When using Elastic Designer you are given many options for fields, Here we can find more detailed descriptions for each field option:
- Label: This field is not associated with a table in the database, it is simply for organizational purposes and allowing users to put text within an Elastic Window
- TextBox: This field allows users of the Elastic Window to write out values for entries, the text box also has a limit set by the designer to help on the back end Eg. The color of a product or a small descriptor for a specific value.
- NumericBox: Similar to the TextBox except that only numeric values are allowed, useful for calculations or numeric comparisons of different entries in the database. Eg. value of strength of different samples in a test.
- CheckBox: A simple boolean marker, This allows users to check off boxes that correspond with a product feature or vendor value. Eg. If an item is made of recycled material, or a vendor uses X bank.
- ComboBox: One of the more complicated fields to set up, this field gives the Elastic Window user a drop down list of items to assign to an entry. This restricts the possibilities of errors or mistypes and makes looking things up in the database faster. Eg. Having Red, Green, and Blue as possible options for a product color.
- Date: Gives the user the option to put in a date on an entry, either by typing it in and having it auto correct to the correct date format or use the calendar icon to select the date and have it auto-fill. Eg. Marking the date a product arrived or was produced.
- Comments: A fiend created for more long form text entry, unlike a TextBox the Comments have no limit to the amount of text is to be stored, allowing for more detailed descriptors to be put in. Eg. Keeping a running list of encounters with a vendor to keep track of names or points specific to the vendor.
- Files: Allows the user to attach files to entries, useful in situations where there is a specific form or file that applies to every entry in a table. Eg. Having a form easily on hand that proves that vendors can use your product to avoid legal trouble.
- Picture: Gives the user the option to upload an image or gallery to the entry. This gives the user the flexibility to see products being entered or see the logo of vendors. Eg. A picture of each product being produced attached to its entry in the database.
- Grid: Using a SQL script the designer can designate a section of the database to be shown in the grid in this field. The user can then navigate this grid and use entries to populate the entry they are currently working on. Eg. Working on a sales order and having the Grid lookup vendors, The user can populate the fields in the entry based on the vendor they select in the grid.
- Lookup: This field is very similar to a TextBox, but has a search icon next to it in the final Elastic Window. The user can use the search function to look up potential text from other GP entries to enter in the field and have it be filled. Eg. Working with a hospital entry, users can use the look up feature to find doctors that work with the hospital for quick access.
- Treeview: Very similar to the Grid, this field uses a SQL script to grab data from the database and display it to the Elastic Windows user. Where Treeview differs is how it presents the data, instead of a grid where all the data is displayed it gets sorted into a directory style tree (similar to what is used to navigate where the Windows are made in Elastic Designer). The sorting can be defined by the Designer. Eg. Sorting the vendors by which country they are based in for sorting shipping.
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