value by 16,384 for each subsequent line (that is, pass in a value of 16,384 for the first SOP line and then 32,768 for the second SOP line) | |
30 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DROPSHIP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Drop ship flag 1=Drop ship | |
31 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYTBAOR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity to back order | |
32 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DOCID | string | 15 | N | | Document ID; if left blank, line will autoallocate and fulfill | |
33 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Sales territory | |
34 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Salesperson ID | |
35 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ITMTSHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Item tax schedule ID; if user wants to pass in a blank schedule ID, '' (tick tick) must be passed in for ITMTSHID | |
36 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | IVITMTXB | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | IV item taxable; user can change item tax option per line | 0=Default; 1=Tax; 2=Nontax; 3=Based on customer |
37 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Delivery method tax schedule ID; can be used to override the default delivery method tax schedule; if user wants to pass in a blank schedule ID, '' (tick tick) must be passed in for TAXSCHID | |
38 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | PRSTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary ship to address code | |
39 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ShipToName | string | 64 | N | | Ship to name | The default gets the ship to name from the customer ship to address. |
40 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
41 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address one per ship to line item | |
42 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address two per ship to line item | |
43 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address three per ship to line item | |
44 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CITY | string | 35 | N | | City per ship to line item | |
45 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | STATE | string | 29 | N | | State per ship to line item | |
46 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | ZIP Code per ship to line item | |
47 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Country per ship to line item | |
48 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | PHONE1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 1 per ship to line item | |
49 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | PHONE2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 2 per ship to line item | |
50 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | PHONE3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone 3 per ship to line item | |
51 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | FAXNUMBR | string | 21 | N | | Fax per ship to line item | |
52 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Print phone number | 0=Do not print; 1=Phone 1; 2=Phone 2; 3=Phone 3; 4=Fax |
53 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | EXCEPTIONALDEMAND | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Resource planning | |
54 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ReqShipDate | datetime | 8 | N | | Requested ship date | |
55 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | FUFILDAT | datetime | 8 | N | | Fulfill date | |
56 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ACTLSHIP | datetime | 8 | N | | Actual ship date | |
57 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
58 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | INVINDX | string | 75 | N | | Inventory account | |
59 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CSLSINDX | string | 75 | N | | Cost of goods sold account | |
60 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | SLSINDX | string | 75 | N | | Sales account | |
61 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | MKDNINDX | string | 75 | N | | Markdowns account | |
62 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | RTNSINDX | string | 75 | N | | Returns account | |
63 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | INUSINDX | string | 75 | N | | In use account | |
64 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | INSRINDX | string | 75 | N | | In service account | |
65 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DMGDINDX | string | 75 | N | | Damaged account | |
66 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | AUTOALLOCATESERIAL | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autoallocate serial numbers on the fly | 0=Auto; 1=Manual; 2=Mixed |
67 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | AUTOALLOCATELOT | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autoallocate lot numbers on the fly | 0=Auto; 1=Manual; 2=Mixed |
68 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
69 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | INTEGRATIONSOURCE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Integration source | |
70 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | INTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Integration ID | |
71 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
72 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYCANCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity canceled; will subtract from the QUANTITY passed in | |
73 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QTYFULFI | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Quantity fulfilled—if set to a value other than null, that quantity value will be used | |
74 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | ALLOCATE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Allocates quantities; 0=Use DOCID default; 1=Allocate quantities | |
75 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Used to add or modify existing documents; 1=Add/modify—entire line will need to be resent | |
76 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | RecreateDist | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Used only if UpdateIfExists=1; 0=Do not re-create distributions; 1=Re-create distributions | |
77 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QUOTEQTYTOINV | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quote quantity to invoice; added to QUANTITY and QTYCANCE for total quote amount | |
78 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | TOTALQTY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total line quantity; used if total line quantity exceeds individual quantity amounts being sent in | |
79 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CMMTTEXT | string | 500 | N | | Comment text; used only if COMMENT_1 through COMMENT_4 are not being used | |
80 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | KitCompMan | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Manually passing kit components | 0=False; 1=True (if 1, LNITMSEQ is required) |
81 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DEFPRICING | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | 1=Unit price and extended price will use default | |
82 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | DEFEXTPRICE | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Extended price will use the default based on the unit price and quantity passed in | |
83 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
84 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure | |
85 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | IncludePromo | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Include extended pricing promotion, including free items | |
86 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | CKCreditLimit | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Check credit limit at line level | 0=Do not check credit limit; 1=Check limit (users still have the ability to check credit limit at th |
87 | Sop Line Ivc Insert | QtyShrtOpt | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Quantity shortage option | 1=Sell balance; 2=Override shortage; 3=Back Order all; 4=Back Order balance; 5=Cancel all; 6=Cancel |
1 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP number | |
3 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | USERDATE | datetime | 8 | N | System date | User Date | Used to determine if a lot is expired., defaults to system date |
4 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code; default is from IV setup if not passed in | |
5 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Line sequence; must match kit item line sequence | |
6 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Component item number | |
7 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | AutoAssignBin | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Autoassign bin; either the SOFULFILLMENT bin or the SORETURN bin will be used (item site combination or site default) | |
8 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | ITEMDESC | string | 100 | N | | Item description | |
9 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity to invoice when SOPTYPE=1,2, and 5; billed quantity for SOPTYPE=3 | |
10 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYTBAOR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity to back order | |
11 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYCANCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity canceled | |
12 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYFULFI | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Quantity fulfilled—if set to a value other than null, that quantity will be used | |
13 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QUOTEQTYTOINV | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quote quantity to invoice; added to QUANTITY and QTYCANCE for total amount | |
14 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYONHND | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity on hand; used for SOPTYPE=4 | |
15 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYRTRND | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity returned; used for SOPTYPE=4 | |
16 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYINUSE | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity in use; used for SOPTYPE=4 | |
17 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYINSVC | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity in service; used for SOPTYPE=4 | |
18 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QTYDMGED | number | 21 | N | 0 | Quantity damaged; used for SOPTYPE=4 | |
19 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
20 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | DOCID | string | 15 | N | | Document ID; should be same as DOCID passed to the node for Kit | |
21 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | UNITCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Unit cost Used with non-inventory items or return type documents. If null, the default is pulled for inventory or 0 for non-inventory. A kit item return does not use the specified unit cost value, the value defaults to the current cost or standard cost of the item. | |
22 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | NONINVEN | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Inventoried component item; 1=Non-inventoried component item | |
23 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | AUTOALLOCATESERIAL | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autofulfill serial numbers on the fly; 0=Auto; 1=Manual; 2=Mixed | |
24 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | AUTOALLOCATELOT | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Auto-fulfill lot numbers on the fly; 0=Auto; 1=Manual; 2=Mixed | |
25 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence; required if UpdateIfExists=1; uses the default if not passed in and not required | |
26 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | CMPITUOM | string | 9 | N | | Component unit of measure; uses the default if not passed in | |
27 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID | |
28 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Used to add or modify existing components | 0=Add; 1=Modify |
29 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | RecreateDist | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Used only is UpdateIfExists=1; determines if distributions auto recreate | |
30 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | RequestrTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
31 | Sop Line Ivc Insert Component | QtyShrtOpt | i4 | 2 | N | 2 | Quantity shortage option | 1=Sell balance; 2=Override shortage; 3=BO all; 4=BO balance; 5=Cancel all; 6=Cancel balance |
1 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | TAXTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | 0=Regular; 1=Freight; 2=Miscellaneous (required/optional field) | |
3 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
4 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number (required/optional field) | |
5 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence—ignored for freight/miscellaneous required/optional field | |
6 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | SALESAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Details taxable amount for sales | |
7 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | FRTTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight tax—must be on freight record and 0 sequence number record | |
8 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | MSCTXAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous tax—must be on miscellaneous record and 0 sequence number record | |
9 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | FREIGHT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Freight amount—must be on freight record and 0 sequence number record | |
10 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | MISCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Miscellaneous amount—must be on miscellaneous record and 0 sequence number record | |
11 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | TAXDTLID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Tax detail ID | |
12 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | ACTINDX | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Account index | |
13 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account number string | |
14 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | STAXAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Sales tax amount—not used for freight | |
15 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | TDTTXSLS | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Total taxable sales amount | |
16 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | TXDTOTTX | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Tax detail total tax potential | |
17 | Sop Line Ivc Tax Insert | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Lot Auto | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Bkorder; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Lot Auto | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | Sop Lot Auto | USERDATE | datetime | 8 | N | System date | User Date | Used to determine if a lot is expired. |
4 | Sop Lot Auto | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Line item sequence; used to order line items; internally, the number is incremented by 16384 and the same value that is passed in to the related node should be used | |
5 | Sop Lot Auto | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
6 | Sop Lot Auto | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code | |
7 | Sop Lot Auto | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Total quantity for line item | |
8 | Sop Lot Auto | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin; BIN is required if multi bins are enabled and creating a lot # on the fly, otherwise defaults from IV00300 | |
9 | Sop Lot Auto | CREATEBIN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create Bin* | 0=No; 1=Yes *CREATEBIN is only used when automatically creating lot number and multi bins are enable |
10 | Sop Lot Auto | LOTNUMBR | string | 20 | N | | Lot number for autocreation | |
11 | Sop Lot Auto | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Expiration Date | Used to specify the date for a newly created lot layer. If an expiration date is supplied for a decr |
12 | Sop Lot Auto | MFGDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Manufacturing Date | Used to specify the date for a newly created lot layer. |
13 | Sop Lot Auto | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Quantity type | 1= on hand; 2= returned; 3= in se; 4= in service; 5= damaged |
14 | Sop Lot Auto | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
15 | Sop Lot Auto | DOCID | string | 15 | N | | Document ID; should match DOCID passed to | |
16 | Sop Lot Auto | DROPSHIP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Drop ship flag; 1=Drop ship—should match drop ship passed to | |
17 | Sop Lot Auto | QTYFULFI | number | 21 | N | Default from startup | Quantity fulfilled; the sum of this field on all nodes should match QTYFULFI passed to ; if set to a value other than null, that value is used (this is to help users because this node shouldn't be called if not fulfilling | |
18 | Sop Lot Auto | ALLOCATE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Allocates quantities; should match ALLOCATE passed to node; 0=Use DOCID default; 1=Allocate quantities if DOCID allows—this is to help users because this node shouldn't be called if not fulfilling | |
19 | Sop Lot Auto | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence | |
20 | Sop Lot Auto | LOTNUMBRToReplace | string | 20 | N | | Previous lot number; used only if modifying an existing lot number; quantity has to match to an existing line | |
21 | Sop Lot Auto | AUTOCREATELOT | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autocreate lot number on the fly (for the amount over any existing amount for the lot being used) | 0=False; 1=True |
22 | Sop Lot Auto | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure; should match SOP line | |
23 | Sop Lot Auto | DATERECD | datetime | 8 | N | | Date received | |
24 | Sop Lot Auto | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Used to add or modify existing documents | 0=New document; 1=Modify existing |
1 | Sop Multi Bin | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP document number | |
2 | Sop Multi Bin | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | SOP type | 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return (5=Back order—not valid); 6=Fulfillment order |
3 | Sop Multi Bin | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
4 | Sop Multi Bin | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Line item sequence; must match the sequence number in the SOP line if the item is on more than one line | |
5 | Sop Multi Bin | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence; must match the sequence number in the SOP line if the item is a kit item | |
6 | Sop Multi Bin | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin number; the default bin will be used if this element is not passed in | |
7 | Sop Multi Bin | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Quantity type | 1=On hand; 2=Returned; 3=In use; 4=In service; 5=Damaged |
8 | Sop Multi Bin | UOFM | string | 8 | N | | Unit of measure; the default unit of measure will be used if this element is not passed in | |
9 | Sop Multi Bin | QUANTITY | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Quantity; must be greater than zero | |
10 | Sop Multi Bin | CreateBin | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Create bin on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
11 | Sop Multi Bin | OverrideBin | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Override bin shortage flag | 0=Do not override; 1=Override |
12 | Sop Multi Bin | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Payment Insert Record | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Payment Insert Record | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop Payment Insert Record | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
4 | Sop Payment Insert Record | CUSTNAME | string | 64 | N | | Customer name | |
5 | Sop Payment Insert Record | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Document date | |
6 | Sop Payment Insert Record | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Payment amount; required and used only when Action=1 or 3 | |
7 | Sop Payment Insert Record | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID | |
8 | Sop Payment Insert Record | CARDNAME | string | 15 | N | | Credit card name—value if credit card transaction | |
9 | Sop Payment Insert Record | CHEKNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Check number—value if check | |
10 | Sop Payment Insert Record | RCTNCCRD | string | 20 | N | | Credit card number—value if credit card | |
11 | Sop Payment Insert Record | AUTHCODE | string | 15 | N | | Authorization code—value if credit card | |
12 | Sop Payment Insert Record | EXPNDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Credit card expiration date | |
13 | Sop Payment Insert Record | PYMTTYPE | i4 | 4 | N | 1 | Payment types | 1=Cash deposit; 2=Check deposit; 3=Credit card deposit; 4=Cash payment; 5=Check payment; 6=Credit ca |
14 | Sop Payment Insert Record | DOCNUMBR | string | 20 | N | | Payment number/cash receipt number; required if Action=2, SOPTYPE=2, and PYMTTYPE=(1, 2, or 3); required if Action=2 and SOPTYPE=3; required if Action=3, SOPTYPE=2, and PYMTTYPE=(1, 2, or 3) | |
15 | Sop Payment Insert Record | Action | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Default from setup | 1=New transaction/new payment; 3=Modify existing payment Must set to 2 manually; 2=Delete payment |
16 | Sop Payment Insert Record | SEQNUMBR | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Sequence number; required if Action=1, SOPTYPE=2, and multiple PYMTTYPE=6 exist Required if Action=2, SOPTYPE=2, and PYMTTYPE=6 Required if Action=3 and DOCNUMBR and PYMTTYPE elements exist multiple times on document | |
17 | Sop Payment Insert Record | MDFUSRID | string | 15 | N | | Modified user iD | |
18 | Sop Payment Insert Record | VOIDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Void date | |
19 | Sop Payment Insert Record | PROCESSELECTRONICALLY | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Process Electronically 0 = False 1 = True | |
1 | Sop Serial | SOPTYPE | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Serial | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | Sop Serial | LNITMSEQ | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Line item sequence | |
4 | Sop Serial | CMPNTSEQ | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Component sequence | |
5 | Sop Serial | QTYTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Quantity type | 1=Quantity on hand; 2=Quantity returned; 3=Quantity in use; 4=Quantity in service; 5=Quantity damage |
6 | Sop Serial | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
7 | Sop Serial | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | Y | Not applicable | If empty, default from IV is used | |
8 | Sop Serial | QUANTITY | number | 21 | N | 1 | Not used; always is set to 1 because serial numbers are a 1 | relationship with the SOP line; multiple nodes would need to be used to pass in multiple serial num |
9 | Sop Serial | BIN | string | 15 | N | | Bin; if multibins are enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL=1, or SOPTYPE=4, this element is required; otherwise, its default is from IV00200 | |
10 | Sop Serial | CREATEBIN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Create bin | 0=No; 1=Yes—can create bin only when multibins are enabled and AUTOCREATESERIAL=1, or SOPTYPE=4 |
11 | Sop Serial | SERLNMBR | string | 20 | N | | Serial number | |
12 | Sop Serial | AUTOCREATESERIAL | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Autocreate serial number on the fly | 0=False; 1=True |
13 | Sop Serial | DOCID | string | 15 | N | | Document ID; should match DOCIDpassed to taSopLineIvcInsert | |
14 | Sop Serial | DROPSHIP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Drop ship flag; 1=Drop ship—should match Drop Ship_State to taSopLineIvcInsert | |
15 | Sop Serial | QTYFULFI | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Quantity fulfilled; the sum of this field on all nodes being passed in should match QTYFULFI passed to ; if set to a value other than null, that value is used (this element is to help users because this node should only be called if quantities need fulfilling) | |
16 | Sop Serial | ALLOCATE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Allocates quantities; should match ALLOCATE passed to ; 0=Use DOCID default; 1=Allocate quantities if DOCID allows (this is to help users because this node shouldn't be called if not fulfilling) | |
17 | Sop Serial | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Used to add or modify existing components | 0=Add; 1=Modify existing |
18 | Sop Serial | SERLNMBRToReplace | string | 20 | N | 0 | Previous serial number; used only if modifying an existing serial number | |
19 | Sop Serial | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop To Pop Link | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 2=Order; 5=Back order | |
2 | Sop To Pop Link | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | SOP number | |
3 | Sop To Pop Link | VENDORID | string | 15 | N | | ID of vendor purchasing from for non-inventory items; required if non-inventory items are used (the vendor ID for inventory items uses Primary Vendor for the Item/Location combination as the default and does not use this parameter) | |
4 | Sop To Pop Link | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Date of the POs; default is current system state | |
5 | Sop To Pop Link | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | | Currency ID to use for all POs; default is from vendor or MC setup | |
6 | Sop To Pop Link | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method to use for all POs; default is from vendor | |
1 | Sop Tracking Num | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Tracking Num | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Document number | |
3 | Sop Tracking Num | Tracking_Number | string | 40 | Y | Not applicable | Tracking number | |
4 | Sop Tracking Num | Type | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Type | 0=New document tracking number or adding a tracking number to an existing document; 1=Flag to delete |
5 | Sop Tracking Num | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | PRCHLDID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Process hold ID | |
4 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | N | | Process hold description | |
5 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | PASSWORD | string | 15 | N | | Process hold password | |
6 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | XFERPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Transferring process hold | |
7 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | POSTPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Posting process hold | |
8 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | FUFIPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Fulfill process hold | |
9 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | PRINPHOL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Printing process hold | |
10 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | HOLDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Hold date | |
11 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
12 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | N | | Hold time | |
13 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | DELETE1 | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | 0=Add process hold, 1=Remove process hold | |
14 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | UpdateIfExistsMaster | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Update process hold master information, if it exists in the parameters | |
15 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | UpdateSopIfExists | i4 | 4 | N | 0 | Update SOP record if it exists | |
16 | Sop Update Create Process Hold | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop User Defined | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop User Defined | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop User Defined | USRDAT01 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 1 | |
4 | Sop User Defined | USRDAT02 | datetime | 8 | N | | User-defined date 2 | |
5 | Sop User Defined | USRTAB01 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined table 1 | |
6 | Sop User Defined | USRTAB09 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined table 2 | |
7 | Sop User Defined | USRTAB03 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined table 3 | |
8 | Sop User Defined | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User defined 1 | |
9 | Sop User Defined | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User defined 2 | |
10 | Sop User Defined | USRDEF03 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User defined 3 | |
11 | Sop User Defined | USRDEF04 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User defined 4 | |
12 | Sop User Defined | USRDEF05 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User defined 5 | |
13 | Sop User Defined | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Sop Void Document | SOPTYPE | i4 | 2 | Y | Not applicable | 1=Quote; 2=Order; 3=Invoice; 4=Return; 5=Back order; 6=Fulfillment order | |
2 | Sop Void Document | SOPNUMBE | string | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Invoice number | |
3 | Sop Void Document | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | N | | User ID for new batch ID in history | |
4 | Sop Void Document | RemovePayments | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | 0=Do not remove deposits; 1=Remove deposits | |
5 | Sop Void Document | VOIDDATE | datetime | 8 | N | | Void date | |
1 | Structure | STRUCTUREID | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Structure ID | |
2 | Structure | STRUCTDESCR | string | 30 | N | | Structure ID description | |
1 | Supervisor | SUPERVISORCODE | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Supervisor code | |
2 | Supervisor | SUPERVISOR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Supervisor description | |
3 | Supervisor | EMPLOYID | string | 15 | N | | Employee ID | |
4 | Supervisor | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
5 | Supervisor | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
6 | Supervisor | CHANGEBY | string | 15 | N | | Change by | |
7 | Supervisor | CHANGEDATE | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Change date | |
1 | T G P Create Requisition Header | POPRequisitionNumber | string | 17 | Y | | POP Requisition Number | |
2 | T G P Create Requisition Header | Requisition_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Requisition Note Index | |
3 | T G P Create Requisition Header | RequisitionDescription | string | 61 | | | Requisition Description | |
4 | T G P Create Requisition Header | RequisitionStatus | i4 | 5 | | | Requisition Status | |
5 | T G P Create Requisition Header | COMMNTID | string | 15 | | | Comment ID | |
6 | T G P Create Requisition Header | Comment_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Comment Note Index | |
7 | T G P Create Requisition Header | DOCDATE | datetime | 8 | | | Document Date | |
8 | T G P Create Requisition Header | REQDATE | datetime | 8 | | | Required Date | |
9 | T G P Create Requisition Header | REQSTDBY | string | 21 | | | Requested By | |
10 | T G P Create Requisition Header | PRSTADCD | string | 15 | | | Primary Shipto Address Code | |
11 | T G P Create Requisition Header | CMPNYNAM | string | 65 | | | Company Name | |
12 | T G P Create Requisition Header | CONTACT | string | 61 | | | Contact | |
13 | T G P Create Requisition Header | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | | | Address 1 | |
14 | T G P Create Requisition Header | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | | | Address 2 | |
15 | T G P Create Requisition Header | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | | | Address 3 | |
16 | T G P Create Requisition Header | CITY | string | 35 | | | City | |
17 | T G P Create Requisition Header | STATE | string | 29 | | | State | |
18 | T G P Create Requisition Header | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | | | Zip Code | |
19 | T G P Create Requisition Header | CCode | string | 7 | | | Country Code | |
20 | T G P Create Requisition Header | COUNTRY | string | 61 | | | Country | |
21 | T G P Create Requisition Header | PHONE1 | string | 21 | | | Phone 1 | |
22 | T G P Create Requisition Header | PHONE2 | string | 21 | | | Phone 2 | |
23 | T G P Create Requisition Header | PHONE3 | string | 21 | | | Phone 3 | |
24 | T G P Create Requisition Header | FAX | string | 21 | | | Fax | |
25 | T G P Create Requisition Header | DOCAMNT | number | 21 | | | Document Amount | |
26 | T G P Create Requisition Header | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | | | Created Date | |
27 | T G P Create Requisition Header | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | | | Modified Date | |
28 | T G P Create Requisition Header | USER2ENT | string | 15 | | | User To Enter | |
29 | T G P Create Requisition Header | Flags | i4 | 5 | | | Flags | |
30 | T G P Create Requisition Header | Workflow_Status | i4 | 5 | | | Workflow Status | |
31 | T G P Create Requisition Header | DomainUserName | string | 255 | | | Domain User Name | |
32 | T G P Create Requisition Header | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | | | User Defined 1 | |
33 | T G P Create Requisition Header | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | | | User Defined 2 | |
1 | T G P Create Requisition Line | POPRequisitionNumber | string | 17 | Y | | POP Requisition Number | |
2 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ORD | i4 | 10 | | | Ord | |
3 | T G P Create Requisition Line | RequisitionLineStatus | i4 | 5 | | | Requisition Line Status | |
4 | T G P Create Requisition Line | LineNumber | i4 | 5 | | | LineNumber | |
5 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ITEMNMBR | string | 31 | Y | | Item Number | |
6 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ITEMDESC | string | 101 | | | Item Description | |
7 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Item_Number_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Item Number Note Index | |
8 | T G P Create Requisition Line | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | | Vendor ID | |
9 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Vendor_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Vendor Note Index | |
10 | T G P Create Requisition Line | NONINVEN | i4 | 5 | | | Non IV | |
11 | T G P Create Requisition Line | UOFM | string | 9 | | | U Of M | |
12 | T G P Create Requisition Line | UMQTYINB | number | 21 | | | U Of M QTY In Base | |
13 | T G P Create Requisition Line | LOCNCODE | string | 11 | | | Location Code | |
14 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Location_Code_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Location Code Note Index | |
15 | T G P Create Requisition Line | QTYORDER | number | 21 | | | QTY Ordered | |
16 | T G P Create Requisition Line | QTYCMTBASE | number | 21 | | | QTY Committed In Base | |
17 | T G P Create Requisition Line | QTYUNCMTBASE | number | 21 | | | QTY Uncommitted In Base | |
18 | T G P Create Requisition Line | UNITCOST | number | 21 | | | Unit Cost | |
19 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ORUNTCST | number | 21 | | | Originating Unit Cost | |
20 | T G P Create Requisition Line | EXTDCOST | number | 21 | | | Extended Cost | |
21 | T G P Create Requisition Line | OREXTCST | number | 21 | | | Originating Extended Cost | |
22 | T G P Create Requisition Line | REQDATE | datetime | -1 | | | Required Date | |
23 | T G P Create Requisition Line | REQSTDBY | string | 21 | | | Requested By | |
24 | T G P Create Requisition Line | INVINDX | i4 | 10 | | | Inventory Index | |
25 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ACCNTNTINDX | number | 21 | | | Account Note Index | |
26 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CURNCYID | string | 15 | | | Currency ID | |
27 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Currency_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Currency Note Index | |
28 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CURRNIDX | i4 | 5 | | | Currency Index | |
29 | T G P Create Requisition Line | RATETPID | string | 15 | | | Rate Type ID | |
30 | T G P Create Requisition Line | EXGTBLID | string | 15 | | | Exchange Table ID | |
31 | T G P Create Requisition Line | XCHGRATE | number | 21 | | | Exchange Rate | |
32 | T G P Create Requisition Line | EXCHDATE | datetime | 8 | | | Exchange Date | |
33 | T G P Create Requisition Line | TIME1 | datetime | 8 | | | Time | |
34 | T G P Create Requisition Line | RATECALC | i4 | 5 | | | Rate Calc Method | |
35 | T G P Create Requisition Line | DENXRATE | number | 21 | | | Denomination Exchange Rate | |
36 | T G P Create Requisition Line | MCTRXSTT | i4 | 5 | | | MC Transaction State | |
37 | T G P Create Requisition Line | DECPLCUR | i4 | 5 | | | Decimal Places Currency | |
38 | T G P Create Requisition Line | DECPLQTY | i4 | 5 | | | Decimal Places QTYS | |
39 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ODECPLCU | i4 | 5 | | | Originating Decimal Places Currency | |
40 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ITMTRKOP | i4 | 5 | | | Item Tracking Option | |
41 | T G P Create Requisition Line | VCTNMTHD | i4 | 5 | | | Valuation Method | |
42 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | | | Address Code | |
43 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CMPNYNAM | string | 65 | | | Company Name | |
44 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CONTACT | string | 61 | | | Contact | |
45 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ADDRESS1 | string | 61 | | | Address 1 | |
46 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ADDRESS2 | string | 61 | | | Address 2 | |
47 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ADDRESS3 | string | 61 | | | Address 3 | |
48 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CITY | string | 35 | | | City | |
49 | T G P Create Requisition Line | STATE | string | 29 | | | State | |
50 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ZIPCODE | string | 11 | | | Zip Code | |
51 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CCode | string | 7 | | | Country Code | |
52 | T G P Create Requisition Line | COUNTRY | string | 61 | | | Country | |
53 | T G P Create Requisition Line | PHONE1 | string | 21 | | | Phone 1 | |
54 | T G P Create Requisition Line | PHONE2 | string | 21 | | | Phone 2 | |
55 | T G P Create Requisition Line | PHONE3 | string | 21 | | | Phone 3 | |
56 | T G P Create Requisition Line | FAX | string | 21 | | | Fax | |
57 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 5 | | | Print Phone Number GB | |
58 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ADDRSOURCE | i4 | 5 | | | Address Source | |
59 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Flags | i4 | 5 | | | Flags | |
60 | T G P Create Requisition Line | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | | | Shipping Method | |
61 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ShippingMethodNoteIndex | number | 21 | | | Shipping Method Note Index | |
62 | T G P Create Requisition Line | FRTAMNT | number | 21 | | | Freight Amount | |
63 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ORFRTAMT | number | 21 | | | Originating Freight Amount | |
64 | T G P Create Requisition Line | TAXAMNT | number | 21 | | | Tax Amount | |
65 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ORTAXAMT | number | 21 | | | Originating Tax Amount | |
66 | T G P Create Requisition Line | InvalidDataFlag | i4 | 10 | | | Invalid Data Flag | |
67 | T G P Create Requisition Line | COMMNTID | string | 15 | | | Comment ID | |
68 | T G P Create Requisition Line | Comment_Note_Index | number | 21 | | | Comment Note Index | |
69 | T G P Create Requisition Line | USERDEF1 | string | 21 | | | User Defined 1 | |
70 | T G P Create Requisition Line | USERDEF2 | string | 21 | | | User Defined 2 | |
71 | T G P Create Requisition Line | ProjNum | string | 15 | | | Project Number | |
72 | T G P Create Requisition Line | CostCatID | string | 15 | | | Cost Category ID | |
1 | Territory | SALSTERR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Territory ID | |
2 | Territory | SLTERDSC | string | 30 | N | | Territory description | |
3 | Territory | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson ID | |
4 | Territory | STMGRFNM | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory manager's first name | |
5 | Territory | STMGRMNM | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory manager's middle name | |
6 | Territory | STMGRLNM | string | 20 | N | | Sales territory manager's last name | |
7 | Territory | COUNTRY | string | 20 | N | | Country | |
8 | Territory | COSTTODT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cost to date | |
9 | Territory | TTLCOMTD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total commissions to date | |
10 | Territory | TTLCOMLY | number | 21 | N | 0 | Total commissions last year | |
11 | Territory | NCOMSLYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Non-commissioned sales last year | |
12 | Territory | COMSLLYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commissioned sales last year | |
13 | Territory | CSTLSTYR | number | 21 | N | 0 | Cost last year | |
14 | Territory | COMSLTDT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Commissioned sales to date | |
15 | Territory | NCOMSLTD | number | 21 | N | 0 | Non-commissioned sales to date | |
16 | Territory | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep calendar history | 0=No; 1=Yes |
17 | Territory | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Keep period history | 0=No; 1=Yes |
18 | Territory | MODIFDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Modified date | |
19 | Territory | CREATDDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Create date | |
1 | Tests | TEST_I | string | 31 | Y | Not applicable | Test | |
2 | Tests | TESTCODE_I | string | 7 | Y | Not applicable | Test code | |
3 | Tests | CHANGEBY_I | string | 15 | N | | Changed by | |
4 | Tests | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester Transaction 0=false, 1=true If true, then populates Requester shadow table | |
1 | Update Batch Header Rcd | BACHNUMB | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch ID | |
2 | Update Batch Header Rcd | BCHCOMNT | string | 60 | N | | Batch comment | |
3 | Update Batch Header Rcd | SERIES | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | 1=All; 2=Financial; 3=Sales; 4=Purchasing; 5=Inventory; 6=Payroll; 7=Project | |
4 | Update Batch Header Rcd | GLPOSTDT | datetime | 8 | N | | General ledger posting date | |
5 | Update Batch Header Rcd | BCHSOURC | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Batch source | |
6 | Update Batch Header Rcd | DOCAMT | number | 21 | Y | Not applicable | Batch total | |
7 | Update Batch Header Rcd | ORIGIN | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | For GL | 1= General entry For IV: 1=Transaction entry; 2=Transfer entry For PM: 1=Transaction entry; 2=Co |
8 | Update Batch Header Rcd | NUMOFTRX | i4 | 4 | Y | Not applicable | Number of transactions | |
9 | Update Batch Header Rcd | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | | Checkbook ID | |
10 | Update Batch Header Rcd | CNTRLTOT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Expected total | |
11 | Update Batch Header Rcd | CNTRLTRX | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Number of transactions batch must contain before marked for posting. | |
12 | Update Batch Header Rcd | POSTTOGL | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Post to GL | Defaults to 0 if nothing is passed in. 0=False 1=True |
13 | Update Batch Header Rcd | PmtMethod | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Payment method radio group | |
14 | Update Batch Header Rcd | EFTFileFormat | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | EFT file format | |
15 | Update Batch Header Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, populates requester shadow table) |
16 | Update Batch Header Rcd | BRKDNALL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Breakdown allocation | |
17 | Update Batch Header Rcd | USERID | string | 15 | N | | User ID | |
18 | Update Batch Header Rcd | BACHFREQ | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Batch frequency; default is 1 for new batches or defaults to current value for existing batches | 1=Single use; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Bimonthly; 7=Quarterly; 8=Miscellane |
19 | Update Batch Header Rcd | RECPSTGS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Number of times a recurring batch should post for recurring posting | 0=Unlimited; this is valid with batch frequency, BACHFREQ, types 2-8 only; default is 0 for new recu |
20 | Update Batch Header Rcd | MSCBDINC | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Number of days to increment the transaction date if miscellaneous frequency, BACHFREQ =8, is selected for this batch; default is 0 for new batches or defaults to current value for existing batches; MSCBDINC is only valid with BACHFREQ =8 | |
21 | Update Batch Header Rcd | APPROVL | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Batch Approval 0=False 1=True | |
22 | Update Batch Header Rcd | APPRVLDT | datetime | 8 | N | | Batch approval date | |
23 | Update Batch Header Rcd | APRVLUSERID | string | 15 | N | | Batch approval user ID | |
24 | Update Batch Header Rcd | TRXSOURC | string | 25 | Y | | Transaction Source Required for Batch Approval | |
1 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account string | |
2 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACTALIAS | string | 21 | N | | Account alias | |
3 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACCTTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Account type | 1=Posting; 2=Unit account; 3=Posting allocation; 4=Unit allocation |
4 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACTDESCR | string | 50 | N | | Account description | If a value is not supplied, the element value defaults from the segment setup. |
5 | Update Create Account Rcd | PSTNGTYP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Posting type | 0=Balance sheet; 1=Profit & loss account |
6 | Update Create Account Rcd | CATEGORY | string | 50 | N | | Account category—required if a posting account | |
7 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Active | 0=Inactive; 1=Active |
8 | Update Create Account Rcd | TPCLBLNC | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Typical balance | 0=Debit; 1=Credit |
9 | Update Create Account Rcd | DECPLACS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Decimal Places—only used for unit accounts | |
10 | Update Create Account Rcd | FXDORVAR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Fixed or variable allocation | 1=Fixed; 2=Variable |
11 | Update Create Account Rcd | BALFRCLC | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Based on flag | 0=Year to date; 1=Transaction period |
12 | Update Create Account Rcd | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
13 | Update Create Account Rcd | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
14 | Update Create Account Rcd | PostSlsIn | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Post sales in | 1=Detail; 2=Summary |
15 | Update Create Account Rcd | PostIvIn | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Post inventory in | 1=Detail; 2=Summary |
16 | Update Create Account Rcd | PostPurchIn | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Post purchasing in | 1=Detail; 2=Summary |
17 | Update Create Account Rcd | PostPRIn | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Post payroll in | 1=Detail; 2=Summary |
18 | Update Create Account Rcd | ACCTENTR | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Allow account entry | 0=False; 1=True |
19 | Update Create Account Rcd | USRDEFS1 | string | 30 | N | | User defined string 1 | |
20 | Update Create Account Rcd | USRDEFS2 | string | 30 | N | | User defined string 2 | |
21 | Update Create Account Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to update account data if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
22 | Update Create Account Rcd | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | | Notes field | |
23 | Update Create Account Rcd | DSPLKUPSSALES | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in Lookup for Sales | 0=False; 1=True Valid for ACCTTYPE values of 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
24 | Update Create Account Rcd | DSPLKUPSIV | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in Lookup for Inventory Control | 0=False; 1=True Valid for ACCTTYPE values of 1, 3, and 4. |
25 | Update Create Account Rcd | DSPLKUPSPURCH | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in Lookup for Purchasing | 0=False; 1=True Valid for ACCTTYPE values of 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
26 | Update Create Account Rcd | DSPLKUPSPR | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Include in Lookup for Payroll | 0=False; 1=True Valid for ACCTTYPE values of 1, 3, and 4. |
27 | Update Create Account Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Update Create Country Code | CCode | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Country code | |
2 | Update Create Country Code | CCodeDesc | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Country code description | |
3 | Update Create Country Code | ECFLAG | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | EU member | 0=False; 1=True |
4 | Update Create Country Code | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Update if exists | 0=False; 1=True |
5 | Update Create Country Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1= True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
1 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
2 | Update Create Customer Rcd | HOLD | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Hold status | 0=Not on hold; 1=On hold Default is zero on new record |
3 | Update Create Customer Rcd | INACTIVE | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Inactive | 0=Active; 1=Inactive Default is zero on new record |
4 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CUSTNAME | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Customer name | |
5 | Update Create Customer Rcd | SHRTNAME | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Short name; if not passed in, default is CUSTNAME | |
6 | Update Create Customer Rcd | STMTNAME | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Statement name; if not passed in, default is CUSTNAME | |
7 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CUSTCLAS | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Customer class ID | |
8 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CUSTPRIORITY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Customer priority; valid input values 1 (none) to 100 Default is one on new record | |
9 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary address ID | |
10 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Contact person | |
11 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Customer address one | |
12 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Customer address two | |
13 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Customer address three | |
14 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CITY | string | 35 | N | Default from setup | City | |
15 | Update Create Customer Rcd | STATE | string | 29 | N | Default from setup | State | |
16 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Zip code | |
17 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CCode | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Country code | |
18 | Update Create Customer Rcd | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Country | |
19 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone one | |
20 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone two | |
21 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone three | |
22 | Update Create Customer Rcd | FAX | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Fax | |
23 | Update Create Customer Rcd | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | UPS zone | |
24 | Update Create Customer Rcd | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
25 | Update Create Customer Rcd | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Tax schedule ID | |
26 | Update Create Customer Rcd | SHIPCOMPLETE | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Ship complete documents | 0=False; 1=True Default is zero on new record |
27 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PRSTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary ship to address code | |
28 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PRBTADCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary bill to address code | |
29 | Update Create Customer Rcd | STADDRCD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Statement to address code | |
30 | Update Create Customer Rcd | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Salesperson ID | |
31 | Update Create Customer Rcd | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Sales territory | |
32 | Update Create Customer Rcd | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined one | |
33 | Update Create Customer Rcd | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined two | |
34 | Update Create Customer Rcd | COMMENT1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Comment one | |
35 | Update Create Customer Rcd | COMMENT2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Comment two | |
36 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CUSTDISC | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount | |
37 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms ID | |
38 | Update Create Customer Rcd | DISGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Discount grace period | |
39 | Update Create Customer Rcd | DUEGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Due date grace period | |
40 | Update Create Customer Rcd | PRCLEVEL | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Price level | |
41 | Update Create Customer Rcd | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Note text | |
42 | Update Create Customer Rcd | BALNCTYP | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Balance type | 0=Open item; 1=Balance forward Default is zero on new record |
43 | Update Create Customer Rcd | FNCHATYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Finance charge type | 0=None; 1=Percent; 2=Amount Default is zero for new record |
44 | Update Create Customer Rcd | FNCHPCNT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Finance charge percent; used if FNCHATYP=1 | |
45 | Update Create Customer Rcd | FINCHDLR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Finance charge dollar; used if FNCHATYP=2 | |
46 | Update Create Customer Rcd | MINPYTYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment type | 0=No minimum; 1=Percent; 2=Amount Default is zero for new record |
47 | Update Create Customer Rcd | MINPYPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment percent; used if MINPYTYP=1 | |
48 | Update Create Customer Rcd | MINPYDLR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment dollar amount; used if MINPYTYP=2 | |
49 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRLMTTYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit type | 0=No credit; 1=Unlimited; 2=Amount Default is zero on new record |
50 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRLMTAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit amount; used if CRLMTTYP=2 | |
51 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRLMTPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit period; used if CRLMTTYP=2 and the credit limit warning is used in Microsoft Dynamics GP application | |
52 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRLMTPAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit period amount; used if CRLMTTYP=2 and the credit limit warning is used in Microsoft Dynamics GP application | |
53 | Update Create Customer Rcd | MXWOFTYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Maximum write-off type | 0=Not allowed; 1=Unlimited; 2=Maximum Default is zero for new record |
54 | Update Create Customer Rcd | MXWROFAM | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Maximum write-off amount; used if MXWOFTYP=2 | |
55 | Update Create Customer Rcd | Revalue_Customer | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Revalue customer | 0=Do not revalue; 1=Revalue Default is one for new record |
56 | Update Create Customer Rcd | Post_Results_To | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Post results to | 0=Receivables/Discount Account; 1=Sales offset Default is zero on new records |
57 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ORDERFULFILLDEFAULT | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Order fulfillment shortage | 1=None; 2=Back order remaining; 3=Cancel remaining Default is one on new record |
58 | Update Create Customer Rcd | INCLUDEINDP | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Include in demand planning | 0=Do not include; 1=Include Default is one on new record |
59 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRCARDID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Credit card ID | |
60 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CRCRDNUM | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Credit card number | |
61 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CCRDXPDT | datetime | 8 | N | Default from setup | Credit card expiration date | |
62 | Update Create Customer Rcd | BANKNAME | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Bank name | |
63 | Update Create Customer Rcd | BNKBRNCH | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Bank branch | |
64 | Update Create Customer Rcd | USERLANG | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | User language; default is zero on new record | |
65 | Update Create Customer Rcd | TAXEXMT1 | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax exempt one | |
66 | Update Create Customer Rcd | TAXEXMT2 | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax exempt two | |
67 | Update Create Customer Rcd | TXRGNNUM | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax registration number | |
68 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Currency ID | |
69 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Rate type ID | |
70 | Update Create Customer Rcd | STMTCYCL | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Statement Cycle | 1=No Statement; 2=Weekly; 3=Biweekly; 4=Semimonthly; 5=Monthly; 6=Bimonthly; 7=Quarterly |
71 | Update Create Customer Rcd | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—calendar year | 0=Do not maintain history; 1=Maintain history Default is 1 on new record |
72 | Update Create Customer Rcd | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—fiscal year | 0=Do not maintain history; 1=Maintain history Default is 1 on new record |
73 | Update Create Customer Rcd | KPTRXHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—transaction | 0=Do not maintain history; 1=Maintain history Default is 1 on new record |
74 | Update Create Customer Rcd | KPDSTHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—distribution | 0=Do not maintain history; 1=Maintain history Default is 1 on new record |
75 | Update Create Customer Rcd | Send_Email_Statements | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Send e-mail statements | 0=Do not sent statements; 1=Send statements Default is zero on new record |
76 | Update Create Customer Rcd | ToEmail_Recipient | string | 80 | N | Default from setup | To email recipient; separate each recipient with a semicolon | |
77 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CcEmail_Recipient | string | 80 | N | Default from setup | Carbon copy email recipient; separate each recipient with a semicolon | |
78 | Update Create Customer Rcd | BccEmail_Recipient | string | 80 | N | Default from setup | Blind carbon copy email recipient; separate each recipient with a semicolon | |
79 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Checkbook ID | |
80 | Update Create Customer Rcd | DEFCACTY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Cash account from | 0=Checkbook; 1=Customer Default is zero on new record |
81 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMCSHACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Cash account; only valid if DEFCACTY=1 | |
82 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMARACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Accounts receivable account | |
83 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMSLSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Sales account | |
84 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMCOSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Cost of sales account | |
85 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMIVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Inventory account | |
86 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMTAKACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Terms discount taken account | |
87 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMAVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Terms discount available account | |
88 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMFCGACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Finance charges account | |
89 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMWRACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Write-offs account | |
90 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMSORACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Sales order returns account | |
91 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RMOvrpymtWrtoffACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Overpayment write-offs account | |
92 | Update Create Customer Rcd | GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
93 | Update Create Customer Rcd | INTEGRATIONSOURCE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Integration source | |
94 | Update Create Customer Rcd | INTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Integration ID | |
95 | Update Create Customer Rcd | UseCustomerClass | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to have class setting roll down to elements not passed in; uses the CUSTCLAS class to roll down | |
96 | Update Create Customer Rcd | CreateAddress | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow a primary address code to be created on the fly | 0=Do not create address code; 1=Create address code |
97 | Update Create Customer Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update if record exists; 2=Create if record does not exist and exits without erro |
98 | Update Create Customer Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | CURNCYID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Currency ID | |
3 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | DECPLCUR | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Decimal places currency | |
4 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | LISTPRCE | number | 21 | N | 0 | List price | |
5 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow the data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
6 | Update Create Item Currency Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITEMNMBR | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Item number | |
2 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITEMDESC | string | 100 | N | Default from setup | Item description | |
3 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITMSHNAM | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Short description | |
4 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITMGEDSC | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Generic description | |
5 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITMCLSCD | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Class ID | |
6 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITEMTYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Item type 1=Sales inventory; 2=Discontinued; 3=Kit; 4=Miscellaneous charges; 5=Services; 6=Flat fee Default is one on new record | |
7 | Update Create Item Rcd | VCTNMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Valuation method | 0=Any ITEMTYPE other than 1 or 2; 1=FIFO perpetual; 2=LIFO perpetual; 3=Average perpetual; 4=FIFO pe |
8 | Update Create Item Rcd | TAXOPTNS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Sales tax options | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on customers Default is one on new record |
9 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITMTSHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Tax schedule ID | |
10 | Update Create Item Rcd | UOMSCHDL | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Unit of measure schedule ID Required for a new record, but can roll down from class | |
11 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITEMSHWT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Shipping weight; only used when ITEMTYPE=1, 2, or 3 | |
12 | Update Create Item Rcd | TCC | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Tax community code; only used if the "Enable Intrastat Tracking" option is enabled in Company Setup | |
13 | Update Create Item Rcd | CNTRYORGN | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Country origin; only used if the "Enable Intrastat Tracking" option is enabled in Company Setup | |
14 | Update Create Item Rcd | DECPLQTY | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Quantity Decimals; DECPLQTY can equal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; if ITEMTYPE=3, then DECPLQTY must be set to zero Default is zero on new record | |
15 | Update Create Item Rcd | DECPLCUR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Currency Decimals; used for item if not registered for multi-currency or used for functional currency If registered for multi-currency and want other currencies, use the node. | |
16 | Update Create Item Rcd | Purchase_Tax_Options | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Purchasing tax option | 1=Taxable; 2=Nontaxable; 3=Base on vendors Default is one on new record |
17 | Update Create Item Rcd | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Purchase tax schedule ID | |
18 | Update Create Item Rcd | STNDCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Standard cost | |
19 | Update Create Item Rcd | CURRCOST | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Current cost | |
20 | Update Create Item Rcd | LISTPRCE | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | List price; used if multi-currency is not registered or used for functional currency if multi-currency is registered | |
21 | Update Create Item Rcd | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Note text | |
22 | Update Create Item Rcd | ALTITEM1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Alternate item 1 | |
23 | Update Create Item Rcd | ALTITEM2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Alternate item 2 | |
24 | Update Create Item Rcd | ITMTRKOP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Item tracking | 1=None; 2=Serial Numbers; 3=Lot Numbers Used when ITEMTYPE= 1 or 2 Default is one on new record |
25 | Update Create Item Rcd | LOTTYPE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Lot category | |
26 | Update Create Item Rcd | LOTEXPWARN | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Lot Expiration Warn | 0 = no warning 1 = warnings enabled If this item is not lot tracked, the value of this element is no |
27 | Update Create Item Rcd | LOTEXPWARNDAYS | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Days Before Lot Expires | Valid entries equal 0 - 999. If LOTEXPWARN is 0 then LOTEXPWARNDAYS always defaults to 0. If this it |
28 | Update Create Item Rcd | INCLUDEINDP | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Include in Demand Planning; 0=Do Not Include; 1=Include Default is zero on new record | |
29 | Update Create Item Rcd | MINSHELF1 | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Minimum shelf life 1 | Valid entries equal 0-9999 Use when ITMTRKOP=3 Default is zero on new record |
30 | Update Create Item Rcd | MINSHELF2 | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Minimum shelf life 2 | Valid entries equal 0-9999 Use when ITMTRKOP=3 Default is zero on new record |
31 | Update Create Item Rcd | ALWBKORD | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Allow back orders | 0=Do not allow back orders; 1=Allow back orders Default is zero on new record |
32 | Update Create Item Rcd | WRNTYDYS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Warranty days; valid entries equal 0-9999 Default is zero on new record | |
33 | Update Create Item Rcd | ABCCODE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | ABC code | 1=None; 2=A; 3=B; 4=C Default is one on new record |
34 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_1 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 1 | |
35 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_2 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 2 | |
36 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_3 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 3 | |
37 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_4 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 4 | |
38 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_5 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 5 | |
39 | Update Create Item Rcd | USCATVLS_6 | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | User category 6 | |
40 | Update Create Item Rcd | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—calendar year | 0=Do not keep history; 1=Keep history Default is 0 on new record |
41 | Update Create Item Rcd | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—fiscal year | 0=Do not keep history; 1=Keep history Default is 0 on new record |
42 | Update Create Item Rcd | KPTRXHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—transaction | 0=Do not keep history; 1=Keep history Default is 0 on new record |
43 | Update Create Item Rcd | KPDSTHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—distribution | 0=Do not keep history; 1=Keep history Default is 0 on new record |
44 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVIVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Inventory account | |
45 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVIVOFACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Inventory offset account | |
46 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVCOGSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Cost of goods sold account | |
47 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVSLSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Sales account | |
48 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVSLDSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Markdown account | |
49 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVSLRNACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Sales return account | |
50 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVINUSACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | In use account | |
51 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVINSVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | In service account | |
52 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVDMGACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Damaged account | |
53 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVVARACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Variance account | |
54 | Update Create Item Rcd | DPSHPACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Drop-ship items account | |
55 | Update Create Item Rcd | PURPVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Purchase price variance account | |
56 | Update Create Item Rcd | UPPVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Unrealized purchase price variance account | |
57 | Update Create Item Rcd | IVRETACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Inventory returns account | |
58 | Update Create Item Rcd | ASMVRACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Assembly variance account | |
59 | Update Create Item Rcd | KTACCTSR | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Cost of goods sold account source | 0=From component item; 1=From kit item Default is zero on new record |
60 | Update Create Item Rcd | PRCHSUOM | string | 8 | N | Default from setup | Purchasing unit of measure | |
61 | Update Create Item Rcd | Revalue_Inventory | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Revalue inventory for cost variance | 0=Do not revalue; 1=Revalue Default is zero on new record |
62 | Update Create Item Rcd | Tolerance_Percentage | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Tolerance percentage | |
63 | Update Create Item Rcd | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Location code; assigns site to item if it is not already assigned | |
64 | Update Create Item Rcd | PRICMTHD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Price method | 1=Currency amount; 2=Percent of List price; 3=Percent of markup of current cost; 4=Percent markup of |
65 | Update Create Item Rcd | PriceGroup | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Price group | |
66 | Update Create Item Rcd | UseQtyOverageTolerance | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Use quantity overage tolerance | 0=Do not use; 1=Use |
67 | Update Create Item Rcd | UseQtyShortageTolerance | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Use quantity shortage tolerance | 0=Do not use; 1=Use |
68 | Update Create Item Rcd | QtyOverTolerancePercent | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Quantity over tolerance percent | Provide a value of 0 - 99999. For example, 99999 equals 99.999. |
69 | Update Create Item Rcd | QtyShortTolerancePercent | i4 | 4 | N | Default from setup | Quantity short tolerance percent | Provide a value of 0 - 99999. For example, 99999 equals 99.999. |
70 | Update Create Item Rcd | UseItemClass | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to have class setting roll down to elements that are not passed in; uses the ITMCLSCD class | |
71 | Update Create Item Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow item data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update if exists; 2=Create if record does not exist and exits without error if re |
72 | Update Create Item Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |
1 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | VNDCLSID | string | 10 | N | | Vendor class ID | |
3 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAddlDefpoformatouse | i4 | 2 | N | | Project account default PO format to use | |
4 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAUnit_of_Measure | string | 9 | N | 0 | Project account unit of measure | |
5 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAUNITCOST | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account unit of cost | |
6 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PATMProfitType | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Project account profit type—TM | 1=Billing rate; 2=Markup percentage; 8=None |
7 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PATMProfitAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit amount—TM | |
8 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PATMProfitPercent | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit percent—TM | |
9 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAFFProfitType | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Project account profit type—FF | 3=Profit fixed; 5=Total profit; 6=Percent of baseline; 8=None |
10 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAFFProfitAmount | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit amount—FF | |
11 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAFFProfitPercent | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit percent—FF | |
12 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAProfit_Type_CP | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Project account profit type—CP | 3=Profit fixed; 4=Profit variable; 5=Total profit; 6=Percent of baseline; 7=Percent of actual; 8=Non |
13 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAProfitAmountCP | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit amount—CP | |
14 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAProfitPercentCP | number | 21 | N | 0 | Project account profit percent—CP | |
15 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAUD1 | string | 21 | N | | Project account user defined 1 | |
16 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | PAUD2 | string | 21 | N | | Project account user defined 2 | |
17 | Update Create P A Vendor Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow vendor data to be updated if it exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
1 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VENDNAME | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Vendor name | |
3 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VENDSHNM | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Vendor short name | |
4 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VNDCHKNM | string | 64 | N | Default from setup | Vendor check name | |
5 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | HOLD | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Hold | 0=Not on hold; 1=Hold Default is zero on new record |
6 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VENDSTTS | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Vendor status | 1=Active; 2=Inactive; 3=Temporary Default is 1 on new record |
7 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VNDCLSID | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Vendor class ID | |
8 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VADDCDPR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Primary vendor address ID | |
9 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VNDCNTCT | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Vendor contact | |
10 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Address 1 | |
11 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Address 2 | |
12 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Address 3 | |
13 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CITY | string | 35 | N | Default from setup | City | |
14 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | STATE | string | 29 | N | Default from setup | State | |
15 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | Default from setup | Zip Code | |
16 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CCode | string | 6 | N | Default from setup | Country code | |
17 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | Default from setup | Country | |
18 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 1 | |
19 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 2 | |
20 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Phone 3 | |
21 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | FAXNUMBR | string | 21 | N | Default from setup | Fax number | |
22 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Tax schedule ID | |
23 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Shipping method | |
24 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | UPS zone | |
25 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VADCDPAD | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Vendor purchase address ID | |
26 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VADCDTRO | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Vendor remit to address ID | |
27 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | VADCDSFR | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Vendor ship from address ID | |
28 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ACNMVNDR | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Vendor account number | |
29 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | COMMENT1 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Comment 1 | |
30 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | COMMENT2 | string | 30 | N | Default from setup | Comment 2 | |
31 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | NOTETEXT | string | 8000 | N | Default from setup | Note text | |
32 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CURNCYID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Currency ID | |
33 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | RATETPID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Rate type ID | |
34 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PYMTRMID | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | Payment terms ID | |
35 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | DISGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Discount grace period; max value is 99 | |
36 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | DUEGRPER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Due date grace period; max value is 99 | |
37 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PYMNTPRI | string | 3 | N | Default from setup | Payment priority | |
38 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MINORDER | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum order | |
39 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TRDDISCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount | |
40 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TXIDNMBR | string | 11 | N | Default from setup | Tax ID number | |
41 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TXRGNNUM | string | 25 | N | Default from setup | Tax registration number | |
42 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CHEKBKID | string | 15 | N | Default from setup | Checkbook ID | |
43 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined 1 | |
44 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | Default from setup | User-defined 2 | |
45 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TEN99TYPE | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Tax 1099 type | 1=Not a 1099 vendor; 2=Dividend; 3=Interest; 4=Miscellaneous |
46 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TEN99BOXNUMBER | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Tax 1099 box number | |
47 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | FREEONBOARD | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Free on board | 1=None; 2=Origin; 3=Destination Default is 1 on new order |
48 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | USERLANG | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | User language; default is 0 on new record | |
49 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MINPYTYP | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment type | 0=No minimum; 1=Percent; 2=Amount Default is zero on new record |
50 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MINPYDLR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment dollar amount; used if MINPYTYP=2 | |
51 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MINPYPCT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Minimum payment percent; used if MINPYTYP=1 | |
52 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MXIAFVND | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Maximum invoice amount type | 0=No maximum; 1=Amount Default is zero on new record |
53 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MAXINDLR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Maximum invoice dollar amount; used if MXIAFVND=1 | |
54 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CREDTLMT | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit type | 0=No credit; 1=Unlimited; 2=Amount Default is zero on new record |
55 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CRLMTDLR | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Credit limit dollar amount; used if CREDTLMT=2 | |
56 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | WRITEOFF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Write-off type | 0=Not allowed; 1=Unlimited; 2=Maximum |
57 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | MXWOFAMT | number | 21 | N | Default from setup | Maximum write-off amount; used if WRITEOFF=2 | |
58 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | Revalue_Vendor | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Revalue vendor | 0=Do not revalue; 1=Revalue Default is 1 on new record |
59 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | Post_Results_To | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Post results to | 0=Payable/Discount account; 1=Purchasing offset account Default is 1 on new record |
60 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | KPCALHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—calendar year | 0=Do not maintain; 1=Maintain Default is 1 on new record |
61 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | KPERHIST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—fiscal year | 0=Do not maintain; 1=Maintain Default is 1 on new record |
62 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | KPTRXHST | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—transaction | 0=Do not maintain; 1=Maintain Default is 1 on new record |
63 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | KGLDSTHS | i4 | 1 | N | Default from setup | Maintain history—distribution | 0=Do not maintain; 1=Maintain Default is 1 on new record |
64 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PTCSHACF | i4 | 2 | N | Default from setup | Use cash account from | 0=Checkbook; 1=Vendor Default is zero on new record |
65 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMCSHACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Cash account; only valid if PTCSHACF=1 | |
66 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMAPACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Accounts payable account | |
67 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMDAVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Terms discount available account | |
68 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMDTKACTNUMST | String | 75 | N | Default from setup | Terms discount taken account | |
69 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMFINACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Finance charges account | |
70 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMPRCHACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Purchases account | |
71 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMTDSCACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Trade discount account | |
72 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMMSCHACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Miscellaneous account | |
73 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMFRTACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Freight account | |
74 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMTAXACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Tax account | |
75 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PMWRTACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Write-off account | |
76 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ACPURACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Accrued purchases account | |
77 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PURPVACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | Default from setup | Purchase price variance account | |
78 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | UseVendorClass | i4 | 1 | N | 0 | Flag to have class setting roll down to elements that not passed in; uses the VNDCLSID class | |
79 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CreateAddress | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow a primary address code to be created on the fly | 0=Do not create address code; 1=Create address code |
80 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow vendor data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update if exists; 2=Create if record does not exist and exits without error if re |
81 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
87 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CUSTNMBR | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Customer number | |
88 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
89 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | SLPRSNID | string | 15 | N | | Salesperson ID | |
90 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | | UPS zone | |
91 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
92 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule | |
93 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CNTCPRSN | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
94 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address one | |
95 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address two | |
96 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Customer address three | |
97 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Customer country | |
98 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Customer city | |
99 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Customer state | |
100 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | Customer zip | |
101 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone one | |
102 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone two | |
103 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone three | |
104 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | FAX | string | 21 | N | | Fax | |
105 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Front office integration ID | |
106 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | INTEGRATIONSOURCE | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Integration source | |
107 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | INTEGRATIONID | string | 30 | N | | Integration ID | |
108 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
109 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | LOCNCODE | string | 10 | N | | Location code | |
110 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | SALSTERR | string | 15 | N | | Sales territory | |
111 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | ShipToName | string | 64 | N | | Ship to name | |
112 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | Print_Phone_NumberGB | i4 | 2 | N | | Print phone number | 0=Do not print; 1=Phone 1; 2=Phone 2; 3=Phone 3; 4=Fax |
113 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | USERDEF1 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 1 | |
114 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | USERDEF2 | string | 20 | N | | User defined 2 | |
115 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow updates to customer data | 0=No not update; 1=Update if exists |
116 | Update Create Vendor Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Variable Allocation Account Rcd | ACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Account string | |
2 | Variable Allocation Account Rcd | DISTACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Distribution account string | |
3 | Variable Allocation Account Rcd | BREAKACTNUMST | string | 75 | N | | Breakdown account string | |
4 | Variable Allocation Account Rcd | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow data to be updated if it exists | 0=Do not update; 1=Update |
5 | Variable Allocation Account Rcd | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) |
1 | Vendor Address | VENDORID | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Vendor ID | |
2 | Vendor Address | ADRSCODE | string | 15 | Y | Not applicable | Address ID | |
3 | Vendor Address | UPSZONE | string | 3 | N | | UPS zone | |
4 | Vendor Address | SHIPMTHD | string | 15 | N | | Shipping method | |
5 | Vendor Address | TAXSCHID | string | 15 | N | | Tax schedule | |
6 | Vendor Address | VNDCNTCT | string | 60 | N | | Contact person | |
7 | Vendor Address | ADDRESS1 | string | 60 | N | | Vendor address one | |
8 | Vendor Address | ADDRESS2 | string | 60 | N | | Vendor address two | |
9 | Vendor Address | ADDRESS3 | string | 60 | N | | Vendor address three | |
10 | Vendor Address | COUNTRY | string | 60 | N | | Vendor country | |
11 | Vendor Address | CITY | string | 35 | N | | Vendor city | |
12 | Vendor Address | STATE | string | 29 | N | | Vendor state | |
13 | Vendor Address | ZIPCODE | string | 10 | N | | Vendor ZIP Code/postal code | |
14 | Vendor Address | PHNUMBR1 | string | 21 | N | | Phone one | |
15 | Vendor Address | PHNUMBR2 | string | 21 | N | | Phone two | |
16 | Vendor Address | PHNUMBR3 | string | 21 | N | | Phone three | |
17 | Vendor Address | FAXNUMBR | string | 21 | N | | Fax | |
18 | Vendor Address | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow updates to vendor data | 0=No not update; 1=Update if exists |
19 | Vendor Address | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction | 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates requester shadow table) |
20 | Vendor Address | CCode | string | 6 | N | | Country code | |
1 | Workers Compensation Code | WRKRCOMP | string | 6 | Y | Not applicable | Workers' compensation code | |
2 | Workers Compensation Code | STATECD | string | 2 | Y | Not applicable | State code | |
3 | Workers Compensation Code | DSCRIPTN | string | 30 | Y | Not applicable | Department description | |
4 | Workers Compensation Code | WKCMPMTH | i4 | 2 | N | 1 | Calculation method | 1=Percentage of gross; 2=Fixed amount; 3=Number of hours/units; 4= Days worked |
5 | Workers Compensation Code | WKCMPAMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Workers' compensation amount | |
6 | Workers Compensation Code | WKCMPUNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Workers' compensation per unit | |
7 | Workers Compensation Code | WKCMPCNT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Workers' compensation percent | |
8 | Workers Compensation Code | WCMOTMTH | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Workers' compensation overtime method | 0=Straight pay rate; 1=Overtime pay rate |
9 | Workers Compensation Code | WCWGLIMT | number | 21 | N | 0 | Workers' compensation wage limit | |
10 | Workers Compensation Code | UpdateIfExists | i4 | 1 | N | 1 | Flag to allow customer data to updated if it currently exists | 0=No; 1=Yes |
11 | Workers Compensation Code | RequesterTrx | i4 | 2 | N | 0 | Requester transaction 0=False; 1=True (if True, it populates the requester shadow table) | |